Vіdsutnіst іntimnyh zaєmin y sіm'ї. If there is no intimate closeness in a couple

Where do you know the intimate life? Part 1.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! What is the point of making sex between a man and a retinue? Proximity , sіm'ya and kokhannya indistinctly tied up. I wrote a few articles on this topic about a marvelous experiment, as a result of which the friends of the viish have too much sex. Know: " intimate life.100-day marathon!”

And what do you see in sim'ї, as if there is no intimacy between a person and that retinue? I, smut, no one is trying to be bred, why do you think so, more squad to fight for those, like a riba. So the very work and man.

Making friends live together, but the stench just behaves like a judge around the apartment or a house, the stench doesn’t kiss and don’t hug, to that you care, that you’re zayve.

Why is it so important and what work? One of the options is to go to a family psychologist or a sexologist.

It's a pity, the mentality of people does not allow you to choose by the forces of that to get a consultation. Basically, everyone is trying to find information on the Internet, so you can read a little bit of joy, that you work, because there is no intimacy with a person (team).

After a deaky hour after the fun, that people of children will change among friends. Є sіm'ї, de cholovіk i retinue navіt not marvel at vіchі, more often they were far away one in one. Even more often the stench sleeps in okremikh kіmnata, as if the living area allows you to grow up, and do not discuss your problems.

Why did it happen and where did sex go?

Show your situation, if a child is born, and mother takes it in a soft way, to calm down. The child is crying, it’s bad to sleep, and that’s the need for a lie to go to work. Sob hoch trohi visipatisya, vіn timchasovo move to another room. As you can see, there is nothing more fast, lower timchasov.

The child is growing up, but she is left to sleep at once from her mother, having seen the tata all over. Such a setting becomes the norm, and sex is known, which is fully understood.

In nature, such a thing can be guarded by small birds; in the nest of some, the zozula laid an egg. If the cuckoos hatch from eggs, we’ll stop zastosovuvatim tsikavu tactics: we give up our susіdіv from the nest and be left alone under the guardianship of adoptive fathers.

In this situation, if you go to another room and there are too many nights, then a child is in control of his family bed.

So you get through those who are young friends, you simply don’t know what results you can come to, if mom takes a little baby to her, crying, soothing him.

If there are conflicts, weldings in sim'ї, then ce tezh lead to the obmezhennya of an intimate life, or to bring it to a full day.

For example, making friends for sex is no more than one or two times a month, and the process itself takes a couple of minutes, no more.

Both accumulate images and inspire anger one on one. On the death of a vіdnosin, there is a great influx and the financial camp is sim'ї, for example, the borg have problems on the robot.

The team of that person does not move, the stress accumulates and step by step is strengthened, to produce even more stresses.

Trapplyayutsya so sіm'ї, in some kind of closeness between a man and a retinue stretching for many months. Through a whole complex of problems, the squad becomes even more unfortunate, which is not only for a person, but also for their children.

Bring physical intimacy to the point of losing spiritual intimacy that understanding. Making friends ceases to be friends, and the skin begins to live as if by itself. The stinks step by step move one way of one Daedalus away.

At the result, in one of them, a thought begins to spin in the head, that the girls have reached the end, love has arisen, and the time has come to separate. But the axis of the children is Skoda, for their sake it is necessary to be patient and let it go, that everything is fine.

It’s simply impossible to call such a camp in this place normal, for someone who ate like two people and gave life to a child can’t just take it and raptly appear.

Zvichayno, yakscho you became friends or went abroad for kohanny, and not "to harm the conductor."

How to get out of the country, so that you don’t fool around, read.

Why did the stoks between two people cry, what to love, and what to work, so that a little bit of deadness turned into a man?

Let's see what you can do, if your family has a similar situation.

First: you need to talk through the door one to one.

If you haven’t learned to be shy, obov’yazkovo read the articles about those, how to overcome conflicts in your family, how to turn the druzhina’s kohanna, why should the druzhina seem to be, and the person should speak?

If there is a conflict in this, and they are too rich, what you bring for them to know for sure, the squad goes to the tactics: let your man have sex. Through this and that part of the super river, she simply has no need to take care of it.

A person without sex accumulates stress, for that which you simply need, wine is so powerful. As a result of this conflict between friends, it is less likely to get lost, but to be destroyed. And as a result, nobody wins, because the stosunki continue to follow the skin day.

Through the days of spirituality and physical closeness in the middle of the woman, emotions are accumulated empty, her hands drop, she is tucked in and thoughts are scrolling in her head, as if they do not carry a positive positive infusion.

To the one instructed by them, they settle razdratuvannya, form, aggressiveness and banishment to punish a person. Thoughts hover around his head, progressively growing and expanding the image to a light scale.

A person is most often simply moaning, so that they don’t bark for a long time.

What do you know? So, show yourself that people - ce tezh dosit sensitive stavіnnya.

We don’t need wine for ourselves, we buy food from the pastor. Adzhe squad does not understand, does not remember, does not hear, devoting itself to children. And vіn tezh lyudina, yomu needs sex and dosit often! The soul of a person accumulates anger, and it is almost like an image for a squad.

For food, if you have restored sex, you need to confirm:

There was no rise yet!

The man becomes zhorst and becomes rude, he is ready to inspire evil. Ale not obov'yazkovo wines so churn, tolerant movchki.

And the weldings are going on at the same time, and the stench is rising in the equal place, growing stronger and stronger.

To that, as a person is dear to you, with which you tied your life and had children, put a truce in terms.

What is it?

You know, singly, like the Indians fired the cradle of the world. The stench all sat in the ring and fired at the cradle. Leather from them robbing a sprat of puffs and passing it to the step. The axis is approximately so and it will be necessary for you to grow.

Don’t shoot, I figured, to that it’s too harsh a sound, like it’s pouring into your health. And just merezha order and talk.

I’ll make friends with both of you, so that the conflicts have been lost since the last day. No more need to guess the old image. It is recommended at this moment (and at the same time) to stop rudely speaking one by one.

Forget about z'yasuvannya stosunkiv on rising tones and other figurative words and images.

Why is it so important?

On the right, in that which you hurt, if you apply one to one for help, you won’t have to fight for a long time. Women are especially valued, because they love the stink of the vohs and hate, obviously, the same vuhs.

The squad can twist the words at the head for a long time, like a hanging man. Add your emotions to them, as if gradually growing, like whistle in the ocean, rising higher and higher, until the right storm vibrates from such negative images. And there is already close to the tsunami.

Mental wounds go on at random for a long time, but imagine, as if you are the one to one, only increase the numbers of wounds and do not allow the memory of them to be filled.

The first crocodile until the resurrection of many vodnosin will be the truce itself, as you lay down for mutual benefit.

The truce is mutually pleasing to call one another, criticize, speak in elevated tones and allow different hairpins.

If you make friends with anger, or just visualize it, the stench will flicker on your skin. When a woman feels fear, the one who immediately has a lakayucha thought in her head that she shouldn’t love anymore.

Then for her, the whole sense of family life is spent and fear of the future appears. In addition, a person sometimes raises his voice, looming around him. In the sight of this woman, it becomes more important, and the thought about the pinning of stosunkiv їy is all sensible.

And yet people don’t have licorice with them, even if wines are smeared, but there’s nothing to be proud of for a long time, they don’t feed about anything, why wines should be filled with the marnistness of their susili and completely stupidity of everything that goes into family.

The image of the retinue did not only spare him sex, but now live for what seems to be your plan, without putting a person down to see.

First of all, call the woman a bunny, think about grabbing cabbages from you and not bringing morquins!

If stosunki at sim'ї become tense, making friends, maybe not only shouting one on one. The stench often zastosovuvaty one type of punishment for the image: movchannya.

When you are offended, you stream your negative emotions, live with constant stress. Like a person with negative emotions, it deeply destroys the soul in the heart, stress begins to accumulate, and aggression appears.

Be-yaké z'yasuvannya vіdnosin turn into a super-girl for someone who has a good relationship, who is guilty. Tse, as you know, do not lead to the conclusion of the conflict, to that mutual ringing does not turn the trap.

Like only a man and a squad laying down a truce, anger that image comes up, and their replacement begins to appear as a spark of normal stosunkiv, like buli at qii Sim'ї earlier, as a rose, it arose at once from intimate lives.

Make friends with the dіyshli, get rid of everything in the past and start everything back. What work did you give? Read about

It is not necessary to allow evil

Friendship, as if saved by the lover, all the emotions are felt - the crimson of the intimate vіdnosin. Navkolishni vpevneni, scho the best bet stench in life did not run, and it’s true. And they don’t want to hang around alone, they don’t want to, only two of them seem to be. So vvazhayut for better patience movchki: vіdsutnіst іntimnogo craving vvаєєєє a sign of innocence slubu. But for nothing: if the fault is not a bad thing, and not a physiological cause, the problem can be corrected.

I'm afraid to change!

It’s too rich for someone to think that it’s better to hang out with less couples with great experience: talking, making friends with bedtime caresses with rock is not a smut.

Tse pardon! – singing psychologist Alina Kolesova. - Often you become friends with experience, that you enjoy bodily love independently in the "services of the fates" on the family front in that century. So it goes, like a young bet, they have everything good, but sex is similar to a boring “obov'yazkovu program”.

Today, according to the statistics, the accents have shifted: it is most often not possible for people to get close to intimacy. And so it happens not less with us, but with the whole world. For example, according to the British sociological background, 62% of people from 25 to 55 years of age have sex more often, less often, and 42% have sex less than once every two days. And whoever from the two did not "sabotage" girlfriend sex, the greatest pardon - rubbishly kick your head in the sand, even if sexual dissatisfaction can ruin your hats, miracles in everything else. Sexual temperament in nature in all ages, but in couples, what to love, raznitsa, as a rule, is leveled. And a man and a woman with a polar-different state constitution, in view of the temperament, do not converge at all. To that, in a pair of people that has developed, without problems, for health, for a man, and for a woman, there is always a reason for it. Z'yasuvshi її, the situation can be corrected.

At two bloodlines - a woman and a man, - pointing lower, place the vkazіvki on the widest causes of negligence for sex.

Having got to know Anton, I remembered that sex for a new one is not on the first day, - the 27th river of Karina is going on. - I deserved to be born: at that moment I was tired of rozcharuvan, if after a short-lived romance it was revealed that people needed only sex for me. We became friends, and the first river of a sleepy life was intimate regularly, sprat once a day. On the other day, it changed for a couple of times for a month - and then I said to the people that I wanted more. Anton vіdpovіv, we just have a different temperament, which means a lot. On tse I urged youmu to go to a sexologist - even youmu is less than 32, why such a low temperament? Vіn wait and go ...

And from that hour, our intimate life has grown happier! So it seems that now Anton is afraid that I’m looking for something special. More often than not, nothing will come out of you. We are offended through tse zamuchuєmo, worried, life is psuєtsya, and tse more covered: even if in another we have everything, so be happy! To please girlfriends: having moved, start a kohantsa purely for the body, and calm down. Ale, I don’t want to go this way!

Women could be more tactful! - vvazha 47-year-old Sergiy, friends of another and, for yoga words, we will be satisfied with a friendly life ... the crime of setting up a squad before sex. - Modern ladies have read that a woman is guilty of wanting sex - it’s not enough to have a man. And now do not be ashamed to declare: dear, we have not had anything for 5 days, what was the meal? Well, what can I explain?

Without a doubt, if I don’t try to make love to her, then I just don’t want to. Why do you need to let go of your impotence? Why can't I just chime in and feel unimportant? Why do women care that all men are soulless sex robots, just think about sex and think? І hilyatisya in the face of friend's shoes because of the reasons "I'm not in shape today" can there be less stink? Sometimes the weather is bad for me, but if it's just - I don't want to! Maybe I have such a mood, if you want, that they just stroked my head, and not energetically licked my pants?

Emotionally, that physically healthy people are driven by sex without power, - the psychologist Alina Kolesova baldly. - Ale, it’s all the same, it means it’s working against you, or today’s “inconsistency”, you just don’t know about it, or the trauma of the past.

Likewise, to psychologists and sexologists, the key to blaming a woman’s sexual problem is to consider herself a woman. Moreover, in the literal, primary meaning of the word - a female. And for a man - he considers himself a man, a male. That is why the very first camp turns on the basic instinct, and the applied camps, caused by the extraneous civilization, often mimic - moreover, the man and the woman in a different way. So after all, the situation is quiet among the women themselves, the security can be strong, and among the cavalry, it’s good to know - and navpaki.

What are you going to furnish?

Force majeure is critical, periodic in nature

Outward stress (problems with robots and children, be it objective problems).

F: women suffocated by experiences are not up to intimacy - due to the peculiarities of the woman's psyche, she is simply not in a position to make her body satisfied with the solution of current problems. Navіt yakscho won pogodzhuєtsya on the intimacy under the pressure of a person, there will be little joy in seeing him. And everything is right in the fact that at the same time a woman feels not a woman in an erotic sense of the word, but a double mother (daughter, kinswoman, svіrobіtnitsa that іn.). If it is not the same camp, for which it is possible to take satisfaction from the bodily kohannya - and give it to your partner.

M: for a person who is experiencing severe stress, all the same. The more current problems are praised, the more intimate is the problem - due to the nature of the human body, the strong state of stress and emotional stress is the best known for sex. The very physical kohannya allows people in the whole period of time to think out of their heads thoughts about the solution of current problems. The reason is that for an important period a person feels like a person in a direct, primary sense: a defender, a warrior - and a male.

Summary: friends, de ill children, or financial problems appeared, є timchas state is inconsistency Equally experiencing an important period, a person wants to be close more often, lower at a “peaceful” hour, and the team pіdozryuvatim yoga in callousness and cynicism. But if you know and understand the reasons for this insanity, then it will be more than timely. At the time of the ovnіshny stress of the squad, it is more likely to show the rose of mind and the five nazustrіch cholovіkovі.

Internal stress (inter-season, weather changes, melancholy and other).

F: on the vіdmіnu vіd zovnіshny stress, if the head is clogged with problems, then that unreasonable filthy moods will help the woman's closeness. To that in such a period it will physically require a human shoulder, warmth, support - otherwise it seems, it feels like a woman, weak, fallow.

M: and the axis of the people at the station in the fall of the physical and spiritual forces of libido, now, knows how to get away. There are simple reasons why in such a state of wine you don’t recognize your physical strength, you don’t recognize the fullness of your strengths and abilities - and therefore, you don’t recognize yourself as a person in a physiological sense of the word.

Summary: making friends, wielding a strained prace, or fell into autumn depression, there is little chance of understanding one alone in a lie. Adzhe squad, according to its feminine nature, if you want human warmth, affection and intimacy, which screams out of it, and through your nature, you want to feel more powerful - to go to bed and fall asleep. I’ll renew the squads more quickly than reveal a rose - all the same, there’s no such thing as a friendly bandage from the exhausted head of the family of the check.

Scandals in the middle of the bet (be it those who are pennies: finance is a story).

F: after welding, a woman doesn’t want to have sex - it’s unacceptable to show that the swindler will hit her - take the dot, the docks of the wine won’t shake, and the stumps won’t be caught if you don't want to - start as an incident against the background. Tse - a pledge of women's nature, unaccounted for mistrust, which shows up on the tactile level - as a sign of bodily contacts.

M: and the axis is a man, who, in spite of the scandal, tries to get the squad into a soft one, he’s not a maniac-sadist - he’s put up with her in such a rank! The human nature has a physical understanding of the world with a woman - and it manifests itself in intimate caresses. Tse means that the person is vibrating and signaling that there is a conflict of opinions. Ale navіt yakshcho in a person after the scandal has lost its image, because of sexual activity. On the right, in the fact that aggression and sexuality are embracing the wild nature of that energy, as it can be expressed like a spalah of anger, so it is in a love attack. And just like that, people weren’t allowed to hang out at the scandal, they could turn the energy of the stateway.

Summary: I’ll have a chance to have five people in my wife’s mood - so that I don’t formulate in the squad a guide to sex on the same level. , but take it into your own hands, and explain everything that you respect for your needs. Whether it’s a sign of a hundred years in a normal person, you don’t bring joy, but if it’s a smut in the new, come to a consensus, and stress, in an unacceptable way, rather, take some kind of physical activity in the Crimean sex - a gym, a run, a bicycle, a walk in the open air.

Groshovі chvari yak okrema theme of family z'yasuvan vіdnosin.

F: on the background of scandals on whether or not those family battles on the topic of finance, on the other hand, give rise to a woman’s physical desire for Tom, who, if a person has more pennies, she will feel a woman in a direct, literal, female, sense, bring the vidobutok male.

M: alas, sorry, people who regularly reject “primary” claims against their life companions, not to sex - navit yakscho vin vdaє, that the claims of the kohanoi yogo do not turbulent. If you often go through thinking about pennies, on how alive you are, and if you have a terrible problem, then you are worried about the future - navit on the pіdsvіdomu rіvnі - vytіsnyає reshta, including bazhannya to the squad. Until then, the new one is aware of the fact that the wine does not show his wife to the points - after all, you cannot be respected by the adult man and the male. The most strongly “financial impotence” is shy to the level of adult people, so that they seriously stand up to their role as a health worker.

Summary: in some way the situation is corrected by the strength of women - just do not pedal the topic of lack of pennies then the stench makes people have sex. And all to the fact that at that moment a male is passing through a person, which lives in unfriendly minds.

Pobutova Zvichayna

Zvichni rituals and the situation.

F: this situation for a woman means stability and security, with such, as an example of an ancient instinct, she can calmly overcome her main function - then, feel a woman in a literal sense. In this rank, in a sizable home situation, a woman most often wants intimacy.

M: and the axis of the man - navpaki At the "peaceful" hour (in a calm and serene environment) the first male-warrior at a new zasin, and you can elementarily linuvatisya have sex.

Summary: in this situation, a woman in any other time cannot go on about a person! Some people just look at sex, so they rarely do it. Moreover, a lot of people are vvazhayut, which is absolutely normal - the stench just stops feeling like people and forgets the whole camp. Ale tse is more difficult for both physical and psychological health. To that, the squads may be indulgent - and with a path change the navkolishnogo sharpening, and inspire with a path the creation of a man's illusion of a "non-peaceful hour." For example, to awaken in your dormant male jealous jealousy and an enemy like a sackcloth.

Zanurenіst have family chi virobnichi problems.

F: as in sim'ї є, for example, children, onuki and households, yakі magayut turboti, and the woman acts as the head authority of the woman's status, then you don't want to have sex. I don’t want to - until you stop feeling like a queen-mother. So, as a woman, I will become a true woman in the most recent meaning - I will require protection and affection, which she checks. Tsіkavo, like a woman - a boss on a robot, de pіdleglі and pіdopіchnі check for її prіdіnnya, її libido at home tse negatively does not spit.

M: and the axis of the person in the role of the head of the clan (what a family, what a virobnichiy) have a kind of temperament to yourself as a pan and a male. For such a person, he wants to have sex, to inspire without respect for all his vanity, - so it seems to him that the call of his ancestors. It is not for nothing that all the peoples of the leader's world had everything best, including women. Power and status awaken in a person's bajan, to which these are signs that I will lead yoga to become a successful male.

Summary: in this way, a squad unambiguously behaves - it is heard audibly in response to human calls. Tim more, in view of such “deeds” the bonus is obvious: the person who you forfeited the “crown” will please you at the bed.

Priorities and goals.

F: a dissertation, like a team writing, attaching to your thoughts, in no way to make your man want to Navitate as a woman’s respect is focused on the car, and your closeness to the price of a kohan is not reduced. It’s just that a robot (especially creative) on a pidsvidomu eve doesn’t get women to feel like the most important team - even if they didn’t sit idle.

M: and the axis of the people, navpaki, is more sensitive to changing the priorities of the Cholovik, bored with the same dissertation, you can forget about the squad. By his nature, a man, at a glance like a woman, is smart enough to focus on one general purpose, and not to be swayed on an impersonal other. The cost is not only work, but family life. After the people of the first place of many young fathers, they are forced to have sex with their mother - but not to the one who has become less accommodating, but through a change in the status of that mother. Formerly, the squad was just yogo kokhanoy, now they are out of the mother yogo child. That priority order of the bet changed: buli kohanci became fathers.

Visual inconsistency.

F: the squad may not want to have sex with a man with 15 years of experience ... more to be ashamed of your body! And dissatisfied with their own zovnishnistyu vzagali zavazha їy know that very camp of a true woman, building a house and instilling a bazhannya. It’s important for people to show that this squad with a great experience of friendly life this year is unique, to the one who suddenly stood on the shoulders and showed gains in kilograms ... And now you’ll lose weight for the tizhden, so that you’ll hit the sweet spot on the spot! It’s like, when the woman is up to the man, the floorings are chirping through the rocky rock, that the deficiencies of this soundness cease to be haunted: the man becomes independent of him, as if looking.

M: ONE ZhіNochі Vazhnnya is not mounted in marchs, Yakschko Nobles, Scho Cholovіk Pіdsvіdomo Production "Loves Clee" to Kіntsya Dnіv Zvitch, Razba Folding Abo Zhіnki, Alla Yakscho Friend in Tsіloma, became O. look after myself, otherwise, navpaki, radically changed the image), then bring on the most loving person to continue to love like a true friend, but you can redirect nabіk.

Summary: the reason is that a skin person in a woman's rank has a special “gachki”, on yaki vins he is a good klyuє. I have chosen one of them for a long time, and then I’ll be fooled again - that means, the sign of the very same “tick”. Maybe, she had a thin waist, which is now silent, or maybe, as a specific figure of zvnishnosti, as if the squad did not zamislyuyuchis made rules for the infamous canons of perfection - for example, she changed the shape of her nose, and fell in love with herself for snubness! It is not for nothing that for a long time all nationalities had their own formal signs of a woman's beauty - for example, they specially pulled out the lobes of the upper or lower feet of Chinese women, the shiny kiltsya of the padongs and others. for strangers unacceptable calls. And it seems simpler, those who attract one person, another can be taken - and navpaki. Those same breasts, even though they are in trend, really do not excite all people. And the single most important criterion for all people in the world when choosing a woman is health and liveliness, for the sake of millions of fates, they ensured reproductive success and healthy offspring for people.

With my man, we had sex only once, if we didn’t have more to do ... I thought that on my forehead, like a holy day, the viviska “There is no sex here” shimmers. As if I said to myself: “Stop!” ...

What does science think?

People in white robes, who proudly call themselves sexopathologists, realize that constant stress is chronic after an important working day - the main reason for the presence of intimate relationships in modern families.

At the forefront of the plan of experiments of this kind, the country - Japan - was carried out a cherished study, as it showed that more than a third of Japanese girlfriends do not live life. The order is seriously concerned that this trend has injected a sharp decline in the nationality of the country. The results of the investigation showed that the majority of sex is like that of couples, that they have long been interested in one to one, so among the families, that they will be in love with each other.

Sex tse kokhannya?

It often happens that the “friends' bindings” do not win over by fate, prote this is alive, go wild with one repetition and do not dare to fall apart. It seems that for such couples sex does not have a special meaning. That's why people miraculously get along one by one, they can easily sip on one another - they just don't want to.

If two people are in harmony without sex, it means that other warehouses are important for them: love, affection, spiritual closeness and, nareshti, grief-stricken rozuminnya. We are just kind at the same time: fool around, marvel at the TV, brush your teeth together. Indeed, there are many couples to prove it themselves.

Significantly, even more, as the presence of physical contacts calls out to one of the partners: no sex, now, it’s gone and fucked up.

The side is depicted to start shukati sobi physical chi emotional replacement for sex. Someone throws himself at all hard, transforming into a chronic “left-handed walker”, someone goes headlong to work. But most of the concessions to the intimate closeness of a person begin to start scandals in an empty space. It didn’t sound like it was seditious, banal family welding is the strongest hack for adrenaline, which calls out the belligerent exchange of energy and often leads to sex on aphids of reconciliation. The scandal becomes doping. І sex without scandal, whoever wants to stop buti cіkavim.

Why work, how can I not have sex in this?

As if you yourself have been spared sexual caresses - we are right in front of you. Look at the salon, change your image, flirt with your colleague. A person often shows interest, if he casts an “unclear smile” on the face of a woman. Wake up in the new the instinct of thought.

How "short" you yourself - think about what caused the cooling of the stosunkiv. The problem may be superficial. The sound of a crazy “take a shower only on Thursdays” because your chronic lack of sleep can ruin your “good, clean, eternal” for private days.

Do not help anything? If you stand on the edge of the river, the first crop is more convenient. Believe me, it’s better to “let in” a close person, lower your person. Your prince is still ahead.

One Indian sexologist Sudakar Krishnamurti opined that the frequency of this kind of sex is directly related to practice. Zaporuka garnoi roboti - vіdminniy "home" sex for three to five times a day.

Kozhen from us will have his own in the pursuit of love. One is treated with prejudice, the other - quite vaguely, the third - rudely. Kozhen maє his bajannya. Isnuє impersonal vision of sex. Let's talk about their deeds.

So the titles of spiritualizations are sex. This is the closeness of two people, like a spiritual bondage. Their love is not only physical, but emotional. A man and a woman, joining at the junctions, consider what was given to them, burn, the stench is simply recognized one for one.

Є addicted sex. Right here and right now. Newmu has its own beauty. People see each other almost without looking back, no matter what. Tshomu has a birthmark.

Have fun sex. For such a good fortune, offending partners are shy to good fires and humor. Smіh dopomogaє in different situations. And if the leg got lost at the prostration, it was still more fun, then it’s not a good idea to stream emotions, as if the partner didn’t mind laughing.

Buvae sex is fierce. When they zakohani bark, bark, and then start rapping with rapt. Ale sex only then will bring mischief, if you are offended in the future, ready for a truce, and not negatively lashed one to one and for the adoption of a conflict.

Sex can be lower. Modern women will also require affection and tenderness. Trivala foreplay, a relaxing massage that will wake you up again. All tsі dії can bring unforgettable memories to the malt.

Also, experimental sex. Tse bajannya to come up with and try new, unimaginable. Be skin once different, try to cohat in different ways.

You and your face will be a lily of the night, you will take away the unforgettable malt.

Irinka G 30.04 18:06

Good evening, we will. I’m 26 years old and maybe 10 years old I know my man (5 years for a girl). I’m from a place of wine from the village, I have more light - from a new s / s .... I just started to understand at once that people don’t know me, those that I need. Vіn "cotton from the village" to you b їsti, after the robots lie down, I want to live in the city of alée in the village of obov'yazkovo, fields of pigs, etc. etc..........
3 times singsongly vinikne food - where I marveled at what I wanted to do. ((((
And it started just because my mother went overseas, if I was in the 8th grade, she left her brother in the 3rd grade, that dad, who loved booze. for deaky women, girls 2-3 years, it started like a family life (I'm talking about cooking zhіzhі cleaning ....) but for me it’s already 10 years old, and it’s possible that I didn’t have an hour for tutoring with lads Bukharik's father - at the age of 16, she got a lot of complexes, so I fell for Oleg, as it seems, in the d ... bula g ... bachila ..........
Just now I’m starting to realize that everything was in my hands, I could go far beyond the cordon, I could go to discos .......... I’m allowed to live for myself ... but I live for someone .. ..
At the same time, people don’t have such sex, and I don’t want to її vzagalі, not only with her, but vzagalі. I told you forever, I can live without sex. We don’t have yoga days and it’s normal and I’m so better, but I immediately understand that I’m 26 years old and it’s not my fault.
Є child 3 roki and dalі need to live for someone.
I’m sure it’s obvious that I haven’t done anything in my life yet, but I won’t do it any more.
Is there a share I need to subdue? If so, then how do I put up with having sex with women, how can I explain to people that I don’t want sex? How to put up with moments

Lara Mom 30.04 18:08

Such a situation with my girlfriend does not have sex for the whole hour of scandals. Just won't be 10 years older than you and the situation is already running. The one who was given roses on the right didn’t go, and the hour on the mission was not koshtuvati- NOT in love with the person became hated, there are already two children, she’s not young.
You need to think it over well, so that you don’t get something hot, on your nerves. Like so, like you wrote here, and in a month or two, then it’s necessary to take the situation at your own hand, go out of the way of a person on your own fear and risk. It’s better to say shkoduva about those who are shattered, lower about those who were not shattered.

Dilya Enikєeva, family psychologist, sexopathologist: “Just like girls, friends are psychologically good, but there is no sex, but it’s all the same, the trojan is odorless and the color of pelyustok” Published: May 30 (12:44) The editors of Aif.ru held an online conference with the sexologist Dileya Enikieva The editorial office of Aif.ru held an online conference with a sexologist, candidate of medical sciences Dileya Enikieva. Vaughn rozpovita, yakі come in need to live, yakshcho friends stopped having sex. - You need to explain the reason, through the yak you don’t know sex. Reasons are plentiful. I don’t want it, I don’t want it, I didn’t want it, I didn’t want it for him, I didn’t want it for him, I didn’t want it for him, I didn’t want it for him through the unpleasant behavior of a partner. Buvaye immediately to the partner, and ce negatively feel to the partner to be transferred to intimacy with him. For example, if a partner has created such a dishonorable vchinok, having changed, fooled, healed, appeared not like a man, sly, vtіk in an extreme situation, then a woman can form a sexual aversion, like the French "aversion" - an ogida. Might be sexy nudga - the most problem for friends couples with 3 years of experience. Establish the rank of a critical period. In such periods, inter-society conflicts flare up, and the price inevitably spills into the intimacy of the blue. A person and a team are constantly in confrontation, they can’t know the optimal way to find out from simple ones, it would be better, the situation, fight, squabble one to one, get welded - there’s no time for sex! The loss of sexual prudence may be due to the fact that the squad stroked it, stopped chasing after itself. And maybe, she has a gynecological illness, and there are no reasons for sex. The reasons may be impersonal. It is necessary to drink to a good specialist, and everything will turn around. Navit on the fifth-sixth ten people will understand that you can and need to have sex. It is necessary to speak about language, why is there a problem. Buvay, that the problem is in the undertaking, as if it were traded, unacceptable, - figuratively, seemingly, sitting like a rolling pin in one of the partners at the underpass, like nibi vіdshtovkhuє one vіd one. Possibly, if there was a bruise of one of the partners, and then feel guilty, otherwise some of them were ill with a venereal disease - and then feel sorry for that rubbish. It is necessary to drink to fakhivtsya, which is good to talk with the skin, that z'yasuє, whose reason is better, and the couple's friends will rise again. A slut without sex is a non-harmonious slub. Buvayut whores without sex, if the partners have a partner, if one of them is seriously ill, but warm emotional stoks are saved. And even though the girls are psychologically good, both are sexologically healthy, but there is no sex, but it’s all the same, that the trojan is odorless and the color of the pelluses. That's an incompetent hat. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to solve the problem, it is not necessary to behave, like an ostrich, hovayuchi head in the sand. Protected by copyright.
Peredruk - only from the designated site.
Appointment for an appointment with a psychologist, psychotherapist Dili Єnikєєvoї at the psychological center "Happy Family" by phone +7 (905) 709-96-63 +7 (965) 349-51-36

Today, we are discussing the woman’s passion and not just a woman’s passion, but the sexual desire of a woman, but rather, and the possible reasons for this will become.

Mi torknemosya: why does sexual anxiety disappear and why does it work, how to turn sexual anxiety out of the problem, the cause of sexual anxiety.

Vіdsutnє sexual bajannya - scho robiti?

Little prehistory. Sit in the kitchen for an hour to reveal even more complex problems in our skin life. The axis is so roaring about the joys and the little spitting at the rozmovі topic about those that our guests have more and more sexual banter. To our supply - oh, why? otrimali vіdpovіd - ah, the axis is so! well no need to have sex, don't blame a little bit of waking up, navіt zovsіm I don't want to have sex with a man, there is no beautiful person, and I see the most beautiful person until the new one - but sex, becoming obov'yazkom, I have a baiduzhiy cholovik in my bed, I feel that you live with a deck.

First, it became quiet in our kitchen, we thought and began to think, and such situations in our skin happened to us in life, if the desire to have sex disappeared.

It turned out that there were such situations in the skin case, but if the woman had the same sexual problem in the woman - they felt about it beforehand. It was thought one time you feel the need to have sex with a woman, if there is a reason to have sex with a woman, otherwise there is a reason for those who can’t have sex with a woman, but about the presence of a woman’s sexual problem - no.

To that, as if on our own, a laptop appeared on our table, and we began to search for food. Ні - it’s obviously reasonable that it would be right for us to know the specialist, that she denounced the work, but our interest in what food would be strong enough and that ...

What is so sexy, virnish, sexy women?

It turned out that it was clear to them that they were so clearly understood, like libidoі statuary pulls, And the shards of libido, or the state of the potyag, convey the manifestation of pragnennia and the desire for sex among women and people. Sexually sexy can be in a healthy skin person at the reach of a singing age, and moreover, the formation of a statuary craving begins in childhood, it is composed of a number of stages until we reach a new sexual maturity.

After acquaintance with various information on this topic, it turned out that:

  • Mayzhe forty women and people periodically in the intimate sphere blame problems of a different nature.
  • Why I don’t blame a little bit of waking up - the food is mostly worrisome for women, and not for people
  • A woman does not like to tell people about those who feel the presence of sexual awakening, about their own problems in the lizhku.
  • There is no sexual craving for which reason - sometimes the same problems arise in the aftermath of the same physiological disorders.
  • in different materials you can often read that behind the statistics, the skin of the third woman did not notice the flutter of feelings and emotions, that she was craving for the hour of orgasm. Ale varto, I would like to see an orgasm all over the world, and I want it to be fast.
  • It is not possible to say that there is only one reason, through which sexual desire is known, it is due to the blame of impersonal reasons.
  • Sexual desire decreases with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, the ovaries are resting at the stage of calm and the hormones are now depleted on the same level.
  • A decrease in sexual desire in a woman can be caused by both psychological and physiological problems.
  • Sexual passion to lie down and look like a partner, but you can’t call more than a person at a decrease in the daily life of a woman.
  • A lot of problems related to sexual bajans can be dealt with on your own, but in some situations you will need help from a faker.
  • The complex of physical rights, which stimulates a stronger flow of blood to the pelvic organs and state organs, strengthens the libido, for example - aerobics, yoga, pilates.
  • Decreased libido or timchasovy vіdsutnіst sexual bazhannіa zhіnki - tse zavzhdi nasty. Nature in such a way intersects reproductive functions, if it's not an hour. The wrong person is with you, the wrong camp (if it’s gentle, or be seriously ill). However, sometimes and physiologically, the decrease can go to the pathological one.
  • Women, like children, need more than an hour to sleep, lower people, you can boldly throw a year of sleep on them, then they will have a libido.
  • Most of the time, sexual passion falls for a number of reasons, to which, in the opinion of fahivtsiv, a necessary complex approach to the assessment of which I will become.
  • hormones play a great role in the presence of sexual desire in women: estrogen and testosterone. Ale, don't stink.
  • A skin woman has her own constitution (її can be objectively determined) and, apparently, her needs. It is possible to evaluate the individual potential and the ability to carry out yoga with a streamlined camp at a single appointment with a specialist.

On the cob vіdnosin, if a person and a woman go to the stage of intimacy, their stances can be strong. Ale vyniknennya problems in this sphere can be, if you pass the song interlude, and the passion between partners begins to subside, for the time being, the sexual attraction is restored to the singing equal. In quiet moods, if such a rіven, which is formed, pleases both partners, then cause discord in the day.

However, it is possible and such that a person or a woman shows less need for sex, it is also possible to lose interest in intimate relationships. In quiet moods, if a woman has a sexual passion, as a rule, a person’s vanity is strongly engulfed. Sliding up on these factors, which can cause a similar decrease in the statutory pull.

Why can the problem be blamed on the state of squeezing in women?

As it turned out, all the reasons that lead to a weakened state closeness can be divided into two groups - physiological and psychological factors:

Decreased statutory cravings through hormones

  • Physiological factor of lowering the static tension in a woman is the disruption of the hormonal balance in the woman's body.

For libido, like in humans, so in women, the human hormone is testosterone. Unfortunately, for the rest of the hour, there is a tendency to lower the earlier established norm, which is earlier than 30 years. Also, in women (in this case, and in people, too), the hormone prolactin may be to blame for the lowered statutory cravings. In women, a weakened libido is likely to be in the post-slyapological period, if it is suitable for a child with breasts.

Decrease in the state pull through the vіk

  • Physiological factor of lowering the static tension in a woman - a woman's age change

Gassannya chi outside appearance of a woman's sexual desire beware of premenopausal (climacteric) and menopausal women. Apparently, in qi period of life, the function of the ovaries begins to fade, which is manifested in low-grade estrogen.

The statutory act becomes unacceptable and painful, which is due to the change in the vibration of the oil in the fir. A lot of women in this country are often subjected to sexual life, and they do not suffer through regular psychological and physical discomfort.

Decreased state pull through the twig

  • Physiological factor of a decrease in the state budget in a woman is the presence of severe and/or gynecological diseases

Blood diabetes, pathology of the cardiovascular and sciatic systems, inflammation of the pelvic organs, and sometimes the cause of state coldness in women.

Decrease in the state pull through the pulleys

  • Physiological factor of lowering the static tension in a woman is a different squealing of the stars.

Chicken, alcohol poisoning, narcotic zalezhnіst prignіchuuyut state potyag. Shkіdlivі zvichki rattle nerve impulses in іy division of the brain, yak vydpovidaє for sexual urge that zbudzhennya. On the first day, the obsession with salting comes from overexploited fallows.

Decreased posture through spasms

  • Physiological factor of decrease in sexual urgency in a woman is vaginismus.

Vaginismus is a very spasmodic shortness of time, like a woman, and a man (at the hour of a state act). The cause of vaginismus can be experienced sexual violence, sexual abuse or otherwise.

Decreased posture through infections

  • Physiological factor in the presence of sexual malady - different states of infection

Apparently, state infection is the cause of discomfort in the area of ​​external state organs and psychiatry. Sexual contact on aphids of a pronounced colpitis is not only unacceptable, but even more painful, which is the reason why a woman has a sexual problem.

Decreased statutory pull due to psychological reasons

  • Psychological reasons for the decrease in the state pull of a woman are different

Tse can be chronic stress, toma, discord with a partner, welding with him, an unfavorable situation, an unreliable partner to protect the wife and other things.

In addition, a decrease in the status of a woman's desire may be due to religious vihovanni, notoriety, or be some kind of shock in sexual life.

Often a partner does not want to call on the woman’s work and ability, who are not safe, and those who have their main job have to take care of domestic rights, raise children, prepare for that evening. One of the reasons for the decrease or decrease in the libido in young women is the lack of knowledge and the fear of an unsatisfactory pregnancy.

How to rejoice at the sight of a woman's sexual banquet

Here it is important to understand that the exaltation of the symptoms of the first kind of damage is not the same as the reasons for the adoption. So if the cause is in diabetes, then focus your respect on the exaltation of diabetes and the improvement in the total quality of life. Other therapeutic methods include the use of antidepressants, homeopathy, psychotherapy.

Ale, if you look at the truth in your eyes, then varto know that the exaltation of a reduced craving is impossible with a medical route. It can be complex (faces and inspirations of an emotional state will become a path of a psychological mood), which includes in certain moods an active part of a partner.

Celebration of sexual disharmony

In case of sexual disharmony, sleep disturbances, headaches, drativity, tenderness of the breasts, vaginal vision, increased vag, increased waist, as well as bulging visip, increased fatness of the skin are possible. With the inclusion of supplemental hormonal therapy, there is a risk of increased hair growth.

Do not varto re-remember the problem as the least sign of guilt, otherwise it can lead to a serious discord in life. The pledge of successful restoration of harmony is the mutual understanding and mutual understanding of the couple. It is a good idea to recommend practicing the singing hour of the blue without an uninterrupted statutory contact, as they can intimidate and bring novelty into the intimacy of life, so that the banquet of remembrance of її already has a total look.

And it’s like everything is not so right with you now and it’s very neglected ... then. If you believe that you are ready to work, to turn your sexual passion, then a few simple ways to help you on the road to turn the joy of sex.

Improve the awakening of the sensitivity and awaken the sexual desire

It is necessary to learn to bring your own satisfaction! Moreover, we are talking about not about sexual pleasure, but about the sensitivity of the organs of sprinyattya: dotik, scent, hearing.

Zdatnіst nasolodzhuvatisya with such simple speeches, like a garna of music and the aroma of beloved perfumes, to help you increase your libido. Increase your love for music, sit down and try to hear the skin note of the melody. "Dissolve" at the skin sound, forgetting about all the problems that are not good.

In addition, such an aroma or music therapy will help you relax and tune in to sex. It will be easier for you to awaken in your sexual desire that you will be more satisfied with intimate caresses.

Your body is more beautiful, love your body and it will give you love and passion

Even more often problems are blamed on libido, if the woman is dissatisfied with them, as if looking out: her figure, hair, rice disguise ... I create especially many problems with dissatisfaction with the vlasnoy vagago.

Learn to feel more sexual and bazhanoyu more powerful looking mirror. Try to marvel more often at your own imagination, wield your body, try to strengthen your pride and grab some shortfalls.

Remember: people love different women - some are more like blondes, and some are rudier, some are thin, and some are like women "in tili".

You - individuality! And the same person is ready to have sex with you today! Another such, as you see, is not in this world, and to that you write. Vee - one that is unique! To love yourself in such a way that you will, and you will learn to take maximum satisfaction out of life.

Victory sexual tricks for your body, thanks to whom you deserve

Sexologists say that the best way to increase sexual desire is to have more foreplay. Explain to your partner that you need three more sexual caresses before the act, lower.

Increase the hour of sexual foreplay 2-3 times. With whom, it will be horrendous to go to the aid of various sexual toys. Tse not only pіdnіme your sexual bajannya, ale and urіznomanіtnit sex. Do not forget about the lubricants - gels to fill up the lack of oil, and also often take away additional stimulating components from your own.

Also, it seems that women, as they lead a regular state of life, rarely get stuck with the problem of daily life. So don't forget to give your busy work schedule an hour of sex!

It is necessary to raise the life tone and at the same time raise the woman’s sexual desire

It has been clinically proven that physical activity significantly increases sexual desire. Significantly raise your libido: 30th is a good walk, big baby, swimming is another kind of physical activity. Ale, with all the important є regularity of m'yazovyh vanity! Training more than 1 time per day will not give scoring results.

You can give respect to the okrem groups of m'yaziv, like without intermediary swear for sexual nastiness. It is ideal for training intimate muscles to walk in the right Kegel's right. You can win at whatever hour you have achieved in whatever place you want - to lead the way to work. Today, by stretching dekіlkoh khvilin, pass the m'yazi to the entrance of pіkhvi - and already in a few days you will see the result.

Correct your hormonal imbalance and improve your sexual life under the doctor's eye

Problems in sexual life are blamed after hormonal imbalances in the woman's body. And here the only correct way out is hormonal therapy. Such a way of "exaltation" is necessary for women who have recently given birth to a baby, mothers who are breastfeeding, and women who are going through menopause. Also, hormonal imbalance can be caused by severe stress.

In all of these disorders in the body, representatives of a weak state of guilt lack the hormone testosterone (less than 10 nanograms per milliliter of blood), estrogen and pheromones. Necessary hormonal preparations and may prescribe only fahivets. Remember that these medical faces are necessary to take, suvoro dotremuyuchis dosuvannya. Otherwise, it is possible to suffer as a sexual life, and as a wild self-feeling.

Eat right and with malt, more sexual pleasure

It has long been known that the correct eating can solve a lot of problems, including those of an intimate nature. Boost libido to help products - aphrodisiacs.

Sexual fire effectively awakens the heat and various spices: pepper, cibula, chasnik, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cardamom, anise, turmeric, horseradish. Seafood can be seen before the aphrodisiacs: halibut, salmon, clams, oysters. The stench is more sexually addictive to the fatty acids that rage in them.

Few people know that there are a lot of products that are important for us - straining erogenous stimulants. Before them you can see: chocolate (especially dark), bananas, avocados, mangoes, figs, peas, liver, eggs.

Traditional medicine cares about what can stimulate sexual desire in women

Not less often for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions medicinal herbs are used. To the greatest number of natural herbs that stimulate sexual desire, one can see:

  • wild yam,
  • ginseng,
  • damiana,
  • scarlet,
  • celer.

The herbs can be mixed in different combinations in different herbs and infusions, as well as seasoning to different herbs. Good work is also inhalations based on these herbs, and deaks - for example, aloe - you can get used to a clean look (sik aloe with honey). Herbs are also included in the warehouse of rich biological additives, which are recognized for the promotion of sexual desire.

Rozmova about the problem of decreased libido - don't let me get lost

One of the most widespread reasons for a decrease in libido in a woman may be psychological in nature - problems in women with a partner. Welding, conflicts, misunderstandings, suspicions of ruining sexual life in 80% of young people. Moreover, the woman in front of us is suffering. A single breath - rozmov to the soul. Tell your person about your suspicions and doubts.

The more you see the pain of food, the more you see the joy of sex again. In some moods, it is possible to need the help of a psychologist or a family psychotherapist. Do not hesitate to seek help before fahіvtsya - even if it can lie not only your sexual satisfaction, but also a little further away with a partner.

Fantasize together with a man, such fantasies make a woman’s sexual desire more powerful

Try to be with your own person, as a kind of door. Spilkuvannya will help you to increase your libido. Talk to your partner about everything, but most of all - about your sexual desires and fantasies. Have a secret evening and talk one to one on intimate topics. Best of all, like a rozmov smoothly flow into an uncharacteristic kohanna.

Try to live a fantasy life alone. Tsej sposіb podvishchennya libido fahivtsі "prescribe" dosit often. And it is absolutely grounded - even the lack of awareness of one's sexual intimacy becomes the cause of sexual dissatisfaction, a decrease in sexual activity, and then, and finally, the absence of intimacy.

Do not forget about the romance of life, bring in an erotic warehouse at the sight of blue and move the woman's sexual desire

We often forget about ordinary stooges, or we simply don’t know the hour for romance at stosunki. Evening evening, holding by candlelight the sounds of proper music in the company of your other half, you can end up with a lot of problems ... Such a situation directly affects the emotions between partners. You learn to better understand one another, to give more respect to the senses - to your partner.

Such intimate evenings cannot fail to show up on your sexual bag. Romance will increase your sensitivity and teach you to understand the meaning of one without words. Have such intimate evenings at least once a month. Invisible attributes of a romantic rendezvous can be no less than music and candles, but in a special rank, they stil. Give priority to aphrodisiacs and light wine (in small quantities).

A small vocabulary to the article about the existence of a sexual problem in women

  • Orgasm- tse m'yazovі shortness of the uterus, yakі vіdbuvayutsya in the process of state act and bring physical and moral satisfaction. A woman with one statutory act can experience both single and multiple orgasms.
  • Vaginismus- Tse mimovilne spastic shortness of m'yaziv pikhvi.
  • frigidity- Tse stateva coldness of the woman. It can manifest itself in a reduced statutory craving right up to the presence of a state affinity of the statutory affinity chi lead to sex. They see physiological and psychological frigidity, as well as reveal that truth.
  • Libido Nothing else, like a state of potyag, a bazhannya sexual vіdnosin. It is important that the libido of the world is open again among women after 20-22 years.
  • Bazhannya- a special camp of the human psyche, which exemplifies the warehouse of yoga. The fires are zdіysnennym and not zdіysnennym, strong and weak, regular and developmental, obvious and hidden ..., ale stinks є at the skin person and є at the skin moment її life, including sleep.
  • Aphrodisiacs- speeches that stimulate or stimulate the state of the pull or the state of the activity.