Innovative ideas for engineering technologies for business. Production from plastic. Innovative products for small business

Back in 2004, Ewan McGregor broke the light of the world with a great paper card, and all through the year, he was happy with the new winemaker - the navigator. So today we can know what is new in our life, so we can bring new innovation and improve it. І skin new development of techno- logical knowledge to give us the ability to earn money, start the business of power.

Let's take a look at the innovations of this and past years and choose one of the 10 innovative business ideas.

Possession, as you can carry with you

Eyepieces like Google, electronic bracelets to control the vise, glucometers to control the level of blood… Perhaps, as long as there is no skin person on the street, it’s possible to use Siri, or else it’s to control your pulse, or else it’s farther away they appear on our streets. People who say “by themselves” for the help of the handy speech “Hands free” can no longer cheer anyone up, but without a bar and all other attachments, they will notice our life.

Qi extension can be used to control your state, to increase the dynamics and help the doctor to make the correct diagnosis. Some of them are already practically unremarkable when wearing clothes and do not call out handlessness when wearing. Particularly relevant is the sphere of assistance to people with limited abilities: a foot mouse was found for them, a beautiful and original Bradley yearbook for the visually impaired. It is respectful, respectful and necessary, giving recognition and giving authoritative advertising to the business.

Water desalination

Pure, but smutty, fresh water with a skin day is known from the face of the Earth, but de-no-de already practically emerged. It is especially important in the lands of Africa, but after a decade we can think about the lack of fresh water.

While the process is still not nabuv svitovoї techії, fahivtsі already prophesy a swedish boom opisnyuvachiv leading this new trend in business. After the relief of water in the form of salts, a rich amount of inputs becomes abundant, which can become a miraculous source of important speeches: calcium, uranium, magnesium and lithium.

Vuglets and nanotechnologies

Cars are wandering across that land - it’s not a novelty for a long time, but a serious problem as a whole, as they try to find ways to improve the efficiency of a car. The less stained glass the car, the less vіdhodіv vikidaє і the less shkodi won to bring ecology. Everything is really zavdyaki to carbon tubes, like robbing a light car, and can secure її passengers.

Technique without screen

On small gadgets, the screen can be called small, or it can be called uncommon. It is unlikely that copywriters write great canvases of articles on smartphones or a super-reasonable year. The hour has come to break back at the future and get a screen-hologram or navit keyboard, like projecting on a steel, wall, or be like another flat. I turn (you won’t believe it) on the screen of the human eye - on Kickstarter, it’s all the more power to collect pennies for the whole project!

Alternative batteries

For example. Nadmistki. The energy elements of the new generation are responsible for solving most of the energy problems of our planet. But solid batteries do not take a stand and continue to develop: graphene capacitors are decomposed and vicorous, like buildings conduct a few dozen thousand charges-discharges.

Ribonucleic acid in medicine

Tsya acid is the main element clitin, which is the genetic program for the synthesis of a protein encoded in DNA. Bagato what medicinal treatment just don’t bother with the ailments, but just stick to the RNA itself ( ribonucleic acid), then there is a great chance to win a lot of ailment, for example, oncological illness. And the best thing is that the interest in the gallery has appeared recently, literally, more than two times.

Nanotechnologies in lithium battery cells

A study at Stanford University was held and the world learned about those who knew how to increase the capacity of the simplest lithium batteries dozens of times! The stinks say that mobile phones and smartphones can be used without a hitch on the bottom of the charge - like the good old black-and-white phones. Less than a few rocks and telephone batteries will become nanoconductive. We are left with less checks.

Biotechnologies in the field of health

American scientists from the Institute of Health have been chosen to actively cultivate bacteria, so that they can live in symbiosis with our clitins. And if the project is successful, it will not be difficult for bacteria to help us to enjoy ourselves in various ailments.

Technology + brain

Robocop, Avatar ... For a long time already, people have been able to pour into the human brain for additional electrical impulses, and now - by the power of practical one thought (and nerve impulses) the prosthesis collapses. Ale, Duke University was farther away and having killed the brains of two bears… with an Internet call. And then, at Harvard, they began to flicker with a squinty tail for the help of the human brain.

Log of your life

You can look at the logs of the computer, but how can you look over the logs of human life? A selection of data from different devices (glucometer, heart rate monitor, lichilinik mood and financial lichiliniks, etc.), then their integration into a single platform that sings about the dynamics of becoming people. And so, the forecast for the future. Handy, isn't it?

Innovations do not stand on the spot, and their obov'yazkovo is necessary to promote our life: step by step, but sung. Bring greed and joy, invest in others for the synthesis of your unique innovative business.

The use of the term "innovation" and "innovation" can be saved. Adzhe richly spozhivachіv no longer take the word with proper rank. The stench is supposed to correct the mustache propositions to "spam", navit not looking at it. Innovation is not just new. Tse sche y vіdkrittya at the singing gallery. Therefore, it is easy to start projects from scratch for the implementation of innovations in small businesses.

There is no unequivocal evidence that this is an innovative business idea. Ale vіdokremiti іnnovаtsіynі іdeї vіd zvichaynih іdey is not easy. First, an innovative idea may be recent, in a different way, confirmed by recent studies, experiments and tests.

Innovations and small business with them and with us

At the end of that distant descent, the phrase “innovative business idea” is not an oxymoron. Most often, the companies themselves become generators of ideas, as they fit into the category of “small business”. Great undertakings are occupied more or less, buying projects.

For example, Nіmechchina is a country, in such a big city BMW and Daimler spіvpratsyuyut with engineering companies. And it is no less for the industry of the sphere. One and the same engineering company can deal with the creation of new technologies in the field of IT, as well as biotechnology.

The world market of engineering services is steadily growing. In 2012, the turnover of wines was $ 750 billion, and today it is close to $ 1 trillion. What naytsіkavіshe Russia practically does not take part in these processes.

Nіmechchina is not a lonely tide in Europe. A great deal of innovative business ideas that are being created fall on Finland, Denmark, Ireland. In these lands, in the 1970s, there was an active support of firms, as they are engaged in the promotion of innovative ideas.

Such a layout is a legacy:

  1. Lack of finance.
  2. Low qualification of staff.
  3. The presence of a thin market for the production of products.
  4. Lack of understanding of the essence of innovative ideas.

For the rest of the hour, the countryside began to think about changing such a trend. It is planned to increase the participation of state-owned companies for the supply of innovative ideas. A lot of companies have already been created, like goiters, they tried to win the purchase of ideas in small business objects.

Ale, everything is still on paper and does not have proper respect from the side of ceramics. The minus of this method is the chain by the wearable method. Usampered varto zamislit us, who only start their own business. Why not create engineering companies? Tim more, that the state has already given up respect for this problem.

Nebazhannya great that middle business pov'yazane z tim, scho not zavzhdno vigidno. For example, gloomy accounting is an innovative idea, as it has long been victorious in Europe, but not in our country. You can’t get started from scratch in our country. Through the lack of obig, sense vikoristovuvati її - no. Tim more, don't worry about which product is enough trust.

For small businesses, it is simply necessary to win innovative solutions there. New technological solutions help trim afloat and win over your customers. The future economic development is rich in why to fall in with innovative ideas. The stench helps to significantly improve the quality of life, the quality of the product and the ability to achieve mental communications with customers.

What does it tell us that in the future everything will be better and, therefore, cheaper? The supply of farbows in the arc of a subjective farbi of a situational response. Prote the same way, it is possible to look at the market. And now it’s time to think about how to generate and implement innovative business ideas, so that our company itself will be able to grow in the future? For whom is it necessary to understand, but what for ideas, de and how to know їхні dzherel, how to organize the flow of success, how to allow the business to enter the stage of commercialization and reach the market success?

Understanding the ideas of innovative directness

Let's try to find out what is the best idea for business ideas, aimed at creating innovations. For whom the order of the sounding of the sphere is occupied by the conceptual field. From one side, the very word “idea”, which may be a long-standing Greek adventure (idea), is even closer to understanding the thought. Vono may be on the verge of a manifestation, vysnovok, the form of a lucid apprehended appearance, friendly to the image of the future, today and to bring the past. From the other side, under the idea, a song idea is taken up, we will create a special rank. To this, the idea is often associated with a winemaker, a creative process seeking a new solution to the power of others.

In the context of ours, we see not just an abstract idea, but an image of a new product, serving the process (dalі “product”). This product may be the result of a stagnation of innovation in your commercialization, so that there is an hour of innovation. If we are guilty of understanding that, if there are innovations in business, there may be a large number of innovations that do not succumb to the commercial sector of the economy. Butts can be used to innovate in the sphere of light, in the closet of the sovereign life, in the sphere of social and humanitarian resources, in defense systems, and in the defense forces, too. And we focus on the ideas of creating an innovative business - that kind of activity, which puts a profit on commercial victories and the implementation of innovative products.

Let's agree that for the purposes of statistical innovations, we consider them as systemic vysnovki, as they are not only used as examples of objects of chi technologies, but they are accepted as a variety of market innovations. Oskіlki pіdpriєmnitskiy sens for such іdey є golovnymi, then the food reaction of the market to the innovation becomes in a priority position in a number of valuation parameters. Tim is no less, the idea can be taken by business before implementation at any stage of the innovation process and on any equal, regardless of authorship.

  1. On par with strategic marketing.
  2. On the level of research scientific and recent research.
  3. On the level of applied research and DKR.
  4. At the stage of non-intermediate commercialization.

Russia has a great potential for guilt and creativity as a way to generate, and to instill progressive ideas and all the ways of activity, as it allows you to simply survive. Take, for example, tax planning and financial economy: there activity is already high, and ideas become impersonal. It’s worth witnessing that I’ve been drawn to innovations in Russian activity. More nutrition, what business can be a good motivator and incentive to innovate? New business ideas, as a rule, can be directed:

  • on scientifically advanced and advanced design works;
  • on the search for a product (goods, services) for the creation of a product or for the arrival of wine;
  • for thorough reengineering of business processes;
  • on the basis of the concept of passing that implementation model;
  • on the search for a method of mobilization of market instruments necessary for the success of innovation.

Jerela business ideas

The process of commercialization of innovation will take place during a number of cyclical stages, in the middle of which people will come up with ideas first. Let's say, we know the language of the creation of a fundamentally new, innovative variety, which will go through the entire language from the original author's idea to the mass production of it. The role of the author is different. Vіn acts as a leader-natalist, and initiator of scientific, design and all other achievements and development, including the laboratory, pre-operational and production stages.

Prote odnієї author's activity, zrozumіlo, little. The order may be opinitisya pіdpriєmets. Ideally, in the same way, as a mother of laboriousness, mother of resources for direct marketing, promotion and sales, become an investor and secure a sufficient financial income. Indeed, the innovation process develops step by step. Below is a model of cyclical stages of commercialization, in which they can take the fate of a lot of incubated osibs, which is most often true.

Cyclic model of commercialization of innovation

  1. The idea of ​​gaining value is less in the world of commercialization. The farther the won has slipped through to the full market implementation, then it’s more varty.
  2. In fact, the versatility of the instilled idea is determined by the size of the risk, as if sorting through the process, entering into the innovative process of a well-proposed idea.
  3. The value of the author's participation in future surpluses lies in the shape of the scale of the business, in which the innovative idea loses its influence.

How do you blame an innovative business idea? What is molding: a mysticism, a vipadkovy act of a brilliant creator and technology? Until recently, it was appreciated that authorship, the foundation of the technical sphere, is a unique phenomenon, which blames the rise of many, the foundation of vipadkovy environments. Prote modern technologies management, as they started their roots already in Russia, allow to put an innovative idea in a business context, as it seems, on the pot.

Zvichayno, yakіst, unikalnіst, prorivny sens ideї when using it. But for the sake of business, the hopeless “strategy of the black ocean” is not needed. Pioneer developments and promotions are often seen as overly expensive and outrageously expensive, so a defense strategy can appear winning. In tsomu, among the personalized dzherel molding, innovative ideas are seen like this.

  1. Children of science, buried by fundamental theory or by applied development in the narrower advanced sphere, or by the stasis of scientific directions.
  2. A business that does not use the word "impossible".
  3. Leading competitors in the gallery.
  4. Spіvrobіtniki vіddіlіv sale, dealers, trade representatives too.
  5. Active spivrobitniki, and some young specialists are motivated to grow up.
  6. Loyal chi, navpaki, immensely powerful clients.

According to the method of molding and implementation, the core business ideas are divided as follows:

  • good insightful ideas;
  • unique technical solutions, protected by patents, which require repeated development from the registration of a parallel patent;
  • cloning ideas from zastosuvannyam elements of industrial espionage or learning to carry know-how;
  • transformational addition to an already implemented earlier idea;
  • compilation of a few ideas without deep reworking of their dzherel;
  • molding an idea-hybrid on the stick of new knowledge, scientific and practical solutions.

Methods for developing ideas and forms of implementation

Admittedly, an innovative business idea is close to maturity and it is necessary to comprehend the language of the creative group. Possibly, the idea will require additional processing, interpretation. Imovirno, that the idea is less than outlined, otherwise it is a good idea to put forward broad hypotheses, which require the development of that selection. The management science of these goals promotes the victorism of impersonal universal methods. Practically to the skin of them, we give a little respect, in our stats, we get along with simple pererahuvannyam.

  1. brain attack method. Authorship belongs to Alex Osborne.
  2. William Gordon's synectics method.
  3. The technology of folding mental cards by Ton Buzan.
  4. MFO (method of focal objects) by Charles Whiting.
  5. Method "Six Capelyukhiv" by Edward de Bono.
  6. Method of morphological analysis by Fritz Zwickk.
  7. The method of "indirect strategies" by Peter Schmidt and Brian Eno.
  8. delphi method.
  9. Bob Eberle's SCAMPER creativity methodology.
  10. TRVEZ Heinrich Altshuller.

Among the local techniques that help the viability of the solution is to formulate ideas that propagate vision:

  • pasta technique for ideas, if it is practical that all thoughts that come are recorded on a recorder or in a notebook for a long song hour;
  • the technique is based on the principle of incubation, if a rozum program is set, it can be seen from the following solutions at the most important moment: at the soul, at the subway, more sleepy;
  • technique of systematization of ideas with the improvement of stimulating matrix structures.

The implementation of innovative ideas is implemented through the same organizational forms, which are classifying as signs of the scale of the business, the stage of the life cycle. So, a business idea can know its intuition:

  • in the form of an innovative project in a great company;
  • through the specialization of a small innovative business that has reached the stage of a new “childishness” or to instill “youth” for I. Adizes;
  • through innovations in small businesses, which are implemented in the form of an innovative start-up.

In Russia, start-ups began to actively develop on the cob of the 2000s under the patronage of the state. There are some peculiarities that they see in the middle of a small innovative business. We have the potential for rapid growth, the speed of such a significant thing, lower than the greatest innovation in small business. As a rule, start-ups focus on an offensive rather than a defensive strategy, so the risks for this form are significant. The food security of finance is even more complex, and a special financial infrastructure is being created.

We are concluding an overview of the article about the creation of ideas in innovative business. All ideas, being accepted before implementation, may result in project failure. I’ll say it again: without respect for those who “cartridge at the Stovbur” (idea) are started by the author, the “trigger” can be pressed only less, because you yourself are responsible for the commercialization of the main idea of ​​​​innovation.

The world of business can't stand up to the development of technologies. Evidently, in this process new innovative business ideas are born, which, at their own pace, can create their own life cycle. The result of this is the appearance of a new product above the market in different countries, so the idea was successful. Until the understanding of innovation, all those that have been reduced, remade on a new one or found are brought to light. Moreover, this year you can stand still, be it a galusi, a business.

On the other hand, such a term was born in science and industry, but later on, through the current way of life, in which interpenetration and interpenetration more and more embrace the various spheres of activity of people, becoming a business term. The search for new ideas and their promotion in life is called innovative activity. It would have been better, since everything is already found, then the stink stars are taken?

Turn to hell

Why do you need innovations

Indeed, in the world, those who need to be improved, and think in order to popularize innovative ideas, appear in the society constantly. However, stench is often incomprehensible to the connection, because they simply don’t show interest, even if they don’t have leather, they may not be able to provide resources, and they spend an hour on cleaning. On the implementation of an innovative idea, the project needs its own terms, and a strong market effect can occur. Because of this, someone will be afraid of innovation and see the victory of the great, overthinking and already working business projects.

Indeed, such judgment is correct. Yakby not innovative ideas, like, to the point of speech, pouring in on the edge of history, then there would be no social and economic development of the state in the blink of an eye.

Understanding those that innovation is closely related to scientific and technical progress, which summaries are added to be-yak virobnitstvo, improving for the rahunok in doskonalennya koshtіv і productivity, і аkіst, more people from the sphere of business to be put up to tsіgo ії an hour of capital is not enough to apply just practice. Whatever a businessman has a more creative mind, the same innovative ideas can bring more output, and he can also be engaged in intellectual activity.

In such a rank, in front of the be-yakim pіdpriєmtsem podє pitanya, how to independently learn to know that provadzhuvati іnnovatіyni іnі іshennia. Rarely successful ideas are born after a brilliant inspiration, and, as a rule, innovations are the result of intellectual practice, which leads to the goal of seeking new solutions. Find out the main reasons, the stars are scooping up ideas and how to help the skin approach to look at your business in a new way.

Turn to hell

Sim innovative steps to success in business

First - unsupported podia. The whole understanding includes both success, and failure, and those who are expected to do it. Tobto zavdyaki be-yakіy podії can spontaneously be born innovative ideas. Golovna at this moment ker_vnitstvo - look at the possible prospects and realize them in life. The success is due to the competence of the stone lanka, as well as to the ability to work in the new narrow svetoglyad.

Obviously, be sure to change the right way of risking, but the whole business and motivations are based on risk. Achievements can inspire in case of failure to look at the arrival of innovative opportunities, for example, to increase income or increase income to a higher level of development.

Another - be-yak inconsistency between tim, scho є, і tim, sho can be. Do you understand whether there is a dissonance in economic displays, differences between differences and concepts about it, and also the inconsistency between priorities and the notifications about them? The stench, as a rule, does not appear near the stars, looking at the numbers, as if they were taking out the stones, so that they have more yakish, lower caliber moments.

The third is the need for the brewing process. In this type of situation, innovative ideas are being popularized not by any number of approaches, but by the cause of them, the need may arise for a thoroughly already well-established process. For example, replacing one of the weak lanka will change the old on the new, as it suits the current needs. For whom it is necessary to understand the essence of speeches, and not to think intuitively. At the same time, the solution may be indicative of the values ​​of the potential of supporters.

Fourth - structural changes over the market chi be-like gallery. For example, as the Galusia is expected to grow intensively, as it shows the number of the population, it is a great momentum, so that its structure will change. The reason may be those that, in the process of warfare in the galley, the strimka of the old is becoming old, and it will no longer adequately respond to those that are being born. Everything will be an effort to search for innovative solutions.

P'yate are demographic officials. They play an equally important role among the people of new ideas. Although until today, we thought that this is the most important segment, but really, the showcases can change rapidly, and it’s impossible not to give respect to such important aspects. So, with a systematic systematic analysis of such factors, such as the number of people, the age-old structure, the level of enlightenment and the income of people, the enterprise will have a highly productive and highly productive innovation.

Shosta - different changes at the central installations and at the sprinklers. The number of phenomena cannot be explained from an economic point of view, the shards would be such a change at the last hour. You can beat it like a dzherelo, but on the basis of innovation, it will be necessary to follow it in a narrow direction, vrakhovuchi those that in this situation it will be necessary to have an exact time.

Small business as the most important participant in the innovation process

In this hour of development in the gallery, innovations are widely developed in all high-profile lands. As a rule, the most important function is put on its own on a small scale.

Small innovation enterprises take part in the process, directing the results of research and development of the latest scientific and technical achievements, practically every time the creation of a new one, a perfect product, a technological process. The stench is to bring the scientific research that development to the finished product, which is released from its market in small series. In this way, small innovation enterprises play a successful role between science and the manufacturing market, pushing the introduction of innovative developments to the market.

note 1

In the rest of the hour, expand small innovation enterprises, creating with the improvement of the main initial deposits (business incubators, primary scientific and innovative complexes, etc.). In fact, similar enterprises are a happy link between science and the real sector of the economy of the country. Small innovative enterprises, created by the greater initial pledges with the method of commercialization of the results of scientifically advanced work, are often called spin-off enterprises (in translation from English, spin-off means “to spin up”).

The significant role of enterprises in the innovation process is supported by their greater competitiveness and dynamism. The stench breaks themselves today's wellness development and technology, acting as a strategic tool for modernization and a catalyst for the development of the economy.

Innovative products for small business

The leaders of the activity of small business are the potential scientific and technical progress in new products and technologies. In other words, the final result of the innovative activity of enterprises is innovation.

Appointment 1

Innovation (eng. innovation) - the price of innovation in the field of technology, technology, organization of practice and management, as based on the highest achievements of science and advanced knowledge. Innovation is implemented as a new and significantly improved product.

Before technical innovations, there are various technological products and technological innovations (the appearance of personal computers, mobile phones, various related accessories, various software security, energy-saving technologies, etc.).

The butt of economical innovations can be microfinance as an alternative to bank lending.

Before organizing innovations, it is necessary to introduce new methods of management from the government's business activities, or from internal corporate communications with contractors. Prior to similar innovations, it is necessary to introduce different approaches, creations for improving the efficiency of the state government's business activity in view of the reduction of administrative fees, supply rates, and the improvement of the psychological climate among the collectives and yogo education. For example, the emergence of outsourcing, personnel agencies, and various initial training centers, too.

The advantages and shortcomings of the creation of small innovative enterprises

You can see the following achievements of the creation of small innovative enterprises:

  • flexibility and flexibility accept managerial decisions;
  • quick adaptation to the minimum market level;
  • the possibility of direct contact with the supporters of innovative products;
  • the possibility of realizing the creative potential of practitioners;
  • increase in the employment of the population and promotion of the collection of taxes.

Inconsistencies in the creation of small innovative enterprises are:

  • high rіven riziku;
  • competition from the side of great firms;
  • foldability of financing and lending;
  • focusing on small groups of supporters only.

In this rank, in the innovative activity of small enterprises, there are songs of bar'ieri. It is obvious that for the stimulation of active innovative business activities and the successful functioning of small innovative enterprises, a sovereign support is needed.