Rostov State Medical University . Rostov State Medical University (RostDMU) Rostov Official Medical University

Clinical medicine

Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine


Sister on the right

Formy training


Rivnі osviti


Priymalny commission of RostDMU

schedule Robot mode:

Mon., Tue., Porivn., Thu., Fri. from 11:00 to 17:00

Remaining views of RostGMU

Anonymous commentary 14:34 21.05.2017

Tightly beaten university. Vikladachi often understand not about those who speak. Most often mumbling from books. A lot of contributors pay pennies for a session of three students. Setting up students like thinness. If you want to drive 5-6 years of your life into the void, take at least knowledge, spend a bunch of pennies FOR A SESSION OF HOURS ON THE BUDGET, then you are dear to RostDMU. Do not step into any hotbed of corruption.

Popov Oleksiy 16:56 20.05.2013

In 2007, my sister's roci had food, where to go?! After a long time of thought, all the same, they praised the decision that there will be RDMU. We immediately looked at the information about the medical university, tk. my sister liked medicine. Tato, like a doctor, having said that like medicine, then only dentistry. They also said that they would be a dentist. It’s hard to fix the Bulo, because They didn’t apply for the budget at once, and it’s not a problem to get a contract. Motalisya, zdavala іspiti, і fixed the axis! Problems іz h...

General information

Federal state budgetary lighting installation higher enlightenment"Rostov State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health Protection Russian Federation

Colleges RostDMU

  • College Rostov State Medical University


№02604 dіє Bezstrokovo z 06/22/2017


№03092 dіє z 04/30/2019

The results of the monitoring of Minosviti for Rostov State Medical University

Pokaznik2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Efficiency indicator (5 points)5 6 6 6 4 6
Middle ball ЄDI z usіh specialties and forms of training73.74 71.35 75.66 69.48 68.38 80.92
Average ball ЄDI insured to the budget79.9 79.24 81.24 79.00 76.93 88.2
The middle ball of the ЄDI insured on a commercial basis68.57 66.02 66.30 63.42 62.51 77.54
The average for all specialties is the minimum score48.77 45.4 38.98 42.94 49.14 55.8
Number of students6446 6062 5793 5513 5197 4947
Ochne vіddіlennya6409 6012 5694 5394 5027 4695
Full-time in absentia15 5 0 17 67 129
In absentia22 45 99 102 103 123
All data

Rostov State Medical University is recognized as one of the best medical universities in the region. The University teaches future medical practitioners of various profiles. For example, pediatricians and dentists.

About the university

Rostov State Medical University (RostGMU) first opened its doors in 1930. On this day, the structure of the university includes 10 faculties, among which are the following:

  • likuvalno-prophylactic;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • dental;
  • clinical practice and others.

In addition, the Rostov State Medical University has training courses for students, as well as programs for advanced qualifications.

There are 5 to 20 graduating departments at the Skin Faculty of the University. For example, before the structure of the Faculty of Pediatrics, the following departments are included:

Direct training

Rostov State Medical University promotes the next step in the preparation of fahivtsiv medical school:

  • pharmacy;
  • medical prophylactic on the right;
  • dentistry.

Trivality of learning varies from 5 to 6 years. Prote valіst navchannya on the direct "Gromadska okhorona zdorov'ya" to become 2 years and 6 months, shards will not be used in part-time form.

Passover Bali

For successful promotion of students of the Rostov State Medical University in 2017, for example, applicants needed to score more points, lower cordon passing ball.

In order to get paid on a budgetary basis, the directive “Medical prophylactic on the right” should be given to the applicant to score over 202 balls. Prokhіdniy Ball of Payments of DorivnuvavAv Validia 181. Under the Czech of Chestless Mistsi Shchoroku, the 85 is visible, and the Mishtz is paying the vsoi 15. Warti In Turkey in Rostovskom, directly by the Fakhivtsіv directly becoming 120000 ruble on RIK.

In order to include “Pharmacy” directly to the students’ budget base, in 2017 it was necessary to take over 213 points. Usogo w mіsts with payment s federal budget 30 are seen, so the very same as paid. At the same time, the passing ball on the payroll became 174. The cost of education is 133,000 rubles per river.

At distribution "" the report information about the acceptance campaign 2019 was posted. Here you can find out about the last balls, the competition, wash your handmaiden, the number of free places, as well as the minimum balls, as you need to score for yoga. The cherry base is constantly growing!

- New service to the site. Now building ЄDI will be simpler. The project was created with the participation of fahivtsiv of low-state universities and experts from the Galuzi EDI.

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