Modeling physical processes of electronics development: why is it important? Modeling of physical processes Program for modeling of physical processes

Elective course of education in 10-11 classes of natural - mathematical, physical - mathematical, technological profiles of education. One of the main tasks of specialized training in the secondary education school is the orientation of the graduate to the choice of profession for successful socialization in support and active adaptation to the labor market. The purpose of the program is to understand, laws, regulations, theories behind the main divisions of physics: mechanics, molecular-kinetic theory, electrodynamics and molding, to reduce knowledge from practical activity, and to win over computer technology.

The choice of a computer simulation of physical processes gives the possibility to formulate an account for the help of a computer, as well as to take into account the information about the possibility of that interstitial computer experiment.

Elective course: "Modeling of physical processes on EOM" can be applied directivity.


Front view:

Municipal mortgage

Secondary education school No. 1


Director of the school ________ / Damasheva A.A. / Order No. 92/1 dated 05.10.20..

Reviewed at the meetings of the Moscow Region: __________

Kerivnik MO: _________ / Popova G.N./

Reviewed at the meetings of the Methodology


Kerivnik: _________ / Tulenkova A.G./


elective course

"Modeling of physical processes on EOM".

10-11 grade.

Organizer: Fattakhova Z.Kh.

teacher of physics,

R. Radyansky

20 ... p.

Explanatory note.

Elective course of education in 10-11 classes of natural - mathematical, physical - mathematical, technological profiles of education. One of the main tasks of specialized training in the secondary education school is the orientation of the graduate to the choice of profession for successful socialization in support and active adaptation to the labor market. The purpose of the program is to understand, laws, regulations, theories behind the main divisions of physics: mechanics, molecular-kinetic theory, electrodynamics and molding, to reduce knowledge from practical activity, and to win over computer technology.

The choice of a computer simulation of physical processes gives the possibility to formulate an account for the help of a computer, as well as to take into account the information about the possibility of that interstitial computer experiment.

Elective course: "Modeling of physical processes on EOM" can be applied directivity.

Meet the course:

Knowledge in practice with the main ways and methods of acquiring knowledge in practice;

Internal specialization in natural-mathematical, physical-mathematical and technological fields of study;

Nadannya uchnyam mozhlivostі zavolennіtі іndivіdualііііііііі іnteres to vyvchennija prakticheski pіziki vіzіnі pіznavalnoї іyalnostі pіd іd h podslіdzheniya eksperimentіv і dolіdіdzhenі ії іѕіchnіh protsessіv na EOM.

Main tasks:

Give me additional help to learn from a professional self-appointed person;

Raise interest in physics and informatics;

Forming new beginnings at the end of the day and their modeling on the computer;

Learn in practice with such types of activity, which are carried out by rich engineering technical professions, related to practical zastosuvannya physics and information technology.

Formuvaty zastosovuvat zdobottya zdobuttya zavdanya, vykonuvati eksperimenti on the computer, osoblyat results doslіdzhen, simulating physical processes on EOM, pratsyuvati s scientific and methodical literature.

Learned duties include:

Vykonuvati sevnі programs doslіdzhennya z vikoristannym computer models;

Virishuvati physical tasks, be tables, diagrams;

Pratsiuvati іz zabami іnformatsiї (zdіysnyuvati poshuk and vіdbіr іnformatsії, notes, zdіisnyuvati її abstract);

Draw up the obtained results;

Simulation of physical processes on the EOM and zdiisnyuvati їkh dosledzhennya.

Methods and organizational forms of training:

At the end of the hour, take up vicoristing in such forms to take, as introductory lectures, practical employment at the highest level, independent work of students (collective, group, individual), consultations.

When working with computer models, further activity is organized from the experimental establishment of deposits between values. Fallen vіd vіdnya volodіnnya uchnyami method doslіdzhennya, іvіd vіdіynostі with yogo zdіysnennіta the nature of help from the side of the teacher can be different.

Krim doslіdnitskogo method dotsіlno vikoristovuvat chastkovo-poshukovoy method, okremih іnformatsiyno-іlustrative. The remaining method is victorious, if the students have no basis, which allows vicoristing productive methods

The material that sets the elective course in line with the sovereign

to the light standard of physical education on a profile level, in connection with which it does not expand as much as the subject knowledge of academics, but rather destroys them for the account of strengthening the sub-subject and methodological components of the difference.

Get started:

The main benefits of learning to rehabilitate the program course. However, in particular, the merits of the supply of computers for the employment of the elective course are discussed. Zastosuvannya personal computers can be at kіlkoh direct:

zastosuvannya computer basic programs for modeling physical processes;

Search for information on the Internet;

Zastosuvannya computerized complexes.

Zastosuvannya kom'yuterіv yak zasobi predstavlennja _informatsії.

On this day, there is a large number of computer basic programs in physics. Among them are єk vіtchiznі, so і zarubіzhnі, yakі to present to the reader that teaching raznomanіtnі mozhlivosti. You can use good programs that allow you to not only check for the experiment, but also change those other parameters

(for example: "Vidkrita physics", "Alive physics").

Trivality of the course is 34 years old (17 years - physics, 17 years - informatics).

Initially - thematically planned

Number of years



Form control




Manager No. 26, 27, 45. A. P. Rimkevich. Zb. problems in physics.

MS Excel.

Rozmov, work with a personal computer.

Evaluation of working schedules.

Razvyazannya graphic orders.

Head office No. 56, 57, 65, 72.

Individual work from PC.

Evaluation of practical goals.

Manager No. 77, 83 (PRG).

Lesson - workshop

Evaluation of the created model

Manager No. 230, 235, 236.

N. Ugrinovich. Informatics and information technologies.

Individual work from PC.

Evaluation of the created model

I. Semakin. Task book - practice. Store 155

Individual work from PC

Evaluation of the created model

I. Semakin. Task book - workshop Stor. 167.

Rozmov, robot from PC.

Zavdannya No. 366.

Individual work from PC

Evaluation of the created model

Order No. 394, 397, 399. A. P. Rimkevich.

Besida, robot from PC

Evaluation of the practical task

Order No. 673, 674. A. P. Rimkevich.

Rozmov, robot from PC.

Evaluation of the created model

Modeling the colivan of a mathematical pendulum.

Vivchennya graphic of harmonic kolivani.

Manager No. 422, 417, 418, 428.

Individual work from PC.

Evaluation of the created model

The exponential record of the number in the development of problems of molecular physics.

Head office No. 486, 479.

Rozmov, robot from PC.

Evaluation of working schedules.

Head office No. 538, 539.

Individual work from PC

Evaluation of prompted schedules

I. Semakin. Task book-workshop Volume 2. Stor. 178.

Individual work from PC

Evaluation of working schedules.

Vyvchennya of electric kіl for the help of the basic program "Vidkrita fizika"

Kirchhoff's rules for drawing lances.

V. A. Balash. Head of physics and methods of their perfection. Store 290.

Besida, robot from PC

Evaluation of a practical task.

Head office No. 844, 845.

Individual work from PC.

Evaluation of the created model.

(singer, trigger).

Individual work from PC.

Evaluation of the created model.

Presentation of independently created models of physical processes.

Modeling on EOM

Kilk. - about the year

Rectilinear equal flow.

Pobudova, that reading of the graphics of the speed and the movement.

Law of the Rivnomirny Rukh

Pobudov's graphic of equal movement

Rectilinear equal acceleration ruh.

Razvyazannya graphic orders.

Law the rightly accelerated rush

Inserted little one. Pobudov.

Significance of the magnitude of the quickening, displacement and speed in the equal change of Russia.

Equivalent Rukh

Pobudova model ruhu

Modeling of physical processes.

Model "Rohu body, thrown under the hood to the horizon" in spreadsheets.

Folding rush. Razrahunok parameters.

Drink at the target. Last model

Development of physical models.

Model of the circulation of heavenly bodies and planets.

Calculation of the height of the stationary orbit of the satellite of the Earth.

Formula ruhu by cola

Model ruhu planets.

The law of conservation of momentum and yogo zastosuvannya for the calculation of the speed of rockets.

Visnovok formulae the law of saving impulse.

Schedule of rocket launch.

The model of high school education with a "dead loop". Programming medium Turbo - Pascal.

Energy conservation law.

Schedule of the ruhu litak.

Appointment of QCD as a simple mechanism with additional computer experiment.

Theory of mechanisms. Storage of forces.

Computer experiment.

Model of keruvannya process. Significance of a return call.

Engine of internal combustion.


Model of the annual mechanism.

Model of keruvannya process. Significance of a return call.

Engine of internal combustion.

Rivnyannya kolivan.

Schedule of picking.

The exponential notation of a number when decoupling the problems of molecular physics

Molecular-kinetic theory

Model of mass and expansion of molecules.

Pobudova graphics of isoprocesses in the middle of automation of calculation of MathCad.

Gas laws

Carnot cycle.

Graphic image of electric and magnetic fields.

Electrodynamics. Electric and magnetic field.

Power lines.

Vivchennya elektrichnykh kіl for the help of the basic program "Vіdkrita fіzika".

Ohm's law. Kirchhoff's law.

Model of a dyuchy electric lansyug.

Modeling the movement of a charged particle in an electric and magnetic field.

Movement of electrons in the electric pipe.

Follow the rub.

Modeling logical elements of EOM with additional electrical circuits.

(singer, trigger).

Logic schemes.

Modeling schemes.

Presentation of high-level research.


  1. Informatics. Task book - practice. Volume 2. / For red. Semakina I.G., Khenner E.K. - M: "Laboratory". 2001.
  1. Balash V.A. Head of physics and methods of their perfection. Help for the teacher. - M: "Osvita", 1983.
  1. Self-reader. Turbo Pascal "7.0". Moscow - St. Petersburg - Nizhny Novgorod - Rostov-on-Don - Yekaterinburg - Samara - Kiev - Kharkiv - Minsk. 2003.
  1. Rimkevich A.G. Collection of problems in physics.9-11 classes. - M: Bustard, 2000.
  1. Mogilov A.V., Pak N.I. Informatics. / Edited by Henner E.K. - M: "ASA Dema", 1999.
  1. Taevskiy A.Yu. Self-reader roboti in M. Office, Word 27 2000 Ekcel 97 | 2000 /, e-mail. Kiev, "A.S.K.", 2002.
  1. P.I. Sovertkov. Tsіkave computer modeling of elementary mathematics. Head helper. - M: "Helios ARV", 2004.
  1. N. Ugrinovich. Informatics and information technologies. Assistant for 10-11 cells. / N.D. Ugrinovich, - M: "Binom. Laboratory of knowledge", 2003.
  1. Kasyanov V.A. physics. Grade 10 Pіdruchnik - M: "Bustbust", 2001.
For some applications, the task of Kosh can easily be known by the analytical method, but in folding simulations, the analytical data can be more collapsible. Therefore, we will try to find a way to search for an approximated solution of the problem.

For example, take the simple task of Kosh.
Given: i. Find an approximate solution for .

Let's look at the problem from the geometric point to the gap and look at the value and dotichna at the point. From what is given to us, maybe

We still do not know how we look, but we know that the white dots, the value is close to dot. Now let's try to virahuvati for a small value, speeding up the dot. Let's try it first.

How to write, then we approximate the meaning like this:

Yes, for .
Now we can continue to count more points. Although, obviously, we didn’t know the exact value, but if our approximation of the value is even close to the exact one, then the approximated value will be even closer to the actual value!

$$display$$\begin(aligned)f(t,y(t))&=y(t)\\f(0.5,1.5)&=1.5\end(aligned)$$display $$

Dali, prosunemosche on one right-handed dot.

We repeat the process and take into account the final coefficient of dotic:

The procedure can be carried out recursively and for which we can show the formula:

This numerical method of derivation of differential equations is called the Euler method. For the zagal vipadku krok x + = v * delta_t.

For our specific viewpoint, the solution looks like this:

Vicorist method, the results are manually presented as tables:

It appears that our manager has a handful of analytical solutions.

How do you care what happens if you change croc in Euler's method?

The difference between the approximations and the exact solutions change with the changes! Until then, krіm zmenshennya kroku, it is possible to use other methods of numerical integration, which can lead to a shorter result, such as the method of middle rectangles, the Runge-Kutti method, and the Adams method.

It's time to code!

With the same success, as we have developed a mathematical description of the description of the simulation, we can write the implementation of the simulation programmatically.

Because I know the most about JavaScript, and I need clarity, how to add to the annotation code, all applications will be written in TypeScript.

And why not in the same version, in the same way as in the Uvaz, it is a one-dimensional array of numbers, like in our mathematical model.

Function runSimulation(// y(0) = y0 y0: number, // dy/dt(t) = f(t, y(t)) f: (t: number, y: number) => number, // show simulation streamline render: (y: number) => void) ( // Crochet forward 1/60 of a second per tick // If the animation is 60fps, then it will bring it to the simulation in embossed hour const h = 1 / 60.0; function simulationStep (ti: number, yi: T) ( render(yi) requestAnimationFrame(function() ( const fi = f(ti, yi)) // t_(i+1) = t_i + h const tNext = ti + h / / y_ (i+1) = y_i + hf(t_i, y_i) const yNext = for (let j = 0; j< y.length; j++) { yNext.push(yi[j] + h * fi[j]); } simulationStep(tNext, yNext) } } simulationStep(0, y0) }
To operate with one-dimensional arrays, do not enter manually, you can abstract the functions of adding and multiplying the simulation process in the interface and take a short summary of the implementation of the simulation using TypeScript Generics.

Interface Numeric ( plus(other: T): T times(scalar: number): T ) function runSimulation >(y0: T, f: (t: number, y: T) => T, render: (y: T) => void) ( const h = 1 / 60.0; function simulationStep(ti: number, yi: T ) ( render(yi) requestAnimationFrame(function() ( // t_(i+1) = t_i + h const tNext = ti + h // y_(i+1) = y_i + hf(t_i, y_i) const yNext =, yi).times(h)) simulationStep(yNext, tNext) )) ) simulationStep(y0, 0.0) )
The positive side of this approach is the ability to concentrate on the basis of simulation: what qiu the simulation is different. Vikoristovuєmo butt of simulation from two objects, guessing more:

Simulation code for two objects

// Mill simulation of two objects in one tick to an hour class TwoParticles implements Numeric ( constructor(readonly x1: Vec2, readonly v1: Vec2, readonly x2: Vec2, readonly v2: Vec2) ( ) plus(other: TwoParticles) ( return new TwoParticles( .plus( other.v1),,; ) times(scalar: number) ( return new ), this.v1.times(scalar), this .x2.times(scalar), this.v2.times(scalar)) ) ) // dy/dt (t) = f(t, y(t)) function f(t: number, y: TwoParticles) ( const ( x1, v1, x2, v2 ) = y; return new TwoParticles(// dx1/dt = v1 v1, // dv1/dt = G*m2*(x2- x1)/|x2-x1|^3 x2. minus(x1).times(G * m2 / Math.pow(x2.minus(x1).length(), 3)), // dx2/dt = v2 v2 , // dv2/dt = G*m1*( x1-x1)/|x1-x2|^3 x1.minus(x2).times(G * m1 / Math.pow(x1.minus(x2).length( ), 3))) ) // y(0 ) = y0 const y0 = new TwoParticles(/* x1 */ new Vec2(2, 3), /* v1 */ new Vec2(1, 0), /* x2 */ new Vec2(4, 1), /* v2 */ new Vec2(-1, 0)) const canvas = document.createElement("canvas") canvas.width = 400; canvas.height = 400; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")!; document.body.appendChild(canvas); // Flow mill simulation function render(y: TwoParticles) ( const ( x1, x2 ) = y; ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 400, 400); ctx.fillStyle = "black" ctx.beginPath(); ctx.ellipse(x1.x*50 + 200, x1.y*50 + 200, 15, 15, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = "red"; ctx.beginPath(); (); ) // Run! runSimulation(y0, f, render)

As far as the numbers go, you can simulate the orbit of the Moon! Simulation of the Moon's orbit, 1 pix. = 2500 km. 1 sec. simulations of the 1 day of the Earth. The proportion of the Moon to the Earth is reduced by 10 times

Zіtknennya and obmezhennia

A mathematical model has been introduced that actually simulates the physical world, but in some cases the method of numerical integration, unfortunately, is lame.

Reveal the simulation of the ball that shoots on the surface.

The simulation station can be described as follows:

De tse the height of the ball above the surface, like swidkіst. If you let the ball in from a height of 0.8 meters, then we take:

If you want to draw a graph, then take the following:

Under the hour of the fall of the ball, the functions are calculated easily:

To the quickest of the free fall,.

But what happens if the ball hits the surface? Those who can reach the surface of the ball can be identified. But with numerical integration, at one point in time the ball can be over the surface, and even offensive pid nіy: .

It would be possible to turn the order of the way to the moment of silence. Ale to know how to know the moment, how to make it quick so that it changes at the opposite side.

You can, obviously, calculate the shutdown at the intervening hour and save the other force at the same interim hour, or it’s easier to calculate the discrete constant that surrounds the simulation.

And in order to change the amount of penetration by the soft surface, you can count in one tick several times a little of the simulation. For marriage, the code of our simulation changes like this:

Function runSimulation >(y0: T, f: (t: number, y: T) => T, applyConstraints: (y: T) => T, iterationsPerFrame: number, render: (y: T) => void) ( const frameTime = 1 / 60.0 const h = frameTime / iterationsPerFrame function simulationStep(yi: T, ti: number) ( render(yi) requestAnimationFrame(function () ( for (let i = 0; i)< iterationsPerFrame; i++) { yi =, yi).times(h)) yi = applyConstraints(yi) ti = ti + h } simulationStep(yi, ti) }) } simulationStep(y0, 0.0) }
And now it is already possible to write the code of our slapping ball:

Boy's streak code

const g = -9.8; // m / s ^ 2 const r = 0.2; // m class Ball implements Numeric ( constructor(readonly x: number, readonly v: number) ( ) plus(other: Ball) ( return new Ball(this.x + other.x, this.v + other.v) ) times(scalar: number) ( return new Ball(this.x * scalar, this.v * scalar) ) ) function f(t: number, y: Ball) ( const ( x, v ) = y return new Ball(v, g) ) function applyConstraints( y: Ball): Ball ( const ( x, v ) = y if (x<= 0 && v < 0) { return new Ball(x, -v) } return y } const y0 = new Ball(/* x */ 0.8, /* v */ 0) function render(y: Ball) { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 400, 400) ctx.fillStyle = "#EB5757" ctx.beginPath() ctx.ellipse(200, 400 - ((y.x + r) * 300), r * 300, r * 300, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.fill() } runSimulation(y0, f, applyConstraints, 30, render)

Respect to the thieves!

If such a model can have its pluses, it won't lead to productive simulations. On me, such a framework is a familiar manifestation of the behavior of the simulation, it seems like it has a lot of things to do with it.

See you later!

I know the twists and turns of mathematics, physics, and programming, to the contrary. The creation of a practical simulation, її launch and rendering is a very special kind of anything.

I was blown away by the SIGGRAPH lecture materials throughout the week, just like in the simulation home. If you'd like to know more about visual arts, take a look at the SIGGRAPH 2001 Introduction to Physical Modeling course materials. Navodzhu posilannya course 1997 rock, because. Pixar similarly released the 2001 version of the rock.

Only registered coristuvachs can take part in the incarceration. , please.

Algodoo- Program-constructor for simulation/animation of mechanical movements of objects of two-world physical world. Koristuvachevy available tools for creating objects of whatever form, setting physical and kinetic parameters, for managing operations on objects both in statics and in dynamics. For additional programs, you can create interactive lessons in physics, games, simulators of mechanical attachments ... and just keep track of the behavior of objects in a fallow way in the presence of zvnishnіh vplivіv. For those authors of the scenes, you can upgrade the functionality for additional scripts.

Creation of objects


SketchTool- Olivets- position as a universal tool for painting, which replaces others. Indeed, for whom the strongest is sly cunning, tk. for the skin type of geometry, it is better to choose your most appropriate tool, like a sprat. So, Olіvtsy can paint whether it be a line or a contour, or else it will be beautiful, for example, how long? Rozrobniki handed over for Olіvtsya a painting of straight lines - from the squeezed Shift key. Olіvets zavzhdi small circuits, navіt yakscho vіn not bv short circuits.
Knife- Nіzh- serving for the visualization of the house from the other figure. After the work With a knife, the maid does not disappear in a moment, you need to see it with the Del button.
brush- Penzlik- pratsyuє similarly to the olive, but on the vіdmіnu vіd olіvtsya їy it is possible to regulate the tovshchina of the line. Also on the view of Olivtsya Penzlik is not a small closed contour.
Eraser- sterka- similar to the Knife, but can be regulated tovshchina.
polygon- Polygons- the Great Retail with Olivets did not mention. Well, you can still see the object with this tool, turn it (from the squeezed RMB), pull it (from the thirsty LMB).
gear- Gear- Malyuvannya serrated kіl. Garni and functional figures come out. It is possible before painting to improve the rozmir of the teeth and in the form of the deposited quantity. Possible rings and internal gears.
box- Rectangular- Painting of straight lines. This simple tool has one parameter Select by incircling , the icon of which allows this tool to see objects when circled objects are circled.
circle- Kolo- Simple and sensible like a naked colo.
plane- edge- The creation of innumerable pidlogs, walls, a stel with a mark, so that the objects in the rage of their dynamics did not vijzhdzhal, did not fly and did not fall into nowhere.


chain- Lanzug- to serve for the construction of objects with a lancet or a motuzkoy, mіtsnіst and rozmіr lanoks of such nalashtovuetsya.
spring- Spring- after setting two objects with a spring by RMB (right mouse button) on the spring, you can click on the context menu of the spring and adjust the spring, as well as the hardness and damping parameters.
Fixate- Fixator- Just create an object, or objects under the marker, unbreakable under the hour of the animation scene.
Axle- Axis- for skrіplennya dvoh ob'єktіv vіssyu, de ob'єkt wrap around. Then you can turn everything into a motor and set it straight to the rush, including for the help of hot keys of the looker.

Creation of a unique object

If you have played with an arsenal of tools for painting objects, then you will want to create an object with non-standard geometry and texture. It is possible and awkward:
- At the same time, you need to prepare a graphic editor for a figure and save it from a transparent PNG file with a transparent background.
- Let's get this figure on stage in Algodoo:
- - to paint whether there is a closed circuit, for example, colo;
- - See yoga and press the button on the right side of the mountain;
- - Press the button near the window to adjust the figure interface;
- - Open the file manager (not too hard) - you need to select a required PNG file on the disk.
- our colo will be filled with a cim file;
- Press the button to set up the figure interface.
Wu-a-la, on the right is crushed. True, not to the end and with guards, as if on the right, there are figures, as if there were a lot of pieces. In this way, first, you need to combine the figures into a group - for the help of RMB, click on the context menu and select Selection > Group. Now at the static you can drag and transform the figure as a single whole. Ale varto, start the animation for you, like a figure in the fall, it will rise up in the warehouse clothes. I don’t know how anyone knows, because zahopivsya program zovsіm recently.
One more note about the texture. Її in the middle of the figure you can change, wrap, scale - for which you have a special tool, which is well heard by the bear:
- peresuvati - with pressed LMB;
- Turn - with pressed RMB.
- Mastabuvati - the number of mice.

Scene and її animation

In addition, as the objects were painted, placed in their own places, provided with motors, springs... I had to press the button at the bottom of the stage control panel and everything started to collapse (with proper planning). Just for the improvement of this button (as a replacement for the [Problem] key) you will hit it gradually and at the early stages. What else can you say about the scene:
- redraw the scene - press the button on the bottom panel and redraw from the squeezed LMB;
- change the scale - rotate the number of mice with the pressed Crtl key or the button on the bottom panel;
- adjust the speed of the animation - when the button is pressed above it, a slider for this one appears;
- turn on/turn off gravity - with a button on the panel;
- regulate directly that force of the wind - with a button on the panel;
- show an additional grid, as if it could be cored in a static position of the scene for more accurate positioning of objects; - for this, use the button on the bottom panel; a single click turns on the grid, and a sub-click shows whether the settings of the grid are adjusted.
- Skasuvati dії - standard buttons on the panel.

English-Russian dictionary of physical terms

Area - area
Attraction - gravity (objects among themselves)
Collision - zіtknennya (in practice, programs belong to objects up to chi іnshih versions, Collision Layer, vplyvaє those, yakі ob'єkti are guilty between themselves sticking together, but yakі nі)
Energy - energy
Force - strength
Freeze - freeze
Friction - rubbing
Gravity - gravitation (gravity of the Earth)
Immortal - immortal
Killer - driving in (powerfulness of the object, zavdyaky vin knows everything is not Immortal objects, until they get stuck)
Liquify - motherland (whether a figure can be turned into a motherland)
Mass - mass
Mirror - mirror
Momentum - impulse
Plot - graph of changes in the hour of quiet and other physical characteristics of the object
Refractive index - refractive index
Restitution - a reminder
Speed ​​- speed
Spongify - a type of object invented by the authors of the program, for physical powers similar to a sponge or a plush toy
Velocity - swedishness

Here is a list of Best Free Physics Simulation Software for Windows. These free Physics simulation games let you understand the basics of Physics theories, yak Gravitation, Ohm's law, Newton's laws of motion, etc. All physics games are also suitable for kids. Some of these physics play with everyday simulation, with the help of which you can evaluate the effect of changing real variations on the physical var.

You will also include Physics simulation software in this list, which is based on The Ohm's law. On the revision of the resolution and recording in the circuit, it will be shown that the effect is changed by the parameters on the electrical flow.

Tsei list of free Physics simulation games also contain some games that will take you to the space adventure. With the help of simulations, you can help and confirm the different phases of the month and learn that the phases change in this way to live in the course. These gravity also give the main information about our planet and only a few stars in our Solar System, Sun.

My favorite Physics Simulation software:

Magnetic Adventure and Physics for Kids is the favorite Physics simulation software in this list.

Magnetic Adventure: It is a real-time Physics game based on the Laws of Magnetism. Tse helps you learn the properties of a magnet. If you play in the same group, you can recognize how magnetic substance differs from non-magnetic one. Targeted Physics game comes with lot of exciting levels. Place the Magnetism rules in order to complete each level.

Physics For Kids: It is one of the best Physics games for kids It comes with many interesting levels based on different theories of Physics. Kіlka of them include: Force, Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy, Solar System, Inertia, etc.

Explore the list and give a try to qі Physics games.

A Magnetic Adventure

A Magnetic Adventure is an interesting Physics simulation game for Windows. It is based on the laws of magnetism. Have a friend, you can go to the object with the help of a magnet and shoot him in his own place of recognition. Tsya gra is not є be-like її sound, like stench є several obstructions in їх equals. The transition of these obstructions is based on the rules of Magnetism and complete a level. Costless Physics simulation game comes with 50 interesting levels. As you collapse in grі, you can have more different obstructions.

Tsya gra is an introduction to the power of magnet. If you are good, you can recognize that magnet is, like yoga robots and like types of materials, attracted like magnet.

How to play this Physics game:

At the skin level, a task will be given to you. Hover properties of a magnet to solve each task. Relocation of metal elements in grіz with help of magnet. Remove magnet over metal object and crash your team for help її left click. Object starts moving along with the magnet. Release left click of mouse to drop that object. That's all.

Marvelous graphics and cool sound effects, which make it more fun and loud. As you collapse in grі, you will be more expanded Physics puzzles. Change, like a magnet you can get only metal objects.

Features of A Magnetic Adventure:

  • It lets you create more than one player profiles.
  • This is a comedy with auto-help, which takes your game automatically on the way out.
  • Bigger challenge equals great time-pass.
  • You can play in the same mode as well as on a compact screen.

So what are you waiting for? Install this free Physics game on your PC. More Physics puzzles є waiting for you.

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Physics Sandbox Games

With this material, I can introduce you to faceless Physics simulation games. Now, they are entirely different class of Physics Simulation games, called, . Thegames let you create your own simulations and test them. You can write down the link I posted earlier to check out of lot of Physics Sandbox games that you can use for Physics Simulation. My favorite from that list is Algodoo.

Algodoo is an interesting Physics simulation software in this segment. It's really a Physics Sandbox game, like taking 2D high-definition graphics. It lets you learn Gravitational Forces, Friction, Elasticity, Density, Flow, Viscosity, and much more fun. The biggest part of this freeware is those that you create, like you create your power psychological scenes and simulate them.

Let's understand its interface. It comes with a number of tools to create Physics simulations:

  • plane tool: With the help of this tool, you can write the plan on the screen at any angle. It also displays the angle at which you turn a plane. Tsі pristosuvannya you create on the rafting and spreading of the planes that thrashed on the singing yangs.
  • MoveTool: You can go to any object in scéni, vicorist instrument.
  • Rotate Tool: It lets you rotate an object at a certain angle.
  • scale tool: Victory to change the dimensions of an object.
  • cut tool: You can cut an object at any cross section with help of this tool.
  • Polygon Tool: Use this tool to draw closed shapes
  • brush tool: Brush tool is used to draw both open and closed shapes.
  • Box Creation Tool: This tool is used for marking squares and rectangles.
  • Circle Creation Tool: This tool is victorious for drawing circle.
  • gear tool: This instrument is victorious for making gears.
  • Chain Tool: This tool creates a chain

Several other tools and freeware available. Victory all the tools to create good psychological animations and save them.

Draw multiple gears and join them so as to understand the mechanics. You can write fulcrum, pulley, and many other animations. Tse all lie in your creativity.

This is a great Physics simulation software. Download it and enjoy.

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Physics for Kids

Physics for kids is very cool Physics game suitable for kids. Tsei Windows 10 app comes with different levels based on different theories of Physics. As this game is being developed for children, these features only establish a part of the theory of Physics. Kids can learn different Physics laws by performing practicals. Bagato tsіkavih rivnіv є pov'yazanі z tsimi Physics games for kids, which include: Energy, Force, Friction, Free Fall, Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy, Newton, Inertia, Solar System, etc. Out of these levels, some come with Physics games, while some feature simulation.

Each Physics game comes with cute animated characters. All equals of Physics are accepted, so that you can easily grow and understand them. For example, Lever is a very interesting game, which teaches o the result of applying effort on a fulcrum. For each other, you can, to stream a dribny finger on the empty end of the fulcrum, like a hairpin, on the other end of the fulcrum in the air. If a strong effect is applied, the pig will be tossed higher in Air.

If I talk about simulations, Solar System is one of these. The Solar System simulation lets you learn the names of all 9 planets of our Solar System.

Best part of the game is that the levels come with explanations. Ditin can read these explanations while playing the game in order to understand which laws of Physics imply that level.

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Battery Resistor Circuit

Battery Resistor Circuit is a real time Physics simulation game. The whole comedy is simple electronic circuit with different electrical components, ammeter, resistance, a temperature indicator, etc. It works on the Ohm's law. You can change the icon and react to the flow, to give an effect on the flow of the stream.

If you believe in the resolution and record in the circuit, you can analyzovat, which is appening in the circuit. It also shows the direction of flow of electrons in the circuit and inside the battery. So, you can find out about the leakage of electronics in the middle and outside the battery. It also displays number of electron counts and what is going on inside battery during the flow of current. More than that, the stench is connected to the circuit. The current ammeter shows current readings with respect to change in voltage and resistance.

Solar System 3D Simulator

Solar System 3D Simulator is a free Physics simulation for Windows. Qia Physics simulation will go to the real time space adventure. Explore our solar system with this free Physics simulator. See animation of 9 planets revolving around only star of our Solar System, the Sun.

It is educational software that will secure your basic information 9 planets of our Solar System. There is a button planetary information vykonany on the side, clicking like zakryvayut okremі vykna, scho to avenge the basic information of all 9 planets. This information includes : Diameter, Orbital radius, Mass, Density, Temperature, etc. of each planet. Besides this, it also displays the number of moons of each planet.

It is also important for a physical simulation game, as it provides only basic information, which is good for kindergarden children. All 9 planets with our Solar System in correct chronological order.

General Features of this free Physics simulation:

  • Zoom in and zoom in on the nuances of the free Physics simulation software.
  • It lets you vary the revolution speed of planets.
  • Orbits: You can look over or see the orbits behind the help button.
  • View: Tsei button simulates 3D model in different angles.
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Asynx Planetarium

Asynx Planetarium is another Physics simulation in this segment. Download this free Physics simulation on your PC and start a space adventure. Unlike Solar System 3D Simulator software in this list, Physics simulation does not only provide information about the Sun and the planet, but also about the Constellations garniments. There are more than 90 Constellations in the software. Kіlka of them include: Draco - the Dragon, Libra - the Scales, Leo - the Lion, Mensa - the Table Mountain, Musca - the Fly, Taurus - the Bull, etc. It also displays phases of the moon in real time simulations with different Constellations.

Tse comes with control buttons, with help of which you can start/stop the simulations, vary its speed, zoom in and zoom out of Physics animation. It also comes with a sync button. Cheeky sync feature, it simulates the phases of the moon with respect to the Solar System simulation. It also displays phases of the moon in real time. Moreover, this is also the creation of the longitude, latitude, and astronomical unit of the Sun for their planets. With these nuances, you can play simulations of Inner Planets and Outer planets.

Like Solar System 3D Simulator, it also secures your basic information from your planet and Sun, which includes: Planet name, altitude, distance from the Earth, distance from the Sun, gravity, temperature, etc.

Tsei free Physics animation software is available in more than 5 languages. One of them is English, Russian, Nimechchina, Czech, Spanish, Russian, etc.

The International Astronomical Union reviewed Pluto as Dwarf Planet in 2006, but there are only 8 Planets in Physics simulation freeware.

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chain reaction

chain reaction is another free Physics game in this list. It is a Windows 10 Physics Simulation app based on the concept of chain reactions. There are more than 20 high levels, like they are stacked in a closed box in like stinks of freely moving atomic particles. Your aim is to carry chain reactions in this closed box by triggering the Red dot to complete a level. Click on chain reaction, just left click using mouse. Like a chain reaction starts, qi atomic elements start sticking on the Red dot, which results in a fusion of atoms. This is termed as an Explosion in the game. Depleted fusion of atoms, area near the Red dot starts increasing, which increases the rate of fusion.

In order to reach the level, you can explode the given number of atoms. For whatever rout, you will be deakі point.

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heart box

heart box is another free Physics game for PC. Tsei bezkostovny Windows 10 app based on the theory of Gravity. Everything on Earth is attracted towards the Earth by its gravitational pull. Introduced the theory of Gravity on the equals of all equals.

How to play this free Physics simulation game:

Heart Box is a simple Physics game for Windows 10. There is a square box (named Heart Box here) of representations in grі. Your goal is to take that box to bucket Initially Heart Box is placed on a horizontal rod placed on 2 small square boxes. You can punish one of these boxes in orders to create a slope, so Heart Box starts sliding. Whatever your point of view, you may be shy that walking takes the Heart Box to the destination point.

Tsya physics plays with the impersonal interests of equals. You can report, to continue the rіven, to jump to the next one. Ale, if you will grow up, be it a equal equal, you will add a new version of it, as it is conducted by us equal equals unlocked.

NOTE: This is an Ad supported version.

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states of matter

states of matter is another Physics simulation software in that list. Tsey software simulates states of matter and lets you know the effect of the change in temperature on different states of matter. Simulation is provided for all three states of matter. i.e. solid, liquid, and gas. You can see these three states of matter with real-time simulation. Take advantage of Physics simulation freeware and protect, as it happens before the atoms and stories of other articles on the mainland, if you choose to speed up the temperature.

It features two types of simulations: One is Solid, Liquid, Gas, and other is Phase Changes. 3 simulations comprese closed vessel, thermometer, and temperature controller, but in the latter simulation, there are two other components, pump and pressure gauge.

Experiments with various elements (Neon, Argon, Oxygen, and Water) in a closed vessel by varying temperature of vessel. Thethermometer displays the flow temperature in the middle of the vessel.

Phase Changes simulation of this freeware shows the pressure inside the vessel with respect to temperature. You can increase the pressure by increasing the temperature of the vessel and vice-versa. If you want pressure at a constant temperature, you can vary it so that you can insert a larger element into the help button.

Being the changing powers of particular elements, you can remember the basis of covalent bonds among molecules and the effect of temperature on these covalent bonds.

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Magnet and Compass

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Magnet and Compass is another free Physics simulation software for PC. This is even simpler physics simulation software, which tells you about electromagnetic fields from the earth's backyard. Tse show how the grids in the magnetic compass deflects and guides us in the correct direction. You can change the edge of the magnet field. The meter field is also provided in the software, with help of which you can check the intensity of magnetic field at different points.

You know how the principles of magnetic compass work.

Successful engineering studies sound foundations on experimentally confirmed models, which can replace the world and physical experiments, and prototyping, and allow a better understanding of the design, which is being developed, or the process, which is being developed. According to the results of physical experiments and testing of prototypes in modeling, it is possible to more efficiently and more accurately optimize the process and add-ons.

COMSOL Multiphysics ® packages are available in a variety of environments, similar to those used in simulation packages, and can modify all aspects of the model. You can creatively go up to modeling and visualization of a task, folding or not possible with a significant approach, gradually increasing the number of physical phenomena and setting the descriptions of physical phenomena, rіvUInі and virazіv through a graphical interface (GUI).

Accurately multiphysical models support a wide range of working minds and a great set of physical phenomena. In this way, modeling helps to understand, design and optimize processes and attachments to improve the real minds of their work.

The last working process of modeling

Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics ® allows you to add in one software environment the phenomena of electromagnetism, structural mechanics, acoustics, hydrodynamics, heat transfer and chemical reactions, as well as other physical phenomena that can be described by differential systems. You can try all physical phenomena in one model. COMSOL Desktop ® GUI provides access to a fully integrated simulation software environment. No matter how the process was built, the modeling process will be logical and consequential.

Geometric modeling and interaction with third-party CAD packages

Operations, sequences and selections

The COMSOL Multiphysics® base package is a geometric modeling tool for creating geometry elements based on solids, surfaces, curves and taboo operations. The summation geometry depends on the sequence of operations, the skin of which can take into account the input parameters, which makes it easier to edit and parametrically follow the multiphysics models. The connection between the assigned geometry and the adjusted physics is two-sided - whether the change in geometry is automatically brought to the final changes in the case of the adjusted adjusted models.

Whether it's geometrical objects, you can go to the selections for a farther choice of distinguished physics and borderline minds, encourage networks and graphs. In addition, the sequence of operations can be twisted to create a parameterized geometric part (geometry part), then you can save parts in the library and re-wink in rich models.

Import, processing, defining and virtual operations

Import of all standard CAD and ECAD files from COMSOL Multiphysics ® is subject to module availability. Import of data from CAD and Import of data from ECAD is optional. The Design Module extends the set of geometric operations available in COMSOL Multiphysics®. Modules Importing data from CAD and Design enable you to correct the geometry and see the actual details (operations Defeaturing and Repair). Models based on surface grids, for example, in STL format, can be imported and converted to geometric objects behind the COMSOL Multiphysics ® base platform. Import operations work like i, like and other geometric operations - in some of them you can select selections and induce associativity with parametric and optimization results.

As an alternative to the Defeaturing and Repair operations, the COMSOL ® software package also includes virtual operations, which allow you to turn off a number of geometric artifacts on the end-element mesh, zocrema, twisted and narrow cords, and thus reduce the accuracy of the model. On the view of the visualization of details during defichering, virtual operations do not change the curvature, but rather the accuracy of the geometry, but allow to take a larger clean mesh.

List of geometric modeling functions

  • Primitive
    • Block, sphere, cone, torus, ellipsoid, cylinder, spiral, pyramid, hexagon
    • Parametric curve, parametric surface, bagatokutnik, polygons Without'є, interpolation curve, point
  • Operations Extrude, Revolve, Sweep and Loft
  • Boolean operations: consolidation, retin, retail and subdivision
  • Transformations: scaling, copying, expanding, moving, wrapping and scaling
  • Rework:
    • Reshape on a closed volume body, surface, curve
    • Midsurface 1 , Thicken 1 , Split
  • Chamfer (Skіs) and Fillet (Round) 2
  • Virtual Geometric Operations
    • Remove details (Automatically stop virtual operations)
    • Ignore: vertices, edges and cordoni
    • Form a complete object: from edges, cordons in chi areas
    • Burn rib chi cordon
    • Merge vertices or edges
    • Mesh control: vertices, edges, boundaries, areas
  • Hybrid modeling: solid bodies, surfaces, curves and points
  • Work Plane with two-dimensional geometric modeling
  • Import from CAD and two-way integration behind additional expansion modules Import data from CAD, Designed by the LiveLink™ product group
  • Manage and view parts from CAD models behind additional extension modules Import data from CAD, Design products from the LiveLink™ group
    • Cap faces (Close the edge), Delete (Vidalennya)
    • Rounding, Avoidance of short ribs, narrow edges, cordons and protrusions
    • Detach faces (Viewing a domain from cordon), Knit to solid, Repair

1 Requires the presence of the Design module

2 These operations in 3D affect the visibility of the Design module

This bike frame was designed in the SOLIDWORKS ® software package and can be click-through imported into COMSOL Multiphysics ® . You can also import geometry models from other third-party CAD packages or build them using the COMSOL Multiphysics ® geometry tools.

COMSOL Multiphysics ® tools allow you to modify and correct third-party CAD geometry (for the appearance of a KE-detail), as in this case in a bicycle model. For example, you can create geometry from scratch in COMSOL Multiphysics ® .

Elemental grid for the bicycle ramie project. Now it's ready to be unpacked with the COMSOL Multiphysics® package.

COMSOL Multiphysics ® has been equipped with a mechanical model of a bicycle. An analysis of the results may suggest that changes be made to the frame design in a third-party CAD package for further work.

Ready installed interface functions for physical modeling

The COMSOL ® software package provides ready-to-use physical interfaces for modeling various physical phenomena, including extended interdisciplinary multiphysics interactions. Physical interfaces - tse specialized interfaces for both engineering and other fields, as they allow you to thoroughly refine the model of a further physical entity or entities - from the settings of the parameters in the model to the analysis of the result.

After choosing a physical interface, the software package prompts you to select one of the types of service, for example, with the choice of a non-stationary or a stationary virishuvach. The program also automatically chooses for the mathematical model the appropriate numerical discretization, the configuration of the virishuvach and the adjustment of the visualization and the post-processing, which are suitable for the final physical phenomenon. Physical interfaces can be freely connected to describe the processes where a sprat of phenomena enters.

The COMSOL Multiphysics ® platform includes a large set of basic physics interfaces, such as interfaces for describing solid mechanics, acoustics, hydrodynamics, heat transfer, chemical speech transfer, and electromagnetism. By expanding the base package with COMSOL ® add-on modules, you will be able to select a set of specialized interfaces for simulating private engineering tasks.

List of available physical interfaces and manifestation of material authorities

Physical interfaces

  • Electric currents (Electric streams)
  • Electrostatics (Electrostatics)
  • Heat transfer in solids and fluids (Heat transfer in solids and fluid media)
  • Joule heating
  • Laminar flow (Laminar flow)
  • Pressure acoustics (Scalar acoustics)
  • Solid mechanics (Solid Mechanics)
  • Transport of diluted species
  • Magnetic Fields, 2D
  • Additional special physical interfaces are available for expansion modules


  • Isotropic and anisotropic materials
  • Heterogeneous materials
  • Materials with space-heterogeneous powers
  • Materials with authority that change at the hour
  • Materials with non-linear dominance, which lie in any physical quantity

Thermal actuator model in COMSOL Multiphysics®. The Heat Transfer window is open and shows all types of physical interfaces. For this butt, all expansion modules are activated, for which a wide range of physical interfaces is available for selection.

Seeing and modeling on the basis of corystuvac rіvnyan

The software package for scientific and engineering studies and innovations can be not just a medium for modeling with a simple set of possibilities. Vіn is responsible for giving coristuvachas interfaces for creating and setting up descriptions of the power models on the basis of mathematical equations. The COMSOL Multiphysics ® package can be so flexible - a win-win interpreter that simplifies the analysis, simplification and other mathematical descriptions before creating a numerical model. You can add that set up virazi at physical interfaces, easily linking them one to one for modeling multiphysical phenomena.

Available and passed customization. Possibility of individual customization for additional physical interfaces (Physics Builder) allows you to win the power to create new physical interfaces, which can be easily included in future models or given to colleagues.

List of available functions for the most common equation-based modeling

  • Differential equivalence in private degenerates (PDE) in weak form
  • Pretty Lagrange - Euler Methods (ALE) for Problems with Deformed Geometry and Rough Grids
  • Algebraic alignment
  • Zvichaynі differential equalization(ODE)
  • Differential Equation Algebra (DAE)
  • Sensitivity analysis (for optimization, you need the additional module Optimization)
  • Calculation of curvilinear coordinates

A model of the fiber process in an optical fiber based on the evolution of Korteweg-de Vries. Differential equals for private relatives and primary differential equals can be set in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software package in a coefficient mathematical matrix form.

Automated and manual prompting

To discretize the model and induce the network of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software package, a variety of numerical methods and techniques should be used in the model to the type of physics or the occurrence of physical phenomena. The discretization methods, which are most often victorious, are based on the methods of end elements (the last list of methods is given in the section "The Solvers" on the other side). Obviously, the algorithm for inducing a grid of global recognition creates a grid with elements of the type that is suitable for this numerical method. For example, an algorithm that zastosovuєtsya for zamovchuvannyam, can win a fairly tetrahedral grid or combine it with the method of prompting near-cordon grids, combining elements of different types and ensuring more swidki and precise rozrahunki.

The operation of mesh refinement, re-induction or adaptive induction of the mesh can be completed in the solution process or a special stage of follow-up for a mesh of any type.

List of available options when prompted

  • Pretty mesh based on tetrahedrons
  • Sitka broach (Swept) on the basis of prismatic and hexahedral elements
  • Prikordonna sitka
  • Tetrahedral, prismatic, pyramidal and hexahedral bulk elements
  • Pretty tricout mesh for trivum surfaces and two-dimensional models
  • Free chic grid and structural 2d grid (Mapped type) for three-dimensional surfaces and two-world models
  • Copy operation
  • Virtual Geometric Operations
  • Breaking the nets in the area, between that ribs
  • Import of networks created in other software

Automatically stimulated unstructured tetrahedral mesh for wheel rim geometry.

Incited to the automatic mode, an unstructured mesh with near-cordon balls for the geometry of the micro-mushroom.

Sitka, created by hand, for the model of an electronic component on a different board. Naturally-elemental splitting of a single tetrahedral mesh, a tri-cut mesh on the surface and a mesh, induced by a broach in volume.

The surface mesh of the ridge model was saved in STL format, imported into COMSOL Multiphysics® and converted to a geometric object. An automated unstructured grid was superimposed on it. Geometry in STL format by Mark Yeoman of Continuum Blue, UK.

Follow-up of those sequences, parametric development and optimization

Tipi doslіdzhen

When choosing a physical interface, COMSOL Multiphysics® offers a number of different types of tests (or analysis). For example, in case of solid body mechanics, the software package propagates non-stationary studies, stationary studies, and studies at high frequencies. For the task of calculating hydrodynamics, only non-stationary and stationary studies will be required. You can freely choose other types of dues for rozrahunkiv, if you carry out. The sequence of stages to be followed determines the process of completion and allows you to choose a change in the model, as it is necessary to develop it on the skin stage. The decisions of whether any of the previous stages of follow-up can be scored as input data for the upcoming stages.

Parametric analysis, optimization and evaluation

For any stage of follow-up, you can run a parametric sweep (sweep), which can include one or more parameters in the model, including geometric dimensions or parameters in the boundary minds. You can change the parameters of the svіpi for different materials and their powers, as well as for the change of task functions.

The Spiral Static Zmishuvach model was built with the help of Pobudovach's COMSOL Multiphysics® models.