Help me help. Spovіd: how to pass, how to prepare, what the priests say. About what you need to repent

10 moments of sympathy, which will help to vanquish innocence and pass the hour of the sacrament itself.
1. Go to the priest

Ring out for spovidi at the temple to be led around the city. There is a lectern (high, beveled table), to lay the Cross and the Gospel. Order to stand priest.
Porada: do not rob richly bowing that goddamn banner without a middle beat the lectern. Tse can be zrobiti zazdalegіd.

2. What is my name?

Before the spadix, name your church name (those with whom you were christened), so that the priest does not re-drink it later. Navit, as you are the post-paraffian of this temple, the father is not guilty of knowing everyone in his name.

3. Where should I put pennies for help?

Help at the church is always without cost. But people want to donate pennies. For which bill of the lectern, a skarbonka or a plate is placed. At some temples, it is customary to bring a candle before the funeral. You can find out about it at the church kiosk.

4. What to say?

We call a specific evil. For example, zgrіshiv zasudzhennyam, anger, zadrіstyu toscho. You don’t need to tell me that the woman came and said… I made friends with her, they told me something like that, you need to voice the sin of history yourself.

5. Is it necessary to cry in speech?

Why don't you cry? It doesn’t require a lot of robiti piece by piece weeping in your tears. Tse less than wait an hour, occupied by one companion. And how many leathers out of two hundred, why stand at the mercy of the priest, weep? Buvay, that tears themselves are kittens from the eyes - it’s understood, but you don’t need to pay.

6. Preparing for help

Need to get ready. It is necessary to know the special sins (we know about strangers, but we don’t forget our own, relatives). In an extreme mood, write it down on paper (so don’t forget it), and then read it out. Ale, do not let the priests grow up on your notes! It’s okay, as a person cannot repent of his sins through illness or old age.

7. Reading prayers at the hour of repentance

Є in the prayer books there is a rule of preparation before the confession. Prayers are recommended. You can read them at home before leaving for the temple. You don't need to read on your own words. We call it less sins. The reading of various prayers also drags out the hour of the sacrament. Before leaving until quiet, who is confessed, the priest in Vvtari will read the necessary prayers (one of the ranks of the wines is read before the parathians, as if for the sake of opportunity, for example, the service has not yet begun).

8. Blessing at a weakened post

You don’t need to take advantage of the priest with your impossibility trimaty pist, literally vyrivayayuchi from the new blessing for the taste of products! In ailment, with vagity, breastfeeding, bring on the train / on the road, defecation is known. To the one who doesn’t have a confessor, you yourself should see what you have. Like a doctor, he prescribes a menu item, requiring the doctor's hearing. Golovne at the post - tse our spiritual spirit is that peace.

9. How many hours can I take to speak?

If everything is right, work, dorimuyuchis my pleasures, an hour is stacked with a stretch of two whilins. Sometimes people are not ready to come, - like: ask me, I’m sure. But it seems that I have nothing to repent of. Well, and now you come to help? For a company? Why is this a tradition?
The skin has its sins. Dig into yourselves, feed your conscience, and take away the evidence.

10. End of speech

After the priest reads the prayer over the head of the companion, then kiss the Cross and the Gospel - as a sign of his cleansing from sin, apply to these shrines. Having blessed the one, put your hand in the folded arms. And the Parathian kisses my hand - not like a priest, but like a right-bearer of the Lord Himself, who invisibly works through a minister of the church.

Once upon a time, the priest can put a blessed hand on the head of the one who prays - it’s so very permissible. Ale does not need to stretch out in any particular way for a kiss to the hand.

baptize on the butt

Yes, understand. Impose on the cross banner in front of the priest. Tsgogo robiti is not required. We baptize before the shrines: Cross, icons, relics, then.

About help, I want to say that some kind of serious sin is not a sin for a person, you don’t say goodbye, AS THIS person does not call sin on a confession. Therefore, as if it were not shameful for you to speak, always name all your sins, without catching anything. Even if you see God, you don’t shove, but an unseen sin tightens your soul and people suffer.

It is not necessary to repeat the forgiveness (consent earlier) of evils, for example, an abortion. Ale, as a forgetfulness of an old sin, having guessed, yogo, obviously, it is necessary to name it.

I also want to say that you can often speak (even if it’s a day, even if it’s for someone) just like Communion. I have a thought that if you speak of obov'yazkovo, you need to take communion. Tse is not correct. Under the hour of preparation before the Communion, the person obov'yazkovo spovidaєtsya. Ale, with the appearance of sins, you can grow up at any hour, you can’t wake up in the temple of service.

Don't speak for the coming feast - sins are forgotten and the unforgiving soul is heavy! Be with God! Guardian Angel!

In the one who freely confesses his sins, with the visible manifestation of forgiveness in the form of a priest, invisibly is allowed in the form of sins by God Himself. Priymaє spovid priest abo.

Why is it necessary to speak to the presence of a priest, and not just ask God for help?

Grіh - tse rubbish, - otozh, speak є lazna, scho washing the soul in the form of spiritual sludge. Grіh є otrata for the soul, - otozh, spovid є exaltation of the otruєnoї soul, cleansing її vіd wipe sin. You won’t be able to take a bath in the middle of the street, you won’t see the storm on the go: for whom you need to install. In this situation, such a God-established mortgage is Holy. Ask: “But why do you need to speak to yourself at the presence of a priest, in the atmosphere of a church rite? Hiba God don't beat my heart? How have I done something nasty, having sinned, but I’m still struggling, I’m shy about it, I ask God for forgiveness - I didn’t get enough of it? Ale, my friend, as if, for example, a person fell into a swamp, and, having climbed onto the shore, to be overwhelmed by the one who is all in a brood, - enough to get clean? Has he already cleansed himself with one sense of guilt? To destroy the ford, it is necessary to drink clean water, and the water is pure for the soul, which washes, and it is the grace of God, the water, the stars of the water wriggle, - Christ's, the process of washing - the Sacrament of Spovid_.

A similar analogy can be drawn, like marveling at sin, like at sickness. So the Church is the whole medicine, and the word is the exaltation of ailments. Moreover, the very speech at your butt can be seen as an operation from the removal of the scum (griha), and following it, the communion of the Holy Gifts - Tila and the Blood of Christ at the Sacrament of the Eucharist - like a postoperative therapy from the conquest of that inspiration to the body (soul).

How easy it is for us to repent of the one who repents, how necessary it is for us to repent before those whom we have depicted! Such a sea of ​​sins, like before Him, we can’t have any kind of people.

How does the Sacrament of repentance come about, how do you get ready for the new and how to proceed?

Officially inherited speech : an ear of zvichne, ієreyskі prayers і zvonennya until quiet, who repents. Here, child, Christ stands invisibly, accepting your word ...”, Please tell me. After the end of the speech, the priest puts an end on his head, so he repents, and reads a prayer. The one who repents, kisses the gospel and the cross that lies on the analogy.

Spovіd accepted zdіysnyuvati after the evening or lie, without intermediary in front of him, like the laity before communion for tradition, they are allowed after svіdі.

Preparation to the rescue is not of a formal nature. On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshoy great Sacrament of the Church - sоvіd can vіdbuvatsya vzhdі and skrіz (because of the obviousness of the lawful taєmnoznitel - an Orthodox priest). Under the hour of preparation until the resurrection, the church statute does not require a special fast, nor a special prayer rule, but only faith and repentance are needed. To that a person, as if confessed, is guilty of being a baptized member of the Orthodox Church, who believes (who knows all the foundations of the Orthodox faith and recognizes himself as a child of the Orthodox Church) and repents at his sins.

Sins need to be understood and in a broad sense - as a power of passion, which human nature has fallen into, and in a more specific way - as an actual malice of the commandments of God. The word “repentance” in the word “repentance” does not mean “vibachennya”, like “replacement” - the courage not to allow the sins themselves to be blamed for the future. In this rank, repentance is a camp of uncompromising self-judgment for your past sins and depravity, to fight with addictions.

Then, prepare yourself to confession - it means to take a look at your life with a repentant look, analyze your thoughts and think with the eyes of God's commandments (for consumption and write down for memory), pray to the Lord for forgiveness of sins and the gift of true repentance. As a rule, for the period after the rest of the outbreak. But it is possible to confess the sins of the past - or else earlier for forgetfulness, you don’t confess to the sin, or confession without a hard kayatt, mechanically. With whom it is necessary to know that the sins are forgiven and irrevocably forgiven by the Lord (dirt is washed away, the sickness is healed, the curse is lifted), for this immensity - the sense of the Sacrament. However, it doesn’t mean that the sin may be forgotten, - no, the wine is left in memory for humility and that protection from the future falls; maybe even a second time to disturb the soul, as much as it is possible to disturb a person, the wound that has ignited is no longer fatal, but even more sensible. And here it is possible to repeat the sin again (for the reconciliation of the soul), ale s obov'yazkovo, the shards of wine are forgiven.

І - drink to the temple of God to be confided.

If you want, as it has already been said, you can speak in be-yakіy circumstances, but swearing at the church - in front of a special appointment by the priest for an hour (in special situations, for example, for the help of a sick home, it is necessary to individually house the clergyman).

The most important hour of speech is before. Ring out and sing at the evening liturgy, sometimes establish a special hour. Find out about the hour of warning in advance.

As a rule, the priest speaks in front of the lectern (the lectern is a table for church books or icons from a frail upper surface). Those who come to speak, stand one by one in front of the lectern, de spovidu the priest, but on the deaky stand in the lectern, so as not to overwhelm someone else's speech; stand quietly, listening to church prayers, murmuring at the heart about your sins. If it's time for blackness - come to the rescue.

Pіdіyshovshi to the lectern, they took off the head; if you can, you can stand on a knee (for the bazhanny; but on weekdays and great holy days, and also on Great Day until the day of the Holy Trinity, they are remembered). Sometimes the priest covers the head of the penitent with an epitrachelion (Epitrakhil is a detail of the priest's vestment - a vertical swag of fabric on his chest), pray, ask, like a companion and what you want to confess before God. Here the one who repents is guilty of confessing, from one side, blatantly acknowledging his own sinfulness, especially naming the greatest power in your passion and weakness (for example: lack of love, love of lust, anger, then), and from the other side, specifically, name those to drink after oneself, and especially so, like a stone to lie on one’s conscience, for example: abortion, images of fathers or loved ones, stealing, releasing, calling to swearing and blues playing, not understanding the commandments of God and church prayers, etc., і etc. n. Reciprocate with your sins to help spread the “Spirna Spovіd”.

The priest, having heard the speech, as a witness and an intercessor before God, put (as you remember for the need) food and say I will stop, pray for the forgiveness of the sinner’s sin, what to repent, and, if you sip more kayattya and pragnennya until corrected, read the “permit” prayer.

The very Sacrament of forgiveness of sins is not performed at the moment of reading the “permissive” prayer, but all the succession of clergy following the speech, the prote “permissible” prayer is nebi with a signet, which consecrates the initiation of the Sacrament.

Otzhe - spo_d thoroughly, with a wide kayatti sin by God of forgiveness.

Forgiveness, sinner, cross, kiss the cross, the Gospel and take blessing from the priest.

Take the blessing - ask the priest yogo ієreyskoy power to send zmіtsnyuyuyuchu that sanctifying the grace of the Holy Spirit on yourself and on your own. For whom it is necessary to fold your hands with your palms uphill (to the right to the left), to heal your head and say: “Bless, father.” The priest christened the person with the sign of the priestly blessing and put the stack on the stack of the blessed. Follow with your lips to the hands of the priest - not like to the human hand, but like to the image of the blessing of the government Giving all the blessings of the Lord.

As if you were preparing before communion, then you say: “Bless me to take communion?” – and for positive feedback, get ready to receive the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Chi all sins are forgiven in the Sacrament of Repentance, what are the only names?

How often do you need to speak up?

Minimum - before the Skin Communion (according to the church canons, they commune no more than once per day and not more than once every three days), the maximum number of sermons has not been set and is left out of the judgment of the Christian himself.

With any trace of remembrance, that repentance - the bazhannya will be reborn, it will not repent of support and will not end, it is on the right of all life. Therefore, the Sacrament is called the Sacrament of Repentance, and not the "Sacrament of the Resurrection of Sins." Repentance from sin consists of three stages: repent from sin, like only a few years; guess about the new day of the end of the day and again ask God for a new forgiveness (divine, I will leave the prayer at Vechirny); spovidat yoga and otrimati didzvіl in sin at the Mysteries of Spovidi.

How to pamper your sins?

The back is not foldable, but with regular communion, but in the future it becomes more foldable. It is necessary to ask God for it, even if seeing your sins is a gift from God. Ale, we need to cook until peace, as the Lord vikona our prayer. One hour at a time to read the lives of the saints and vivchati.

Why can't a priest accept confession?

Apostolic Rules (52 canon) If so, Bishop or Presbyter, if you do not accept the death of sin, let it be cast out of the sacred rank. Bo [vin] confuses Christ, saying: there is joy in heaven about one sinner who repents. ()».

It’s possible to speak with the help, but it’s true, it’s not possible. Like a person does not repent, does not respect the guilt of his sins, does not try to be reconciled with his neighbors. Likewise, they cannot take away the sins of unbaptized people and the consequences of church intercourse.

Can you contact me by phone or by letter?

Pravoslavia does not have the tradition of condoning sins by phone or via the Internet, more so that I destroy the mystery of conspiracy.
Also, mothers are on the verge, if ailments can ask the priest to go home or to the liquor.
Those who have traveled to distant lands cannot be true to themselves, even if they fall into the Holy Mysteries of the Church - the whole choice and profane the Sacrament for the sake of it is unrealistic.

How right is the priest to impose penance on the one who repents?

I swear by the Christian rite, when a person, as a spy, zdiyasnyu repentance and repent of his sins in the hope of being forgiven by Christ God. The Savior himself established the sacrament and said to the teachings the words written in the Gospel of Matthew, head. 18, verse 18. The same goes for the Gospel of Ivan, ch. 20, verses 22 - 23.

In contact with


Mystery of the Spirit

Behind the words of the holy fathers, repentance is still respected by other baptisms. People at the hour of baptism cleansed from sin the first-born, which was passed on to all of the first great-grandfathers of Adam and Evi. And after the rite of baptism, when repentant, special people are sent away. If a person is contemplating the sacrament of repentance, it is guilty of honesty and confession of their sins, repenting extensively from them, and not repeating the sin, believing in the hope of being saved by Jesus Christ and God's mercy. The priest reads a prayer and sees the cleansing of sins.

It’s rich who doesn’t want to repent of their sins, often it seems that they can’t sin: “I didn’t beat, I didn’t lie, I didn’t change my love, so I don’t have to repent of what?” About the need to go to the first John's Apostle in the first division, verse 17 - "As we say, we can not sin, - we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us." This means that sinners are walking around every day, as if to understand the essence of God's commandments. Establish three categories of sin: sin against the Lord God, sin against those close to you, and sin against yourself.

Perelik grіhіv against Jesus Christ

Perelіk grіhіv against relatives

Perelіk grіhіv against yourself

Must be repaid sins are divided into three categories, in the residual bag, everything is against the Lord God. Aje zdіysnyuєtsya malice He created the commandments, otzhe, vіdbuvaєsya direct image of God. All these sins do not give positive fruits, but on the other hand, the soul will not be betrayed.

Proper preparation for help

Before the sacrament of the Holy Spirit, it is necessary to prepare with the utmost seriousness, for which you should take up the hourly preparation. Enough guess and write on Arkush paperu all sins are saved, and also read the report information about the sacrament of the Holy Spirit. Take a leaflet for the ceremony and read it again before the process. The same leaf can be given to the confessor, but grievous sins of guilt buti voiced. To finish the confessions about sin, and not to overthrow old stories, for example, as if in sim'ї you see a fortune teller, and with sudіdy, sіd zdіysniti repentance for the main sin - suing suіdіv those close ones.

At the rites of the spiritual father and God, do not chirp numerical sins, the sense itself is important - a generous repentance in sins, more like a person, a broken heart. Spovіd - tse not just an awareness of their sinful past rights, but exercise. To be true to oneself in sin is not cleansed, it is unacceptable. Elder Siluan of Athos said that if a person hated sin, then God ask for sin.

It will be miraculous, like a person from the skin of the past day, the work of a visnovka, and I will truly repent of sins, writing them down on paper, and for serious sins, it is necessary to confess to the confessor in the church. It was negligent to ask for forgiveness from people, as they were supposed to be in the form of a word, but on the right. The Orthodox prayer book has a rule - the canon of repentance, which is required to be read in the evenings before the sacrament of the Holy Communion itself.

It is important to ask about the order of the temple, on which day you can speak. There are impersonal temples, in which the holy service is to be held, and the sacrament of the Holy Communion is also to be held there. And in others follow-up about the layout of church services.

How to speak to children

Children up to the age of seven years are considered non-mothers, they can take communion without prior confirmation. But it’s important to instill them from childhood to the point of being incense. Without the necessary preparation, the sacrament calls for carelessness to take care of the right. Bazhano for a few days to make children go to the sacrament, butt - reading of the Holy Letter and the child of Orthodox literature Change the hour of reviewing television programs. Watch over the vicons of the ranks and evening prayers. If a child for the past few days has made filthy vchinki, then you should talk to her and inspire her like a vikonan. Ale, you need to know the nobility: the child takes the butt from the fathers.

After the septenary age, one can proceed to the union of parity with the grown-ups, but without the sacrament of the future. Listed more sins are consigned to a great number of children, to that child I share my own nuances.

In order to help the children to speak widely, it is necessary to give a translation of the sins:

This is the overlay of possible sins. Іsnuє impersonal special sins for the skin child, based on її thoughts and diyah. An important method of the father is to prepare the child until repentance. It's necessary, baby he himself wrote down all his sins without a share of fathers- Don't write it down for the new one. Vin is guilty of understanding that it is necessary to know and repent of the filthy vchinkas.

How to speak at the church

Help sit down early and evening hours dib. To zapіznyuvatisya on such a podium is considered unpleasant. The group is quiet, who repents, starts the process of reading the ranks. If the priest begins to inquire the names of those who come to speak, it is necessary to speak not loudly and not quietly. Reservations are not accepted for consultation. After the end of the speech, the priest re-reads the rites, accepting the rite. Women under the hour of natural monthly purification are not allowed to such a day.

Behave in the temple as it is necessary and do not disdain other companions and priests. It is not allowed to confine people who have come to the right. It is not necessary to support one category of sins, and to deprive others of the bad luck. Those sins, as they were named the past time, will not be read again. Zdiisnyuvat the sacrament of bazhano in the same confessor. At the sacrament, a person repents not before a confessor, but before the Lord God.

In the great churches, the impersonal kayuchihs are taken and in this way they victorious "sweeping speech". The essence of this is that the priest forgives sins, but repents in support. Dali pіd allow the prayer may pіdіti kozhen. If you speak for the first time, don’t come to such a wild procedure.

Next next private speech If you don’t know such a thing, then it’s necessary to take the rest of the space in your sleep and listen to speak the priests’ speech. Bazhano explain the whole situation of the priests, I’ll tell you how to remember in the past. Dali vіdbuvaєtsya right kayattya. If in the process of kayattya a person mumbled about a serious sin, then there will be no forgiveness. For example, the sacraments of a person's goiter are explained after reading a permissible prayer to kiss the gospel and the cross, as if to lie on the analogy.

Proper preparation before communion

At the day of shit, which is three days, a post is restored. Before the diet of eating, it is not guilty to enter fish, dairy, meat and egg products. Such days are not guilty of statutory acts. It is necessary to speed up the resurrection of the church. Read the Canon of Repentance and read the rules of prayer. Before the rite, it is necessary to come to the service in the evening. Before going to bed, read the canons of the Archangel Michael, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Even though there is no such possibility, such prayer rules can be transferred to a few days by a stretch of shit.

It is important for children to remember and accept the rules of prayer, so you should choose that number, as soon as you become stronger, and then you need to discuss it with the confessor. For preparation step by step it is necessary increase the number of prayer rules. Most people confuse the rules of the Holy Communion. Here it is necessary to prepare step by step. For this varto, ask the priest for help, who can tell you about the exact preparation.

sacrament of communion zdіysnyuєtsya in vain, not varto vzhivat їzhu that water for 12 years, so you can not smoke. Children up to seven years old are not allowed. Ale їх need to be grafted for a river to a grown-up sacrament. Read the next prayers for Holy Communion. In case of early illness, it is necessary to arrive at the required hour without delay.


Having set up the sacrament, the Lord God at the time of the Mystery Supper, if Christ broke the bread with the teachings and drank wine from them. Communion helps to enter the Kingdom of Heaven to that unfailingly to the mind of the people. It is not possible for women to take communion in a stuffed look, that and in the last week, wipe the smack from their lips. Women's menstrual days are not allowed to the Sacrament, and also those who have recently given birth, for the rest it is necessary to read the prayer of the fortieth day.

If the priest comes out with the Sacred Gifts, participants are guilty of uklin. They gave a respectful hearing of the prayers, repeating to themselves. Then we fold our hands on our chests and walk to the bowl. Children are the first to go, then men, then women. For the sake of the cup, one’s own name is moved, and by the same time the communicant accepts the Gift of the Lord. After taking communion, the deacon cut his lips for an additional payment, gave him the opportunity to kiss the edge of the bowl and go to the table. Here a person takes a drink and a vicorist part of the prosphora.

Nasamkinets participants hear prayers and pray until the end of the service. Let us follow the cross until the cross and respectfully listen to the prayer. Nasamkinets all go home, but in the church it is not possible to speak empty words and respect one to one. For a whole day you need to behave properly and do not defile your purity with sinful rights.

The sacrament of Spovidi, or Repentance, is one of the seven rites of the Church and includes some parts:

Persha is the whole heart story about sins. Let the one who confesses, pities and weeps for sin, as if confusing God.

Friend - tse confession of grіhіv ugolos in front of the confessor.

The third - vikonannya epitimiї and accepting a firm decision before the priest, that vikonaє її.

The fourth part is the key to help, so that sins are released through the laying of the hands of the priest on the head of the believer. It is called the Epikleza of spirituality, for the descending of the Holy Spirit on the head, that having confessed cleanly. For the sacrament of the Holy Speech cannot be completed otherwise, just like that, if the priest puts his hand on the head of the companion, like the bishop puts his hand on the head of the deacon or the priest, if you hang yoga, the Holy Spirit descends for the apostolic decline. Father, it is also here that the Holy Spirit descends through the hand of the priest, so that the soul may be granted, that it was consecrated.

Spovіd, being a spiritual christening of the soul after the first christening, it is a sacrament, in which people are forgiven sins through the permission, which is accepted as a spiritual father, and good, that she was more often.

To that there is no such mitigation, if we would not sin before God

Divine Father Ivan Chrysostom speaks thus in his book, as it is called “Kladez”, that is “Well”: “If it is possible, O Christian, then consult your spiritual father for this season.”

Why? To that there is no such mitigation, if we would not sin before God. And if we’ve sinned before God, then it’s necessary to bring prayer often, wash the soul with a path of pure confession with repentance and penance, for the clothes of our soul, cleansed in baptism, defiled by all kinds of sins hour after hour and hvilini.

In the early centuries of patristic Christianity, Christians confided to the confessor of the day. Ale, in those hours of the stench, they took communion every day, as it sings of Diy: “and of the skin day, everyone was in one flock in the temple,” if the Church was founded, and “they constantly changed at the Apostles’ vchenni,” at the communion of that broken bread and that in prayers ... " All the same, they were believing at once and they were small all together ”(Dії 2, 44, 42, 46). This is how the first apostolic community stood.

The stench all gave the Church and themselves protected Christ. At that hour after the end of the liturgy, the tables were bent right there, at the temple, and the meals were called agapas. Later, they were transferred to the porch of the church, then at the house of Christians, and the stench was blessed by the holy apostles.

Help was taken from the cob of a skin day. Every year, if people have become more likely to partake of the Holy Mysteries, then they have become more likely to confess. And now bachite, and in fasting you don’t spy. So faith and reverence chilled us, especially spontaneously vouchsafed that communion of the Holy Mysteries, even if the stench brings the greatest sorrow and gives strength for the spiritual growth of our souls, the grace of the Holy Spirit, which descends on us at these holy rites.

However, let's say here it's not more about speaking, but about the meanness of frequent speaking.

Measles in the form of frequent spovіdі five times:

The first melancholy in the form of frequent spovidi lies in the fact that sin does not take root in us, and the nest of Satan, retinue in the soul, collapses.

The devil, bachachi, why do you often confess, confess, pray and without a peep talk to someone else, it seems like this: “I’m doing my best here for nothing, but I have to go all the time to the priest, I’m confessed, and I allow it, and I get stuck with my nose. I’ll go faster to quiet, who doesn’t even know, who can’t do it until the end, who don’t conform with fates, don’t resist me!

Who often confesses, he knows why he sinned, for he remembers. If you didn’t wake up for a couple of days, then say: “Well, what am I on?” - and I’ll guess everything, but if it calls for a month, two or two, or to call a river, then de you can guess everything here?

For yakby tried it once for himself, sіv bi here at home in a little hut and after having seen bi for his missions for only a few years, then having drunk bi, what your mind is doing only a little. And to the extent that the sins of the wines are straightened out, as if you did not restrain him with prayer, that fear of God. How about two days? And if we are succumbing to suspense, we are talking to people, we can smell everything, then how does our soul and conscience feel good?

Otzhe, the axis of the yak is the first melancholy in the frequent spovіdі. And remember that the wives of frequent confessions of sin cannot take a deep root in the heart of the one who is confessed.

Another mischief in the frequent confession is that people can easily guess sins, after the rest of the confession, just like the one who rarely confesses, it’s impossible to guess everything that he’s guilty of. In this manner, many sins are filled with incompatibility, and also, unforgiveness. Therefore, the devil will lead them to a riddle in the hour of death, but even then there is no longer any kind of hardness, for the tongue is taken away from the new one, and wines cannot be matched.

Woe to the one who goes to the rescue that exclaims a part of the sins, but does not expel the rest; otherwise, if you call them, then it’s not wide, not like that, as if you’ve killed them. Pidshukuє words, how to cover them up - and so and so. If you think that you need to name the sprat of sins to the confessor, and if you allow that one, then all the guilt will be forgiven. But don’t you ever think that you can fool God, why God doesn’t know, how did you become a sin and like a sin?

The confessor allows only those that you feel; other sins are covered up, for the one who repents is not rich and does not dare to take it easy. To that friend of the mind of that, so that the speech became good, - there can be more that clean. Everything that a person remembers, everything needs to be said, even if it’s not the priests, but the Gods. The priest is such a finger himself, like me. Vіn іlki otrimav vіzati vіzati і viіshiti sins, for the actions of the Holy Spirit.

The third retribution, which is taken away by the one who is often confessed, lies in the fact that it was like a biyoma to fall into a mortal sin, to live and be confessed, to enter into the grace of God and do not suffer because of the fact that your conscience rots the burden of grief, oskiha wine sound clear yourself of help.

The fourth vengeance, which is taken away by the one who often confesses, lies in the fact that death makes us cleanse and rebuke with the grace of God, which we have great hope for salvation.

For the wedding of St. Basil the Great, the devil zavzhd є at the death of the righteous and sinners, helping people to sin, to take away their soul. But at the quiet, who confesses often and cleanly, you can’t know anything, the one that the stench was aware of, they took away sin.

P'yata sordidness in the frequent spovidi polyagaє in the fact that a person will die for himself in sin with one only thought, that in a few days he will be sung again and take away the penance of the confessor to dokoru for brokenness. Whoever confesses often, the one who thinks carefully about rubbish, what to shove in front of the confessor, about the penance, as if he takes it away, - wipe himself off from sin.

A person has such strength against sin that the yakbis appeared at once all the souls of the hell, then the stench cannot do anything with him, like the guilt of the lashings do not commit a sin; For God, having given him great strength in baptism, remagat calmly bіsіv.

And the yakby in the new did not have strength, then it would not have been baked, nor punished for sin. You don’t know what to say at the Psalter the Holy Spirit? “Lord, for I will bring mercy upon us” (Ps. 5:13). And even more so: God “created the human being on the cob and left it in the hands of the will” (Sir. 15, 14).

If you want to commit sin - rob, but if you don’t - don’t. The devil only leads him to think, and the wine, like a bad wine, calms down, to fight this sin in action. Can you say Judgment Day:

Lord, the devil has grafted me to the pub; the devil grafted me to the tsiєї babi; the devil grafted me on the sly; the devil grafted me on a p'yanka, on an abortion, on everything?

Aje devil vіdpovіst todi:

Lord, let me bring you evidence, they’d bacchily, like I’m taking Yogo to a pub, for an abortion! - And then let's say people: - Well, oh, bachish, what kind of fool are you? I gave you the idea of ​​committing a sin. And you, fool, taking it there yourself! I'm not pulling your hand! And if you listened to me, you are mine!

Henceforth, the nest of Satan is being burrowed by some of the confessions

Henceforth, the nest of Satan is burrowed to the most ignorant ones. Ti bachiv kohl leleki? Vіn vіє nіzdo na dakha booth. This bird is rather delicate. If you open the nest once, another, it won't fly to you anymore. Know that you are the enemy. So I mi, as if we were roaring the nest of Satan, vin to us, without a bar, without a bar.

I am such a person, as if you take care of your pure soul, because you can’t stand sins.

That's why the punishment is often twofold. We are the one who destroys the nest of Satan in our souls, and the friend - that death will not overtake us with mismatches.

To whom you speak often, do not let that sin expand in your mind; who often looks at his field, remembers that, if sin is sprouting, and once he sings his soul, I will help. Such a death cannot be found unprepared.

Axis marveled at the fact that one monk, confessor Natanael, died at the same time. Priyshov vіn before me on Friday, having spoken to the rank of spiritual fathers, partaking of the Most Pure Mysteries, and a few days before the Lord with prayer on the lips.

Tsya soul, even though it came out quickly, ale bula was prepared. What shall we say? "Ta garazd, I'm following the onslaught of fate"? Hi! Let's not say, even if we don't know, if Christ is our call!

Do not think that other sins are not serious!

Father Nathaniel did not know that he would die. Ale, the Angel of God helped you, for in the new bula, call out to come to the rescue. There was no time for the accumulation of evil, for on the occasion of you, all sins were allowed, even to the smallest ones.

Do not think that other sins are not serious! І їх also treba poviduvati, more chuєsh, scho kazhe evangelіє? “Nothing unclean enters the Kingdom of Heaven” (Announcement 21, 27).

Before taking communion, it is necessary to go through the Sacrament of Spovid.

In the St. John the Baptist Cathedral, the sermon is celebrated at once from the beginning of the evening service at 17:00. If there is only one priest, then help repair the wines after the end of the evening service.

Presence at the evening liturgy ahead of the communion and obov'yazkovoy.

Before the sacraments, it is necessary to finish fasting, having grown fat (minimum three days) in meat, dairy and egg products.


Behind the book N. Ye. Pestov "The Daily Practice of Orthodox Piety"

Shchoraz, if the Divine Liturgy is celebrated in the temple, the priest will enter before the ear of the service from tomorrow. Win straight into the porch of the temple, de on the new already checks the people of God. In Yogo’s hands, the Cross is a sign of the sacrificial love of the Sin of God to the human race, and the Gospel is good news about salvation. The priest honors the Cross and the Gospel on the lectern, reverently bowing, shouting: "Blessed is our God, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Thus begins the Mystery of Spovid. She herself names those who, in this Sacrament, are deeply hidden, which reveal the layers of life of specialness, which the human will does not sing. It’s sing-song, that such a strong fear of spoviddu is quiet, who hasn’t even approached it once before. How long have they had to pay themselves to go to the holy lectern!

Damn fear!

To walk in the light of ignorance of what is really being seen in this Sacrament. Spovіd - not forcibly "vicoluping" sin from conscience, not drunk and, moreover, not the guilt of the "accusatory" virok grishnikov. Help with the great Mystery of the reconciliation of God and people; tse - the joy of forgiveness of sin; tse is a monstrous manifestation of the love of God to the people.

We all sin before God. Marnoslavism, divination, empty talk, gluzuvannya, intransigence, drativity, anger are constant companions of our life. There are more and more serious mischiefs on the skin of our skin: childishness (abortion), friendships, savagery to chakluniv and psychics, villainy, fortune-telling, a place that richly іnshoy, to rob us of the guilty wrath of God.

Who has a trace of memory that a sin is a fact in a biography, which can be easily forgotten. Grіh - tse "black signet", like until the end of the day it's been on conscience and not zmivaєtsya nothing, krim of the Sacrament of Repentance. Sin may spread strength, create a call for a lance of offensive, more serious sins.

One ascetic of piety figuratively imitated the sins... tsegli. Vіn saying this: the more unrepentant sins on the conscience of a person, the comrade's wall between him and God, is composed of tsikh tseglin - grіkhіv. The wall can become a bed of tovstoy, that a person becomes insensitive to the infusion of the grace of God, and at the same time, he sees on his own soul that bodily legacy of sin. Dislikes for the rest of the people can be seen to spiritual nasledkіv, but drіvlіvіst anger and nervousness, fears, attacks of embitterment, depression, development in the specialty of the malignant likeness, znevіra, tightness and vіdchay, in extreme forms for an hour to go over from pulling to self-destruction. We call it not a neurosis. So dіє evildoers.

Ailments are seen to the body's legacy. Mayzhe all the illnesses of grown-up people, obviously and implicitly, are connected with earlier sins.

So from, at the Sacrament of Spovidi, there is a great miracle of God's mercy to the sinner. After a large repentance at the sins before God at the presence of a clergyman, like a certificate of repentance, while the priest is reading a permitted prayer, the Lord himself, with His all-powerful ruler, smashes the wall from the sin-cegli into a pill, and the transition between God and man collapses.

Coming to church, we seem to be in the presence of a priest, but not in front of a priest. The priest, being himself a human being, is only a witness, an intermediary at the Mystery, and the right Executor of the Mystery is the Lord God. What else do you need to converse with the church? Isn't it easier to repent at home, alone before the Lord, can you hear us?

So, really, special repentance to the point of repentance, that it is necessary to bring up the knowledge of sin, to the heart defeat of that malice, it is necessary. But by itself, we won’t drink it. Remaining reconciliation with God, cleansing from sin is carried out within the framework of the Sacrament of Spovid, without exception, through the mediation of the priest, such a form of the Sacrament was established by the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Appearing to the apostles at his glorious Sunday. Vіn, having breathed, having told them: "... to receive the Holy Spirit. To whom you forgive sins, to him be forgiven; to whom to deprive, to him to deprive" (Ів. 20,22-23). The apostles, the feet of the ancient Church, were given the power to take over the hearts of the people, sin was cursed in them, and the power passed to their intercessors - church primates - bishops and priests.

In addition, the moral aspect of the Sacrament is important. It's not easy to turn over your sins forever and ever before the All-Knowing and Invisible God. And, axis, in the presence of a third-party individual-priest, vimagaє chimalih zusil according to the rubbish, vimagaє spreading one’s sinfulness, which leads to an inconspicuously gross and serious recognition of special wrongness.

The sacrament of repentance is great mercy of God to the weak and frail to the fall of people, it is accessible to all zasib, which leads to the salvation of the soul, which constantly falls into sin.

With the stretch of our life, our spiritual clothes are constantly covered with the flames of sin. You can sing a little more than once, if our clothes are on, then. cleansed by repentance. On the dark view of the sinful ford, it is impossible to know the memories of the unrepentant sinner with the streaks of new and dead sins.

To this it is impossible to add our repentance and let our spiritual ode be seriously stained: we know until the conscience is blunted to the point of spiritual death.

And even more important is the life of that self-cleansing of sinful flames at the Sacraments of Spovidi, you can save the purity of our soul, that presence of the Holy Spirit of God in them.

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt write:
"It is necessary to consecrate the sins more often in order to oppose, scourge the sins of the acknowledgment of their confessions, and to better understand them."

Yak write about. Oleksandr Ylchaninov, "Insensitivity, stoneness, deadness of the soul - in the sight of zanedbanih and unspoken sins at the hour. How the soul feels better, if it's bad, while it's more sore, it's a full sin.

People, as often spovidaetsya and can not put sin in the soul, you can not be healthy. Spovіd is a gracious order of the soul. For this sense of greatness, the meaning of spovidi and vzagali of all life, at the link with the grace-filled help of the Church. So don't add it. Weak faith and sumniv - not pereskoda. Confess without fail, repent of a weak faith and doubts, as if you were incapacitated by your sin. de us, unclean and cowardly mother їhnyu vіru? Bula would be out - we would be holy, strong, divine and would not demand b tієї help of the Church, as if she were preaching to us. Don't be shy and you can help.
Zvіdsi fate at the Sacrament of Spovidi is not guilty of buti rіdkіsnoy - once in a long period, how can those who go to sermon once on the river or a little more.

The process of repentance is an uninterrupted work on the healing of spiritual reactions and the cleansing of the skin of sinful eggs, which has reappeared. Only in every moment a Christian does not spend his "royal dignity" and be left among the "holy people" (1 Pet. 2,9).
When the Sacrament of Spovіdі svіd prikhnіchuvatim soul and at once with it, after її filled with the Holy Spirit, they will have doors for the entrance of the dark force that development of addictions that likeness.

Likewise, a period of hostility, witchcraft, weldings can come, and instill hatred to the point of deprivation, which will destroy the life of the sinner and the neighbor.
Poor thoughts ("psychasthenia") may appear, in the form of which the sinner is not able to act and how to live one's life.
These people seem to be so called "mania of repetition", the stronger the stinging of the viri, and it is absolutely protractile, but it is not safe and sore: in some - an inexhaustible fear of death, and in others - the torment of self-destruction.

Nareshti, you may come so mentally and physically unhealthy, as if you call them "psuvannyam": attack the epileptic character and that series of spiritual indulgent manifestations that are characterized as obsession and debauchery.
The writings of that history of the Church bear witness that similarly heavy traces of unrepentant sins rejoice in the power of the grace of God through the Sacrament of Speech and the coming communion of the Holy Mysteries.

Indicative of a spiritual dosvіd Elder Hilarion from Optina empty.
Ilarion, at his old servant, left the camp, a lost place, that every mental illness is a legacy of manifestness in the soul of an unrepentant sin.

Therefore, in similar ailments, the old man, in front of us, having applied the path of rozpituvannya z'yasuvat all the important sins, committed by them after the sevenfold century and not hanging their hour on the spovidi, or for rubbish, irritability, or for ignorance, or for forgetfulness.
After the manifestation of a similar sin (or a sin), the old man, having tried to reconcile, is quiet, who has come to him for help in the need for deep and broad repentance from sin.

If such a repentance was declared, then the old man, like a priest, after confessing sins. At the onset of communion of the Holy Mysteries, it sounded outside ryatuvannya against those mental illnesses, as if tormented by a sinful soul.
In quiet situations, if the spectator showed the presence of a heavy and trivial fortune teller to his neighbors, the old man commanded to reconcile with them and vibachiti from them for an earlier task, image, image and injustice.

Similar demons and speeches sometimes vibrated in the eyes of the old man of great patience, show-off and impudence. So, once you have inspired one obsessed hand to cross over, then let us drink holy water, then tell him our life and our sins.
On the back of your head, you had a chance to blame her for a rich image that showed anger. However, having admitted more than once, if the ailment was reconciled, she became eavesdropping and brought more repentance at the confession of the sins, as if she were growing. So she took away the health outside.
Before the elder, one ailment came, like suffering from pragnennya to self-destruction. The old man z'yasuvav, that he had already tried two times before self-destruction - at the 12th century in his youth.

In the wake of ailments, earlier without bringing repentance from them. The old man of reach at the new kayattya - having sung and communed yoga. From that hour, thoughts about self-destruction stumbled.

As you can see from the vishchevyladennoy, more repentance and help from the broken sins bring not only forgiveness of the Christian, but even the fullness of spiritual health is less when turned to sinful grace and spivpratsi with the Christian of the Holy Spirit.
If the shards of sin, through the priest’s permission, are residually smoothed out from our “book of life”, then our memory did not let us down at the most important part of our life, it is necessary to write down our sins. With a note, you can speed up in speech.

Thus, having preached to his spiritual children, the old man about. Oleksiy Mechov . Please help me in giving the following statements:
"Come to the rescue, you need to guess everything and look at the sins of the skin from the sides, bring to mind the memory, so that everything in the heart would burn out like a rag. Then our sin will become unacceptable and become intoxicated, we won't turn around any longer ".
At the same time, I need to see and all the goodness of God: the Lord, having shed the Blood for me, dbaє about me, love me, ready to accept me as a mother, embrace me, vtisha, and I keep on sinning and sinning.

And right there, if you come to the rescue, then you confess to the Lord, crucified on the cross, like a child, if it’s like with tears: “Mom, vibach, I won’t do it anymore.”
And here it’s all right, it’s all the same, even if the priest is only witnesses, and the Lord knows our sins, all thoughts are full. Yomu needs only our wine wine.

So, in the Gospel of Vin, having energized the father of a besnuvat young man, if it happened to him (Mk. 9, 21). Youmu was indecent. Knowing everything, but having worked for it, so that the father could see his guilt from the ailment of the son.
In support of Fr. Aleksii Mechev, not allowing his companion to speak the details for the sins of the flesh and the stosuvatisya іnshih osіb and їkhnіkh vchinkіv.
Winnim can only vvazhat himself. Rozpovіdayuchi about welding, you can only talk about those who said it yourself (without the help of that truth) and do not hang around the one who told you. Vіn vimagav, sob they told the truth, but they called themselves, it was not your fault. If you have cooked, then you are guilty.

Sins once said in sermons are no longer repeated in sermons, the stench is already forgiven.
But it doesn’t mean that a Christian can completely repent of his memories of the most serious of his life’s sins. The sin wound on the body of the soul is healed, but the scar from the sin is healed forever, and only the memory of the Christian and deeply repent, mourning his sinful fall.

Yak write off Anthony the Great:
"The Lord is good and admits the sins of all those who go to New, who would not stink, so do not guess more about them."
However, if you want to, if you (pardoned) themselves remembered about the forgiveness of their sins, until they were broken, forgetting about those, not to allow something like this in their behavior, through which they would be embarrassed to give a call in those sins, as if they had already been forgiven - as it happened to him as a slave, to whom the pan gave a weight of bindings, which was earlier than the release of you (Mt. 18:24-25).
In this order, if the Lord admits our sins to us, it is our fault not to let them in on our own, but remember to remember them through the innocence of penance in them.

What to talk about Elder Silouan:
"Wishing sins are forgiven, but all life requires remembrance and sorrow about them, in order to save the ruin."
Here, however, ahead of time, that one could know about one’s sins, one could be resounding and in such a state of depression (with carnal sins) one could inspire Christian mischief.

Write about it. off Barsanuphius the Great . "Spogad the same sin in the mind is not skinny, so that sometimes and through їhnє guessing the enemy is not full of us, but it's enough to guess what we're guilty of in sin."

Slid guess at once іz tim scho old man o. Oleksiy Zosimovsky having respected, that even though it was after the confession of such a sin, but if I continue to torment and benevolent conscience, then I need to repent in the new one.

For schiro to repent of sins, the priesthood cannot be significant, who accepts his confession. About tse write about. Oleksandr Yelchaninov:
"For a person who is defiantly suffering from his own sin - by the way, through whom she will spread this grave sin; abi yaknaishvidshe sovіduvat yoga and take relief.
The most important camp of the soul of the one who repents, even if it is a kind of supporter, has the most important soul. Important is our repentance. And in us, the spiritual father's special features are often added to the space.

When confessing your sins, or when you are fed by a confessor, for the sake of it, it’s important to catch the first word. Elder Siluan gives such statements about something.
"With not rich words, the companion speaks his intention, but about his camp is more important and then makes the confessor more free.
Confessor, pray from the first moment of conversation, check on the understanding of the sight of God, and as if in your soul "reconciliation", then give such a confession, for example, for the first time, you should sing, to that if the "first word" of the confessor is used, then at once the devil will be weakened Sacraments, I can be changed in simple human conversation.
It is possible, deacons, who repent of serious sins on the support of priests, to think that the rest will be placed with hostility before them, having learned about their sins. But not so.

As Archbishop Arseniy (Chudovsky) writes: "If the sinner is generous, with tears he repents to the confessor, then in the rest, in the heart, he repents in the heart, and in the silence, and at once, he feels love and honor to the point where he repents.
Well, maybe, forgive the sinner, so that the pastor does not marvel at the new one now, because he knows the filthiness and puts himself up with disdain. Oh no! Miles, dear, and like a birch, a sinner to shy away from being a shepherd, who repents generously.
O. Oleksandr Yelchaninov writes about it like this:
"Why is the confessor not opposed to the sinner, as if they were guilty of the yogo sin? - To that in the Sacrament of Penitence the priest looked at the sinner that yogo sin."


(based on the works of Fr Oleksandra Yelchaninov)

Ring out people who are not well-informed in the spiritual life, do not make a lot of your sins.

“Nothing special”, “like everyone else”, “only small sins - not lying, not driving in”, - so ring out the ear of the savior of the rich.
And self-love, intolerance to bad things, callousness, people-pleasing, weakness in that love, cowardice, spiritual laments - why are sins not important? How can we stverdzhuvaty, what do we love God, what is our faith, the devil is that hot? What do we love the skin of a person, like a brother with Christ? What have we attained to lagidnosti, angerlessness, humility?

If not, why is our Christianity? How can we explain our self-singing in speech, if not "pochutya kam'yanene", if not "deadness", heart, spiritual death, bodily in front?
Why St. the fathers, who deprived us of repentance prayers, respected themselves as the first of the sinners and with a wide reconciliation called out to Jesus the Greatest: "No one sins on earth in sight, like a sinner I am a cursed and fornication," but we are reconciled, are everything safe in us?
The more brightly the light of Christ illuminates the hearts, the more clearly all the imperfections are created, the wounds are so early. And, first of all, people, zanurenі in the darkness of sin, do not drink anything from their hearts: but if they drink, they don’t get excited, because there is nothing to compare with them.

For this, a direct path to the recognition of one’s sins, for this is approaching to the Light, and a prayer about the Light, as a judgment to the world and the whole “worldly” in ourselves (IV. 3, 19). And while there is no such closeness to Christ, in case of repentance, it seems to be our great camp, you need, getting ready for confession, to turn over your conscience - for the commandments, for example prayers (for example, 3rd Vechernya, 4 ~ I before Holy Communion), for the active missions of the Gospel and the Message (for example, Mt. 5, Rom. 12, Eph. 4, Yak. 3).

Razbiryuchis in your soul, you need to try to distinguish the main sins from the worse ones, the symptoms - from the deeply lying causes.
For example, the difference in prayer is important, drowsiness and lack of respect in the church, the presence of interest before reading the Holy Letter. Ale chi do not see sins in the face of little love that weak love for God? It is necessary to indicate in oneself svaville, disobedience, self-righteousness, impatience of dokorіv, intransigence, obstinacy; even more important is to make their connection with self-love and pride.
As we commemorate our own pragnennya suspіlstvo, balakuchіchі, smihoslіv'ya, strong turmoil about one's own identity and more than one's own, but also one's loved ones, it is necessary to respectfully add that it is a form of "various marnoslavism".
How can we take it to the heart of life of misfortune, it is important to endure separation, it is not easy to sum up about those that we saw, then the cream of the strength of that deepness of our feelings, chi not to witness the same about the nevira in the Providence of God?

And one more additional zasіb, sho leading to the knowledge of your sins - guess what other people, our enemies, and especially the plіch-о-plіch live with us, close: may zavzhdí їkh vinuvachennya, put up, attack. You can inspire, having overcome vanity, directly ask them about it - you can see it from the side.
It is necessary to sing before the savior of everyone, before the vinny, to go to the savior with an unburdened conscience.
With such a test of the heart, it is necessary to be careful, so as not to fall into the supra-world distrust and drib'yazkovu pіdzіlіlі to be-something rush of the heart; having stood on this path, you can spend a little respectful and unimportant, get lost in the dribnitsa.

In such moods, it is necessary to temporarily deprive your soul of testing and with prayer, forgive and clarify your soul with goodness.
On the right, in order to be able to guess and write down your sins again, and in that, in order to achieve such a state of earnestness, seriousness and prayer, in which, as in the light, our sins become clear.
But know your sins, which does not mean yet - repent from them. Truthfully, the Lord accepts confessions - wider, more sumly, if they are not accompanied by strong feelings of kayattya.

All the same, "sorrow of the heart" - sorrow for one's sins, the most important thing that we can bring to life.
Ale scho robiti, like "no tears, lower repentance, may, lower rozchulennya?" “Why work, if it’s dry for the sinful half-lights, our heart does not grow with the healing waters of tears? What, like "the German soul and the flesh could not be so great, why are we not building on the penitentiary?"
All the same, it’s not a reason to say something - God can touch our hearts and stretch out his own words: the very words, the names of our sins, can help our heart repentantly, vitonchit spiritual zіr, speak a little. It is the best to serve until the end of our spiritual malice to serve as a preparation for resurrection - a pist, like one, hanging on our body, destroying our bodily well-being for the spiritual life. For this, serve - prayer, no thoughts about death, reading the gospel, the life of the saints, the works of St. Batkiv, the fight against oneself is strong, the right is on the good right.

Our insensitivity to the support of the greater may, to its roots, is the fear of God and the bondage of nevir'ya. Sudi and mayut but direct our susilly.
The third moment on the spovidi is the verbal spoofing of sins. You don’t need a check of food, you need a Zusilla yourself; help with a feat and self-primus. You need to speak accurately, not obscuring the unpretentiousness of sin with high-pitched whistles (for example, "the sinner is against the 7th commandment"). It’s more important, remembering, to calm down, calm down, try to explain to the spiritual father “helping you set up”, send us on the third osіb, like they brought us to sin. All are signs of self-love, the presence of deep repentance, which is stuck in sin.

Do not talk about your shortcomings, do not inform the confessor about you and at least "speak pious." Spovіd - hotter repentance of the heart, the thirst for purification, which comes from the sight of the holy, dying for sin, that pokavlennya for holiness.
I often remark to those who speak up, that it is painless for themselves to go through speech - or they are scribbled in blatant phrases, or to talk about tribnitsy, zamovchuyuchi about those who would not be enough to weigh their conscience. Here, even rubbish in front of the confessor, and indifference began to burn, like in front of a skin-important deed, and especially - cowardly fear seriously start destroying your life, spovnenie drіbnyh and primary weaknesses. Spravzhnya well spovid like a good shocking soul, laka your own courage, you need to change, or you just want to take care of yourself.

Some people on the spovidi succumb to a weak memory, like nibi does not give the possibility of guessing sins. Really, it often happens that you easily forget about your fall, but do you remember it less because of a weak memory?
Spovіdі has a weak memory of not being true; forgetfulness - in the form of disrespect, non-seriousness, callousness, insensitivity to sin. Sin, scho weigh conscience, do not forget. Adzhe, for example, vipadki, which especially hurt our vanity, but, on the contrary, instilled our Marnoslavism, praise our address - remember our old fates. Everything that is stronger against us, we remember it long and clearly, and as we forget our sins, then does it not mean that we simply do not give it a serious meaning?
The sign of repentance, which I saw, is almost like lightness, purity, innocent joy, if the sin is so important and impassible, as if only far away was my joy.

Our kayattya will not be repented, like me, repenting, not being affirmed internally in rіshuchostі not turning to the confessed sin.
Ale, it seems, how is it possible? How can I tell myself and my spiritual father that I will not repeat my sin? Chi will not be closer to the truth of the past - vpevnenist, scho repeat itself? Aje knows with his own skin that in a certain hour you will inevitably turn to the quiet sins themselves. Keeping a river of rivers behind you, not ignoring the annual flood, "stribnesh and renew yourself in the same place."
It would have been scary, yakby it would have been so. Luckily, it's not. Don’t get into a bad mood, so that for the obviousness of a good bazhanna you will get better, the last words of the Holy Communion are not in the soul of blessed changes.
Ale rich to those who do not judge us by ourselves. A person cannot correctly judge about himself, whether he has become worse or more beautiful, so it’s out to judge, and those who judge are magnitudes that change.

Increasing strictness to oneself, strengthened spiritual sight, aggravated fear of sin can give the illusion that sins have multiplied: the stench is gone, it can be weakened, but we weren’t marked like that before.
Cream of that. God, for His special providence, often flattens our eyes on our successes, to protect us from the worst enemy - Marnoslavia and pride. It often happens that the sin is healed, but parts of the Holy Communion and the Holy Mysteries have been broken and weakened the root. That same struggle with sin, suffering about your sins - is it not a hoax?
"Don't lie, - it seems John Listvichnik , - I want to fall today, and do not go out of the paths of God. Steady husband and angel, what are you guarding, instilling your patience.

Like a little bit of relief, rebirth, the need for mother strength to turn around again to the rescue, until the end, heal your soul from impurity, with tears to omit її from blackness and filth. The one who pragmatically reach out to him, what he is joking about.
Only we will not ascribe to ourselves our successes, to secure on our own strength, to rely on our own strength - it would mean to stock up on everything.

"Take my mind to spread it. Lord, and cleanse my heart: like Peter, give me repentance, for the mitar - zіtkhannya and like a harlot - tears."

And the axis for the sake of Archbishop Arseniy / Chudovsky / about preparing for peace:
“We come to the rescue with us to take away the forgiveness of sins in the sight of the Lord God through the priest. so otherwise cause your sins to come, spoviduesh without rozcharuvannya that rozchulennya, formally, coldly, mechanically, not looking forward to straighten up.

Often come to the rescue without getting ready. What does it mean to get ready? Try diligently your conscience, call out in memory and consider your sins with your heart, be proud of all things, without a treasure, show confessor, repent of them, and then give them up. The oskelki often remember us zradzhu, then it is good to shy away from you, as if on papyrus to bring the fortune-telling of sins. And about those sins, like you, you can’t guess for all your troubles, don’t worry that the stench won’t say goodbye to you. Just this May, I’ll give courage to everyone to repent and with tears ask the Lord to forgive you all your sins, as if you remember and don’t remember those.

In a speech, say everything, what is turbulent to you, what hurts in you, do not hesitate to tell me once about your many sins. It’s good, you’ll be aware that you are constantly walking out of the sense of your wretchedness and you’ll be able to be like a rubbish in the face of your sinful eyes.
This is the name of unconvinced sins, with some rich people who live for a long time of rich fates, and maybe even your whole life. I would like to say something to their confessor, and even talk about them in a shameful way, so I pass rock after rock; and in the meantime, the stench fastly tightens the soul and prepares his eternal condemnation. Deyakі z tsikh people are happy, the hour has come. The Lord sent them a confessor, opening the lips and hearts of these unrepentant sinners, and the stink of their sins. Nariv, in such a rite, breaks through, and tsі people gain spiritual relief and nibi dressing. However, it is necessary to be afraid of unrepentant sins!

Unconvinced sins - that's how our bindings are, which is constantly respected by us, constantly burdening us. І on what is more beautiful, like from obov'yazkom rozpatitis - calmly go on souls; those same with sins - with our spiritual bindings: you speak before your confessor, and on your heart you will easily, easily stand.
Repentance as a savior is a victory over oneself, it is a trophy that can be overcome, so be it a good deed and honor.

Preparing for help

As a sign for the identification of one's inner spiritual state and for the manifestation of one's sins, one can take a little change of a hundred hundred and fifty modern minds "Spovid" Saint Ignaty Brianchaninov .
* * *
I confess the rich (im'ya river) to the Lord God and Savior our Jesus Christ and to you, honest father, all my sins and all my evil deeds, which I have done all the days of my life, which, having thought, bring me to this day.
Zgrishiv: I didn’t finish the Holy Church of Christ, I didn’t save black women, but in my mustache I broke and created it indecent before the face of God.
Forgive us, Merciful Lord (for the people). Vibach me, honest father (for the lonely). Zgrіshiv: before the Lord there are few and uplifting in prayers, against the enemy, who settled against the faith and St. Churches; undying for all the great things, that incessant blessing, calling on the name of God without need - marno.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: I will see the Lord with love, lower for fear, to the nonviolent sv. the will of Yogo and St. commandments, we can’t beat the images on our shoulders of a goddamn banner, the unfavorable shanuvannyam of St. icons; without wearing a cross, being ashamed to be crossed and follow the Lord.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrіshiv: love to the neighbor did not save, not living the greedy and spragly, not dressing the naked, not seeing the ailments and in the wounds; the law of God and St. Batkіv rekazam in іd іnоshchiv і nedbalostі not pouchavsya.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: church and cell rules for non-vikonans, walking at the temple of God without diligence, with lazy nights that non-balance; surpluses of rankovyh, evening and other prayers; at the hour of the church service - grіshiv marnoslіv'yam, smihm, slumber, disrespect before reading that sleep, roznіyanіstyu roza, exit from the church at the hour of the service that does not go to the temple of God through the night and non-balance.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: boldly walk in uncleanness to the temple of God and touch all the holy things.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrіshiv: unstoppable holy of God; the destruction of St. fasting and savings on the afternoons - in the middle of that Friday; unstriking in life and drink, richness, taєmnoidstvo, raznoyadannyam, drunkenness, dissatisfaction with even that drink, robe, gift-giving; one's own will and mind vikonanny, arbitrariness, arbitrariness and self-righteousness; not to the faithful shanuvannyam of the fathers, not to the children of the Orthodox faith, to the cursing of the children of their own and neighbors.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: znevira, zabobons, sumniv, vіdchaєm, znevіroy, bluznіrstvo, bojboy khibnoy, dance, hens, thunder in cards, tiles, commemorating the living for the dead, їv the blood of creatures (VI Ecumenical Council, 67th rule. Dії holy Apostles, goal .).
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrіshiv: for helpers for help to the mediator of the biblical power - occultists: psychics, bioenergetics, non-contact massage therapists, hypnotists, "folk" healers, chaklunіv, sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, astrologers, parapsychologists; I will take part in sessions of coding, understanding of "psuvanya that prejudice", spiritualism; contacts with UFOs and "greater intelligence"; connections to "cosmic energies".
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: revisiting and listening to television radio broadcasts for the participation of psychics, healers, astrologers, evangelists, sorcerers.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrіshiv: vvchayuchi different occult vchennya, theosophy, skhіdnі cults, vchennya “ethics is alive”; doing yoga, meditation, dousing with the system of Porfiry Ivanov.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: readings and collections of occult literature.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrіshiv: speaking out of Protestant preachers, taking part in the gatherings of Baptists, Mormons, "Yegow's witnesses", Adventists, "Mother of God center", "White Brotherhood" and other sects, accepting heretical baptism, swindling into nonsense that sectarians.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: pride, arrogance, zazdrіst, magnificence, suspicion, drama.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: sued us people - the living and the dead, dashing and anger, memory, hatred, evil for evil in payment, obmovoy, dokor, slyness, lily, deceit, hypocrisy, gossip, superechki, stubbornness, negligence to give up and serve; having sinned evil, spiteful, malevolent, image, arrogance, slander that people pleasers.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: unstriking of spiritual and bodily feelings; impurity of soul and body, malodour and abundance in unclean intentions, addiction, greed, immodest thought on squads and young people; uvі dreams of prodigal nightly desecrations, unstriking in a friendly life.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: impatient ailments and sorrows, love of the hardships of this life, filled with roses and stoned hearts, impervious to every good right.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrіshiv: disrespect until navіyuvannya sumlіnnya svogo, nedbalstvom, lіnshch until reading the word of God and nedbalіst until the day of Jesus' prayer. For the sake of love, love of greed, unrighteous bastards, stealing, stealing, stinginess, predilection for rіznomanіtnyh speeches and people.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: condemned by the archpriests and priests, the unhearingness of the spiritual fathers, the remembrance of that image on them and the unbelievable sins of their own before them for forgetfulness, I’m not bald for pardoning litter.
Zgrіshiv: unmerciful, knowing that the condemned zhebrakіv; I go to the temple of God without fear of that reverence.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: lily nights, relaxation of negligence, love of bodily calmness, rich sleep, htivim thoughts, preemptive glances, shameless ruffles of the body, dots, empty, overlyubom, rostlinnyam, masturbation, unmarried hats; (Greatly sinned those who robbed others of their own abortions, otherwise they blasphemed someone to that great sin - child abuse).
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: an hour spent at empty and empty occupations, at empty roses, at an unfailing glance at the TV tower.
Zgrishiv: anger, cowardice, impatience, remembrance, seeing the salvation, day-to-day hope for the mercy of God, recklessness, non-government, impudence, shamelessness.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrіshiv: slandering one's neighbor, anger, image, roiling and osmіyannyam, unreconciled, witchcraft and hatred, ahead of me, peeping at other people's sins and listening to other people's roses.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: coldness and callousness on support, application of sins, calls to neighbors, and not to yourself condemned.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: against the Life-Giving and Holy Mysteries of Christ, proceeding to the New without diligent preparation, without ruining the fear of God.
Vibach me, honest father.
Zgrishiv: in a word, according to my will and with all my feelings: eyesight, hearing, scent, relish, dotik, - willy-nilly, knowingly or unknowingly, at the mind, unreasonable, and do not list all my sins in a multitude of їх. Ale in the ears, so in the innocent for forgetfulness, I repent and miserable, and far away with God's help, I promise to try.
Well, honest father, forgive me and allow me to save them and pray for me a sinner, and on that Judgment Day, sing before God about the sins that I confessed. Amen.


As you can see, the church practices no less than okrema, and that’s how it is called “salty speech”, for which the priest admits sins, not listening to them quietly, that they repent.
Replacing the okremoi sacrosanct speech of the viklikan tim, that now the priest often cannot accept the confession of those who are dying. Prote is such a change, madly, in the land of nebazhana and not all and not all can take part in the sleepy spirit and after it go to Communion.
With good advice, the one who repents will not be allowed to break the rampage of his spiritual shambles, will not be brought to shame for them before the priest, and his pride, self-love and Marnoslavism will not be chained. In such a rank, if there were no punishment for sin, as an addition to our repentance, the mercy of God would be obtained.

In a different way, it’s hard to confess that insecurity that before Holy Communion such a sinner would come, who, for good confession, would not be allowed to be a priest before the New.
A lot of serious sins mean serious and trivial repentance. And then the priest guards the communion on the song term and imposes penance (prayers of repentance, bow, peace at the chomus). In other vices - the priest is guilty of taking away the sight of the obitsyanka, which one repents - not repeating more sin and only just admitting to communion.
That is why it is not possible to proceed to a wild spovidi in such moods:

1) Tim, who for a long time - a few years ago, for a lot of months, not being on the edge of peace;
2) Tim, who can either have a mortal sin, or such a sin, which strongly begins to torment his conscience.

In such cases, the companion is guilty after all the other participants in the acknowledgment go to the priest and tell him those sins, like lying at his conscience.
It is possible to vvazhat admissible (at the request) the fate of the spilnіy spovidi is less quiet, who is spoіduєє and take communion often, distrust yourself for an hour on okremіy svіdі and sings from the fact that those sins, like wines say on svіdі, do not become a drive to the communion for the new Communion .
If so, it is necessary that we take the fate of our spiritual father, or from our spiritual father, or from the priest, who knows us well.

Help from the elder Zosimi

About the possibility of such deafness in deafness (tobto without words) spovidi, and about those who need to be prepared for it, it seems that a rally is coming from the life of the elder Zosimi from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
“Become a wreck with two ladies. Go stink to the cell until the elder, and one all the way repent of your sins - “Lord, how I am a sinner, the axis of those did not hurt them so much, condemned him, etc. the probach is the same for me. Lord.
"Probach, Lord, give me the strength not to show you like that anymore."

She tried to guess all her sins and repented and repented on the way.
Insha well calmly went to the old man. "I'll come, I'll confess, I'm sorry for everything, I'll say, tomorrow I'll take communion." And then we’ll think: “I’d like to buy a change of fabric on my cloth, and choose a bi-style, so that it came to a personal ...” And similar worldly thoughts occupied the heart and mind of another lady.

Offended at once went to the cell to the priest Zosimi. Rolling up to the first, the old man said:
- Get on your knees, I will let you sin at once.
- Yak, father, didn’t I tell you yet?
- You don’t need to speak, you’ve been talking to the Lord all the time, praying to God all the way, so that I will allow you at once, and tomorrow I will bless you to take communion ... materials, choose a style, the best, what you have in mind.
And if your soul comes to repentance, come to support. And now I won’t help you.”

About penance

In some cases, the priest can impose penance on the penitent - spiritually right, recognized as a method of consecration of sin. Vidpovіdno to tsієї meti and are assigned feats of prayer and good works, as if they were guilty of this sin, for which they were recognized: for example, the lovers of money are assigned to the works of mercy, the non-logic - pist, the weaker of the vіrі - deviant prayers, etc. Sometimes, calling for the baked impossibility of the spiritual, which is conducive to some kind of sin, may turn it into a song term for participation in the Sacrament of Communion. Before the penance, the requirement is placed as before the will of God, hung through the priest to repent, and may accept it until the binding of the tongue. In times of impossibility for quiet chi and other reasons, vikonat penance should be turned around for the resolution of difficulties, which were blamed, before that priest, a kind of naklav.

About the hour of the creation of the Sacrament of Spovidi

Due to the basic church practice, the Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated at the churches of France on the day of the Divine Liturgy. In some churches, speech is more common in the evening before. At the temples, de Liturgy serve every day, help is good. At any other time, it is impossible to zapіznyuvatisya on the cob of Spovіdі, oskolki the Sacrament begins to read clergy, in which it may prayerfully take the fate of the skin of the bazhayuchiy svіdatis.

Concluding words on the spovidi: after the confession of sins and the reading of the permitted prayer by the priest, the penitent kiss of the cross and the gospel, which lie on the analogy, and take the blessing from the confessor.

Link of the Sacrament of the Holy Consecration for the Forgiveness of Sins
"Prayer vіri heal the sick ... and even if you have committed sins, forgive you" (Yak. 5.15)
No matter how diligently we tried to remember and write down our sins, it may be that the true part of them will not be said in speech, the deacons will be forgotten, and the deacons simply will not be recognized and not marked through spiritual blindness.
At this point, the church should come to the aid of the Sacrament of Holy Consecration, why repent, otherwise, as it is often called "soboruvannya". The purpose of the sacrament is based on the instructions of the Apostle Jacob - the head of the Jerusalem Church.

"Why is someone sick of you, let him call the presbytery of the church, and let him pray over him, anointing him with olive in the Lord's Name. -15).

In such a rite, at the Sacrament of the Holy Consecration, sins are forgiven us, not spoken in speech through ignorance, or through forgetfulness. And as an ailment is the legacy of our sinful state, then healing from sin often leads to healing of the body.
Deyakі z nedbaylivih khristians nehtuyut the sacraments of the church, for the sake of kіlka and navіt rich rokіv, do not go to church. And if you are aware of the need to come and speak, then, obviously, it is important for you to forgive all the sins for rich fateful deeds. In these times, the Optinsk elders always recommended that such Christians, who repented, take part in the three Sacraments: Holy Communion, Holy Consecration, and Communion of the Holy Mysteries.
Deyakі zі zіv vvazhayut that in the Mystery of the Holy Consecration can take a part through the birth of the rocks and not only seriously ill, but all those who are jealous for the salvation of their souls.

At one time, it should be noted that the Christians, who do not care to share the Holy Sacrament of Holy Communion, the Optina elders did not want to get back without a serious illness.
In modern church practice, the Sacrament of Holy Consecration is celebrated at churches more or less near Veliky Pist.
And the same for the Christians, for some reason you won’t be able to take a part in the Sacrament of the Holy Consecration, it’s necessary to remember the words of the elders of Barsanuphius and John, as if they were given teachings on food - “forgetting the memory of the rich mushrooms - will you work for me?” The conclusion was like this:
"What kind of a giver can you know the real God, what do those know that have not yet been?"
Ozhe, put on New rahunok the sin you have forgotten, and tell him:
"Vladiko, donkeys and forget your sins, sins, then I have sinned to You the only Heart-Knower. Forgive me for everything for Your people, because there is something and the writing of Your glory appears, if You do not fight sinners for sins, ї You're asking questions on the wiki, Amen."

Communion of the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ

Meaning of the Sacrament

"If you do not eat the flesh of the Sin of man and drink the blood of Yogo, then you will not be a mother in your own life" (Іv. 6, 53)
"He Who is My flesh and having had My shelter with Me, and I am in the new" (Іv. 6, 56)
With these words, the Lord commanded the need for all Christians to take part in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Sacrament itself was instituted by the Lord at the Last Supper.

"Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it, distributing it to the teachings, saying: Accept, go: this is My Body. I, taking the cup and breaking it, giving it to them and saying: Drink from it all, for it is My Blood of the New Testament, for rich, who veer into the desolation of sins” (Mt. 26:26-28).
How to teach the Holy Church, a Christian, receiving the Holy Communion, taєmniche joins with Christ, for all Christ is avenged in the skin particles of the crushed Lamb.

The indescribable meaning of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the understanding of which I overturn the possibility of our mind.
This Sacrament fires the love of Christ in us, bring the heart to God, engender in a new honesty, stream the attack of dark forces on us, give strength against peace, revitalize the soul and body, heal them, give them strength, turn the honesty - inspire us with that purity . souls that were with the original Adam before the fall.

Thinking about the Divine Liturgy ep. Seraphim Zvezdinsky є a description of the past of one elder ascetic, which clearly characterizes the meaning for a Christian of Communion of the Holy Mysteries.
The ascetic bachiv: "the sea was on fire, the winds rose and virulied, showing a terrible sight. On the opposite birch stood a beautiful garden.
The ascetic heard a voice: "Cross the sea." Ale couldn’t cross. Having stood for a long time at the thought, how to go, and I feel a new voice.

"Take two wings, as if the Divine Eucharist gave: one wings - the Divine Flesh of Christ, the other wings - the Life-Giving Blood of Yogo. Without them, even if it is a great feat, it is impossible to reach the Kingdom of Heaven."

O. Valentin Svenitsky writes:
"The Eucharist is the basis of that real unity, as we expect from the sacramental Sunday, because in the transferred Gift and in our communion the pledge of our salvation and resurrection is not only spiritual, but bodily."
Elder Parfeniy of Kiev once in reverent half-moon love before the Lord, repeating the prayer for a long time: "Lord Jesus, live in me and give me life with You" and feeling a quiet, licorice voice: nymu."
For some spiritual ailments, the sacrament of Communion is the most common medical care: so, for example, when attacking a person with such titles of "blasphemous thoughts", spiritual fathers pronounce fighting with them to part of the reception of the Holy Mysteries.
Holy righteous Fr. John of Kronstadt writes about the significance of the Sacrament of the Eucharist in the fight against strong emotions:
"Because you see the severity of the struggle and fight, so that you do not run into one evil, go to your spiritual father and ask him to get you to the Holy Mysteries. That is great and omnipotent in the fight."

For one mentally ill, Father John recommended, as a blessing, to live at home and more often reach the Holy Mysteries.
One repentance is not enough to preserve the purity of our heart and mark our spirit in piety and honesty. The Lord said: “If the unclean spirit sees people, then walk through the waterless places, whispering calmly, not knowing, it’s like: I’ll turn back to my house, the stars of viishov. if you live there, you will be left older than the first for that person (Luke 11:24-26).

Since then, since repentance cleanses us from the defilement of our souls, then partaking of the Body and Blood of the Lord will infuse us with grace and turn into our soul the evil spirit, driven by repentance.
That is why the church calls, the Sacraments of Repentance (help) and the Communion follow one after the other. I off. Seraphim of Sarov, it seems, that the soul is revived through two sacraments: "through repentance, it was thoroughly cleansed from all sinful filth by the Most Pure and Life-Giving Sacraments of the Body and Blood of Christ."
At the same time, as if we didn’t need to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, we can’t mother the moon, because we don’t have to repent.

As Archbishop Arseniy (Chudovsky) writes:
"Great on the right, receive the Holy Mystery and great fruit of that: the renewal of our hearts with the Holy Spirit, blessed mood of the spirit. I am so great on the right, the railings on the right, help us and prepare. about fixing your heart."

How often do you need to reach the Holy Mysteries?

To the question: "how often do you need to reach the Holy Mysteries?" St. John affirms: "The more often, the better." Prote, wine to put a non-authoritative mind: come to Holy Communion for the forgiveness of our sins and pure sums.
In the life of St. Macarius the Great - the words of one woman, yak zhorstok suffered from the slander of the enchanter:
"You knew misfortune, for five days later you did not partake of the Holy Mysteries."
Holy righteous Fr. John of Kronstadt, after forgetting the apostolic rule, said that the church was quiet, who had not been at the Holy Communion for three days.

Wikl. Seraphim of Sarov commanded the Divine sisters to unfailingly accompanies and attend to all fasts, and, moreover, the Twelve are holy, do not torment yourself with a thought that you are unworthy, “because there is no trace of missing the bad luck, as it is more often worthy of grace, that you are bestowed upon the sacramental saints of Christ. , as far as possible, be in the midst of humility in the integrity of your sinfulness, with hope and firm faith in the invisibility of God of Mercy, next proceed to the holy Mystery, which redeem all and all.
It was sensible, to take communion at the day of their birthday, and I will make friends - at the day of their wedding.

O. Oleksiy Zosimovsky recommending that his spiritual children come to Communion also on the memorial days of death and the name day of dead loved ones; for the souls of the living with heavenly souls.
Archbishop Arseniy (Chudovsky) writes: "Fast Communion may be the ideal of all Christians. Ale is the enemy of the human race... I have seen the strength of the Lord in the Holy Mysteries. , that Christians took communion on the day, sweat 4 times on a week, gave it a week, and there - at all fasts, then 4 times on the river, nareshti, ice-ice once on the river, and none and that’s right ".

“A Christian is forever guilty, but ready to die and to Communion,” said one of the spiritual fathers.
Otzhe, vіd us to lie down often the fate of the Last Supper of Christ and the acceptance of the great grace of the Mysteries of the Body and the Blood of Christ.
One of the spiritual daughters of the elder Fr. Oleksiya Mechova said to youmu:
- Some people make it possible for their souls to join the Lord through the Communion, and the thought that took communion not long ago, - I die.
This means that the Lord is heartbroken, - old man, - so that here already all the cold mirkuvannya are not needed and not before the river ... I often take communion with you, I want to get you to the Lord, how good it is to talk with Christ.
One of the wise pastors of the twentieth century, Fr. Valentin Svenitsky writes:
"Without frequent communion, it is impossible to live spiritually by the world. And your body is hanging and becoming powerless, if you do not give it to you. And your soul will vimage your heavenly life.
Without communion, your spiritual fire will subside. Fill up yoga worldly motloh. In order to grow in the light of this moth and the fire is consumed, which burns the thorns of our sins.

Spiritual life is not an abstract theology, but a correct and most doubtless life with Christ. But how can you start, if you don’t receive at that terrible and great mystery the fullness of the Spirit of Christ? How, having not accepted the Flesh and Blood of Christ, do you live with Nyomu?
And here, like repentance, you can’t deprive you of the enemy without attacks. And here I will see you every step of the way. Vіn to argue impersonal and ovnіshnіh, i vnutrіshnіh pereshkod.

Sometimes you are hurt, sometimes you feel sick to yourself, sometimes you want to take a break, so that you get better prepared. Don't listen. Go. Confess, take communion. Aje, you don't know if the Lord calls to you.
Let your skin soul listen wonderfully to your heart and be afraid to hear the knocking at the door of the High Guest's hand; let's not be afraid of that, that your hearing is coarse in the face of worldly vanity and cannot be a little quiet and lower calls that come from the kingdom of Light.
Let not your soul be afraid to bring the experience of heavenly joy to the day with the Lord with calamity roses to the world, or in the spirits of the bodily nature.

And Kolya is in the forces of Vіdіdvatya Vіd Svіti і Vsoi Chuttuvoy, if the boring I will sing to the Lord, Neli Darza ідднанна на на в дегеною и и и и подагую подана і і і и именный тогровной Тольниковной приговной.

Let your soul not be afraid of the fact that, with all its repentance, it is still unworthy of Communion.
About tse so say the old man about. Oleksiy Mechov:
"Communion more often and do not say that you are unworthy. If you say so, then you will not partake of it, if you will not be a good one.
None of which is a bartian, but if we still partake of communion, then it’s just the special mercy of God.
Not created for communion, but communion for us. Themselves, sinners, unworthy, weak, more low, be someone who needs a ryativny dzherel.

And the axis, speaking about the frequent communion of the Holy Mysteries, the Moscow pastor Fr. Valentin Amfiteatriv:
"... Every day we cook until communion. Like before death... Old-time Christians took communion every day."
You need to go to the Holy Chalice and think that you are unworthy and subjugated: everything is here, with You, Lord - and mother, and father, and man - all, Lord, and joy and peace.

Vіdomy of all Orthodox Russia, the elder of the Pskov-Pechersk monastery shіїgumen Sava (1898-1980) wrote in his book "About the Divine Liturgy":

“I have received a confession that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself strongly prays that we come to the Lord’s meal, and the first time before the apostles: “Having bazhannami zazhalі tsyu Pascha їsti after you, first I will not accept torment” (Lk. 22, 15) .
Not about the Old Testament Easter, saying to Vіn їm: she looked out loudly and was sizable, but now she can succumb. Fire bazhav Vіn paska novozavіtnoї, - tієї paska, in yakіy to Himself to sacrifice, He pronounces to Himself in the hedgehog.
The words of Jesus Christ can be summed up like this: for the love of love and mercy, "having slain this Easter for you," to that in him all my love for you is embodied, and all your right life and bliss.

Like the Lord, for His invisible love, so poignantly bazhaє її not for Your own sake, but for the sake of it, then as poignantly guilty for її mi, for the love of that vdyachnosti to the New, and for our own good, that bliss!
Christ said: "Receive, eat..." (Mark 14:22). Vіn proponuvav his Body to us, not for a one-time, but infrequent and fluctuating habitation, like a medicine, but for eating fast and every day: go, don’t eat. Ale yakbi The Body of Christ was proponated to us like a medicine, they would also ask for permission to take communion, as it were. my German soul and body, and the infirmities of the soul are especially signified on us.

The Lord gave us the Holy Mysteries, like daily bread, following the words of Yogo: "Bread, Yogo, I will give it to you, My flesh" (John 6, 51).
From this it is clear that Christ not only allowed, but punished, so that we often approached Yogo's meal. We do not leave ourselves for a long time without great bread, knowing that our strength will weaken, and our life will be squashed. How can we not be afraid to deprive ourselves for a long time without the bread of heaven, the divine, without the Bread of Life?
Those who rarely approach the Holy Chalice, call out to speak in your own truth: "We are negligent, we are not ready." And whoever is not ready, let him not line up and get ready.

People do not live in conflict with the all-holy Lord, to whom there is only one sinless God, but we have been given the right to believe, repent, correct, be forgiven and succumb to the grace of the Savior of sinners and the Peace of the Dead.
Whoever unhurriedly deprives himself of the unworthy intercourse with Christ on earth, he will be deprived of the unworthy intercourse with Him in Heaven. How sensible to see for yourself the view of life, strength, light of that grace? The sensible one, who, to the best of her ability, corrects her unworthiness, goes to Jesus Christ in the Most Pure Yogo Mysteries, otherwise the humble confession of her unworthiness can turn into coldness until she believes in her salvation. Please, Lord!"
For example, let's think about the official view of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate (JMP No. 12,1989, page 76) regarding the frequency of the sacrament:

"Behind the butt of the Christians of the first hundred, if not only chentsi, but and simple laity, in case of any weather, they went to the Sacraments of Holy Communion and the Holy Communion, having understood how great the meaning of the stench may be, and we should, as often as possible, purify our summation of repentance, change our Confessing faith in God and approaching the Sacrament of Holy Communion, so that we ourselves may receive mercy in the sight of God and forgiveness of sins and more deeply unite with Christ.
In modern practice, it is customary to receive communion to all believers at least once a month, and in fasting, most often - two-three times per fast. They also take communion at the day of the Angel, that day of the people. The order and frequency of the Communion of the Holy Mysteries are to be clarified by your spiritual father and for this reason, you are encouraged to use the terms of the Communion of that Holy Communion.”

How to get ready for Holy Communion

The basis of preparation for the Sacrament of Communion is repentance. Awareness of one's own sinfulness reveals special weaknesses and zbudzhuє bajannya become better through the day with Christ at Yogo the Most Pure Mysteries. Nalashtovuyut soul to repentance, the prayer is that pist.
The "Orthodox Prayer Book" (typed by the Moscow Patriarchy, 1980) shows that "... the preparation for Holy Communion (in church practice it is called persecution) is three and a half days and is worthy of both the physical and spiritual life of a person. cleanliness and obmezhennya in їzhі (fasting).At the day of fasting, the creature’s journey is turned off - meat, milk, butter, eggs, fish, fish. grow up.

During the day of the liturgy, there is a liturgy in the church, which allows you to furnish, and try to follow the home prayer rule: whoever reads not all the early evening prayers, don’t read everything in real time. In advance of the day, communion was required at the evening liturgy and read at home, around the most powerful prayers to come to sleep, the canon of repentance, the canon of the Mother of God and the guardian angel. The canons are read either one by one in a row, or one by one in this order: the irmos of the first song of the repentant canon is read ("Like on dry land ...") and the troparia, then the troparia of the first song of the canon of the Mother of God ("Bagato vmistu ..."), omitting the irmos "Water passed", and troparia to the canon of the Guardian Angel, also without the hymn "For God's sake". Also read the next songs. The troparia before the canon of the Theotokos and the Angel of the guards are lowered in such a time.
The canon is also read before communion, and who cares, - an akathist to Jesus the Naisolodshy. After the drinking night, you don’t eat and don’t drink, for it’s customary to proceed to the Sacrament of Communion in the present. The vranci are read the prayers of the ranks and all the succession until the Holy Communion, according to the canon, read beforehand.

Before communion, a word is needed - in the evening, in the evening, before the liturgy.

Significantly, that rich believers rarely partake, that the stench cannot know the time and strength for the trivial shit, as if they themselves are transformed into self-kill. In addition, I mean, as not more than a part of the current flock, to become Christians, as they have gone to the Church not long ago, and that is not the place for proper prayerful habits. Such a preparation may be unbearable.
The Church nada virishuvati nutrition about the frequency of the Communion and the obligatory preparation for the New priests, confessors. Itself with the spiritual father and it is necessary to wait, as often to take communion, as a long time to speak and as a prayer rule to shy before tsim. Different priests bless in a different way, fallow in spiv-. standing of health, vіku, step of churchness and prayerful dosvіdu govіyugogo.
Tim, who is the first to come to the Sacraments of Holy Communion, we can recommend that you pay full attention to the preparation for the first time in your life of Holy Communion.

It is even more important for us before Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ to forgive all our falsehoods. When you become angry with the witches, it is not possible to take communion at any time.

For the sake of the Church, after their baptism, until the seventh century, they can often take communion, schonedil, moreover, without prior sepulchral, ​​and starting from 5-6 years, and it is possible - even from a larger early age, to take communion with the children.

Call Churches for the day of Communion of the Holy Mysteries

Having stood up, the one who prepares for Communion is guilty of cleaning his teeth, so that he does not notice a new, unacceptable smell, which represents the holy rite of Dariv.

It is necessary to come to the temple before the beginning of the Liturgy without delay. With the wine of the Holy Gifts, the partakers must slacken the earthly corner. The earthly angle is repeated if the priest stops reading the prayer "I believe, Lord, and I confess...".
Come to the Holy Chalice, the participles step by step, not tossing, not shuffling, and not trying to outdo one another. The best time to approach the Chalice is to read the Jesus Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on me a sinner"; or prayerfully sleep with us, who are in the temple: "Receive the body of Christ, mourn the immortal's body."

Approaching the holy Chalice, you don’t need to cross, but the mother’s hands are folded like a cross on her breasts (right to the lion) to fight the Chalice, or nonsense.
Having taken the Body and the Blood of the Lord into the mouth of lies, the communicant is guilty of kissing the edge of the Holy Thicket, nib the very rib of the Savior, from which the blood water whistled. It is not possible to proceed to Communion to women with stuffed lips.
Seeing the Holy Chalice, it is necessary to make an explanatory slope in front of the icon of the Savior and go to the table with "warmth", and drink it, wash your mouth, so that as little as a part is not left in your mouth.

The day of communion is a very special day for the Christian soul, if we make it special, in a secret rite we will join Christ. As for the reception of the most honorable guests, the whole house is cleaned up and put in order and all the important things are taken away, so the day of communion is spent as a great saint, consecrating them, as much as possible, assimilation, prayer, mindfulness and spiritual reading.
Elder Hieromonk Nil Sorsky, after partaking of the Holy Mysteries, sound for an hour to spend in the profoundly movchanni "earned in oneself and others for the sake of the same, saying that "it is required to give silence and movchannu sruchnіst to the Holy Tainas" to infuse pain into the soul.

Elder Fr. Oleksiy Zossimovsky vkazuє, moreover, it is necessary to especially protect yourself in the first two years after communion; at this hour, the human gate is strengthened, so that the person formed a shrine, and she would stop consecrating the person. Vaughn can appear as a star, and an unguarded word, and a hearing, and richness, and condemnation. Vin recommend the day of Communion has more words.

“For this, it is necessary and want to come to Holy Communion to judge who and what you are coming to, and who having taken communion - what you have taken communion. First for Communion, you need to mourn for yourself and the great Gift, and after Communion, you need to mourn and remember about the Heavenly Gift. Nasampered Communion potrіbne a heart of repentance, humility, vіdkladennya malice gnіvu, zabaganok tіlesnih reconciliation of blizhnіm, hard propozitsіya i zvіlnennya new i pious zhitіya in Hristі Іsusі. in short, Perche for everything Communion potrіbnі spravzhnє repentance i Sertsevy rozcharuvannya, pіslya repentance potrіbnі fruits of repentance , good help, without some kind of true repentance, it was impossible for him to take Communion ”(St. Tikhin of Zadonsky).
Why don't the Lord help us.

List of victorious literature
1) En. Ignaty Brianchaninov. "Let's go to the rescue." St. Petersburg, "Satis" 1994.
2) St. rights. John of Kronstadt. "Thoughts of a Christian about repentance and Holy Communion". M., Synodal library. 1990.
3) Prot. Grigory Dyachenko. "Nutrition for the support of children". M., "The Pilgrim". 1994.
4) Skhіїgumen Sava. "About the Divine Liturgy". Manuscript.
5) Shіїgumen Parfenіy. "Stitch to the single one for the need - God's prayer" Manuscript.
6) ZhMP. 1989, 12. Store. 76.
7) N.Є. Pestiv. "The current practice of Orthodox piety." T. 2. S-Pb., "Satis". 1994.