Lines of performance appraisal of working areas. New realities of certification of working areas Obov'yazok certification of working areas

What is needed and to whom is the attestation of working jobs under the law? What includes a similar entry? How often is attestation of working areas carried out, how many years of work? At the same time, the term AWP from 01.01.14 was replaced by SOUT (special assessment of the brains of workers) in the normative nuances.

Vidpovidno to the norms of stat. 209 TC attestation of working jobs for the protection of work - the whole complex of approaches to assessing the safety of working minds with a method of revealing a distant adoption of various unsafe number of shkіdlivih factors. Newly needed attestation of working areas? Such a procedure is straightened out by the establishment of classes / subclasses of the equalness of the shkiness (not safety) of working minds (clause 2, article 3 of Law No. 426-FZ). For the results of the rozroblyayutsya come in to bring the minds of the laborers into account of the legislators in the defense of the practice; s assessment of pro-risk; nadannya spіvrobіtnikam dodatkovyh pіlg, guarantees and compensation just.

Get respect! For the FSS, the attestation of working jobs is important with the introduction of a reduction or allowances to the basic “injury” rate. Tsі vіdomosti insurers are guilty of pіdtverdzhuvati shoroku.

From 2014 the appointment of certification of working positions was replaced by SOUT. It became a success after the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 342n, dated April 26, 2011. that adopted Law No. 426-ФЗ dated 28.12.13 p. Prote the essence of such a procedure has been lost in abundance and in the opinion of working minds. To that, the AWP, that the special assessment of the working space for the minds of the workers is synonymous.

Certification of working areas - obov'yazkova chi n

Vіdpovіdno to stat. 212 of the Labor Code to ensure the safety of the workers of goiter and robotic worker. In connection with the cim undertaking, we can not only dotrimuvatisya official standards for the protection of work, but we can carry out the SOUT in accordance with the law. The federal assessment procedure is regulated by Law No. 426-FZ, including the following:

  • Obov'yazki and rights to personnel and robots at SOUT.
  • The order of the evaluation.
  • Registration of the results of the SOUT.
  • Іnshі umovi ots_nki pratsі.

Can all businesses carry out an assessment? Vidpovidno to the norms of stat. 212 TC, absolutely leather robotic goiter and podbati about the safety of working minds for staff. However, the rest of the organizations have previously carried out AWP, such companies are not allowed to re-organize the assessment, since the date of completion of the attestation has not passed 5 more years (clause 4 of article 27 No. 426-FZ). Vinyatok - revisitings of planned revisions for paragraph 1 of stat. 17 Law No. 426-FZ. Do not carry out SATS at a part of practitioners-home workers; remote specialists; pracіvnikіv, yakі mаyut trudovі vіdnosinі z hulks without the status of ІП (p. 3 stat. 3 No. 426-ФЗ).

Periodicity of attestation of working areas, terms

How often do roboticists need to conduct a special assessment of working minds? Vіdpovіdno to p. 4 stat. 8 No. 426-ФЗ СУТ next to organize skin 5 years, even though the legislator has not been established. The designations of the terms for appraisal of working areas begin to be calculated from the day the results of the assessment are confirmed.

For example, attestation of working areas in schoolchildren may be carried out schop'yatirichka, like in preschool children's institutions. The workstations of office workers are not allowed, as the employment of such employees is based on the needs of the organization (clause 4 of order No. 342n). And for the pre-planned visits of the term of attestation of the worker's work, the minds of the workers become 12 months. from the moment of putting into operation new areas of employment, changing the minds of the technologies of virobnitstva, which should be added to the level of insecurity (scaling) of work (clause 2 of article 17 No. 426-FZ). For other situations, the term of the scheduled workstation is extended by 6 months.

How to carry out certification of working places at the enterprise

How to establish the right to carry out AWP or SOUT? Insanely, not all companies, but only those who may have the right to engage in such services. In the updated Classifier, attestation of the working department of the OPKD 2, the okremy block is occupied. In order to carry out the AWP, the robot supplier entered into contracts with the DPG, obtaining a third-party independent undertaking, moreover, some kind of re-arrangement in the stat. 19 No. 426-FZ. Such a setting can be checked with a special registry and the mother of the state at least 5 certified experts.

Certification and rationalization of working jobs are consummated after confirmation by the robot provider of the order about the need for such visits and recognition of an outstanding individual. Let's choose a setting, build a way to conduct an automated workplace. For the legality of the procedure, an agreement is laid down for the performance of services, at the budgetary structures, the attestation of working areas according to KOSGU - Article 226. No. 426-FZ).

Certification of working positions for the minds of workers includes:

  • Significance of the presence of robots in the delivery of shkіdlivih and/or unsafe factors for the staff.
  • Vymiryuvannya on special fixtures of such factors, as well as carrying out trial tests.
  • Establishment of equal classes (subclasses) of labor minds and working jobs.
  • Compilation of the final package of documentation for the results of the automated workplace, including calls, protocols, recommendations, expert's notes.

Penalty for the day of attestation of working areas 2018

From 01.01.15 p. stat. 5.27.1 KpAP. Up to part 2, a statute has been assigned for the daytime work of an AWP robot at work, as well as for disruption in the order of such a procedure, the following sanctions have been transferred:

  • For gardening vidpovіdalnyh osіb - ogoloshennya preperedzhennya chi a fine of 5000-10000 krb.
  • For entrepreneurs - a fine of 5000-10000 rubles.
  • For legal organizations - a fine of 60,000-80,000 rubles.

Certification of working jobs for the minds of workers obov'azkovoy procedure for all robots. Healing in the face of her, the onslaught of administrative ineptitude. When carrying out the certification, it is important to take care of all the stages of the procedure and to protect the impersonal nuances.

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What is it?

Certification of the minds of the workers - tse low entry, directing for the manifestation of shkidlivih, unsafe virobnicheskih factors in the enterprise.

In times of similar problems, during the first hour of attestation, the scientists in the organization have the opportunity to get used to bringing the minds of robotic practitioners at vіdpovіdnіst up to іsnuyuchih state standards.

Certification must be carried out with singing frequency - once every 5 years. Decompressed all work without a blame in the organization.

Under the hour of certification, it is reviewed by the robot provider of such basic minds of the organization of labor activities of practitioners:

Watch the report video about certification of working areas:

Legislator regulation

At the same time, the term “attestation of working areas” was replaced by new concepts in the legislature of the globally accepted term - SOUT (special assessment of minds of workers). The term is victorious among professional stakes, but in practice, as before, the concept of “attestation of working jobs” is stagnant.

The main legislative act that regulates the nutrition of the certification, є No. 426-FZ "On the special assessment of the minds of workers" According to the law, the skin robotic supplier of shoes is obliged to conduct systematic assessments of working areas with the method of revealing possible damage, unsafe and difficult factors.

Similar revisions are allowed move safety rіven practitioners and improve their minds.

Who is subject to the procedure?

The attestation is aimed at evaluating the organization of work on a specific business, that the responsibility for the results of the recheck is carried by the planting individuals, Before the obov'yazkіv yakah enter the security of the necessary minds of the workers in the organization.

With an insignificant number of spivrobitnikiv (less than 50 cases), you can give evidence for the protection of workers:

  • Ker_vnik of the organization;
  • іnshiy pratsіvnik upovnovazhenija;
  • organization, or fakhіvets z protect pracі, yakі spіvpratsyuyut іz robodavtsa under a civil law contract.

At the undertakings with the number of spivrobitniks over 50 osib may be created okrema service for the protection of pracі, otherwise, as a minimum, the planting of a specialist for the protection of work was ordered.

For ablutions of obov'yazyok s zahoroni prіplyuєtsya for uninterrupted organization's ceremonial. If you go about IP, then you automatically become a special one yourself individual admission.

Who conducts the attestation?

Certification is carried out by the robot provider himself for the approval of the attesting organization. As a certifying organization, I am a legal person, accredited to carry out such revisions.

The fact of dispute between the parties is confirmed by bilateral civil law agreement. On the basis of this contract, a legal person for the wine-growers will do all the necessary vimir, as well as an assessment of the minds of the workers.

Whisnovok scurry on the support of the re-wiring about the viability of the minds of the organization in accordance with state regulations, the presence of damage, the number of unsafe and shkidlivih clerks.

The organization, educated to spivpratsi, is not guilty of the mother of the same child to the robot. tobto buti more independent of my work.

The law does not hinder learning before certification sprat of third-party organizations. The robot supplier at a time can split up the number of working areas, which will split the spectrum of working people under the contract.

To carry out the procedure, the robot seller approves an attestation commission, to enter the warehouse:

Please pay commission robot dealer representative. Warehouse of the commission, and navit the schedule of the work carried out are confirmed by the order of the robot.

Functions of the attestation commission:

  • pottery process;
  • zdіysnennya control for the work carried out;
  • bag molding documents, necessary procedures;
  • folding list working places, which are being changed;
  • carrying out special visits, directing to brainwashing(Designation of the presence of shkіdlivih factors on the basis of variability, mitigation of the level of injury safety, determination of the presence of special clothes among the workers, vvchennya of the warehouse of possession of that sirovina, grading of the removal of indications from the indications of past reversals, then);
  • assigned numbers working positions;
  • filling cards attestation;
  • signed cards;
  • preparation proposition how to make changes, or addition to spіvrobіtnikіv;
  • assessment obsession results;
  • rozrobka entry plan, directing to the promotion of equal protection of work

Steps of the procedure

The process is being repaired from the meeting of the attestation commission with an unpaired number of members. The robot provider confirms the schedule of the robot commission and the transfer of scheduled calls.

Main stages:

Use 4 main classes of minds to practice on the selection:

  1. optimal(Normal mind, what do you follow the current standards);
  2. admissible(an insignificant impact on the body, which manifests itself exclusively in the working area and disappears after leaving the working place);
  3. shkidlivy(Splashing on healthy practitioners of unfriendly minds, workers can lead to professional ailments, which call for private or even waste of practice);
  4. unsafe(Vysoka ymovirnіst appearance of professional illnesses, otrimannya injuries, or threaten life).

Attestation card and other documents

Attestation card - a document for whom to avenge information about actual practice at work, about the presence of compensation, about the recommendations, come in to the situation.

For the obviousness of deako's kіlkost similar work areas a single attestation card is compiled for all objects. The document is stored in a working place, which is the first in the list of similar working places.

An overview of the work station attestation card (clickable):

The card has been completed with the following necessary information:

  • outside name, details of the robot
  • Posada practitioner to . The profession has been assigned to the name of the foreign Russian classifier. It is necessary to settle at the classifier on a daily basis, to shy away from the entry.
  • The name of the structural subdivision. If the robot supplier does not have structural support, it is necessary to try to get a record.
  • Number of similar work places.
  • Number of practitioners according to the regular layout of the appointed number of women, non-full-time citizens.
  • Perelik possession, materials, outbuildings, sirovini, which are to be installed in the working place.
  • Evaluation of the minds of the workers(behind the step of shkidlivostі, nebezpeki).
  • Description of the virobnicheskogo medium(chemical factors, biological factors toshcho).
  • Description of the labor process(Importance, intensity).
  • Podbag estimates the minds of the virobnicheskogo middle, the labor process (on the basis of the conducted vimirivs).
  • class trauma care.
  • Safety of spіvrobіtnikіv ZІZ(with the help of an individual defense).
  • Information about compensation(for an important job, for a job with shkidlivymi, unsafe minds of the worker): the name of the essential compensation, the actual settlement of the procedure for accruing premiums, the need to recognize compensation for practitioners.
  • Necessity of carrying out medical examinations.
  • Recommendations schodo polypshennya minds, change the regime of practice, organization of restitution.
  • Recommendations about selection of practitioners.
  • Visnovok commission for the furnishing of a working place.

Map is signed head of the commission, її members. The document is also signed by a citizen, who works in his own field.

Attestation card is foldable dependent on the results of the decontamination. Usі іnstrumentalnі vymіri are made out by protocols. Forms of documents are established by normative acts.

Use the following protocols:

  • protocol for determining the severity and intensity of the labor process;
  • protocol for assessing injury safety at work;
  • protocol for assessing the safety of practitioners with the help of individual protection

Recheck results

For example, re-verification is added up pouch zvіt for attestation of working positions. The following statements are added to the sound:

Maximum 30 working days after review results are received The robotic provider of goiter/examinations takes the results to the staff in public and disseminate information with open access (for example, on the website of the organization).

Whatever is needed live in, Directed for the adoption of the revealed injuries, the increase in the minds of the workers, the reduction in the level of the speed and the lack of safety in the war, the recognition of the necessary compensation to the spivrobitniks, etc.

After the confirmation of the letter (on paper, electronic) and the signing of the order on the completion of the re-verification of the robot goiter and stretching for 10 calendar days according to the date of signing the order to send to the territorial representation of the state zvedenu information and information about the attesting organization.

At the time of work, the place is recognized for certification:

  • there are no shkidlivih and unsafe minds of the workers;
  • vimogi shdo injury prevention vikonanі;
  • mind to comply with hygienic standards.

Work space that lies up to the 3rd class of minds of the worker (shkidly) sound mentally certified. When you specify a class, propositions should be introduced to reduce the working space.

Misce is known not to be certified if it will be brought up to 4 (not safe) class of minds of the worker. This rate p_dlyagaє liquidation chi povnіy restructuring.


An independent organization, accredited to carry out similar revisions, you can consult with a specific robot provider.

Vіdmova can be taken away through an unreliable robot delivery give the experts the necessary regulatory documents or at the link with the unpreparedness of the robot, to ensure that the experts have the necessary mind to carry out the evaluation and evaluation.

On how many years are the results of the attestation? Skin working area can be assessed at least once every 5 years. The moment of the rest of the revision is the date of completion of the past attestation of the current working position. The date of the beginning of the new revision is considered the day when the robot gave the order to complete the commission and confirm the schedule of the commission's work.

In this rank, and the term dії dokumentіv attestatsії dorіvnyuє 5 years.

New jobs due to attestation for a period of 60 days from the moment of their organization.

Vartist and fines

The average variability of the attestation procedure for one working position varies from 1000 to 3500 rubles. Rozmіr sumi lie down in the number of necessary procedures, vimіrіv і otsenok, yakі nebhіdno zrobiti pіd іn the hour of attestіїї ї ї particular robochії mіstsya.

Use the following administrative penalties for the day of attestation:

Repeatedly violating the norms of legislation on the need to carry out certification can lead to a substantial increase in the amount of the fine and the continuation of the terms of the degree of activity. The guardian of the undertaking, which, having repeatedly broken the law, may be for a trival hour allowances for the right to plant stones(Vid 1 to 3 years).

In this rank, attestation of working jobs obov'yaskovu procedure, as the term established by law may work for the skin of a robot supplier. To carry out the re-verification, a special commission is created, as if re-verifying the minds of the practitioners and showing the possibility of damage.

Withdrawal results go to the upovnovazheniyah organіv, And the organizer of the robot, come in whenever you see the damage that has been revealed, and the abundance of minds of the workers in the organization.

Clicking on the "upload" button, you give a year to collect personal data.

Certification of working areas of various companies and TOV

Until 31:12. 2013

The company "United Consulting Holding" promotes the performance of attestation work for the brains of the workforce for a low degree. Our company is ready to conduct an attestation for your applications, the price is available, all the details can be found by phone number, indicated on the site. Since 1 September 2014, the attestation date has been changed to the Special assessment of the minds of the workers. (On September 1, 2014, the rank of the federal law of December 28, 2013, No. 426-ФЗ “On the special assessment of the minds of the worker” was recruited). .

The method of this procedure is a professional assessment of the minds of the practitioners of the skin specialist of various companies and TOV, as well as the identification of those usunennya possible factors that make the health and life of the practitioner unsafe.

The rules and procedures for conducting legal attestation of the office of practice, on the basis of legal minds for TOV, were introduced before the legislation of the Russian Federation. The appraisal of the minds of the workers may have the right to be carried out only by hired workers. Carrying out attestation of working minds with the method of revealing shkіdlivih various factors, yakі є on the working space of all practitioners TOV, tse obov'yazkovy reverberation on the skin subdivision (TOV).

During the course of these visits for TOV, the following rules and the procedure for attestation of the field for a skin practitioner will be established. As soon as there is a need, practitioners will take care of themselves with the help of protection and supplementary devices. Carrying out the planned attestation will allow you to accurately determine if the practitioners are guilty of going through a medical examination. It is also possible to determine who falls under the category of pension and additional compensation.

Before the commission, as we conduct all come in, enter the businessman, specialists from the professional branch and protect the work. With usima results, yakі otrimaє komіsіya, goiter and yazanі become familiar with entrepreneurs.

Naymach, as a substitute for yourself, can entrust the commission to a lawyer, a specialist in the hall of minds of work and personnel.

Organizations that conduct attestation for TOVs that are not responsible for the employer's mother. This firm is a legal specialty, as it is accredited in the Register of the Russian Federation for Moscow and all Russia and may be all necessary for this procedure. Get to the top organization, how to conduct an attestation of working jobs. In order to determine the vacancy of the working position in the company "EKH" and to determine the price - call for the phone number indicated on the site. Our faculty members will tell you about the procedure and the price of certification and the same price for the service. Our acceptable prices and quality of services are competitive. The value of our company's prices compared to similar ones was already estimated by many of our customers.

Pokrokovі stages of carrying out attestation of the skin function of the practice for TOV in Moscow and other places of the Russian Federation (specify the price of the service by phone)

  • made to the order, with which the practitioners may be aware;
  • the creation of the commission and the recognition of the stone worker of the commission;
  • designation of terms and order for re-verification;
  • creation and signing of an official document;
  • vyzd of specialists in the field of re-verification;
  • processing and review of all results;
  • keeping the protocol in order;
  • creation of planned work for the expansion of minds of workers at TOV;
  • (The price for services to lie down depends on the form of power of business and the number of workers. The change of prices on the foreign and domestic markets does not affect our prices)
  • creation of zvіtnostі about the work carried out.

The first hirer to sue for service with a third-party company, so as to conduct attestations for TOVs, they may have the right to sue them for such documents, as

  • confirmation of the fact that TOV has the right to carry out a yakіsnoї attestatsiї of minds of practice (with the rule that not transferring prices for the work of services);
  • a document confirming that the company is accredited in the Register of the Russian Federation for Moscow and other regions of Russia, may carry out such reconsiderations.

Obov'yazki robotovtsya pіd hour reverіvі:

Carrying out a re-verification of the practice transfers that the robot provider is guilty of all help and acceptance of the testing party. Submit all necessary documentation. If necessary, I will require documentation and information from third parties. It is necessary to take care of robots giving documents or information, to get used to it, to bring to change the power supply of the workstation and to change it as much as possible.

Head, how can I check the attesting party

  • choose the necessary method for assessing the minds of workers
  • at the time of the conduct, accurately determine the number of spivrobitnikiv, yakі require a special assessment of the minds of the workers
  • respectfully check all necessary documentation
  • at the same time, ask the robot provider for all the information you need

Zdіysnennya attestatsії robochih mіsts and minds to be carried out vidpovіdno to nebhіdnih vmozht and sovereign norms.

Certification at the workplace - a change of minds

  • vyznachennya r_vnya traumatology safety practice
  • delimitation of hygiene indicators
  • manifestation of an individual conspiracy
  • global appraisal of attestation of working jobs for the minds of workers

Rechecking for the acceptance of chi TOVs with unsafe minds is carried out at 20% of working areas, the minimum number of such jobs is 2. Even one working area was found to be inconsistent with the norms, rechecking may be required to pass through the workplace. After the legal attestation of the working areas has been carried out, there will be updates to the working space. On a similar working month, one AWP card will be stored. All come in, yakі nebhіdnі for the replenishment of the minds of the worker, є sleeping for all the similar working mіsts.

Reconciliation in the working space, which changes its territorial distribution, is a way to analyze standard technological operations. In which case, the term was carried out, in which case a re-verification will be carried out, it is assigned to the standards. All the features and details of the AWP may be regulated by the regulatory acts of the robot operator and comply with the norms of the AWP. Our company will give you services at the highest level, the price is democratic, and the level of the recheck is professional. The price for the services to lie down in the form of business and the number of working jobs.

You can also get acquainted with our other services and materials for them.

Certification of working areas

A complex of visits, which is carried out with the method of assessing the minds of workers in working areas, revealing difficult and unsafe industrial factors, as well as bringing the minds of workers to the state of mind before the established powers of legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Attestation of working places is carried out by all working places of robots, registered in the order as an individual undertaking of a legal entity.

Certification of working areas is carried out by a business officer at once from an attesting organization, closed to work with an agreement of a civil law nature. The attesting organization may or may not be accredited in accordance with the established procedure by a legal entity, as it provides services for the evaluation of working areas for the minds of the practitioner. The attestation organization is responsible for the independence of the hundred and fifty robots, at the working places of which the attestation is carried out.

On the 1st of spring 2011 the fate of the chivalry of the new order of attestation of working positions for the minds of the workers. According to the new law, from 1 spring 2013 to the date on the company, roztashovanny on the territory of the Russian Federation and did not pass the certification (re-certification) of working areas, penalties will be imposed until the company is admitted to work.

Functions of the attesting organization

  • zdiisnennya ker_vnitstva and control over all stages of the certification;
  • forming a package of documents necessary for the certification and organization of yoga training;
  • compiling a list of working places of the organization with the sightings of similar working places, the designation of the labor process and factors of the causative environment, injury prevention and the safety of workers with the help of individual protection;
  • preparation of the proposals for the given name of the settlement and professions of practitioners in organizations at the level of qualification to the Uniform tariff-qualification doc of working jobs;
  • assigning an individual number to a skin worker;
  • signing and completing attestation cards;
  • preparation of proposals for the introduction of amendments and additions to the employment contract (as necessary);
  • rozrobka plan to bring the minds of the practice to the state to the power of the sovereign legal acts in the gallery of the protection of the practice.

The procedure for carrying out attestation of working areas for the minds of workers

For the organization and carrying out of certification by the clerk of the organization, an attestation commission is created, as well as a schedule for carrying out work for the evaluation of working areas for the minds of the workers is established. Before the warehouse of the attestation commission, the following shall be included:

  • representatives of the types of robots;
  • specialist in the protection of work;
  • representatives of professional organizations;
  • representatives of the type of attesting organization;
  • the head of the attesting commission is a representative of the robot supplier.

The procedure for conducting attestation of working areas for the minds of the workers is specified in the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 342n “On the approval of the procedure for attestation of the working areas for the minds of the workers” dated 26 April 2011

  • assessment of the viability of the minds of practical workers;
  • assessment of injury prevention at work;
  • assessment of the safety of practitioners with the help of individual protection;
  • a comprehensive assessment of the minds of the workers.

Terms of performance appraisal of working areas

The date of the beginning of the appraisal is respected by the order of the clerk of the organization of the assessment of the working areas for the minds of the workers, and the confirmed schedule of the appraisal. Certification of newly created working areas is due to be carried out no later than 60 days after commissioning. Attestation of working jobs is carried out at least once every five years from the day of the previous attestation for the minds of the workers.

Registration of the results of the certification of working areas for the minds of the workers

The results of the appraisal of working positions at the enterprise are drawn up by the appraisal commission in the form of an appraisal letter, before which they include:

  • an order on the confirmation of the attestation commission and the schedule for the visits;
  • a list of working positions that are subject to certification;
  • job attestation cards;
  • zvedena v_dom_st for the results of atestatsii working mіsts;
  • zagalna table of classes of minds of workers;
  • a plan for dіy ta zakhodіv schodo porazhennya minds pratsі;
  • minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission on the results of the attestation of working places for business;
  • information about the attesting company (including a copy of the accreditation certificate and a decision about making it to the Register of accredited organizations, which should be given services for attestation of working areas);
  • minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission;
  • vysnovok for sub-bags of the state expertise of the minds of the workers (yakshcho є);
  • arranging the settlements of the villagers about the manifestation of the damage to the minds of the workers (yakscho є).

Vykoristannya results in attestation

The results of the attestation of the working areas of vicorist are from the method:

  • rozroblennya that zdіysnennya zakhodіv shkodo polіpshennya minds pratsі, and also brought їх at vіdpovіdnіst іnіnіnіh legislative acts іn galuzі okhoroni pratsі;
  • the establishment of practitioners who will work on shkіdlivih virobnitstv short-term workdays, additionally paid additional permits and increased payment for work;
  • informing the practitioners about the shortcomings of the risk factors for health, as well as about the cost of protection and compensation;
  • control over the camp of the minds of the worker in the field of production;
  • evaluation of the virobnicheskogo rizik;
  • provision of practitioners with the help of individual protection;
  • preparation of statistical reports about the cost of work and compensation for the work on shkіdlivih virobnicheskih objects;
  • preparation of a list of practitioners by name, yakі pіdlyagayut obov'yazkovym medical obstezhennya;
  • repayment of a reduction to the insurance rate for the system of obov'yazkovy social insurance of workers in case of professional illnesses and unfortunate fluctuations in the workplace;
  • looking at the diversity of food, related to the safety of workers at work;
  • obґruntuvannya obmezhen pratsі for okremy categorіy pracіvnikіv;
  • medical and sanitary-pobutovogo zabezpechennya pracіvnikіv vіdpovіdno to vymog protect pratsі;
  • given in the list of names of professions with names assigned to the Unified Zagalnorossiysk classifier of worker professions, and settlement of tariff ratings;
  • arranging finance comes in to improve the minds of the practitioners in the field of work.

Terms of confirmation and registration of attestation of working areas

After the execution of the results of the attestation of the working areas in the organization, the attestation commission is reviewed for 10 days after the signing of the bag report and handing it over immediately to the clerk or to the representative of the company. The robot supplier for a period of 10 days from the day of transferring his call to the protocol of goiter to see the order on the completion of the attestation of the working area for the minds of the workforce and learn about it from the us After carrying out the certification and seeing the mandate of the robotic goiter, the ten-day term of filing is called in electronic and paper form to the state inspection of practice in the sub'єktі Russian Federation.

Conducted post-planned attestation of working areas

Post-planned attestation of working areas is carried out in such situations:

  • commissioning of newly created working areas;
  • after the state expertise of the minds of the workers, carried out with the method of assessing the quality of the assessment of the working areas;
  • vykonannya zakhodіv shkodo prienzhennja minds pratsі on pіdpriєmstvі vіdpovіdnіst up to chinnyh statutory aktіv v galuzі okhoroni pratsі, as well as polіpshennya prіschennya pratsі;
  • zamina virobnicheskogo possession;
  • change of technological process;
  • replacement for the collective defense.

Carrying out that formalized results of the post-planned attestation of the working areas is carried out for them themselves, which are presented before the main – planned attestation of the working areas is carried out for the minds of the workers.

Div. also



  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated April 26, 2011 N 342n r. Moscow "On approval of the procedure for carrying out attestation of working jobs for the minds of workers"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Look at the same "Atestation of working areas" in other dictionaries:

    Re-checking for compliance with the official normative parameters of the working place. Glossary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    Certification of working areas Encyclopedia of Law

    ATESTATION OF WORKERS- re-verification for compliance with the normative parameters of a specific work area, score assessment of the results of the re-examination and analysis of entering the proper working area. Great economic dictionary

    ATESTATION OF WORKERS- - assessment of working areas on the basis of the totality of technical, economic and organizational indicators for the development of a plan of organizational and technical inputs for the security of their current viability to the minds of workers in different ... A short dictionary of the economist

    Certification of working areas- div. Safely wash your hands. Great legal dictionary

    ATESTATION OF WORKERS- re-verification for compliance with the relevant normative parameters of the working area. Encyclopedia of labor law

    Certification of working jobs for the minds of workers- assessment of the minds of workers in working areas with the method of revealing shkіdlivih and (or) unsafe virobnicheskikh factors and zdіysnennya zakhodіv shdo brought UT at vіdpovіdnіst up to the sovereign normative vimog OP. Vіdpovіdno to st. 209 TK… … Russian Encyclopedia of the Protection of Practice

    Certification of working jobs for the minds of workers- Evaluation of the minds of workers in working areas with the method of revealing shkіdlivih and (or) unsafe virobnicheskikh factors and zdіysnennya zakhodіv schodo bringing the minds of pratsі at vіdpovіdnіst up to the sovereign normative vimog protection of pratsі. Official terminology

    attestation of working jobs for the minds of workers- 3.4 attestation of working places for the minds of practitioners: Evaluation of the minds of the workers at the working places with the method of revealing shakіdlih and (or) unsafe virobnicheskih factors that zdіysnennya zagodіv shkodo bringing the minds of pratsі at vіdpovіdnіst to sovereign ... Glossary of terms for normative and technical documentation

From 1 September 2014 zgіdno z Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 426-ФЗ dated December 28, 2013 a special assessment of the minds of the workers came to change the certification of working jobs. Through marriage, the achievement of the necessary possession of a wealth of enterprises does not allow one to carry out attestation of working areas for the minds of the minds independently, so the stink and turn to special services, to which and enter the company "Sotarm".

Returning to the company "SOTARM" for the certification of working areas for the minds of the workers, you can repay for the following:

  • Accurate consistency of recheck results sovereign norms and standards;
  • Revealing all the critical factors that contribute to the health and safety of the staff, as they work at their working places;
  • Folding the most optimal and efficient plan for reducing the minds of the workers;
  • Free consultation from the food of possible visits, investments in the reduction of crop risks.

Importance of carrying out attestation work

Carrying out attestation of working positions for the minds of the practical organization is directly related to the security of the viability of the minds of the working staff of the state authorities. Timely recognition of unsafe and critical factors allows to reduce the risk of injury to workers, and in case of severity of injury, compensation for medical workers and health care workers of supplementary admissions, management at sanatoriums, hospitals ways. The robot supplier, a kind of certification of working jobs, reduces the risk of criminal and administrative penalties for unfortunate incidents on the job, as if they caused injuries or the death of a worker.

With the strengthening of the laws and the escalation of fines for the destruction of the minds of workers and spivrobitnikiv, the attestation of the minds of workers is becoming relevant. Having become the servants of SOTARM, you will not only be able to assess the viability of the minds of the work of your spivrobitniks according to the required standards and norms, but also quickly expand the complex by entering the improvement of their minds. Also, the attestation of the working authorities allows you to get away with possible fines and sanctions from the side of the state authorities at a glance.

Vartistatsiy of attestation of working areas

The price of attestation of working jobs for the minds of the workers to lie down due to offensive factors:

· The number of working places in the enterprise is significant, as well as the number of places, which are absolutely the same for their functions;

· Features and specifics of business operations;

· Quantity of victorious possession on the enterprise of those characteristics;

· The number of vimiryuvanih parametrіv in the process of attestation;

· Necessity for the creation of a plan for the modernization of working areas with a method of ensuring their compliance with sovereign norms.

The degree of attestation of working areas at the company "Sotarm" is one of the most accessible This is due to the victories of a highly effective possession of that great honor of spivrobitnikov, which allows you to win the whole complex of attestation robots in the shortest term. All fahivtsі of our company may have higher education and dosvіd work more than 3 years in the suburbs, as well as regularly take courses for advanced qualifications and re-verification of knowledge.

Our company is to carry out certification of working areas near Moscow in all Russia, organizations of the most diverse fields of activity - butov, virobnicha, lighting and other. In the process of attestation, all the features of the activity of the organization are protected, as well as the specifics of the work and the staff, which allows us to determine the reliability of the minds to the necessary standards with the greatest accuracy. Our main goals are to find a solution and their implementation, directing them to reduce the price of AWP, as well as putting together a plan to improve the minds of workers with minimal time and material costs.

Periodicity of certification of working areas

Carrying out attestation of working areas for the minds of workers (ARM) may be carried out at least once for a five-year period. For a protracted five-year period, the robot seller himself may choose the right time to carry out the next revision. The point of reference for the new period will be the date of completion of the previous review, as written in the order "On the completion of the certification of working jobs for the minds of the workers." The date of the upcoming revision will be the date of the issue of the order “On the formation of a new commission and the confirmation of the certification schedule”.

So the very first and post-planned attestation of working jobs, as carried out in the workplace, if new jobs appeared at the enterprise, new possessions, or the cause of the collective defense changed. Todi, the term has less than 60 working days, the robotic provider may have attestation of new working positions. Pozaplanova AWP can be used as a obligatory language order, and as an initiative for robotics.

For the sake of any kind of undertaking, the care of the careless minds of the workers of their spivrobitnikiv, for the very purpose of the organization of these minds and the creation of documents for the protection of the workers. The company "SOTARM" renders services for attestation of the protection of work, which allows the kerіvnitstvu to lose the legacy of the lack of safety standards in the workplace. The attestation procedure for the funeral of labor is carried out by all practitioners, as well as a storage warehouse. Before you get additional attestation, come in at the hour to accept the practitioners, change the type of activity of the administration of the work.

The first step is to pass the certification of all specialists of the company due to the responsibilities of compliance with the level of regulatory documents for the protection of work, to which it is possible to enter the working area, work clothes, hygienic standards, wash the duty of entry, the rules for passing the medical examination and the standard. Valnenya U Qich Galuses Adcompens to Pratskіvniki Unless Vikonuvati Oblivniki, unite the goodwill Vipadkiv, Skodki Skoda Skodi Skodi Some Roboty in Umobov, Skіdliti, know that Vikropovati's right to Nadnya Pіlg, Vіdguulіv Toshpusts . Our company does not just carry out certification of spivrobitnikov and kerivny personnel, but is ready to carry out training for the protection of work.

Advantages of robots from SOTARM

2. 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund"

3. Ordinance of the Ministry of Health of social development No. 342n "On the confirmation of the procedure for conducting an AWP for the minds of the practitioner"

4. Draft Federal Law "On amendments to 426-FZ"

Types of objects

Arm in the office

Arm near the school

Arm near the medical installation

Arm on virobnitstvі

Arm near the store

AWP at the private security company

Our clients

Feedback from our clients

A. A. Minaev

Spivpratsya with your company has shown the greatest professional equivalence of your spivrobitnikov. I would like to recognize the literate work of experts, the good work of specialists and the high professional level of the company.

Let's work for a long time and work with your company.

General Director O.M. Pishchuriv

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.
In the course of the Special Assessment of the Minds of Workers (SOUT) at our company TOV "ASTRAYA", I wanted to recognize the competent work of experts, a high level of specialists. Spivrobitniki TOV "SOTARM" vvіchlivi, priemnі at splkuvannі, zavzhdy ready to give additional clarifications.

With respect,
Director of TOV "ASTRAYA" Safronov D.P.

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

In accordance with the contract in 2016, the work of TOV "SOTARM" carried out a special assessment of the minds of workers at the working places of MUP "AIG".
Robots were vikonanі on the high eve of the law until the Federal Law No. 426 "On the special assessment of the minds of workers" dated December 28, 2013. Based on the results, the call for documentation was taken away, and the work was prepared for the sub-bags, and the vikonan was found to be legally competent.
We respectfully thank TOV "SOTARM" for the professional excellence of nutrition, which was blamed for the hour of sleeping work.
We are satisfied with the work, the names of the trade unions of TOV "SOTARM" and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and reliable partner.

In. director O.M. Gorokhov

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The company TOV "SOTARM" in early 2016 carried out a special assessment of the minds of workers at the private mortgage "Atomstandard".

The fahivtsy of the company TOV "SOTARM" showed high professionalism and efficiency in the accomplishment of tasks. The friendly hostility was marked by the readiness of the spivrobitniks to quickly react to the furnishing. This confirms that the company TOV "SOTARM" has a great practice in conducting SOUT and victorious individual processing when working with clients.

Robots vikonanі vіdpovіdno up to dignified legislation. A garne of formalizing the results of victorious work was marked.

We are satisfied with the robots of TOV "SOTARM" and are ready to recommend the company as a reliable and reliable partner.

With respect,

Director V.V. Morozov

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

In the course of the Special Assessment of the Minds of the Workers (SOUT) at our subsidiary (JSC ICB "DIM-BANK"), a competent work of experts and a high level of fahivtsiv were awarded.
All work is done at the hour, and the necessary materials are submitted in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ of October 28, 2013 “On the special assessment of the minds of workers”.
Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

With respect,

Vikonavchiy director of AT MCB "DIM-BANK" S.B. Regin


The Federal Autonomous Establishment "Center for the Development and Security of Space Activities" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation holds a tribute to TOV "SOTARM" for the conduct of a special assessment of the minds of workers

Head of the Federal Autonomous Republic of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

M. Surikov

Podyaka leaf

Tovaristvo of obmezhenoyu vіdpovіdalnіstyu "Usinske dorozhnє repair budіvelne upravlіnnya" vislovlyuє gliboku vdyachnіst that schiru podyaku kolektiva Tovaristva of obmezhenoyu vіdpovіdalnіstyu "Service receptionists pratsі that atestatsії robochem mіsts" for vzaєmovigіdne spіvrobіtnitstvo, sumlіnne representations that profesіonalіzm, proyav at provedennі robіt on Nashomu pіdpriєmstvі.
I especially appreciate the experts of Komarova Mariya Vitaliyivna and Titor Andriy Gennadiyovich, who without a doubt were busy with the analysis of the critical, unsafe factors of the human environment and the labor process for seriousness and thoughtful setting to work.
We highly appreciated the work done by your company,
We wish you that your company is successful and flourishing,
economic and financial prosperity.
Vislovlyuєmo vpevnenіst have sberezhennі druzhіnі
vіdnosin i podіvaєmosya far
Mutually vigilant and positive spontaneity.
With respect,
Director of TOV "Usinsk DRBU" Slasten I.A.

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"

Shanovny Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The editorial office of the newspaper of the Parliamentary Councils of the Union of Belarus and Russia “Soyuzne Viche” is not state-owned.
Mustache robots vikonanі at the lines. The sound materials were submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013. No. 426-FZ "On the special assessment of the minds of workers".
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.
Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

With respect,

Head editor L.P. Rakivska

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.


In the course of the Special Assessment of the Minds of the Workers (SOUT) at our subsidiary TOV “Center “Druge Narodzhennia”, a competent work of experts, a high salary of fahivtsiv was awarded. Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

General Director Romanyuk E.V.

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

Care of TOV "RB Logistics" is due to the supporters of the company TOV "SOTARM" for the prompt work and the special assessment of the minds of the workers. I would like to recognize a literate work and a high level of experts in the organization.

We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.
Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

With respect,

General Director O.O. Budkin

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The service of TOV "OPTICOM Region" is given to the supporters of the company TOV "SOTARM", the head of the laboratory Maksemenyuk Є. V. for the prompt and efficient work of conducting a special assessment of the minds of the workers. The friendly hostility was marked by the readiness of the spivrobitniks to quickly react to the furnishing.
All work is done at the hour, and the necessary materials are submitted in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ of October 28, 2013 “On the special assessment of the minds of workers”.
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.
Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

Thank you for your success and your organization
Art. change S.M. Sirotkin

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny Andriy Anatoliyovich!

Thanks to the team of TOV "SOTARM" for their services in conducting a special assessment of the minds of workers in our organization. It was already acceptable to recognize from the side of the practitioners of your company the efficiency and technically competent setting up to work for a long period of our spivpratsi.
I would like to especially honor the head of the testing laboratory Olena Valeriivna Maksemenyuk and the specialist Viktoria Biryukova. Dyakuyemo їm for professionalism and chuyne stavlenya at the top of all nutrition.

We support you further with your company.

general director
TOV "Mosexpert" A.L. Voronin

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The work of the Central branch of TOV "Company Metal Profile" is due to the supporters of the company TOV "Sotarm" for the prompt and judicious work of conducting a special assessment of the minds of the workers. I would like to recognize a literate work and a high level of experts in the organization.
All work is done at the hour, and the necessary materials are submitted in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ of October 28, 2013 “On the special assessment of the minds of workers”.
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.

Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

With respect,

Philanthropist L.A. Mikhailov

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

"Brunel Rus" LLC honors thanks to the supporters of the "Sotarm" LLC company for the prompt work and the special assessment of the minds of the workers. At the beginning of the day, the workers of TOV "SOTARM" were respectfully set up to meet all the needs of our company and knew the best solutions for meals. I would like to recognize the literate work of that high level of experts in the organization, as well as their summation to the right.
All work is done at the hour, and the necessary materials are submitted in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ of October 28, 2013 “On the special assessment of the minds of workers”.
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.

Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

With respect,
General Director of TOV Brunel Rus Andrea Lukina

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

Care of TOV "Leogon Trading" is due to the supporters of the company TOV "SOTARM" for their own work on the conduct of a special assessment of minds. I would like to emphasize the competence and literacy of experts in the organization.
All work is done hourly, and the materials are submitted in accordance with the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On the special assessment of the minds of workers”.
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.

Spodіvaєmos nadaly on successful work.

With respect,

Director S.V. Lyulikova

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The work of TOV "GH Project" is due to the supporters of the company TOV "SOTARM" for the prompt and efficient work of conducting a special assessment of the minds of the workers. I would like to recognize a literate work and a high level of experts in the organization.
All work is done at the hour, and the necessary materials are submitted in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ of October 28, 2013 “On the special assessment of the minds of workers”.
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.
Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

With respect,
Kerivnik TOV JH Project A.A. Zuykin

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The honorary work of DBPOU MO "Roshalsky tekhnikum" is due to the supporters of the company TOV "SOTARM" for the operational and judicious work of conducting a special assessment of the minds of the workers. I would like to recognize a literate work and a high level of experts in the organization.
All work is done at the hour, and the necessary materials are submitted in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ of October 28, 2013 “On the special assessment of the minds of workers”.
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.
Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

With respect,

Director of the technical school V.Yu.Kashlyov

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
A.A. Minaev

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The honors of JSC "State Administration of the VDNG" commend the employees of the company TOV "SOTARM" for their prompt work and special assessment of the minds of the workers and the high rank of the experts of the organization.
All the robots vikonanі vchasno, the materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On the special assessment of the minds of workers".
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.
Spodіvaєmos nadalі on dovgostrokovu and pіdnu work.

Director A.V. Kings

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny, Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The work of JSC “Ramenska Teplomerezha” is due to the supporters of the company TOV “SOTARM” for the prompt and efficient work of conducting a special assessment of the minds of the workers. I would like to recognize a literate work and a high level of experts in the organization.
All work is done at the hour, and the necessary materials are submitted in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426-FZ of October 28, 2013 “On the special assessment of the minds of workers”.
We are ready to recommend TOV "SOTARM" as a reliable and professional partner, who works on a high professional level.
Spodіvaєmos nadaly on dovgostrokovu plodnu work.

With respect,
General Director O.M. Sinitsky

To the General Director of TOV "SOTARM"
Minaev A.A.

Shanovny Andriy Anatoliyovich!

The work of AT "OptiCom" is due to the thanks to the specialists of the company TOV "SOTARM" for the operational and judicious work of conducting a special assessment of the minds of the workers.
It is significant that the results of the work of TOV "SOTARM" with SOUT are given to us to meet high standards of quality in our galley.
Okremo wanted to say goodbye to the head of the laboratory Maksemenyuk O.V. that spіvrobіtnikіv, yakі vykonali robots behind the contract, yakіsno yat established terms, promptly and competently vyrіshuli all the nutrition, like at the stage of the SCOUT, so і after її ії ії іnchennya, аnd аlїїїї їіх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх іх хілкування with the representatives of the deputy, commune
We wish you and your company new access to financial well-being.

With respect,
Carrier of the warehouse complex M.Yu. Chistov