who is who in the RVN. Tolubko Volodymyr Borisovich Chief Marshal of Artillery Tolubko Nagorodi ta Zvannya

Born on the 25th leaf fall, 1914, near the city of Constantinograd, the city of Krasnograd, Kharkiv region of Ukraine, at the same worker. Ukrainian. Finished secondary school, worked as an instructor of the district committee of the Komsomol in the city of Krasnograd.

In the Red Army since 1932. In 1937 he graduated from the Ulyanovsk armored military school. In 1937–1938, he commanded a tank platoon and a reconnaissance platoon near the Kiev Special Viysk District. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPRS since 1939. In 1941, he graduated from two courses at the Viysk Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the RSCA.

From the first days of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, taking part in the battles with the Nazi zagarbniks. Buv dvіchi wounds. Fighting on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts, he was the chief’s assistant, from the stern of 1941 senior lieutenant Volodymyr Tolubko was the head of the operational department, from the zhovtnya he was the chief of staff of the 21st tank division, from the fierce 1942 to the year he was the chief of staff of the 104 tank commander . brigade. After another injury from the birch of 1943, he was hired to work at the Viysk Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the RSCA. From fierce 1944 until the end of the war - chief of the operational officer at the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps (3rd Ukrainian Front).

Taking part in the planned and conducted combat operations of the mechanized corps in Yasko-Chisinau, Belgrade and Budapest operations.

In 1945–1948, he captured the commander of the mechanized brigade of that regiment, the chief of the guard and the intercessor of the chief of staff of the association, the chief of staff of the mechanized division.

In 1946, Colonel V.F. Tolubka, who graduated from the armored academy, was awarded the military rank of "Major General".

1950 ended the Academy of the General Staff. March 1951 - commander of a mechanized division, January 1953 - chief of staff, first intercessor of the commander of the association. In 1956-1957, the assistant commander-in-chief was the head of the combat training department of the Group of Radyansk troops near Nimechchyna. In 1957 -1960, he was the commander of the association and from January 1960 - the first intercessor of the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN).

In 1970, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR, Colonel-General Tolubka V.F. was awarded the naivishche military rank of "general of the army".

At the plantation of the first intercessor of the commander-in-chief of the RVSP V.F. Tolubko zdіysnyuvav pіdbіr pіdbіr and the deployment of core personnel, arіvіvіvuvav schodo operational-strategіchnії іnї іnї ї ії podgotovki vyshchogo komandovoi depot, rozrobko razrobіv vіdvіschennya polovoї i voivoї vouchka vіysk, nesnennya militarny cherguvannya by them.

Commander-in-Chief of the Rocket Forces of strategic recognition - intercessor of the Minister of Defense of the SRSR from April 12, 1972 to April 10, 1985. At this high settlement, the fifth head of the Strategic Missile Forces, having added a significant special contribution to the thorough combat and operational training of the military and headquarters, to the security of the permanent combat readiness of the missile troops, to the development of rocket technology and the development, actively carrying out the redesign of the combat drafting of third-generation missiles with warheads and equipment for supporting the enemy's anti-missile defense.

Having worked out the grouping of the first missile systems and medium-range missiles of the Pioneer mobile base, having developed the basics of the current combat stasis, combat drawing and maneuvering. Having organized a lot of testing of rukhomi missile systems in the MKR of ground and airborne bases, the development of the principles of their deployment and combat deployment.

Zdijsniv transition to a single system of organization and carrying out combat drawing at the scale of the Strategic Missile Forces. Promoting the stability and arrogance of combat command and control of the troops and the advancement of the automated combat command system.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR dated 12 September 1976, for the great special achievement, General of the Army Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolub was awarded the title of Hero of the Socialist Labor.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada for the sake of the SRSR dated 25 February 1983, General of the Army V.F. Tolubka was awarded the highest military rank of "Chief Marshal of Artillery".

1985 year, on the basis of a special report, Head Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko leaves the landing to the head of the Strategic Missile Forces and goes to the group of General Inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the SRSR.

From 1971 to the year V.F. Tolubko was a candidate for a member of the CPSU Central Committee, and since 1976, a member of the CPSU Central Committee. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada SRSR 8 - 10 clicks.

Lives near Moscow. Five awards with the Orders of Lenin, chotirma with the Orders of the Red Prapor, the Orders of Bogdan Khmelnytsky 2nd class, the Order of the Vitchiznian War 1st class, two orders of the Chervonoy Zirka, the Order "For the Service of the Batkivshchyna in the Healthy Forces of the SRSR" 3rd class and medals, orders and the medals.

Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubko died on the 17th day of 1989. Burial near Moscow on the Novodevichy Tsvintary.

Honorary citizen of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, in which the chest was installed, and the name of Marshal Tolubka was assigned to the street near the microdistrict of the 7th district. Honorary citizen of the city of Comrat. A memorial breast medal was issued for the riddle about the new bull.

#artillery #marshal #hero

Hero of the Socialist Pratsi Chief Marshal of Artillery Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubko was the fifth commander-in-chief of the Rocket Strategic Recognition of the Radyansky Union. Before that, childhood was near Constantinograd (nine Kharkiv region of Ukraine), de vin was born on 12 (25) leaf fall 1914 at the same worker, trained at a secondary school, a robot instructor to the district Komsomol near Krasnograd. І - bagatorіchna service in the army. Volodymyr Tolubko served in the Red Army since 1932 in the quarters of young commanders and political workers. In 1937, after graduating from the Ulyanovsk Armored Military School, in directions to the Kiev Military District, he was commander of a tank platoon and a platoon of intelligence.

The life of Volodymyr Tolubka is a non-negotiable practice of that constantly updated knowledge. In 1941 Rotsі Vіn Zіyskiya Akademia Mechanizatsіїi Tu Motorizatsii RKKAI І speaking on Lenіngradskoma Tu Kalіnіnkskom Fronts: Pomechnik Chief, and through Mіsytsi І Head of the Operational Wіділенняннянняя, зовстния 1941 ROCA - Head of Staff 21-ї Tankovo ​​Divіzії, Zhe Lutoy 1942 - Head of Staff 104 th tank brigade, and after taking command of the tsієї brigade. For example, in 1942, the fate of the gravely wounded, following, in the birch of 1943, the fate of the Viysk Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the RSCHA.

In the fierce fate of 1944, Volodymyr Tolubko is back at the forefront - the head of the operational division of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps on the 3rd Ukrainian Front. In this settlement, Volodymyr took part in the Yasko-Kishiniv, Belgrad, Budapest operations. After Peremogi, I will renew my service and training: in 1950, I graduated from the Viysk Academy of the General Staff named after K.Є. Voroshilov, who was chief of the chief of staff and intercessor of the chief of staff of the corps, chief of staff of the mechanized division.

Since 1951, Tolubko was the commander of a mechanized division, and since January 1953, he was the chief of staff and the first defender of the army commander. Z 1956 ROCHNE - Pomechnik Headmaduvacha - Head of the Governance of Boyovoii Pіddechchini Radyantsiki Vіyski Nіmetchchinі, Z 1957 - Commander 1-ї Gvardіyskaya Tankovo ​​Chervonopramopranno-Ukraine in Dresdenі, Z 1958 - Commander 8-ї Gardіyski Zagalnovіjovo Order Lenіn. Nora. Volodymyr Tolubko played a great role in the formation of a fundamentally new kind of military - missile military of strategic recognition. The stench was created on December 17, 1959, and became the first commander-in-chief of the Hero of the Radyansky Union Head Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin. At the birch tree of 1960, the first intercessor of appointments was 45-year lieutenant-general Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubko and worked on the estate until 1968.

Tsі vіsіm rokіv became one of the most important in his glorious biography. The creation of a new self-sufficient mind of the Brute Forces seemed to complete a whole series of the most complicated military-technical, military-economic, organizational and scientific tasks. This is the formation of a fundamentally new system of combat drawing, and the creation of an advanced and effective system for the operation of missile fire and military technology, support for their constant combat readiness. Tse i rozrobka scientifically-primed organizational and staffing structure of the military, designating the regular number of new moldings, staffing them with a special warehouse. Tse i vibir, reconnaissance of the positional areas of the missile units and the launching and disgorging of the mass life of the missile systems. The cost of training highly qualified personnel; the creation of a string of a system that develops a special warehouse, which exemplifies the help, which hangs up to strategic rocket launchers. All tse vimagalo colossal zusil generals and the Headquarters, management and services, military-primary mortgages and scientific and recent installations of the Rocket military.

As the first intercessor of the commander-in-chief, Volodymyr Fedorovich, he especially arranged for the recruitment and placement of core personnel, organizing the regular operational-strategic training of the highest command warehouse. I gave special respect to the problems of automation of control, the development of the basics of combat deployment of missile armies, the re-examination of the combat readiness of military units and parts, I will begin their modernization of that technique, the introduction of modern combat missile systems and the equipping of missile armaments with new ones. Axis de brightly manifested yoga principles, sovereign pіdhіd up to the right.

Volodymyr Fyodorovich, a principled advance to the completion of the task of equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with a new, perfected armor, Volodymyr Fedorovich saved and nadali. Volodymyr Fedorovich rightly and clearly organized his work at the military. Vіn shomіsyatsya seeing two or three distant missile garrisons. For a long time, having grasped deeply into the situation in the garrison, energetically solving all the problems that have accumulated. A lot of missilemen guess that for a short term of yogo rebuffing, the division of the chi regiment received more food, lower for an hour of rebuffing of unknown commissions of the ranks. It was easy to fight, without the usual signs of intelligence, fate and respect to the skin of a person, intercourse with officers, members of their families, soldiers.

Traditionally, it was the introduction of families of military servicemen. And all the same, if these rocketmen lived in barracks, they lived in the nearest settlements, if it was possible to count fair zakidiv, dissatisfaction. At the end of 1968, the high organizational ranks of Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubka were needed again in the land military: he commanded the troops of the Siberian military district, and in early 1969, the distant military district. Ale eight-pointed honor of the first intercessor of the honored military commanders of the Soviet military forces, who, by the way, stunned the Rocket troops of strategic recognition: Hero of the Radyansk Union, Head Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelina, Marshals of the Radyansky Union of the Daughters of the Hero of the Radyansky Union of K.S. Moskalenok, Hero of Radyansky Union S.S. Biryuzova and dwich of the Hero of the Radyansky Union N.I. Krylova Bula was highly rated. In April 1972, General of the Army Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubko himself became the head of the Strategic Missile Forces, becoming the fifth commander-in-chief behind the rakhunk and having tried 13 years in the town, more, or less. As before, I have given a lot of respect to the reception on the design and deployment of new missile systems on the battlefield, which are distinguished by high superiority, combat readiness and efficiency, among the first in the world of mobile air base missile launchers. Under the yogo kerіvnitstvom military mastered new automated systems of combat control and communication.

The commander-in-chief deeply delved into the development of new missile systems. In the first years, the command of the military aircraft was observed by the current design bureaus of rocket production, regularly contacting the general and head designers. Without delay, after re-engineering, introducing at the combat warehouse of the Strategic Missile Forces and setting up third-generation missiles with warheads of individual guidance, which are separated, and by means of adjusting the missile defense system - RS-18, RS-20, RS-16, and in the future - by robots from polypshenia tactical and technical. characteristics of cih missiles. Everything allowed our strategic nuclear forces to compare with the American ones, not only for the number of combat units, but also for their combat capabilities, took care of the military-strategic parity between the nuclear powers of the world. In early 1976, following the order of the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, General of the Army Tolubka, it was decided to switch to a single system of organizing and carrying out combat drawing. We have established the same days of intercession and change, the optimal storage of earthly changes and rozrakhunkivs, the most favorable for the practice and preservation of health of the special warehouse of the modes of carrying out combat drawings and recovery.

This made it possible to increase the capacity of the core warehouse in all areas of the administration and to control the carrying out of the combat drafting by the special warehouse of the core changes. The principles of a single system of combat chartering are found in all missile launchers and parts of a stationary and mobile base, as well as at control points of all types and ranks. A lot of what was crushed by the head commander for the patriotic training of rocket warriors. Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubko is the author of the books "From the Vidina to Belgrade", "On the Pivdenny Flank", "Rocket Warriors". In 1979, the publishing house "Young Guard" in the series "The Life of Miraculous People" published the book "Tyzhden: the first head of the strategic." In 1984, the Strategic Missile Forces were preparing to mark the 25th day of the day of adoption.

On one of the heads with a head of image and jealousy, I swear at those who see hundreds of books about others, and the Strategic Missile Forces, through them, overworldly closeness, as if they didn’t understand. It was done a little bit to raise the veil of secrecy, which would take the service of strategic missilemen in the eyes of third parties. At the red 1984 rock at the Viysk Academy named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky was appointed for the sake of the Strategic Missile Forces as representatives of creative teams and organizations of the SRSR. Among the writers, composers, cinematographers, requested for recording from the Soviet Union, were Georgy Markov, Volodymyr Karpov, Petro Proskurin, Oleksandr Prokhanov, Evgen Dolmatovsky, Vadim Trushin, Robert Rizdvyany and others. Speaking in front of them, the head of the Strategic Missile Forces Tolubko first spoke about the life of missile warriors and that task, which is to stand in front of the soldiers.

Nadali, at the turn of 1984, a small creative group saw the Plesetsk missile range. Pіdsumkom tsієї їzdki having become a sheet from the secretariat of the Joint Writers of the SRSR at the address of the head of the Strategic Missile Forces. After the words of gratitude for the miraculously organized trip, the leaf began: The scribes could change their minds about how strong and powerful the missile shield of our Batkivshchyna is. We deeply perekonan in what ties, what mitzny, between writers and warriors of the Rocket troops to bring good creative fruit.

Volodymyr Fedorovich loves directness in people, inner heart, optimism. Not stingy with praise, like a bachelor, that the officer is bollying for the right, to work on the commissioned division of all possible to improve combat readiness, to improve the military discipline. And of course, even more about the improvement of the minds of life and the special warehouse of missile garrisons. Vіn having made a great deposit at the well-maintained place of Odintsovo and the place of the missilemen of Vlasikha, in which and today the command of the Strategic Missile Forces is deployed. It’s a good reason why the “rocket capital” (as they call Vlasikha) has changed into a beautiful place, where everything is necessary for a normal life for the family of rocket scientists. In 1985, Volodymyr Fedorovich was promoted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and to the Minister of Defense of the SRSR for the prohannym svіlniti yogo vіd vykonannya obov'yazkіv head of the head of the camp of health: seriously injured, otrimana on the cob of war, began to guess about yourself. Prohannya was pleased, and in 1985-1989 he worked with a group of general inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the SRSR.

Died V.F. Tolubka 17 black 1989 to rock. Funeral at the Novodevichy Tsvintary in Moscow. The Batkivshchyna appreciated the merits of Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubka before the Batkivshchyna. For the great contribution to the creation of that production on the battlefield of the drafting of new rocket technology on April 12, 1976, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Pratsі. Five awards were awarded with the Orders of Lenin, chotirma with the Order of the Red Prapor, the Order of Bogdan Khmelnytsky II degree, two with the Orders of the First Degree of the War of the First Degree, two with the Order of the Chervonoy Zirka, the Order for the Service of the Batkivshchyna in the Healthy Forces of the SRSR, the III degree, and also with medals .

Obiravsya Volodymyr Fedorovich, a member of the Central Committee of the CPRS from 1976 (a candidate from 1971), a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR on the 8-10th click. On the central square of Odintsovo, a monument to the chest of Volodymyr Fedorovich was erected as an honorable hulk of the city. 1999 to the year of 40th anniversary of the Strategic Missile Forces, the administration of the Odintsovo district fell asleep a commemorative medal named after. V.F. Tolubka "For the Ratna Pratsyu". His name was assigned to one of the streets of Odintsovo.

Volovik O.M. Speciality on the aphids of the epoch. Volume II. From Volodymyr to Volodymyr.../A.M. Volovik - M.: Vidavnichy dіm "ALVO", 2012. -

Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubko was born on 12 (25) leaf fall 1914 at the city of Konstantinohrad, Kharkiv region of Ukraine, at the same worker.

After graduating from secondary school, he worked as an instructor to the district Komsomol in Krasnograd.

Before the war, the Great Vitchiznyana War

Serving in the Red Army since 1932 in the settlements of young commanders and political practitioners. In 1937, he graduated from the Ulyanovsk armored military school, sent to the Kiev military district, serving as a commander of a tank platoon and a platoon of intelligence. In 1941, he graduated from the Viysk Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the RSCA.

He fought at the Great Vitchiznian war on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts: assistant chief of the operational division (since 1941), chief of the operational division (since 1941), chief of staff of the 21st tank division (since 1941), chief of staff of the 1st From fierce 1942), commander of the 104th tank brigade (from lime 1942). For example, in 1942 the fate of the gravely wounded, after the dressing of the birch of 1943, the fate of the Viysk Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the RSCA. In the fierce fate of 1944, I changed directions to the young army, and became the head of the operational division of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps (1944-1945) on the 3rd Ukrainian Front. In this settlement, taking part in the Yasko-Kishinev, Belgrade, Budapest operations.

The last hour of the war

From 1945 to the year - the commander of a mechanized brigade, after її rozformuvannya until 1948 - the commander of a mechanized regiment. In 1950 he graduated from the Viysk Academy of the General Staff named after K. Y. Voroshilov. Since 1950, the head of the military division and intercessor of the chief of staff of the corps, chief of staff of the mechanized division. From 1951 year - commander of a mechanized division. March 1953 - chief of staff and first defender of the commander of the army. Since 1956, he was an assistant to the Commander-in-Chief - Head of the Combat Training Department of the Group of Radian Military Forces near Nimechchyna. Since 1957, he was commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the Red Guard in Dresden. Since 1958, he was the commander of the 8th Guards Army of the Order of Lenin in the city of Nora.

If a new rіd viysk was created - Rocket military strategic recognition, Tolubka was translated from them and in 1960 was appointed the first intercessor of the Chief Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces. Having played a great role in the formation of a new kind of viysk. In April 1968, the fate turned to the land military and the appointment of the commander of the military of the Siberian military district. From January 1969 - Commander of the Military District of Far Koskhodny District. Army General (1970). Ale potim znova transfers to the Strategic Missile Forces and April 12, 1972 appointments as Chief Commander of the Rocket Military Strategic Recognition. 1983 year youmu was awarded the military title Head Marshal of Artillery. The only thing is, if such a rank was assigned to an individual, like the rank of “general of the army” is small, all other marshals of the lower military rank are earlier than the rank of marshal of the military genus. The activity of Tolubka in the settlement of the Commander-in-Chief of the RVSP is assessed positively by the majority of military favourites.

On 10 April 1985, the date of the planting and appointment as General Inspector of the Group of General Inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the SRSR. Lives near Moscow.

Reward that Zvanya

  • 1976 Rock was awarded the title of Hero of the Socialist Labor.
  • Five orders of Lenin, chotirma with the Order of the Red Prapor, the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky 2nd class, the Order of the Vitchiznian War of the 1st class, two orders of the Chervonoy Zirka, the Order for the Service of the Batkivshchyna in the Healthy Forces of the SRSR, the 3rd class, medals with medals.
  • The honorary hromadain of the town of Odintsovo, Moscow region, de im'yam Tolubka, was named a street.


  • Near the city of Odintsovo, the hero's chest was erected, and the name of Marshal Tolubka was also assigned to the street near the microdistrict of the 7th city.
  • On the riddle about Tolubka, a commemorative breastplate was issued.
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Comrat.

born 12 (25) leaf fall 1914 rock in the city Constantinograd,
(nine - the city of Krasnograd, Kharkiv region), in the same worker.

Finished high school, worked district instructor
committee of the Komsomol
near the city of Krasnograd.

In the Red Army since 1932.
At 1937 roci finished Ulyanovsk Armored Military School.

Viysk service rozpochav cadet of the school of young commanders, then platoon commander's assistant, tank commander.

In 1937-1938, the commanders tank platoon and a reconnaissance platoon
in Kyiv Special Viysk Okrug.

March 1941 - pomіchnik Head of the 1st division of the headquarters of the tank division
Leningrad Viysk Okrug.

In 1941, roci finished two courses Viysk Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the RSCA.

From the first days Great Vytchiznyanoy war taking the fate of the battles German-fascist zagarbniks on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts.

Z serpnya 1941 roku - chief 1st (operational) division headquarters, zhovtnya - Head headquarters 21st tank divisions.
From fierce 1942 rock - Chief of Staff, from lime the same fate
Commander of the 104th Tank Brigade.

Buv dvіchi wounds.
The first time was in the autumn of 1941.

After dressing Volodymyr Tolubka Bulo proponated to continue
military training in armored academy, ale the enemy rushing to Moscow,
і Tolubka being guided by whom propositions, filling out navchannya "for later",
and again pishov
the infantry army.

After the injury from the birth of 1943 to the fate - Vikladach Department of Tactics
Viysk Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the RSCA

From April 1944 until the end of the war Chief of Operational Headquarters
Guards Mechanized Corps (3rd Ukrainian front).

V.F. Tolubka taking part in the planned and conducted combat actions mechanized corps in Yasko-Chisinau, Belgrade and Budapest operations, revealing high organizational viysk zdіbnosti and masculinity.

Fighting dosvіd, ottrymany at the rock of war zastosovuvav navchanniі vihovanni viysk,
plant in the rocks in 1945-1948 Commander of the Guards Mechanized Brigade
i police,
Head of the Operational Division of the Headquarters of the Tank Army,
Chief of Staff of the Guards Mechanized Division,
Head of operational department that intercessor Chief of Staff of the Guards Mechanized Army.

After the war, in 1946, the lieutenant colonel Tolubka, which finished armored academy,
was awarded the military title
"Major General"

At 1950 roci wines finished See Viysk Academy
(ninі - Academy of the General Staff).

March 1951 - Commander guards mechanized
in Nimechchyna,
since May 1953 - Chief of Staff.

Three breasts 1954 rock - 1st Defender of the Commander of the 4th Guards
mechanized army

Z worm 1956 rock - assistant chief commander
- Head of the Department of Combat Training of the Group of Radian Military in Nimechchyna.

Z lime 1957 rock - Commander of the 1st Guards Tank,
from April 1958 to rock - 8th Guards Army.

March 1960 - first intercessor Commander-in-Chief of the Missile Forces of Strategic Recognition.

U 1968 roci general V.F. Tolubka finished Other academic courses
at Academy of the General Staff.

IN quotations of the same fate wine appointments Commander of the Siberian military,
a z May 1969 rock - far-away viysk districts.

Date 30 April 1970
colonel general V.F. Tolubka
nayvische viyskove zvonnya "general of the army" .

From April 12, 1972 to April 10, 1985 Volodymyr Fedorovich Tolubko - Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces
- intercessor of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Head Viyskovoy for the sake of the Strategic Missile Forces.

At this high post V.F. Tolubko entered significant special contribution
in thoroughly combativeі operational training that headquarters ,
for security
constant combat readiness of missile troops,
in development of rocket technology that debacle.

Vin keruvav rebuild, introduced at combat warehouse of the Strategic Missile Forces that staging
on the battlefield drawing third-generation missiles h head parts that are separatedі by the means of supporting the anti-missile defense of the enemy
"RS-18" , "RS-20" , "RS-16" that missiles "Poplars" ,
as well as robots improvement of tactical and technical characteristics of the designation of missiles.

It was created under yogo curry grouping of the first missile systems of mobile-based medium-range missiles "Pioner" і organizing reception for recoverythat setting oncombat drafting of missile systems, vіdminnikh high arrogance, combat readiness and efficiency, including mobile , such, for example, like"Poplars".
Crimea, Tolubka zdіysniv transition to single system of organization
і carrying out combat swearing scale RVSP .

Perebuvaya on the landing first intercessor of the commander-in-chief of the RVSP
h the first day of their creation, V.F. Tolubka zdіysnyuvav pіdbіr
і placement of core frames, organizing come in for operational-strategic preparation of the highest command warehouse, rozrobku
ways to promote the field and military training of the military
I give special respect to wines problems of automation of management, disintegration of the basics of combat planting of missile troops, rechecking the combat readiness of the day and part,
I will become familiar with that technique
On my landing Bulo richly crushed for brainwashing life
ta pobutu special warehouse
garrison soldiers-rocketmen.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR
view March 25, 1983
general of the army
V.F. Tolubka awarded the highest military title
"Chief Marshal of Artillery".

In 1985, on the basis of a special report, Head Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubka leave the landing to the Head Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces and go to group
General Inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR

W 1971 roku V.F. Tolubka rubbing off candidate for a member of the Central Committee of the CPRS,
and since 1976 - a member of the Central Committee of the CPRS.
Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR Call on the 8th-10th.

"Vіd Vidin to Belgrade" (M., 1968. 240 p. , at the spivauthorship of N.I. Barishevim) ;
"On pivdenny flanzi"
(M., 1973. 400 z. , co-authored by N.I. Barishevim) ;
"Rocket military"
(M., 1977. 64 p.) ;
"Live - Batkivshchyna Serve"
(M., 1978. 87 h.) ;
"Nedelin: The first head of strategic"
(M., 1979. 222 p.)

V.I. Petrov "Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubka"
( Viyskovo-istorichny magazine. 1984. 11. P. 49-52.)

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR view 12 sickles 1976 rock
"For the great special contribution to the creation and development of rocket and space technology and rocket launch systems", general of the army Tolubko Volodymyr Fedorovichtitle awarded Hero of the Socialist Pratsiwith the award of the order Lenina that gold medal"Hammer and sickle".

Rewarding five orders of Lenin
(1972 , 1974 , 1976 , 1982 , 1984 ),
chotirma with orders
Red Prapor
(September 9, 1944, Spring 29, 1944, 1953, 1968),
orders Bogdan Khmelnytsky 2nd class (1944 ),
two orders
Vytchiznyanoi war of the 1st stage (1944, 1985 ),
two orders
Chervonoy Zirki (1948 , 1964 ),
order "For the service of the Batkivshchyna in the Defense Forces of the SRSR" 3rd degree (1971)
and medals,
and also foreign orders and medals,
including Polish Order "Virtuti Militari".

Honorable Hulk city ​​of Odintsovo, Moscow region
and Comrat (Moldova).
