Change in his Russian Language Language. Change at his place. Change in EDI from foreign movies

In 2014-2015, the following changes will be made to the initial rotation:

1. Admission to ЄДІ is taken away only by the students, if they successfully wrote the graduation tvir (carrying out the reading of the work - in the chest, the assessment for the system of the hall / not the sound, you can 2 try writing the work: in the chest with the possibility of retransmission from the fierce.)

2. Upon admission to the university, students can take additional balls to the ЄДІ from the Russian language, having presented their graduation tvir at the VNZ. Evaluate create VNZ independently. Also, entrants can receive additional points when entering the VNZ, earning gold or winning a medal, medals of the Olympic and Paralympic Igors, the World Championship, winning prizes at the All-Russian Olympiads of schoolchildren. The list of special accessibility and the possibility of taking for them the additional points of the VNZ is determined independently.

3. Eat well foreign movie z'appear sleep part of the "speaking".

And later in 2015, the fate will look like this:

1. Power supply for the administration of the block "A" (it is possible to place the head of the block "A" at open access);

2. Consideration of the request for the profile and basic level ЄДІ: - basic - solution for block "B" (maximum up to 70 points); -profile solution of blocks "A" and "C" (maximum up to 100 points).

In the future, it is planned to give the opportunity to learn how to choose a block of sleep, and the course itself: for example, basic from one subject and more pronouncements - from another. Tobto. schoolchildren take away the right to rob those subjects, like them to take away the greatest knowledge from them.

3. It is planned to create on the entire territory of the Russian Federation Independent centers of passage ЄДІ, yakі zmozhut podderzhіspiti kіlka razіv on rіk. In the lower regions, such centers are already working in the “pilot” regime. It is possible that three tests to add up will be cost-free, and the next - on a paid basis (to cover the expenses for the organization of EDI).

Change what the initial objects hit:

In the United States of America, the part “C” will be expanded, the court system of storage and sleep will appear: for entry to the humanitarian higher education institutions, graduate students will sleep on the profile level, and for the entry to the technical higher education institutions, the first part will be completed at the base level.

EDI Mathematicians will also have a noble system of folding sleep: for entry to technical higher education, graduate students have to sleep on the profile level, and for entry to humanitarian higher education - on the base one.

In ЄDI iz sspіlstvoznavstva variant of vindication of the oral part is considered.

In ЄDI z of physics, there is a proposition about the promotion of physics as obov'yazkovy to the task of ЄDI of the subject.

In ЄDI s geography, biology, literature and history, the appearance of an oral part is possible. So, in EDI literature, one can see the nourishment spent sleeping at the form of creation.

The variant of the development of EDI from informatics and ICT in the computer form is being considered.


For the participants of EDI, a profile study of mathematics and a part of the study of foreign languages ​​are provided. In order to gain admission to the EDI, graduate students can successfully write the titles “presidential TV” in this way. To write to the graduates lie down at the breast, and you can retake the test at the fierce and for example kvitnya - on the cob of grass. For those who are learning about the possibilities of health and children with disabilities, tvir can be replaced by a week.

As a result of the sub-bag creation, chi viklad can be buti zalіk chi nezalіk. Let only students get to the building, as they took away the hall.

Already, such directly thematic works have been appointed: “It is not for nothing that all Russia remembers ...” (until the 200th anniversary of M.Yu. generations: at once and in different ways” and “How do people live?”

Rosobrnadzor to spread those under-bag creations directly from Rosobrnadzor to the chest. It is noteworthy that a short tvir-ese, such as graduates write when writing a Russian language, is also to be saved. And the axis of the part with the choice of vіdpovіdі z ЄDI schodo tsgogo subject of offensive rock znikne. The authorities said that the ribbing of folding after the inclusion of the test part of the EDI from the Russian language will not decrease. It’s easy to shorten the number of tasks with a choice of questions in one of the other subjects.


ЄДІ з mathematics in the new primary roci vdpovіdno to the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation, approved by the Ryad of the Russian Federation in 2013, will be divided into two equals: basic and profile. The choice of the opportunity to study mathematics on two equal terms is left behind by the regions. To get a certificate of graduation from school, it will be enough to take a subject at the basic level, having completed the degree of “mathematics for life”.

Prote successful folding of the basic level will not give the opportunity to enter the university, in which mathematics is included before the transfer introductory trials. For many applicants, it is necessary to build a specialized EDI in mathematics, for equal complexity similar to EDI 2014.

The basic level should be given to the decisions of the regions, so that you can decide for yourself what we are doing їм ЄДІ from mathematics on two levels, or to be surrounded by a profile experience.


At the EDI of foreign languages, the participants now have the opportunity to not only write letters and sleep, but also to demonstrate their own speech. Razdіl, scho to avenge usnі vіdpovіdі on zavdannya, while you'll be kind, prote applicants for the high bally zdavati yogo happen.

The maximum score (100) can be taken away, so that the graduate student gives a letter part, as a maximum of 80 points is assessed, and an oral part, as a maximum of 20 points is assessed.


Formation of control materials (KIM) ЄDI for 2015 rіk credited bank zavdan. The Bank will be supplemented with new tasks, access to the new one will be available on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Studies (FIPD), which deals with the development of examination tasks.

Your KIM kit, as of 2014, will be split for the skin time zones of Russia, so graduates from other time zones will not be able to match them.

The traditional three hvili ЄDI (dostrokova, the main one dodatkova) will go into history, and from the new initial fate will be scribbled. Spend a drink at the kvitnі and herbs - chervnі. Previously, sleeps at the main flute were stored in Russia by graduates of stream rock, and the warehouse of participants in pre-strokovo and supplementary fluff of regulations.

“Vdpovidno to the new order, give ЄDІ usі graduates of the in-line and frontal rokіv can be from quarter to worm, with which Russian mov and mathematics are obligatory subjects, and from other subjects you will be required to choose from a choice of up to 1 day . EDI at the lipny is not carried out.

In addition, learners can learn the possibility of building ЄDI z okremih podrazu, how to finish their classes, for example, building ЄDI z geography will be possible after the 10th grade.

You can reprint an unsatisfactory result of any subject at the independent centers of the EDI, so that you can practice the whole river. In the same place, with a stretch of fate, you can reprint any other object for taking away the great ball.

Under the hour of the ЄDI at the offensive roll, the Rosobrnaglyad plans to save the innovations that ensured the transparency and honesty of the examination campaign in 2014. At all points of the meeting, there will be a video warning, the number of audiences, the warning will be conducted online, it will be as much as possible. To continue our work on the EDI federal inspectors and public posters, and Rosobrnaglyad conduct monitoring of Internet sites in any publications of unreliable KIM.

1. Admission to ЄDI ensures a safe writing of creation. The graduates were not able to write tvir in the chest, in times of failure, re-writing yoga could be done in a fierce and still possible, for example, kvіtnya - on the cob of grass. Shhorіchno The Ministry of Education has announced 6 thematic directives, connected with zі significant podіyami that memorable dates what fate. The number of topics will be carefully discussed and updated. Selected by those to be published with open access. For the skin time zone, one skin topic will be selected from six directives (48 topics in total). Set topics in the regions may be closed. In 2014/2015, the first-grader of the eleventh-graders already wrote creations on those on the vibir: “It is not without reason that all Russia remembers ...” (until the 200th anniversary of M.Yu. Lermontov), vіtchiznânіy svіtої literature”, “Superchka generation: at once and narіzno” and “What do people live for?”.

2. For children with limited abilities and the disabled tvir may be replaced by wiklad. The results of the sub-bag creation chi viklad can be “zalіk” chi “nezalіk”. Students are allowed to the building, as if they were making a hall.

3. For graduates of which and future fates to be introduced specialized in mathematics. For the graduation of the certificate, you can add up only the basic test, but for entering the universities, de mathematics is included before the language translation, you need the results of the profile. If you don’t introduce a basic level, you can count on the regional level, it is possible to carry out EDI s of mathematics on two levels, so it’s less on the profile level. Basic rіven nebhіdny volodіnnya mathematician is only on the rіvnі the simplest calculation, and profile, schob vyrishuvati folded mathematical problems.

4. be introduced we sleep partly with foreign languages(“Speaking”), as you can build for the bajan. For the time being, “talking” about obov'yazkovym is still not going into, shards of programs from foreign languages ​​are aimed more importantly at reading that letter. Usna part is given to a voluntary order, prote in the choice to lay down the maximum assessment. At the time of the task, the oral part and the letter part, you can take 100 points in total. The maximum score for the letter part is 80, for the sleeping part - 20. In the case of the choice of the written part, EDI from the foreign language is passed in two days: one day - the building of the letter part and the next day - the written part. The folding procedure will be automated using computers and special software.

5. ЄDI you can build prestrokovo. Zrobiti tse can be someone. Before that, the right is less than those, which are the most important reasons for the presence at the main stage. Dostrokova building ЄDI pass by the other half of the quarter.

6 . Three of the following subjects EDI you can check in at class 10 for example, from geography. Oskіlki course navchannya ends earlier.

7. Whatever object ЄDI can be reissued yakscho not scoring the minimum number of points. You can transfer no more than 1 time in any of the requested periods. For retransmission, a special schedule will be requested and days will be indicated for skin items. Chotiri razi is planned for the skin initial roci: lyuty, spring, cherv, veresen.

Procedure for submitting an EDI

Control materials (KIM) for 2015 will be frequently formed from the approved bank date, and often supplemented by new orders. Access to KIM is available on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Education. For the skin time zone, your KIM will be broken down, graduates from other time zones will not be able to use it.

Build edi usі graduates of tshogo and wanting to the front rock can from Thursday to hell. Russian Language and Mathematicsє shoes with viscous objects, reshta on vibir, minimum required building three items. With a choice of supplementary subjects, the next appointment is up to 1 pregnancy. In order to create a ЄDI z Russian geography and geography in 2015, it is necessary to submit an application and register up to 1 breast of the current year. An application for participation in the task of EDI in the pre-stroke period and the main period of any other subjects must be submitted before February 1, 2015. When submitting an application with your mother, you need a passport and SNILZ. Graduates of the past years still need to bring a certificate or a copy. The pre-stroke period of the assignment of ЄDI in 2015 is set from 23rd birch to 18 April, the main one - from 25 May 5 chern. Applications of graduates of the school of which fate are accepted without intermediary at the school. By acceptance of the applications of graduates of the past years and foreign communities, they are registered with the municipal and regional authority for the management of lighting.

An hour on the cob 10.00 am after the miserable hour.

After rozsіdavshis on mіstsyah, uchnі nі nіnіnі listening іnstruktsії іz zapovnennija form regіstrії, forms іnіdpovіdei y order worki z ekzanatsiynim materia. After announcing the organizers about the cob of sleep (the hour of the cob of that cob is being picked up on the doshtsi) rozpochati vykonannya examination work. Under the hour I will sleep, all the participants are obliged to win the statements of the organizers.

Suvoro is defended:

  • speak;
  • get up from the month;
  • residate;
  • exchange be-yakimi materials and objects;
  • using mobile phones, other means of communication, electronic counting technology, both in the classroom, and in the last point of reception (PPE) with a long breath;
  • scoring with advanced materials of the creme of additional outbuildings and materials that are scoring with other objects, it’s possible to convert;
  • walk along PPE for an hour and sleep without a companion.

After the end of my sleep All graduates are obliged to submit: the registration form and the forms of confirmation No. 1 and No. 2, including the supplementary form of confirmation No. 2. At all points, there is a video warning online. The number of audiences that are careful will be as much as possible increased in 2014. If a participant violates the rules of the EDI, the representative of the sovereign examination commission may have the right to remove the participant from the test. The inspectors will be federal inspectors, and Rosobrnaglyad will conduct monitoring of Internet sites for the publication of unreliable KIM.

Official layout of ЄDI at 2015

14 fierce (Sat) - Russian language, geography. (For graduates of the past years and osib, yakі graduated lighting organizations with dovidkoy at the front rock).

Dostrokovy EDI 2015

The main period of ЄDI 2015

The scale for translating the balls ЄDI

The results of the study of Russian mathematics will be published no less than 6 days after scanning and rechecking by the heads of fakhivtsy. According to the decision of the subject, the results shall be voted later, as 4 days after the main term was held and after 3 days at the additional term. The results of the Unified Sovereign Test are evaluated for a 100-point system. According to the skin subject, the first ball is put in order (the sum of the balls for all victories of the day). Potim first ball is translated into test score, if there will be evidence from the certificate and it will be secured for an hour I will enter the university. You can translate the balls of the EDI for the additional formula:

The formula for translating balіv ЄDI

de t - test score ЄДІ, - first ball giving ЄДІ, - mark, which gives one primary ball, - mark, which gives the first ball, one less than the maximum possible. Rounding is carried out to a whole number according to the rules of mathematics. Zero first score is 0 for EDI, and the maximum possible score is 100 points.

Table transferring points

first ball











view 84 59-83 22-58 0-21
Suspіlstvoznavstvo view 67 55-66 42-54 0-41
Chemistry view 73 56-72 36-55 0-35
Geography view 67 51-66 37-50 0-36
biology view 72 55-71 36-54 0-35
Literature view 67 55-66 32-54 0-31
Physics view 68 53-67 36-52 0-35
History view 68 50-67 32-49 0-31
Informatics view 73

For example, learning from some of the reasons not to control the results of ЄDI, then it is transferred filing an appeal 2 working days after the official announcement of the results, which are recorded by the federal information system, no paper documents were transferred.

Term dії results - 4 years, scho go for rock їх otrimannya. If a participant of the EDI takes unsatisfactory results, you can rebuild EDI in supplementary terms, presented in a single layout.

Minimum number of balls ЄDI when joining up to VNZ

Russian language


Informatics and ICT





Foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish)

Results of ЄDI-2015

The results of the same subjects are superseded in the region and are posted on the official website for the passport data of graduates. You can also look at the list of terms for reviewing the consumption.

Oskіlki mathematics was given for two equals, basic and profile (1 and 4 chern), then the results will be okremo. As a rule, the results in a row, zgіdno z terms, nadsilayutsya in the region, and nezabarayutsya and on the site.

A lot of graduates in 2015 folded basic and profile studies in mathematics. Whoever does not pass the minimum threshold of points, can retake mathematics on 23rd chervnya.

The folding of the Single Sovereign Ispitu is an important initial stage in the life of a skin graduate, and then this stage will be passed. Fathers psychologists to please zdіysnyuvati maximum psihologichnu pіdtrimku dermal phase folded іspitu. And pіdtremuvati - means vіriti in the zdіbnostі dіtinі and nalashtovuvati її її її її її svіh, zaplyuchi і eyes on the past bad luck. Graduates should gain masculinity and patience, and, if possible, take care of peace in their sleep. As it seems, I see it once, I see it once! For this, it’s better to spend a good hour on the bagatarase re-checking of the pastor’s appointments. And more than that - let the spring do not overwhelm you!

The material was prepared by Yuliya Savelyeva

  1. The structure of the KIM variant has been changed: the leather variant is composed of two parts(Part 1 - zavdannya with a short break, part 2 - zavdannya with a roaring break).
  2. The task for the KIM variant is presented in the scribbled numbering mode withoutletter meanings A, U, Z.
  3. Changed the form of entry inzavdannya with a short notice, the number of the correct statement (and not cross).
  4. According to the largest number of primary subjects, the number of tasks is shortened from the choice odnієї vіdpovіdі.
  5. Based on the analysis of statistical data about the results of sleep and qualityКІМ for a number of subjects the deacі lines of the day were turned off, the form of the series was changed zavdan.
  6. On a sustainable basis, work is carried out according to the best criteriaestimating the order from the fired vіdpovіddu.

Change from items

Biology - the essence of change.

1) Changed the number of jobs for examination robots from 50 to 40.

2) The number of appointments has been changed by choosing one of the correct ones from 36 to 25.

3) Increased the number of orders from the fired fire from 6 to 7.

Geography - there are no fundamental changes.

Changed the order of tasks in part 1 and the structure of the KIM option as a whole.

English, German, French and Spanish language - change the principles of communication from distribution orders "Speaking" (there are no changes in the principles of writing).

Head of the audition of A1-A7 with the choice of different types of transformation at KIM 2015. at task 2 for the establishment of compliance with the very objects of control.

To be introduced, the model of the basic part of the EDI has been developed and testedforeign language.

Informatics and ICT - there are no fundamental changes.

The structure of the examination work has been optimized: the number of students has shrunk zavdan (from 32 to 27); Obviously, the maximum amount has changed from 40 to 35first balls. Changed the number of tasks divided for the enlargement of the subjectzavdan, vіdomosti close to the subject and folding zavdan in one position. Suchpositions became enlarged: No. 3 (collection of information in the computer), No. 6 (formallyvikonannya algorithms), No. 7 (technology for calculating and visualizing data for helpspreadsheets) and No. 9 (speed of transmission of sound and graphic files).

In connection with the change in the number of parts, the sequence has changed in the variant zavdan. Part 2 of the work (zavdannya z roared vіdpoviddu) has not changed, but the vіdnosna vagabalіv, otrimanih for vikonannya zavdan z roared vіdpovіddu, zbіlshivsya for rahunokabbreviated zagalnoї kіlkostі zavdan і variantі.

History - there are no fundamental changes.

With the method of implementation, we could lay the foundations for the Concept of a new initial methodical complex on business history that historical and cultural standard, up toone more task was added to the apparent tasks to verify the knowledge of the facts to heroismradyansky people at the rocks of Velikaya Vytchiznyanoi war(Zavdannya 15).

The periodization of the divisions of the work is given in the grading to the historical and cultural standard (the third division starts from 1914, and not from 1917, as it was earlier).From the method of optimizing the re-verification of knowledge of the history of Russia in the XX century. dated forin the meantime, conduct a search for historical information in the dzherelakh of different types for periods1914-1941 rr. that 1945-1991 rr. (19).

Two tasks for knowledge of the main facts, processes, phenomena are included in the work periods VIII-XVII Art. that XVIII - the middle of the XIX century. (A2 and A7 for the numbering of 2014). Similartasks 1 and 5 (A1 and A6 for the numbering of 2014) for robotic savings.

The formulation of the task 39 and 40 and the criteria for evaluating the task 40 have been clarified.

Russian language - change the essence.

  • At the link with the need for differentiation, re-verification at the bordersstate pіdbagovoї attestatsії z lighting programs basic (ODE) tasecondary school (ЄДІ) reviewed the exam paper. Changedthe number of part of that worker in the examination robot (the number of workdays went from 39 to 25).
  • Changed the task task format.
  • Changed the maximum score for victorious work (changed from 64 to 55).
  • When reversing the lexical meaning of the word in the examiner's examinationthe test is included in the work of the dictionary article.

Literature - there are no fundamental changes.

The structure of the KIM variant has been changed: the leather variant is composed of two parts (parts 1 and 2 KIM 2014 combined into one part).

Mathematics - the examination model of the ЄДІ basic level was expanded, as well as modernized model KIM 2014

It is planned to conduct two okremih іspіv - basic and profile - from KIM, let's break it down to different specifications.Basic EDI is organized for graduates, like learning mathematics for the foreignthe development of that successful life in society, as well as university applicants, which are not requiredhigh rіven volodinnya mathematics. Bali, otrimani on the basic EDI of mathematics,not be translated into a hundred-point scale and not give the opportunity to participate in the competition for entryat the university КІМ for ЄДІ of the base level, it is better to set the base level of foldingwith a short notice (20th day) and they revise:

  • vminnya virishuvati standard tasks of practical life zmistu;
  • vminnya carry out the simplest examinations, assessment and assessment;
  • vmіnnya logically mіrkuvati;
  • vmіnnya dіyati vіdpovіdno to clumsy algorithmіv;
  • vminnya vikoristovuvaty for the ceremony of the head of the initial and final information;
  • vminnya virishuvati, zokrema, folded tasks, yakі require logical mirroring.

Profile ЄDI to be held for graduates and applicants who plan to win mathematics and the sum of disciplines in the future professional activity.The results of the profile EDI in mathematics are converted to a hundred-point scale and can bepresented by the applicant for the competition for admission to the university.

The model of the profile sleep of 2015 is broken up on the basis of the EDDI modelMathematics 2014 Roku:

  1. At the other part, a high folding order was added (code 2.1.12 for CES,Code 6.1. for CT) with a flared up, which overturns the practical skills of stosuvannyamathematics in everyday life, beginners encourage that dosledzhennya mathematical models.
  2. From the first part, the specification of the basic folding level is included (CES code 2.1.12, Code 6.1. for CT).
  3. Changes in the form and subject matter of day 16 and 17(in 2010-14 pp. C2 and C3 are clear).

Suspіlstvoznavstvo - the essence of change

  • Optimized the structure of the examination paper:
    • at the skin zone, five replacement block-modules were shortened in one dayselection and recording of one of the correct statements from the proponated statement of statements;
    • task for training to social realities (4, 9, 16, 20) at the blocks “People.Suspіlstvo. Knowledge. Spiritual culture”, “Economics”, “Politics” and “Law”, as well astask 12 at the block "Social Vision", directed to the search for social information,presented in different sign systems (table, diagram),multiple choice (for the type of multiple B4 and B7);
    • for changes in the structure of the skin from five replacement block-modulesskin variant of KIM block of the head, directing to the re-verification of the sings of the mind (the amountB1-B8), shortened by two tasks (total B4 and B7)
    • for No. 21, a task was introduced that reconsiders the knowledge of the foundations of the constitutional modeRussian Federation, and navit rights and freedoms of people and hromada.
      As a result, a large number of workers’ heads of work scurried away on one task ( 36 deputy 37).
  • Changed the maximum first score for vykonannya all work (62 zamіst 60).
  • Changed the form of the entry on the skin test date 1, 2, 5-7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23:KIM 2015 it is necessary to write down the number, so that you give the correct number to the correct number.
  • Improved the criteria for estimating tasks 32 (C5 amount), 35 (C8 amount), 36 (total C9).
  • Increased the hour of working hours from 210 to 235 minutes.

Chemistry - there are no fundamental changes.

  1. Changed the number of days for the base folding level from 28 to 26 days.
  2. Changed the form of the entry on the skin test date 1-26: at KIM 2015.write down the number, so that you give the correct number to the correct number.
  3. The maximum score for vykonannya vsіh zavdan examination work 2015 yearwarehouse 64 (replacement 65 points in 2014 roci).
  4. The system for estimating the task for the significance of molecular formulas has been changedspeeches. The maximum score for yoga vykonannya is 4 (replaced 3 points for 2014 rotation).

Physics - the essence of change

The structure of the KIM variant has been changed: the leather variant is composed of two parts (used with the choice of vydpovidі and z short vіdpovіddu (krim rozrakhunkovyh zavdan) united in one partwork at the zv'yazku іz zmіnoyu form form vіdpovіdey №1). Asking for the option presented inscribbled numbering mode without letter symbols A, B, C.

Por_vnyano from KIM EDI 2014 kіlkіst zavdan shortened from 35 to 32. the number of rozrahunkovy’s heads has been changed to enter the rest of the work, that one on oneChanged the number of tasks for the base level of electrodynamics.

Shchoosenі, shoyno znachivshi 1 spring, we check for protection, yakі zmіni in ЄDI vіdbudutsya tsy fate? Let's get smart.

Podbag Tvir

For the instructions of Volodymyr Putin, the obov'yazkovy tvir will turn to school. The sub-bag test will be held in class 11 as an intermediate attestation. Graduates write yoga at their schools on March 3, 2014, and I will send it on the 4th of February on May 6th.

Without a hall at this robot, a graduate is not allowed to go to the EDI. For students with limited opportunities, that children with disabilities will be replaced by a viklad.

Sub-bag tvir can bring up to 10 additional points for an hour to join (as a specific university yogo vrakhovu).

Five main directives were stunned by themes of the sub-bag creation:

1. "It is not for nothing that all Russia remembers ..." (200th anniversary of M.Yu. Lermontov).

2. Food supplied to the people in war.

3. People and nature in vіtchiznіy and svіtovіy literature.

4. Super girl of generations: together and narizno.

5. How do people live?

On the basis of these, it will be directly broken down by specific works, different for the skin time zone.


Regardless of the victoriousness of the bag creation, it was saved from the part of Z in the same way.

Ale zagalom KIM from Russian language recognized the essence of change. Firstly, part A was turned off, and it took 30 test days to complete. Now the robot is made up of 2 parts.

Persha - includes 24 tasks with a short line (the line may have a number, a word, a phrase, a sequence of numbers or a word)

Druga - one task No. 25, which is є tvir behind the proponated text (in the old way - C1).

Demo variant of ЄDI-2015 from Russian movie (with changes)

In order to match KIM 2014 with the demo version of 2015, we take into account the upcoming date:

No. of task for 2015 No. 2014 topic
1 A27 Information processing of letter texts different styles that genre
2 A8
3 A12 Lexical meaning of the word
4 A1 Voice acting
5 A5 Lexical norms
6 A3 Morphological norms (implantation of word forms)
7 A5 Syntactic norms
8 A14 Spelling root
9 A15 Spelling prefixes
10 A17 Spelling of suffixes in different parts of the movie (crim N/PN)
11 A16 Spelling of the special endings of the language and suffixes of the language
12 A18 Spelling is NOT the same
13 A19 Angry, the hyphen and the different spelling of the words
14 A13 Spelling N/PN in suffixes of different parts of the movie
15 A23 Razdіlovі signs in a simple complicated speech
16 A21 Rozdіlovі signs in the speeches with vodokremlennymi members
17 A22 Separate signs in sentences with words and constructions that do not grammatically match with members of the sentence
18 A25 Rozdіlovі signs at the folded row river
19 A26 Razdіlovі signs in folding propositions z different types zv'azku
20 A28 The text is like a moving tvir. Smislova and compositional integrity of the text
21 A29 Functionally-smyslov_ typei movie
22 A30 Lexical meaning of the word. Groups of words from living that trip
23 About 7 Make a link to the speech in the text
24 About 8 Moven the order of viraznosti
25 Z 1 Tvir

Yak Vibachite, the number of days at the ЄDI z Russian language moved significantly faster (39 → 25), apparently changing and the maximum first score 64 → 55.


Starting from the beginning of 2014-2015, it is planned to carry out two okremikh іspіtіv z mathematics. basic and profile. Prote for the regions is deprived of the choice to do mathematics in the old way (beyond 2014).

1. Basic

Basic experience in mathematics appointments for graduates, yakі vyvchayut math for the global development, as well as for entrants, yakі plan to enter into specialties, for which a high level of mathematics is not required. The results of the basic education are not transferred to Bali and are not subject to insurance when entering the university.

KІM of basic іstu z mathematics is folded less from the zavdan of the basic level of folding with a short term. KІM mіstitime 20 zavdan, yakі revіryayut:

- Vminnya virishuvati standard tasks of practical change

- Vminnya carry out the simplest examinations, assessment and assessment

- Vmіnnya logically mіrkuvati

- vmіnnya dіyati vіdpovіdno to clumsy algorithmіv

- Vminnya vikoristovuvaty for the ceremony of the head of the initial and final information

- Vminnya virishuvati incl. folding order, which requires a logical order

Trivality to sleep - 180 min.

2. Profile

Profile seeks insurance for graduates and applicants, as they plan to win mathematics for professional activity. The results of a profile test in mathematics should be translated from a hundred-point scale. The model of the profile study was developed on the basis of EDIS mathematics - 2014 with the following changes:

- at the 2nd part, the order of a high level of folding was added with a flared vіdpovіddu

- from the 1st part, the setting of the base level is included

— nesuttєvi zmіni bumped on the day of 16 and 17 (С2 and С3 — until 2014).

Trivality to sleep - 235 min.


In ЄДІ іz sspіlstvoznavstva suttєvі zmeni will be:

- for the skin with 5 block-modules, it will be shortened for one task

- Appointment for recruitment to social realities (4, 9, 12, 16, 20)

— removed tasks B4 and B7

- Order No. 21 was added, which revised the knowledge of the foundations of the constitutional standing of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of people and citizens

— zagalna kіlkіst zavdan scurried away 37 → 36

- changing the maximum first score 62→60

- at the appointment on the 1st, 2nd, 5-7th, 10th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 23rd, now you need to write a number

- Improved assessment criteria for jobs 32(C5), 35(C8) and 36(C9)

- increased the hour of vikonannya roboti 210→235 min.


In the EDI of foreign language, a part of the sleep is being provided, but it will be good. You can earn 80 points even without it (having made the right decision), otherwise applicants for a high ball will be embarrassed to “speak”. You can get 20 balls for the most part of sleep.

Crime of the auditing task (A1-A7) with the choice of types will be transformed into task No. 2 on the installation of auditing with the same objects of control.

Informatics and ICT

At KIM s іnformatics, the big number of days 32→27 and the first balls 40→35 were short.

The change in the number of tasks has been smashed for the sake of enlargement of the topics of the task and the visibility of those close to the topic and the folding of the task in one position. These “big” positions were:

- Saving information on the computer

- Formal implementation of algorithms

– technology for calculating and visualizing data for additional spreadsheets

- speed of transmission of sound and graphic files

Part 2 (zavdannya z rozgnutoy vіdpoviddu) did not change, but at the link for the short-term zagalnoy kolkosti zavdannya baliv for tsі vіdpoviddu increased.


First, the number of days changed from 50 → 40.

In another way, the number of days is shortened with the choice of vіdpovіdі 36 → 25.

Thirdly, the number of orders was increased due to the fired fire 6 → 7.


The current work of physics is made up of 2 parts. The first part is added up from the 24th day: 9th day with the choice of dates and 15th day from the record of the change in the number or sequence of numbers. The other part of the work is added up on the 3rd day from the record of the date (25-27) and the 5th day from the report description of the decision.

The total number of tasks for the robot was shortened from 35 to 32. With this, the number of rozrachunkov’s tasks was changed for 2 tasks, which included the remaining part of the robot, that for 1 ass. Changed the number of tasks for the base level of electrodynamics.


Since 2015, schoolchildren have the opportunity to study geography after graduation from grade 10.

Changed the structure of KIM (changed the sequence of tasks for 1 part of the work).


There will be no new assistant in history, as the minister said, there will be no future, but there will be a connection with the implementation of the concept of a new primary-methodical complex in patrimonial history.

A task was added to recheck the knowledge of the facts of the heroism of the people of the Rada at the fate of the Great Vitchiznyanoi war (task 15).

Also, in order to reconsider the knowledge of the history of Russia in the 20th century, it was given a task to conduct a search for historical information in different types of dzherel for the periods 1914-1944, 1945-1991 (task 19).

Inclusion of the tasks A2 and A7, as the knowledge of the main facts and phenomena for the periods: 8 - 17 centuries, 18 - the middle of the 19th century, was included.


At KIM 2015, according to the literature, there was only one structural change: the robot is now composed of 2 parts, and not 3 parts (B1-B12 and C1-C4 are in 1 part, but are no longer indicated by the numbers 1-16).


1. Changed the number of days for the base level 28→26

2. Notice to the task 1-26 is now written in numbers

3. The maximum first score of reductions 65→64

4. Changed the system of rating the task for the importance of the molecular formula of speech (3→4 points).