Up to seven simple tools for quality control. "sim tools" management of the quality. Topic: "Tools for quality control at the plant"


  • Izotova N.V. Corrective control as a factor in increasing the quality of training in VNZ (based on the materials of the subjects of the humanitary cycle) (Document)
  • Kostyukov V.M., Naumenko O.P. Automated systems for quality control and diagnostics (Document)
  • Adler Yu.P. Yakistyu management. Part 1. Sim simplest methods (Document)
  • Sudarikova E.V. Non-ruinable control in virobniztvi. Part 2 (Document)
  • Trepel V.G., Shishov M.A., Shumilina O.V. Actual nutritional control of the quality of medical assistance (Document)
  • Kvitko O.V. Yakistyu management (Document)
  • Feldstein E.E. Cutting tool. Operation (Document)
  • n1.doc

    Sim tools for Yakost control

    Assigned to a method

    To be stagnant like in the production, and at different stages of the life cycle of production.

    Meta method

    Identification of problems, which are aimed at the first vision, on the basis of the control of the orderly process, selection, processing and analysis of the subtracted facts (statistical material) for a further reduction in the quality of the process.

    The essence of the method

    Quality control (balancing the planned indicator of quality with actual values) is one of the main functions of the quality control process, and the selection, processing and analysis of facts is the most important step in this process.

    The scientific basis of modern technical control is mathematical and statistical methods.

    Of the impersonal statistical methods for a wide application, only this one is chosen, as it is reasonable and can easily be occupied by facsimiles of a different profile. The stench allows you to suddenly reveal and visualize problems, establish the main factors, from which it is necessary to start work, and then expand the susilla with a method of effectively solving these problems.

    Plan dіy

    The implementation of seven methods may begin with the development of these methods for all participants in the process.

    The sequence of zastosuvannya methods can be different in fallow type.

    Qi methods can be like okremі іnstrumenti, like a system of methods. The leather method can be used to determine your own self-sufficiency, depending on the class of the task.

    Features of the method

    With the main tools for quality control - a set of tools that allow you to make it easier to control the processes that are running, and to give different facts for analysis, correction and reduction of the quality of processes.

    1. Control sheet– a tool for collecting data and automatically sorting it out to make it easier to retrieve the selected information.

    2. Histogram– a tool that allows you to visually evaluate the distribution of statistical data, grouped by the frequency of data collection in songs (setting a task) interval.

    3. Pareto chart- a tool that allows you to objectively reveal and reveal the main factors that add to the problem that is being solved, and to expand the susilla for an effective solution.

    4. Stratification method(Rozsharuvannya danih) - a tool that allows you to spread the data to subgroups for a singing sign.

    5. Rose diagram(Razsіyuvannya) - a tool that allows you to designate the type and density of the connection between pairs of different variables.

    6. Diagram Іsіkavi(causal-native diagram) - a tool that allows you to reveal the most important factors (causes) that contribute to the final result (last).

    7. control card- a tool that allows you to follow the progress of the process and to infuse it into the new (for the help of an additional salutary zvezka), zapobigayu yoga in the presence of pre-appearances before the process.
    Additional information:

    1. These simple statistical methods are tools for knowledge, but not for management.

    2. Looking at statistics is more important than knowledge of the methods themselves.

    3. At the leading foreign firms, all practitioners are guilty of Volodymyr Simom in simple statistical ways.

    4. It is necessary to select data in such a way as to make it easier for me to do more work. It is necessary to understand, for which purposes it is necessary to select that collection of data.

    • process output control.

    Advantages of the method

    Shortcomings of the method

    Low efficiency during the analysis of folding processes.

    Scoring result

    Resolving up to 95% of all problems that are blamed on the choice.

    Checklist Method

    Assigned to a method

    It zastosovuetsya at virobnitstvі that at different stages of the life cycle of production, both in the control of toxic symptoms, and in the control of calculus signs.

    Meta method

    The selection of data and their automatic ordering for ease of further selection of the selected information.

    The essence of the method

    Control sheet - tse:

    • zasіb registration of data, as a rule, at the sight of a paper form from behind the list of previously entered control parameters, it is possible to enter the necessary data for an additional sign or any symbols;

    • a tool that allows you to facilitate the process control, that flow, and give different facts for analysis, correcting and polishing the quality of the processes.
    Japanese Union of Scientist and Engineers, 1979 including a control sheet to a warehouse of seven methods of quality control.

    Plan dіy

    First, start collecting more data, you need to be virishit, that you work with them for a year, for which purposes they collect that collection.

    Sound the number of data collection in the process of quality control is similar to the offensive:

    • control and regulation of the process;

    • analysis of vidkhilen vіd vstanovyh vymog;

    • process output control.
    If the goal of collecting data is established, it becomes the main one for designating the type of data, as it is necessary to collect. In the process of selection, it is important to resolutely arrange data in order to make it easier to do it further. For which requirement:

    • register dzherelo danih (an hour, possession toshcho);

    • register the data in such a way that it is easy to record them.

    Features of the method

    All statistical methods are based on reliable information. Even though the system was faced with the task of composing the sequence of statistical methods, to begin with the collection of external data, for the improvement of such data, we will then zastosovat that chi and other tool.

    For the collection of external data, checklists (CL) should be used.

    See different CLs are numbered in hundreds, and at the principle of skin specific mark it, it is possible to split your sheet. For example, CL for registration of a subdivision of a vimiruvana parameter for an hour of sampling; CL causes of defects; CL for fixing parts, which were made in the accessory; CL registration of telephone calls; CL localization of defects; CL registration of types of defects; CL registration time of attendance of students for employment; graph of the temperature of a sick person. bud. But the principle of registration remains unchanged.

    Rules for folding control sheets

    1. Virishity, as the data are chosen, are chosen from the blackness of the collection of information.

    2. Designate a period of time, for which the collection of information is carried out.

    3. Formulate a heading that reflects the type of information that is being collected.

    4. Tell me dzherelo danikh.

    5. Fold the list of controlled indications.

    6. Expand the form - the standard form of registration of data, as much as possible for filling in the form before the adoption of the rules.
    For any CL, there may be an address part, in which name the name is specified, a parameter, naming the part number, workshop, dealership, verstat, change, operator, material, processing modes and other data, which should be of interest for the analysis of lines increase in the capacity of the virobu or the productivity of the practice. The date of completion is put, the sheet is signed in a special way, that Yogo bezpomednya zapovnyuvala, and in the case, as if the results of the rozrachunkiv were directed at him - in a special way, as the qi of the rozrahunka was chimed.

    Buttstock of a control sheet for registration of details that were introduced in TV sets

    Additional information:

    1. Under the hour of the creation of the CL, it is recommended to receive the uninterrupted quotations of these sheets. Kozhen, who is on the right with a specific CL, is guilty of feeling like a spivauthor.

    2. When folding the form, use the most graphic information (drawings).

    3. CL save the order from the place of registration of data.

    Advantages of the method

    Naochnist, simplicity of mastering that zastosuvannya.

    Shortcomings of the method

    The diversity of forms and expansion of control sheets is great.

    Scoring result

    The method "Diagram of the split"

    Name the method further: "Diagram of Rise", "Field of Correlation".

    Assigned to a method

    Stopping at the viability at different stages of the life cycle of production to determine the fallowness between indicators of viability and the main factors of virobnitstva. The method "Diagram of the spread" is one of the tools for statistical quality control.

    Japanese Union of Scientist and Engineers, 1979 turning on the diagram of the distribution to the stock of seven methods of quality control.

    Meta method

    Z'yasuvannya іsnuvannya zalezhnostі and vyavlennya nature zv'yazku between two different parameters of the process.

    The essence of the method

    The rose diagram is a tool that allows you to designate the type and density of the connection between pairs of similar changes. Qi two changes can lie up to:

    • characteristics of the quality and the factor that flows into it;

    • two different characteristics of the quality;

    • two factors that add to one quality characteristic.
    Due to the presence of correlation between two factors, the control of the process from the technological, timing and economic point of view will be significantly eased.

    The diagram of the spread in the process of controlling the vigor is also used to reveal the causal and inferential links indicative of the vigor and factors that are injected.

    Plan dіy

    For zayasuvannya vplyu odnієї zmіnnoї іnsu following zіbrati nebkhіdnі і і that їх оn the registration sheet.

    For taking the data, induce a diagram to expand and conduct an analysis with diagrams. Sometimes it is necessary to take a kіlkіsnu assessment of the accuracy of the strength of the connection between the fluctuations.

    Features of the method

    The rose diagram is a dot diagram like a graph drawn by a path on the same experimental scale, taking away the dots from the result. The coordinates of the points on the graph correspond to the values ​​of the analyzed value of the i factor, which contributes to the new one. Rostashuvannya dot shows the obviousness and nature of the connection between two changes (for example, the speed and the consumption of gasoline, or the vibration of the year and the release of the products).

    For otrimanimi eksperimentalnymi points can be assigned and numerical characteristics of the relationship between fluctuations, which are considered: correlation coefficient and regression coefficient.

    Rozkidu diagrams (rozsiyuvannya)

    Rules for encouraging diagrams

    1. Significantly, between such pairs of data, it is necessary to establish the presence and nature of the link. Bazhano is not less than 25-30 pairs of danikhs.

    2. To collect data, prepare a table form (registration sheet), handing over to the new graph for the ordinal number of guardian i; independent variable characteristics, as it is called the argument x; fallow zminnoy, called function (vіdgukom) at.

    3. For the results of caution, remember the arch of registration of data.

    4. After taking the data, instruct the graph in the x-y coordinates and put it on the new data. The length of the axes, the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​for x and y, vertically and horizontally can be approximately the same, so the diagram will be easier to read.

    5. Put on the diagram all the necessary information. Danny, shown on the diagram, is responsible for understanding whether you are a person, and not just those who robbed the diagram.
    In this case, with proper control of the causal factors x (results), the characteristic y (function) will become stable.

    Additional information:

    • The next step is to designate that the two changes are given to be related, it means that they stink.

    • Even though the data are not given to match, it doesn’t mean that the stench is not matched: it’s just that not enough data has been introduced, but given the next steps to break up the classes and encourage your skin class according to the diagram, and perhaps a great pardon was allowed during the death, etc.

    Advantages of the method

    The simplicity of the assessment of the links between the two is different.

    Shortcomings of the method

    Until the assessment by the diagrams, they should get quiet, who will give you information about the products, so as to make it impossible to use the wrong instrument.

    Scoring result

    Accepted the decision to carry out the necessary visits to the analysis of the diagrams of the survey.

    Argumentation Diagram method

    Name another method: Method KJ, (Method "Key Ji")

    Assigned to a method

    Zastosovuєtsya for the systematization of a large number of associatively related information. Japanese Union of Scientist and Engineers, 1979 by including the sporidity diagram to the warehouse of seven methods of managing the quality.

    Meta method

    Systematization and ordering of ideas that could help the thoughts of members of groups, hanging from the link with the tops of any problem.

    The essence of the method


    Plan dіy

    1. Form a team of fahіvtsіv, yakі volodіyut with food on the topic that is being discussed.

    2. Formulate a nutritional problem for a look of an open speech.

    3. Carry out a "brain attack", due to the main causes of the problem or the reasons for the supply of food.

    4. Fix all the words on the cards, group the native data for direct directions and assign the headings to the skin group. Try to combine some of them under a headline, creating a hierarchy.

    Features of the method

    Diagram of controversy

    1. When formulating the topics for discussion, beat "rule 7 plus or minus 2". The proposition is due to the mother not less than 5 and not more than 9 words, including the word and name.

    2. Under the hour of carrying out the "brain attack" beat the standard technique.

    3. The skin formulation is recorded on an okrema card.

    4. If the card can be entered larger, lower to one grouping, next copy should be made.
    Note. Cards that have not reached the desired grouping, add up the excess. As a rule, there are 4 or 5 cards.

    Additional information:

    The arbitrariness diagram is based not on specific numerical data, but on verbal expressions.

    The sporidity diagram should be zastosovuvat, head rank, if:

    • it is necessary to systematize a large number of information (different ideas, different points of view);

    • the conclusion that the decision is not absolutely obvious to everyone;

    • decision will be required among the members of the team (and possibly, among the other interests of the team), so that they can effectively practice.

    Advantages of the method

    Exploring the credibility between different parts of information.

    The procedure of arranging controversy diagrams allows the members of the team to go beyond the scope of the sound idea and the realization of the creative potential of the team.

    Shortcomings of the method

    For the obviousness of a great number of objects (starting from a few dozens), the tools of creativity, the basis of which lie associative vitality of a person, are sacrificed to the tools of logical analysis.

    D_Agram Sporidnenosti - Person Iz ІнSTRUMIV SERIDE Seven Method of Governance Yakіstu, Crying Springє Z'Yasuvannya Bіlsh Effective Rosuminnya Problems of Ta Doszoliє Playing the Basic Instructions of the Shube Process, Usagalnenna Ta An Analizu Relikosti Kіlkosti Vіdnosin Mіzh Skidnih Elenth.

    Scoring result

    A new rozumіnnya vymog і problematic food and novі vіrіshennya old problems.

    Method "Pareto Chart"

    Assigned to a method

    Zastosovuєtsya practically at any kind of galuzah of activity. Japanese Union of Scientist and Engineers, 1979 by including the Pareto diagram to the stock of seven methods of quality control.

    Meta method

    Iyavlennya problems, scho pіdlyagayut first cherry blossoms.

    The essence of the method

    The Pareto diagram is a tool that allows you to identify and visualize problems, establish the main factors, to start the work, and to expand the understanding of these problems effectively.

    There are two types of Pareto diagrams:

    1. for the results of activity - the main problem of non-significant results of activity was recognized;

    2. z reasons - there is a manifestation of the main cause of problems, which is blamed for the hour of warfare.

    Plan dіy

    • Designate the problem, as a next virishiti.

    • Vrahuvati all factors (signs) that are standing up to doslіdzhuvanoї problems.

    • Reveal the reasons that create the maximum problems, pick up the data behind them and rank them.

    • Encourage the Pareto diagram, as an objective representation of the factual state of the right in the intelligible and scientific forms.

    Features of the method

    The Pareto principle (principle 20/80) means that 20% zusil give 80% of the result, and more 80% zusil - less than 20% of the result.

    Zagalni rules inspire Pareto diagrams

    1. Virishiti, yakі problems (causes of problems) slіd doslіdzhuvati, yakі dаnі zbirata ta like їх klаsifіkuvati.

    2. Expand the registration form of output data (for example, a control sheet).

    3. Select the data, fill in the forms, and improve the bags for the skin related factor (indication, sign).

    4. To encourage Pareto diagrams, prepare a form of the table, transferring to the new graph for subbags according to the skin factor, which is reconsidered, the accumulated sum of the number of appearances of the skin factor, the number of appearances of the total number of appearances, the total number of cases, and the accumulated sums.

    5. Fill in the table, expanding the data, subtracting by the factor that is being revised, in order of significance change.

    6. Prepare an axis (one horizontal and two vertical lines) for making diagrams. Put on the left of all ordinates a scale with intervals of 0 to the total sum of the number of factors revealed, and on the right of all ordinates - a scale with intervals of 0 to 100, which reflects the number of factors. Divide all abscissas into intervals according to the number of additional factors or the frequency.

    7. Encourage Stovpchikov's diagram. The height of the column (shown behind the left scale) is more important than the appearance of a significant factor. Stovptsi roztashovuyut the order of decay (change in the significance of the official). The rest of the article characterizes "inshi", i.e., unimportant officials, and maybe more than judges.

    8. Create a cumulative curve (Pareto curve) - a laman, which gets points of accumulated sums (a cumulative world of factors chi a hundred). The skin dot should be placed over the upper stovptsem of the stovpchikovo diagrams, orienting to the right side.

    9. Put on the diagram all the meanings of that writing.

    10. Analyze Pareto diagrams.
    Note. Explore other options using Pareto diagrams.

    Additional information:

    • Try to achieve high results only for dekilkom straight lines, and do not promote showings on all straight lines.

    • Concentrate only on resources that bring the greatest profit, do not try to improve the efficiency of all resources overnight.

    • In the skin areas that are important to you, try to make a difference, as 20% zusil can produce up to 80% of the results.

    • Maximize your score for those few moments in the distance, if you show good results in the building.

    • Lack of time is a myth. Right now we have enough. According to my own words, less than 20% of our day. And a lot of talented people slacken the main "go" with a stretch of kіlkoh whvilin.

    Advantages of the method

    Simplicity and accuracy make it possible to use Pareto diagrams with facsimiles, which do not require special training.

    The alignment of the Pareto diagrams, which describe the situation before that time after the improvement visits, allow you to take into account the number of points you win for these visits.

    Shortcomings of the method

    When prompted folding, which is clearly structured by diagrams, it is possible to incorrectly hang.

    Scoring result

    Accepted solution for analysis of Pareto diagrams.

    Assigned to a method

    There is a need to conduct an analysis of the accuracy and stability of the process, to be vigilant for the quality of the products, to look at the evidence of the production. Histogram is one of the tools for statistical quality control. Japanese Union of Scientist and Engineers, 1979 including histograms up to a warehouse of seven methods of quality control.

    Meta method

    The control of the orderly process and the manifestation of problems that give the first priority.

    The essence of the method

    One of the most wide-ranging methods to help interpret data in a way that addresses the problem.

    Zavdyaky graphical manifestation of explicitly succinct information, you can think of regularities, as it is important to remember in a simple table with a set of numbers, evaluate problems and know the ways of their virishennya.

    Plan dіy

    1. Collect data for the control (control) parameters of the process.

    2. Encourage the histogram.

    3. Analyze the histogram:

    • select the type of distribution of data (normal, asymmetric, bimodal, etc.);

    • z'yasuvat variability of the process;

    • for the need to improve the analysis of the normal distribution of the mathematical apparatus.
    4. Answers to the question: "Why did such a person give himself up, and what is there to talk about?"

    Features of the method

    To understand the characteristics of viruses, processes, production (statistical data) and to find out the trends, change the values ​​that are being guarded, to draw a graphic image of statistical material, so that the histogram will be expanded.

    Histogram - one of the options for stovpchikovo's diagrams, which allows you to accurately evaluate the division of statistical data, grouped by frequency into a song (set of tasks) interval.

    The order of the histograms

    1. Choose the data, show the maximum and minimum values ​​and determine the range (range) of histograms.

    2. Decrease the range of division into intervals, indicating their number in advance (calculate 5-20 fallows according to the number of indications) and determine the width of the interval.

    3. All data are split at intervals in the order of growth: the left between the first interval is to blame for the least of the least obvious values.

    4. Adjust the frequency of the skin interval.

    5. Calculate the apparent frequency of exposure to these skins at intervals.

    6. For the removal of data, induce a histogram - a regular diagram, the height of the stovpchikiv, which shows the frequency, or the visual frequency of hitting the data to the skin intervals:

    • applied horizontally, the scale is selected and the intervals are selected;

    • Then the whole will be vertical, and the scale will also be selected appropriately up to the maximum frequency value.
    Histogram (normal distribution)

    Additional information:

    1. The structure of variations is easier to figure out if these data are presented graphically like histograms.

    2. First of all, look for the results of the analysis of histograms, reconsider that the data is representative for the process.

    3. Do not rob visnovkiv, which are grounded on small vibes. The greater the choice of the selection, the greater the importance of the fact that the three important parameters of the histograms are the center, the width and the shape are representative for the entire process of the product group.

    4. For skin structure variations (type of rosacea) - its own interpretation.

    5. Interpretation by histograms is only a theory, as it can be confirmed by additional analysis and direct observations of the analysis process.

    Advantages of the method

    • Naochnist, simplicity of mastering that zastosuvannya.

    • Management with additional facts, but not thoughts.

    • Allowing you to better understand the variability, the authoritative process, to take a closer look at the problem and make it easier to know the ways of your vision.

    Shortcomings of the method

    Interpretation by histograms, prompted by small selections, does not allow for the correct alignment.

    Scoring result

    The selection of data as a source of information in the process of analysis of different statistical methods and the choice of inputs to improve the quality of the processes.

    Method "Isikavy Diagram"

    Name the method: "Causal-inheritance diagram" ("rib'yach skeleton")

    Assigned to a method

    zastosovuєtsya rozrobki that uninterruptedly perfect products. Diagram Іsіkavi is a tool that secures the system pіdkhіd until the actual causes of the problems are identified.

    Meta method

    Vivchiti, imagining and protecting the technology by looking for the right reasons for the problem under consideration for an effective solution.

    The essence of the method

    The cause-and-effect diagram is the key to solving the problems that are blamed.

    The diagram allows in a simple and accessible form to systematize all the potential causes of the problems that have been looked at, to see the most obvious ones and to carry out a search for the first cause.

    Plan dіy

    Depending on the Pareto principle, among impersonal potential causes (causal factors, according to Iskava), which give rise to problems (sequence), only two or three are the most significant, their causes and may be organizations. For whom do you need:

    • selection of that systematization of all causes, which is directly chi indirectly invested in the problem to be solved;

    • grouping of tsikh causes for smyslovymi and causal-inheritance blocks;

    • ranking of the middle of the skin block;

    • analysis of the picture that was seen.

    Features of the method

    Causal-naslidkova diagram ("rib'yach skeleton")

    Tough rules

    1. Let's start with the diagrams, all the participants can come up with the same idea how to formulate the problem.

    2. The problem, it turns out, is from the right side in the middle of a clean archway to the paper and poking into the frame, until the main horizontal arrow - the "ridge" (Iskavi's diagram is often called the "rib'yachim skeleton" because of the oval look).

    3. The smut causes are applied (reasons equal to 1), which are added to the problem - "great brushes". The stench fit into the framework and zadnuyutsya frail arrows from the "ridge".

    4. They gave to apply secondary causes (reasons equal to 2), which are added to the smut causes ("great brushes"), and those, in their blackness, are the last of secondary causes. Secondary reasons are written down and circulated at the sight of the "middle brushes" that adjoin to the "great ones". Causes of equal 3, which are added to the causes of equal 2, grow at the sight of "dry brushes", which adjoin to the "middle ones", and so on.

    5. In the analysis of faults, all the officials appear and fix, they seem to be insignificant, fragments of the meta-scheme - to know the best way and the effective way to solve the problem.

    6. Reasons (principals) are evaluated and ranked according to their significance, which are especially important, as they are most likely to be the most significant indicator of quality.

    7. All necessary information must be entered in the diagram: її name; Name viroba; names of participants; date etc.
    Additional information:

    • The process of revealing, analyzing and explaining the reasons, is the key to the structure of the problem and the transition to the correct ones.

    • By setting the time for the analysis of the skin cause of the nutrition "why?", you can determine the primary cause of the problem (by analogy with the manifestations of the head function of the skin element of the object in the functional-various analysis).

    • A way to look at the logic of the direct "why?" I believe in the fact that we can look directly at the process of step-by-step analysis of the entire lancer successively related to each other causal factors that add to the problem of quality.

    Advantages of the method

    Diagram Іsіkavi allows:

    • stimulate creative mind;

    • show the interrelationship between the reasons and make them worthy.

    Shortcomings of the method

    • There is no logical reversal of the languor of reasons that leads to the cause, so there are daily rules of reverification in the right direction from the first cause to the results.

    • The foldable and zavzhdi clearly structured diagram allows the work of the correct visnovki.

    Scoring result

    Otrimannya іnformatsiї, yak nebnіbna priynyattya keruyuchih decisions.

    Method "Control cards"

    Name the method: "Shewhart's Control Cards".

    Assigned to a method

    Start screechingly, de needing to start the process at the hour and invest in the process before, as a rule, viide z-pid control. Control charts are one of the main tools for statistical quality control. Japanese Union of Scientist and Engineers, 1979 including control cards to a warehouse of seven methods of quality control.

    Meta method

    Zdіysnyuvati otsіnku krovannostі dignified process. At the time of keratinization, the process of evaluating yoga restoration. In the case of a statistically non-certified process, it is necessary to carry out a corrective injection and re-verify the effectiveness of the entrances.

    During the launch of the process, assess the possibilities of the process, so that the building is satisfied with the technical vimog.

    The essence of the method

    Control charts (CC) are a tool that allows you to walk through the process and add to the new (for the help of a healthy whirlpool), overcoming the breath in front of you, which hang before the process.

    Plan dіy

    1. Display selection, selection plan, card type.

    2. Select data.

    3. Calculation of vibirkovih statistics, central line, control inter.

    4. Pobudova control cards.

    5. Evaluation of keratinization of the process.

    6. Perfect system.

    7. Pererakhunok KK (for consumption).
    As a rule, when analyzing processes, the QC method is tested in combination with histograms and by the method of data splitting (stratification).

    Features of the method

    Rules for prompting control cards

    When the QC is prompted, the values ​​of the controlled parameter are displayed on the ordinate axis, and on the abscissa axis - the hour t of the sampling (which is the number).

    QC is composed of three lines. The central line (CL) is the required average value of the characteristics of the controlled parameter of the quality. So, for vipadku (`x – R)-maps, there will be nominal values ​​of `x and R, plotted on the corresponding maps.

    Two other lines, one of which is located above the central one - the upper control boundary (VKP), and the other below it - the lower control boundary (NKP), - by the maximum allowable boundaries, change the value of the controlled characteristic (indicator of hardness).

    Additional information:

    • Be it as it is, let it be a little ineffective QC - a necessary task to put in order the control of the technological process.

    • For a successful implementation, it is practically important to KK how to understand the technique of their storage and management, but, what is more important, learn to "read" the map correctly.

    Advantages of the method

    • Indicate the presence of potential problems before the release of defective products.

    • Allows you to improve the indicators of quality and reduce the cost of yoga security.

    Shortcomings of the method

    Competent pobudova KK є folding task and require singing knowledge.

    Scoring result

    Removing objective information to make decisions about how efficient the process is.

    These tools for quality management (simple quality tools, these new tools for quality management) were seen in 1979 by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) as an addition to seven simple statistical methods. The stench is a logical tool, like a scientific, graphic form, allows you to analyze whether it's possible, just problems.

    Up to seven management tools can be seen:

    • sporidity diagram;
    • call diagram;
    • tree-like diagram (rose tree);
    • matrix diagram and density diagram;
    • arrow (merezheva) diagram;
    • process diagram (PDPC);
    • matrix of priorities (analysis of matrix data).

    I What is the key difference between a group of tools and seven simple statistical tools?

    The diagram of sporidness is a tool that allows you to arrange the impersonal data (ideas, bazhan spozhivachiv, thoughts of groups just) according to the principle of sporidness. Qiu diagram is often called the KJ-method, in the name of the founder - Jiro Kawakita. The diagram of controversy serves to group impersonal analogous or mutually related ideas, illustrating the difference associations lower logical links. Victory at times, if it is necessary to arrange a large number of data, and also to stimulate the collective creative process.

    Rice. 6.18


    The procedure for folding the sporidity diagrams:

    • 1. designation of the data collection object;
    • 2. Collecting data to help brainstorm. Dani zamіru nadkhodzhennya are written on stickers and glued on a great sheet or board;
    • 3. grouping native tributes for direct. Following the principle of controversy, the data are united in a group review of stickers.

    Diagram zv'yazkіv (graph zv'yazkіv) allows you to show logical links between the main idea, the problem and various denims. On the vіdmіnu vіd diagrams sporіdnennosti, to inspire what you need to be creative, associative thought, diagram zv'yazkіv є logical tool.

    The diagram of sounds stagnates in fluctuations, if:

    • the theme is folding flooring, so the links between different ideas cannot be installed for the help of a great discussion;
    • the sequence of kroki at the hour may be the most important;
    • є pіdozra, scho the problem, sho vchaєtsya, є part more fundamental, not broken in this way of the problem.

    Distinguish two types of communication diagrams:

    • yakіsny count zv'yazkіv;
    • kіlkіsny count zv'yazkіv.

    Rice. 6.19

    Yakіsny graph zv'yazkіv vstanovlyuє staleness between different factors. Kіlkіsny count zv'yazkіv appointments vznachenny vplyu kolkoh chinnikіv each other. Often the role of the clerk is chosen (cause and effect): as a clerk, it is characteristic that there are more outward arrows, lower inlet ones, this is the reason, and the difference is the effect.

    Rice. 6.20

    A tree-like diagram (a tree of goals, a systematic diagram) is a tool that provides a safe systematic way of solving the essence of the problem, or the central idea, presented on different levels. On the vіdmіnu vіd diagrams sporіdnennostі and diagrams zv'yazkіv, tsey tool is more useful for directing.

    The tree of goals will be at the sight of a richly stepped hierarchical structures, elements such as, for example, different methods of solving the problem. The procedure is similar to that described above for sporidity diagrams. But in this case, the object, which is being investigated, is to blame for exactly the appointments and recognitions.

    The option to use tree-like diagrams to solve the problem is called analysis of the root cause (method of Five Why?). A tree-like diagram can be used for the purpose of a quick respite, for folding a change when you come in for a full day of work, etc.

    Rice. 6.21

    The matrix diagram allows you to show the importance of different links. This tool serves as an organization of great arrays of data and allows you to graphically display a logical connection between different elements.

    Metoyu matrix diagrams є izobrazhennya zv'yazkіv mizh zavdannymi, funktsіyami and characteristics z manifestations of the level of їhnої vydnosnoї importantness. Therefore, the matrix diagram in the end looks like it shows the severity of the main factors and the occurrence of various reasons for their appearance due to the adoption of their successions, and also shows the degree of fallibility of these factors for the reasons for their vindication and the arrival of the next. Such matrix diagrams are called matrices zv'yazkіv.

    Rice. 6.22

    In practice, zastosovuyut different forms of matrices zv'yazkіv fallow in the number of additional replacement groups:

    • L-forms (replacement - 2, direct connections - 1, indirect - ni);
    • T-forms (changeable - 3, direct links - 2, indirect -
    • Y-forms (changed - 3, direct links - 3, indirect - nі);
    • X-forms (changed - 4, direct connections - 4, indirect -
    • "dakh" (changes - 1, direct links - nі, indirect - nі).

    The most extended is the matrix diagram of the L-form, which is often called the "table of capacity". In this case, two mutually related groups of components are presented in the rows and columns of the matrix, obviously, for the help of which it is necessary to insert a link between the other components.

    2 In what tools do you already know how to manage matrix diagrams?

    The arrow (merezhna) of the diagram is designed to plan the optimal terms and see all the necessary work for the implementation of the delivered goal. The choice of this instrument is only possible after the identification of problems, the identification of the necessary approaches, the terms and stages of their development.

    Arrow diagram є the diagram of the progress of the work carried out from the assigned sequence and terms of their victories and serve for the completion of optimization tasks. This instrument of positioning with methods of follow-up operations and is widely used not only during planning, but also with a little control over the progress of the robot.

    Іsnuє kіlka methodіv pobudovі mеrezhnoї diagrams fallow in the form of orientation on the process of chi subії:

    • CPM method (Critical Path Method);
    • PERT method (Program Evaluation and Review Technique);
    • MPM method (Metra Potential Method).

    Let's expand the most - the critical path method (CPM method), which can be graphically represented by the viewer Gantt charts or graph. We will overestimate the count of the borders, so that we are more likely to see the succession of the deed and the infusion of those other operations on the offensive ones.

    Rice. 6.23

    Rice. 6.24

    p align="justify"> Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC, process flowchart, Dznro Kondo method) is a diagram that shows the sequence of actions and decisions necessary for estimating the necessary result.

    The most efficient way to process diagrams:

    • development of new programs. In this way, the diagram allows the process to plan that sequence of steps, analyzing the possible problems;
    • for the possibility of great pardons during the planning process. The diagram allows the process to analyze all the events, to predict the wrong results and to carry out inspections in advance


    Rice. 6.25

    1 What are the situations of blocking the process and arrow diagrams like?

    Matrix of priorities (analysis of matrix data)

    recognized for the processing of otrimanih pid hour wake up matrix diagrams of great numerical arrays. For the help of rich statistical analysis, priority data are shown. The Danish method zastosovuetsya at visuals, if it is necessary to submit numerical data from matrix diagrams to a scientific observer. The butt of the experiment is the analysis of matrix data and the manifestation

    The importance of technical characteristics in the technology of throat function (QFD).

    Rice. 6.26

    • What other management tool has a similar principle of presenting data? Why is there a difference between these instruments?

    The Japanese Union of Engineers and Experts saw these main tools for operational management (security) of quality (Fig. 2.38):

    • 1) sporidity diagram (Affinity diagram);
    • 2) communication diagram (interrelationship diagram);
    • 3) tree-like diagram (Tree diagram);
    • 4) matrix diagram, or matrix table (matrix diagram or quality table);
    • 5) arrow diagram (arrow diagram);

    Rice. 2.38.

    • 6) program process diagram PDPC (process decision program chart - program process diagram);
    • 7) matrix of priorities (analysis of matrix data) (matrix data analysis).

    Name different instruments new tools for managing the quality - N1. These tools are zastosovuyutsya in the operational management of the project and may have a violent nature. In a strategic plan, you can sim strategic methods of quality management – ​​S7. Before them one can see:

    • 1) assessment of business feasibility;
    • 2) benchmarking;
    • 3) analysis of market segmentation;
    • 4) assessment of the market position;
    • 5) project portfolio management;
    • 6) strategic analysis of growth factors;
    • 7) resource optimization.

    In the strategic aspect TQM becomes the concept of business management, which determines the current efficiency of the business and the prospects for its development.

    The scheme of the double wand of instruments is shown in fig. 2.39. At the stage of the forward analysis, that problem is identified by such tools for managing the quality, like a diagram of sporidness and a diagram of sounds; at the stage of laryngeal work - matrix diagram and tree-like diagram; at the stage of systematization of benefits - an arrow diagram and a diagram of the process. The final is the matrix of priorities, which allows you to identify priority segments of the market, which will allow you to improve the product. It is shown the possibility of connecting essential tools to control the density in the necessary situations and potential tools for folding situations in view of the rich variant analysis for the needs.

    Let's look at a practical solution to the problem of increasing the warranty term for the service of the flooring (flooring clay), for which the “boudinok of quality” was created (div. Fig. 2.16).

    Diagram of controversyє in a special way structurization of a large number of different data from the examined problem according to the principle of controversy of different data and illustrating more associative, lower logical connections. Cey tool

    Rice. 2.39. Complementary choice of tools is sometimes called a method K.J. This method is based on the early reports of the work of the Japanese scientist Jiro Kawakichi in the 1950s. Methods, developed for the collection and analysis of data, were found in the solution of the problem, the meanings of yoga initials. Have 1967 r. Kavakita having described his method and having developed the initial system. Information is often found as current data from dekilkoh dzherel: customer reviews on the look around, deciphering records about the customer’s arrival or TQM, or synthesizing the results of rich AU-diagrams. Whether or not they can produce up to tens and hundreds of hardships. Bagatovidbirkovy method MRMє methodology for pros_yuvannya tsikh hardness to kerovanoї kіlkostі. Kawakita created this method at once with the A/-method. Like the rest MRM winning facts and ideas. There are two principles of changing the number of tribunes: 1) strengthening the strong and 2) adopting the weak sides. MRM following the first principle - to be concerned about the importance of the data that they are worthy of. idea MRM may be similar to the theory of W. McGregor.

    It is important to create a diagram of controversy as a group. Dosvіd pokaєє, scho z ієyu method better to create a group, sho folded z 6-8 osіb, yakі mayyut front dosvіd spilnoї work. The procedure for making diagrams can be organized in this way. On the spot, choose the subject (topic), which is the basis for collecting data. Method MRM implemented for a few stages:

    • preparation, which includes warm-up and discussion by those;
    • selection of data on the topic using the brainstorming method. Members of the team mark firmness, yakі will be imovіrnimi pіd hour of the residual review. The skin member of the group designates everything that is assigned to you and is important. Unappointed firms are not discussed. Іsnuє kіlka sprob vіdboru z stepovymi zmenshennyam vyboru. Constantly pereveryayuchi the list of firmness and marking them, team members reach out for the most important things, without spending an hour for discussion;
    • focusing selection - from 20 to 30% of the front material is removed from the residual selection. The skin is a participant in the maє obmezheniya vybіr for the designation of residual vysnovkіv. Until this hour, the skins have already looked at the hardness that they have lost, for a few times, and everything is ready to become angry with the most important.

    When prompted by diagrams MRM such sporidity diagrams are widely used by such tools for quality control, like card control, distribution diagrams, stratification diagrams and Pareto diagrams. On fig. 2.40 shows a diagram MRM 100% examined problem of the promotion of the service term (increased longevity).

    The exchange of weekend data showed that there is dissatisfaction with the guaranteed term of the service of workers (1 rec). Tse with partial repairs vіdnovlennya pratsezdatnostі virobi. At that very hour of functional feasibility, as well as prepared zrazkіv, the market privablіvіst of virobi is signified. The results of the results are confirmed by virobs, like a trivaly hour they work without additional repairs. The essence of the problem is concretized: extend the warranty term of service until a few years in order to ensure stable longevity and, at the same time, the satisfaction of the employees.

    To inspire the diagrams of controversy, native data are grouped according to directives of different rivnas. The work is considered to be completed, if all the data are in order, then. chosen

    Rice. 2. 40. Diagram MRM

    forward groups of disputed data, and more differences are allowed. Meals that are left out, ring out for an hour of discussion.

    On the back, it is necessary to try to determine the directness of the skin group of these as a sign of the sporidness of these groups. You can also do it the other way around: choose one card from the group, insert it on the choli, or form a new one directly. This procedure can be repeated to narrow down the direct lines, and in this way to create a hierarchy. The analysis will be completed if the data are grouped according to direct directions. On fig. 2.41 is shown by diagrams of controversy about the problem of increasing the warranty term of the service to a virobu. It can be seen that the given groupings for trioma are straight, skin s yakah to revenge the subject hardening of the problem.

    Rice. 2.41. Argumentation diagram. This is why such a tool, like a diagram of stratification, wins.

    A tool that allows you to make logical connections between the main idea, the problem or other data. Trantension of the Central Committee of the Governance of the Central Reasons for the Procedure of the Procedure, the definition of the definition of the proceed, Tim Issues, Yaki Vimagayut Viroshennya (COMM I will explain the act of d_bnіt mіzh d_gromy dіgromyu - D_Agramia ІСіkavi). The classification of these reasons for their importance is based on the improvement of resources that are victorious in the company, as well as numerical data that characterize the causes.

    The data, which win at that, can, for example, be generated, as a result of stagnation of the controversy diagram. Diagram zv'yazkіv is the main rank of a logical tool, opposing the diagram of controversy, like a creative cob. The diagram of calls can be corny in situations:

    • if the subject (theme) of the flooring is foldable, it is impossible to know what the connection between different ideas is, with the help of a great discussion;
    • timchasov sledovnіst, for what shy kroki, є virishal;
    • є suspect that the problem is broken in nutrition, є solely as a symptom of a fundamental unclipped problem. So, just like in the case of the diagram of controversy, the work on the diagram of connections is the responsibility of the competent group. Important are those who are responsible for the object (result) of the assignment. The main reasons can be attributed to the sporidity diagrams, or vicorist such a tool for quality control, like the Iskawi diagram.

    On fig. 2.42 shows a diagram of zv'yazkіv pіd h vypishennya problem zbіlshennya garantіy termіnі service vrobu until chotirokh roіv. The main task of solving the problem, individuals, which are responsible for their implementation, are established, logical links between them are established. The underestimation of the market importance of the problem strimuval її virishennya. Awareness of the fallowness of subsistence in the case of a market conjuncture can create a threat to the future. To reduce the risk, the model of variation is reviewed. An important factor is also the need for an updated technological base, which is related to

    Rice. 2.42.

    only for the gifts of the current possession, but also for effective yoga victories. The staff for whom is responsible for the mother of the necessary competencies. To ensure accuracy, metrological security is required, as to allow close the supply of accuracy to control.

    (Systematic Diagram) - a tool that ensures the systematic way of solving the problem that has been examined and the promotion of the satisfaction of the people who are represented on different levels.

    On the vіdmіnu vіd diagrams sporіdnennostі and diagrams zv'yazkіv, tsey tool is more useful for directing. The tree-like diagram will look like a richly stepped structure, the elements of which are different ways of solving the problem. The principle of encouraging tree-like diagrams is shown in fig. 2.43.

    A tree-like diagram can be used in such situations:

    Rice. 2.43.

    • if it is not clear how the product is shaped, it is converted to a keratin equalizer;
    • it is necessary to complete all possible aspects of the problem;
    • short strings are required to reach the completion of all work, tobto. at the design stage.

    matrix diagram a tool that allows you to set the importance of different connections and the central line of the seven tools for managing a house.

    The matrix diagram allows you to structure a large number of data, so the logical links between different elements can be graphically displayed. Її meta - an image of the contour of links and correlation between tasks, functions and characteristics of the sights of their visual importance. At the end, a matrix diagram shows the dependence of the main factors and occurrences to various reasons for their occurrence due to the consequences of their succession, as well as the levels of fallowies of these factors, as well as the levels of occurrence of these factors, as well as the degrees of occurrence of these factors. Matrix diagrams, called matrices of links, are shown in fig. 2.44. For this type of stink, the presence and the tightness of the links between the factors T - technical factors, P - market factors, K - competence factors. The link between them is shown for additional special symbols:

    Strong link (9 balls are indicated);

    O - middle link (indicates in 3 balls);

    Weak sound (indicates 1 point).

    It is important to note the importance of the interaction of the main factors in the event of the problem of the promotion of the warranty term of the service to the floor (flooring clay). The matrix diagram is composed of three linear (simple) diagrams, which look like combinations of factors: diagram a) - combination T and P; diagram b) - combination of T and K; diagram c) – combination K and R.

    We form the main factors that should be added to the process of improvement with the method of increasing the warranty term of service:

    1. Technical factors at a glance T = }