Creation of antanti rіk. Potryny union and entente. Creation of a potry union

The Franco-Prussian war and its legacy brought profound changes to the system of international payments in Europe. In the first place, the protirichcha between France and Nimechchina not only did not close, but, on the contrary, they became even more hostile. Leather statue of the Frankfurt Svіtu 1871 taїla the trouble of a new war, giving birth to revanchist moods in France and, at one time, the pragnennya of Nіmechchini will be relieved of this trouble by the residual rout of the zahіdnogo susіda.

On the other hand, the consequences of the war and the Franco-Nimets counterfeiting made a commemorative splash on the other European powers. Poslyuyuyu zovnіshnopolitichnu ekspansіyu, Bismarck's Nіmechchina vrakhovuvala, scho in times of conflict with the European power of France is constantly accelerating, vipadkom for revenge, and to that, she tried to deprive them of them in international isolation. France, weakened after the war, jumped to gain an hour to restore the military potential and actively joked about the allies on the continent.

Z 1871 p. before the delivery (March 17, 1890), the actual ruler of the German Empire was Chancellor Prince Otto von Bismarck. Chancellor razumiv that Nіmechchina, with all its strength, is honed by terrible unsafe calls, that for it the program of the great war, in the wake of geographical and economic minds, is forever unsafe, lower for any other power, and that a great power can be a great power.

The entire yoga policy was directed towards the preservation of the old, and not towards the arrival of the new. Navit if 1875 Vіn mav namir to attack France, it was explained by Otto von Bismarck's fear of an impeccable future war. Vіn navmisno namagavsya throw off from rahunkіv moustache, schіlki-nebud zbіshuvalo imovіrnіst vіyni Nіmechchini z kakoy great power chi coalition of powers. "Jah coalition" - this is how the spiritual camp of Otto von Bismarck was signified.

April 1871 Europe has a new lineup of forces. In the course of the Franco-Nimets war, the unification of the land of Nimechchini, the vinicla of the German Empire, ended, in France, the regime of the Other Empire fell into the viniclia of the Third Republic.

Peace treaty was signed on February 26, 1871. at Versailles. The French provinces of Alsace and Skhidna Lorraine went up to Nimechchina. From the other side, a magnificent contribution was imposed on France at the sight of 5 billion francs. Then we negotiated between Germany and France near Frankfurt-on-Main brought 10 January before the signing of the residual peace.

The Frankfurt peace treaty confirmed the arrival of Elsas and Skhidnoy Lorraine to Niemechchina. In addition, Nimechchina dodatkovo annexed the zahіzorudny area on the way to Thionville, turning France the insignificant fort of Belfort. In this rank, the agreement was established by establishing a new Franco-Nimets cordon. Vin also determined the order of payment of the 5-billion indemnity. France took the blame for the morning of the German occupation troops, as they were deprived of their territory until the residual indemnity was paid.

Russia looked at France as an antagonist to the unification of the Nimichchina, but looming deep against England in Central Asia, at the Near and Middle Descent, it appreciated the good-natured position of Nimechchini at the Skhidny nutrition. The Austro-Ugrian region also invested in the German pіdtrimka in Pvdenno-Skhіdnіy Europe. Otto von Bismarck played the role of an intermediary for the first hour of the victory over the most important food between Russia and the Austro-Ugric region in the Balkans.

In this rite, the Franco-pіslya nіmetskoї vіyni rіzko zmіnyuєtsya diplomatically that vіyskovo-strategіchna situation: vtrachaє lіdera role in єvropeyskih cope Frantsіya, zdіysnyuєtsya ob'єdnannya Іtalії, zmіtsnyuє svoї pozitsії OOO Russian Federation, and the smut stvoryuєtsya slit one new power - Nіmetska іmperіya, yak Duzhe Shvydko begin to assert your position and claim hegemony in Europe.

Zovnishnopolitichna Otto von Bismarck's line, which bestowed the molding of the Trinity Union in the best way in the world, є more than cіkavim nourishment. Otto von Bismarck himself vvazhav, scho yogo main task as an imperial chancellor in the permanent defense of the German Empire in the form of unsafe calls. Vidpovidno, and internal political conflicts of wines, estimating mainly the sphere of foreign policy, so that it is possible to threaten the empire from the side of international revolutionary upheavals. The rebellion of the Parisian commune on the spring of 1871, like everywhere in Europe it was adopted as a "bliskavichka" of social revolutions, helped Otto von Bismarck to reconsider Europe in the sky, like it was not earlier than after 1789. leave France, and in the need to unite all conservative forces in the face of future revolutionary upheavals.

The creation of politics behind the logic of Otto von Bismarck is closely tied to the foundations of the strategic union of Germany, Austria and Russia. Between Bіsmark pіdkreslyuє yo zone sampi Same Yak Union, singing on Ok'єkivny UKOMENNIK SOBOY SO which monarchical). the country in view of the special will of the emperors and the obviousness of quiet and other dynastic interests).

After the Russian-Turkish war, England, for a certain hour, actually appeared as a sovereign of the Black Sea channels. Vaughn took the island of Cyprus, and the squadron stood at the Marmur Sea. British military ships could go without a hitch to the Black Sea and threaten the shores of Russia, even though the fleet was small there. Irrespective of protirichcha, Russia and Nimechchina were caused by economic interests, the dispute between the Romanovs and the Hohenzollerns, monarchical solidarity and fear of the revolution. St. Petersburg, for the encouragement of Berlin, was to neutralize the Vision in the Balkans and protect the English occupation of the Black Sea channels.

Navit if the uninterrupted "alliance of three emperors" broke up, Otto von Bismarck reported richly susil for the security of bilateral connections between Germany and Austria and Russia. Fight among the trio of powers Otto von Bismarck vvazha such that supercheat be-yakіy logіtsі and їkhnіm vlasnim іnteresam. In addition, the zavdyaks of good vidnosin yak z Austria, so і z Rosієyu Nіmechchina zdatna podladna podlady to podobezpeka іizoljatsії on the continent, and also not less grіzn znі nezpeka "koalіtsі Kaunіtsa" between Austria, France and Russia. I those who in 1879 p. Otto von Bismarck shied away from laying down a separate treaty against Russia against Austria, but it doesn’t mean, according to Otto von Bismarck’s thought, according to the strategy of “wire to Russia”.

Navpaki, sama Union of Rosієyu (instead of Avstrієyu, progresuyuchy zanepad, superechlivіst vnutrіshnopolіtichnogo arrange i narostayuchі suspіlnі superechnostі vseredinі yakoї Otto von Bіsmark Chudovo usvіdomlyuvav) vіn pridіlyaє mainly uwagi within svoєї zovnіshnopolіtichnoї doctrine, i Yakscho antirosіyska lands i bula pіdpisana, then, like a supporter of Otto von Bismarck, it was wised up, first for everything, aggressively pan-Slavic old-fashioned politics of Russia, which does not correspond to the right Russian interests, and it is a little boosted by the temporal, and not pre-government character. Otto von Bismarck repeatedly balds out that "between Russia and Prussia-Nimechchina there are no such strong denials, so that the stench could give a hint before that war breaks out."

Ale after the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. the blues of Russia and the Nimechchini have fallen. Berlin pіdtrimuvav Vіden v evropejskimi komіsіyakh іz vstanovlennâ novіh kordonіv balkanskih powers, and zvyazku zі svіtoyu agrarian criza stav protektsionіstsku policy. Vaughan pogola, zokrema, at the Mayzha the new fence brought thinness and installed high mites on bread from Russia. Nіmechchina hung also a protest against the rotation of the Russian cavalry to the Baltic provinces after the war from Turechchina. The "newspaper" has reached the "mitnaya war". Stretching with a 1879 r. the words of the yanophiles called Nimechchyna in "black innocence" for the good-natured neutrality of Russia during the hour of the Franco-German war, and Berlin predicted its role in the private savings of the San Stefano treaty.

In St. Petersburg, the mood for the greed of rapprochement with France, ale, for example, the 1870s - the beginning of the 1880s, has grown stronger. for which course buv minds. Russia, which was on the border between the wars with England in Central Asia, was located at the security of the Western cordons, and France, as it was, pursued an active colonial policy in Africa and Pivdenno-Skhidniy London of Asia, in its own land, did not want to fold the city.

Otto von Bismarck, for the minds of cold winds from Russia, having prepared the arrangements for the Austro-Nimets Union, an agreement about which Bulo was signed on July 7, 1879. (Supplement 1)

On the back of Otto von Bismarck wimagav like D. Andrássy such please, as if the bula would be straightened as against Russia, so against France, but knowing bad luck. According to the agreement, if Russia attacked one of the parties, it was the responsibility of Russia to come to the rescue, and in the event of an attack by another power, the other side was guilty of doing good-natured neutrality, as Russia did not come to the attacker.

To Otto von Bismarck, who was aware of the agreement, Otto von Bismarck gave an understanding that Russia is not guilty of supporting the Nazis in the times of the Austro-Russian conflict. The Chancellor napolyagav on the tripartite union of Nіmechchini, Russia and the Austro-Ugric region.

The Austro-Nimets agreement of 1879 was continued independently in the "Union of Three Emperors". The Austro-Nimets agreement of 1879 is a milestone, as it was called a milestone in the old politics of the German Empire. The Austro-Nimets agreement was seen by those who found from the previous agreements and favors laid down by Otto von Bismarck. Vіn zapochatkuvav "double union" that protrimavsya right up to the First Holy War. Later, the cob lanka in the system of imperialist coalitions, which strangled one another from the essence of the world, was created by Otto von Bismarck 35 years before the cob.

In 1882 p. Italy came to the new one, dissatisfied with the transformation of Tunis into a French protectorate.

Here the best diplomatic vibes of Otto von Bismarck appeared. Otto von Bismarck, eager for the French detachment to bury Tunis, made a quick diplomatic maneuver. Having won Italy and France, he baked the struggle through the whole cloak of Pivnichnoy Africa. Although it may sound paradoxical, but, giving France diplomatic support against Italy, Otto von Bismarck robbed the Italians of his allies. Vin, you can say, having driven the frisky Italian hut to his political camp. At the time of the sacking of Tunisia by the French in Italy, the ministry of B. Cairol was in power. B. Cairoli will be a champion of the arrival of Trieste and Tretino, which were abandoned under the rule of the Habsburgs.

Not long before the French troops invaded Tunis, Cairol, having publicly sung the anguish of the Parliament, that if France did not commit such a treacherous act, if all the same, B. Cairol, having filed an insertion. Iduchi, vin declaring that the rest of the Francofilian ministry in Italy should go on stage in yoga guise. The conflict from France prompted Italy to move closer to the Austro-German bloc. The strong defeat of saving Italy robbed її especially inconsistent for the English fleet, which needed allies, especially looking at the possibility of catching ships from England, with the cob of the African colonial policy of Italy. Someday, in another city, which she let into Tunisia, Italy could only cope with a strong military state. Otto von Bismarck unimportantly, but casually called the Italians jackals, as they sneak behind larger huts.

At the beginning of 1882, before Otto von Bismarck, the Italian ambassador Beauvais was sent to help, in the name of his order, to make connections between Italy and Nimechchina and the Austro-Ugric region for Nimechchina, Italy was in the past an ally, for Austria a foe. Tsya furnishing was protected by Otto von Bismarck, if he formulated his opinion to the ambassador. Bismarck, having summed up the possibility of arranging friendly relations between three countries, having looked at a written agreement and having gone through the ambassador’s work, put together a draft, but without seeing the idea cleanly. The Italian king Humbert I and the promises of the bourgeoisie of Italy, especially brazenly, defied the alliance for themselves in the face of French competition, stood up for the alliance from Nimechchina, and Otto von Bismarck, giving them the knowledge that "the keys to know more than the possible doors" Russia Germany Emperor of the Entente

It doesn’t matter to you tse bulo, but the Italian detachment tried to get closer to Austria. U sichni 1881 p. before Sunday, an Italian secret agent also showed up. Addicted to secret agents to replace the best methods of diplomatic extortions and vipadkovistu. Vono spoke about the weakness of Italy; z cієї weakness blamed the unpreparedness of the іtаlіyskogo order in myself and the fear of embarrassment in times of inspiration of yogo advances. With a glance at the crowd, the children of the yakomog jumped down their official paths.

For Austria, rapprochement with the Italians meant security for the enemy in Russia. To that, the day after, the call was low for the alliance with Italy, which the world did not care about the Austrian door. Otto von Bismarck needed Italy for the isolation of France. All this led to the signing of an allied agreement between Nimechchina, Austria-Ukraine and Italy (Appendix 2).

Taєmniy agreement between Nіmechchina, Austro-Ugric and Italy was signed on May 20, 1882 and otrimav the name of the Potry Union. Laying five rokiv, wines repeatedly prodovzhuvavsya and waking up to 1915 p. The participants in the goiter agreement agreed not to take part in the future unions for the sake of directing them against one of them. Nіmechchina and the Austro-Ugric goiter called out to help Italy, as if it knew the attack of France, and Italy goiter called for the very same at the time of the unprovoked attack of France on Nіmechchina. As far as the Austro-Ugric region, it played out in order to help Germany against France, and the role of a reserve was introduced at the time of entry into the war of Russia.

In the event of an unprovoked attack on one or two participants in an agreement between two or more major powers, all three powers will enter into war with them. If one of the powers, if they attacked partners in Italy, if England were, then Rome would rise up in the military to help their allies (the coast of Italy was easily intelligible for the English military fleet).

In the event of an unprovoked attack on one of the participants in the treaty from the side of one of the great powers, if they did not take part in this treaty (Crimea of ​​France), the other two participants in the goiter agreed to take good-natured neutrality by offering to their ally. In this manner, guaranteeing the neutrality of Italy in the face of the Russian-Austrian war. Following the signing of the treaty, Nimechchina and the Austro-Ugric region took to respect the declaration of Italy, apparently, until that Italy was guided in military assistance to its allies in times of war with Great Britain. In 1887 p. before the agreement, an addition was made to the cost of Italy: it was declared the right to sleep with the cherry-picked food, which are located in the Balkans, Turkish coasts, islands in the Adriatic and the Aegean seas. At 1891 p. a decision was made to support Italy in її claims from Pivnіchnіy Africa (Kіrenaїka, Tripoli, Tunis).

Powers of the goiter were talking at the time of the joint participation in the war, not laying down a separate peace and arranging an agreement with the prison. Negotiated 1882 in parallel with the Austro-Nimets Union of 1879 and the "Union of Three Emperors" 1881 Having become in the center of the three unions, Nimechchina took away the opportunity to swell on the international blue. Arrived to the Austro-Nimets bloc and Romania. In 1883 p. she laid a secret treaty with the Austro-Ugric region, for which the Austro-Ugrian region was going to goiter to help Rumunia in times of attack by Russia. Rumunsky Browrs Verpіvka reassembled to himself with the Potroimoye Union, s is one side, through the fear of Rosієyu Chorno-Doc, Shaho could call to Panuanovna Rosіya over Econichnaya Lives Rumunії, s іncheyu - through the Bazhannya Zb_lshiti Terriety of Rumunskкої Daughty for Rahunov Bescaraії , Noisy and other Bulgarian places and districts. The consecration of the Trinity Union began to form the quiet military coalitions, as if nadal were stuck in the first world war. The German military forged a victorious alliance to build their aggressive ideas for France. Such a sample was broken up for example in September 1887, if it was decided to call 73 ths. reservists at the head office. Lorraine was recognized as the center of the collections. The newspapers appeared to have published articles about the necessary effort to prepare France before the war with Nimechchina. Crown Prince Frederick, the future Emperor Frederick III, having written to his son on September 22, 1887, that, following the words of Otto von Bismarck, the war with France is closer, lower the wines. However, the German Chancellor did not go far enough to enlist the neutrality of Russia in the face of the Franco-German conflict. And the war with France without upevnenosti, so that Russia does not get involved in the conflict, Otto von Bismarck will always respect the unsafe situation for Nimechchini.

Appearing in the center of Europe, the Trinity Union, the facilitation of the Franco-German breeches, which continued, reached the greatest voltage until 1887, vymagali in the French order, as a last resort for exit from political France, for isolation, which created. For weakened France, as it demanded light and at the same time did not stop thinking about revenge, it would take an hour to eliminate the traces of the war of 1870-1871. The French politicians clearly stated that a new war against Germany (and the lack of new aggression from the side of Germany was very real), then France needed a mother of allies, combat against the German enemy forces would not bring success. And such an ally, France was pursuing us in front of the largest power, roztashovannye at the gatherings of Europe, - in Russia, military defense with such France began to shukati already on the coming day after the signing of the Frankfurt world.

Naprikintsі 1870 rock. The struggle between the great powers and their allies for the residual division of the spheres inflows into the light of the most powerful character. The main reason for the intensification of the colonial expansion was the emergence of new technologies, the growth of industrial production in the lands of Zakhod, as it was conceivable for the authorities to know new markets for the export of capital and the sale of finished products. No less important task was the sacking of dzherel sirovini, the costless exploitation of which allowed the craftsmanship of these lands to gradually increase the obligation of virobnitsia without acquiring additional funds.

Otrimavshi possibility of virishuvati ekonomіchnі problems for additional uncircumcised exploitation of the colonies and fallow lands, the wealth of the European powers zumіl helped makshit vnutrіshnі sotsіalnі politirіchchya way to redistribute the taking away of incomes. This made it possible for the most economically separated metropolitan countries of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and Belgium to vanish due to a year of quiet social upheavals, with which Russia, Germany, Italy, Austria-Ukraine, Spain and Portugal stumbled. The rest of the reasons were not able to economically master and effectively exploit the markets of their no less than great territorial volodynias. At one time, the majority of these powers, compensating for the economic weakness of the military strength, zumili took an active part in the struggle for the residual subdivision of spheres inflow from the world, for example, XIX - on the cob of the XX century.

W tsієї reasons, nezvazhayuchi on vіdmіnnіst in methods ekspansії, OOO All tsі Kraina mozhna zarahuvati to kolonіalnih іmperіy, more in osnovі їhnoї polіtiki lay pragnennya zahopiti take abo pid control yakomoga bіlshu teritorіyu, according to population vіdnoshennyu yakoї єvropeytsі zobov'yazuvalisya zdіysnyuvati "tsivіlіzatorsku mіsіyu" . .

In this way, the active trade-economic and military-political penetration of Western powers in all regions of Asia and Africa became the final stage of the formation of a light economic system, within the framework of which competition between the great powers for control over the most powerful strategic extension to the territory. Until the end of the XIX century. Significant part of Pvdenny pivkul was divided between the great powers and allies. The lands were only too wise to preserve their formal sovereignty, even though they drank away the economic stagnation of the colonial empires. So Pink, Persian, Afghanistan, China, Korea, SIMOM, EPІOPІєYU, Yaki, Silnіyi Centralійi Vladіy Tu Zhorstkіy Polіtitzі, Tujko National National Menshin, Zomіli Unite Doli Іndії, Bіrmi, V.Ttama she will capture. colonialists. The sovereignty of the krai (Liberia, Uryanhai region) was guaranteed by the great powers (USA, Russia).

Particularly important in this plan is the super-accuracy of Germany and Great Britain, which have been on holiday - behind the great fluff is the main factor of the international situation.

The union between Russia and France is no less dictated by the joint military-strategic interests of those other powers, I will threaten from the side of the joint enemies. At that time, there was already an economic basis for the union and mіtsna. Russia from the 70s. vociferously demanded in its own capital investments in industry and foreign life, France, on the other hand, did not know in itself a sufficient number of objects for government capital investments and actively exported its capital abroad. At the same time, step by step, she became the nursery of the French capital of the Russian economy. For 1869-1887 r.b. 17 foreign enterprises were founded in Russia, їx 9 French ones.

The French financiers have been productively victorious in the promotion of Russian-German vodnosin. Economical change of mind for the Union of Mali is a special military-technical aspect. Already in 1888. brother of Oleksandr III, who arrived in Paris on an unofficial visit, Grand Duke Volodymyr Oleksandrovich zumіv rozmіstit at French military factories mutually zamovlennya for the preparation of 500 thousand. twine for the Russian army.

For a long time and mіtsnimi boules of culture changed their minds about the union between Russia and France. Any other country did not repair such an oppressive cultural influx on Russia as France did. The names of F. Voltaire and J.J. Rousseau, A. Saint-Simon and Ch. Four'є, V. Hugo and O. Balzac, J. Cuve'є and P.S. Laplace, J.L. David and O. Rodin, J. Vize and Ch. Gounod were seen by the illuminated Russian. In France, they knew less about Russian culture, while in Russia they knew less about the French. Ale from the 80s. the French, like no earlier, doluchayutsya to Russian cultural values. In the minds of the growing rapprochement between Russia and France, advocates of an active offensive policy against Germany fought for the union in both countries. In France, as long as the defense position of the city of Nimechchina was finished, the union from Russia was not a lucrative need. Now, if France was announced in the aftermath of the rout of 1870 and the order of the day for the French national policy was food for revenge, among її kerіvnikіv (including President S. Carnot and Prime Minister Ch. .

In Russia, at that time, assistants and the bourgeoisie were arranging for an alliance with France, secured by the economic sanctions of the German Empire and the one that advocated for the turn of the country's economy from German to French credits. In addition, the Russian-French union had a wide (politically different) stake of the Russian community, as if they were protecting all the arbitrariness of mutual reconsiderations of the whole union. A "French" party began to take shape in the court, in the order and in the royal court. Її the famous "beliy general" M.D. Skobelev.

The truth is strong at the court of Russia and the "German" party: Minister of Foreign Affairs N.K. Gere, the closest helper and future successor of V.M. Lamzdorf, minister of military affairs P.S. Vannovsky, after P.A. Saburov and Pavlo Shuvalov. According to the tsar's influx and order, and inspire with energy, arrogance and "caliber" of the "German" warehouse, the party gave in to the "French", but at the expense of the first, a number of ob'ektivnyh chinniks appeared, who crossed the Russian-French rapprochement.

The first geographic official in the distance. They gave more power to the union between Russia and France to the sovereignty of the former sovereign and political mode. That is why the Russian-French alliance was formed even though it was unsatisfactory, but just right and important. Youmu having blown a number of forward ridges to the rapprochement between the two lands - the ridges of the mutual ones, but the active ones from the side of France.

Otto von Bismarck formed an alliance with Austria in 1879, an alliance with Italy in 1882. (having created the Cim of the Trinity Union), so that the mother will rely on the vipadok of the war with Russia and France. All in all, having wanted to conquer the policy of France in Africa and Asia, in a first way, to turn the French into thoughts about revenge - about the return of the conquest of Elsace and Lorraine, and in another way, to take the fall of France from England to England Nareshti, Vіn duzhe stingy and reluctant to create German colonies, so that, with your own hands, do not stray into unsafe welding with the great maritime power - England. This policy of humility and prudence meant a lot of sacrifices, which the rulers of the Nimechchini stake fought. Ale Otto von Bismarck, doing it, trying to do it anyway.

Winning the idea of ​​monarchical solidarity in preserving "order" in Europe, in 1873. Otto von Bismarck went on to create the "Union of the Three Emperors" - Nimechi, Austro-Ugric and Russian. The pleasure is small advisory in nature, but the role of Nіmechchini among international entrepreneurs has grown exponentially. Prote "Soyuz" is not buv, it is not a moment to be stable. Zanadto suttєvimi buli protirіchchya mіzh yogo participants. I want in 1881. the favor was confirmed, moreover, in the form of an agreement on neutrality, until the mid-80s. "Soyuz" has finally exhausted its capacity.

After the Russian-Turkish war at the Berlin Congress of 1878, the German region did not support Russia's attempts in the Balkans. At its heart, Russia was led to take care of neutrality in the times of the wars of Germany and France. Three times (1875, 1885 and 1887) cheered Otto von Bismarck on a new attack on France. Until then, after the mutual promotion of mit on the import of goods from the Middle East and Russia, for example, the 70s. rozpochalas spravzhnya mitna war.

The loss of air from Russia caused the Viysk-political rapprochement between Nimech and the Austro-Ugric region. In 1879 p. The authorities of the two countries laid down a secret allied agreement, which, having mutually assisted Russia at the time of the attack on these powers, that good-natured neutrality under the hour of the war, be it some other European country, so only Russia would not come to her. Defensive in form, agreed on an aggressive character, shards conveying the real situation, in the case of the German conflict, in the case of the military conflict, Germany and France, in times of assistance to the rest of the side of Russia, Germany took off the Austrian pidtrimka, and in єyna nabula.

Without a doubt, Otto von Bismarck was the only prominent diplomat of the German Empire. Vіn was a representative of the Prussian junkers and the German bourgeoisie during the period of struggle for the national unification of Nimechchini, and then for the recognition of the state created by him. Vin is alive and active in the era, if imperialism is far from having fallen.

Otto von Bismarck's aggressive character was the leading figure of the ovn_shnyopoliticheskaya dyalnosti. If Otto von Bismarck had an opponent in front of him, then with the first blow of the chancellor, he would have the most intriguing of the month, to hit them harder. The onslaught and blow of the boule for Otto von Bismarck, as a way to defeat the enemy, and to get your own friends. In order to secure the fidelity of an ally, Otto von Bismarck, keep the opposite stone in his bosom. As if the stone was not visible in the order, the wines were smearing their friends with strong obvious inaccuracies, as if the faults could not be killed.

For all his guilt, Otto von Bismarck did not give in to the pressure and blackmail, he turned to his beloved friend - to a bribe, and most of all for someone else's rahunok. Gradually, in a new way, their own kind of standards of khabarіv englіytsiv vіn kupuvav vіd priyannym єgipetskih fіnansovіh pravov, rosіyan - nadannym dopomogi or freedom dіy іt chi іnshіy іz skhіdnyh problems, frantsіv - pіdtrimkoy і іnshіy іnshіy іz skhіdnyh problems, frantsіv - pіdtrimkoy priyannіh іnshіy іz skhіdnyh problems, frantsіv - pіdtrimkoy priyannіh іnshіy іz shidnyh problems Otto von Bismarck has a great arsenal of such "gifts".

Mensch willingly zastosovuvav Otto von Bismarck such a diplomatic trick, like a compromise. That buv is not yoga style. Otto von Bismarck was a great realist. Vin is loving, if necessary, talk about monarchical solidarity. However, it did not matter to you to encourage republicans in France, and in 1873. And in Spain, in opposition to the monarchists, shards of the same wines, having taken into account that the republican orders in these lands, in the eyes of the German Empire, will be the most successful.

Otto von Bismarck did not give space to his pochuttyam polіtitsі, but all the time slandering all the time rozrahunkom. As if a little bit respected yoga logic, then most of all - anger. Anger and hatred were, perhaps, the same emotions, as if for an hour they could exhilarate the chancellor from the path of the cold and hard rozrahunka - and then only for a certain hour.

Another rice to the character of Otto von Bismarck was vinyatkova activity. The First Chancellor of the Nimets Empire had an energetic, above-average dial nature, literally did not know peace. Simplicity did not lie before the peculiarities of Bismarck's politics, regardless of those that its meta bula sounded with the utmost clarity. Ishov vіn up to her іnоdі straight ahead, аlе more often - foldable, tangled for an hour, dark, always different and restless ways

The new politics riveted the glance of Otto von Bismarck. One of the reasons, which was called without delay before the yogo insertion, was the difference between the chancellor and the kaiser before the appointment to Russia.

General Waldersee, who changed 1888. old general von Moltke in the quarters of the chief of the German General Staff, continuing to attack the preventive war against Russia. The young Kaiser was grinning to the point of dawn. Otto von Bismarck vvozhav vіyna against Russia zgunoy.

Others in foreign historiography Otto von Bismarck portrays little different from Russia. It’s not like that, vin buv її vorogom, oskіlki vbachav nіy head shift for nіmetskoї perevaga in Europe. Otto von Bismarck zavzhdya namagavsya shkodity Russia, pragnuchi dragged її into the conflict with England, Turechchina, but the chancellor would be sensible, schob razumіti, like a great power hovaєtsya in the Russian people. All the shkodyachi of Russia, Otto von Bismarck, tried to work with the wrong hands.

Rows dedicated to Otto von Bismarck to the problems of the Russian-German war will ring out for fearful guards. "This war with gigantic expansions of your theater would be a disaster," Otto von Bismarck said. I Otto von Bismarck realized that the war against Russia would become a "great hardship" for Nimechchini. Yakby navit viyskove happiness laughed at Nimechchini at the fight for Russia, then even "geographical minds would have been inexorably important bringing that success to the end."

Ale Otto von Bismarck ishov dali. Vіn not Tіlki UsvіdomvuvavAv's difficulty Vіini z Rosієu, and y returning the Nіmetchini to Nymoshchi, in the afraid of a long time in the Sunday of the Voiskaya District Word, I didn't reach the voi, then the voi will not be politician. Polemіzuyuchi z pribіchniki attack Russia, Otto von Bismarck 1888 р. writing: "About it could have been in conflict with that fall, just such a war, really, could lead to the fact that Russia would be defeated. But a similar result to strike and after the most boring wins could lie behind every chance, to bring the most favorable result to the enemy to Rosikladanna Basic Sili Rosії, Yaka Rosiysky Milions Rosіyskiy ... Tsi Residnі, Northy Yakscho ї ї роз роз роз Световатта ин иняниминыхный родания, so Schwidko's self-just with its expanses, that obmezhenistyu needs ... ". Numbers of rows don't even say anything about the chancellor's sympathy for Russia. Don't talk about anything else - Otto von Bismarck is a protective and perspicacious one.

Bismarck to the great world to his own separate union of the bourgeoisie with the Junkers. Ale in the world, the view of imperialist tendencies in the economy and politics of the German Empire became more and more the policy of "state capitalism"

Bismarck's policy was directed towards the preservation of the old but not the arrival of the new. Vіn mav namir to attack France, tse was explained by the fear of Otto von Bismarck before the endless future war. Vіn navmisno namagavsya throw off from rahunkіv moustache, schіlki-nebud zbіshuvalo imovіrnіst vіyni Nіmechchini z kakoy great power chi coalition of powers.

Years, having become the Italian-French colonial super-nation, Otto von Bismarck went far to win Italy to the coalition. In 1882 p. Nimechchina, Austria-Ukraine and Italy laid down a secret allied agreement about mutual assistance in times of war with France and a wild ledge in times of attack on one of the participants in two or more European countries. So the vineyard of the Trinity Union of the Nimechchina, the Austro-Ugric and Italian regions, which started the split of Europe on the voroguyuchi military grouping.

Silently roaring on the borders of the European powers, the third union did not hesitate to win their way to their country of Romania and Spain. Prote, try everything Otto von Bismarck and his adversaries to take part in the union of England turned out to be fruitless. Undaunted by the hostile colonial conflict with France and Russia, England, like before, did not want to sign a treaty with a European power, abandoning the virtuous policy of "bright isolation".

However, the gradual arrival of England to the German-Austrian bloc hastened the military-political rapprochement between France and Russia. At 1891 p. the Franco-Russian Union was formalized by a consultative pact, and 1892 p. Representatives of the general staffs of both countries signed a secret military convention on the battles of war in Nimechchina. The convention, which was guilty of being out of force for the whole hour, was the basis of a permanent union, was ratified on the basis of 1893-on-the-ear 1894 r.r.

90s rock. XIX Art. were characterized by a sharp activation of the modern politics of the German Empire and a change of directness. The furious development of industrialism, as it outgrew the possibilities of the domestic market, stirred up the rulers of the county of the country to promote a new trade expansion in Europe, to shukati "new independent territories" for the sale of goods. Having stood on the paths of colonial conquests in the past, lower and other lands, Nіmechchina significantly compromised them for the size of the swamped territories. The German colonies were twelve times smaller than the English ones, and also the same on the syrovin resources. The imperial culture was keenly experiencing such "injustice" and, activating the colonial policy, first set food for the transfer of the world already shared by the European countries.

The transition of Nіmechchini to "light politics was instilled in її claims for panuvannya in Europe; The head straight ahead of the German expansion became the Close Skhid. At 1899 p. The Kaiser came to the Turkish Sultan on the life of the transcontinental air, as small as Berlin and Baghdad, after which the active penetration of German capital in the Balkans, Anatolia and Mesopotamia began.

The pushing of the Nimtsiv on the skhіd and uncritical territorial claims of the Nimechchini brought to a sharp zagostrennya її vydnosin іz the greatest colonial power of the world - England. At the beginning of the XX century. Anglo-Nimets protyrics become the leading ones in the system of international vodnosin. The economic, political and colonial super-nation of the two lands was supplemented by a race of military-marine defenses. Rozgornuvshi in 1898. the life of the hard military fleet, Nimechchina threw a cry "volodartsі seas", threatening middle trade and calls with the colonies.

Trivaly hour vpevnenі in nevrazlivostі ostrіvnogo encampments Anglії th at perevazі її vіyskovogo fleet britanskі diplomacy vvazhali naykraschoyu zovnіshnoї polіtikoyu not pov'yazuvati sobі hands of unions koїtsya іnshimi powers zaohochuvati konflіkti s-pomіzh them i otrimuvati s Tsikh konflіktіv korist for Anglії. To save the "European rivnaga" Great Britain, oppose the strongest continental power, not allowing it to occupy a dominating camp in Europe.

Prote the fall of the international camp of the country on the cob of the XX century. changed the English political course. The strong strength of the military and maritime power of Nimechchini, її undisputed territorial claims created a real threat to the foundation of the British Empire. The policy of isolation became unsafe and British diplomacy began to strike on the continent of the allies in the future siege with Nimechchina.

In 1904, following the regulation of mutual colonial claims in Africa, England laid down the military-political favor of France, as it took away the name Entente ("Heart of Good"). In 1907 p. The Entente became a success: having signed a convention with England on the division of spheres in Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet, Russia came before it. Otzhe, after the favor of 1904-1907 rr. the military-political bloc of three powers was still taking shape, but standing up to the lands of the trinity union.

The resolution of Antanti in 1904 became a serious warning of Nimechchini in his expansionary plans. Ahead of the inevitable stumbling block with England, for her, the Franco-Russian alliance of 1891-1893 became richly unsafe. Therefore, the Kaiser and German diplomacy repeatedly tried to break the spell of sharpening, inspiring the development of Anglo-Russian feuds and rozpalyuyuchi mistrust of the ruling kil of Russia to France.

After that, as France established a "heart-warming" for England, it was no longer necessary to close the borders: to reconcile England and Russia at the necessary closeness. It was not an easy task.

The Anglo-Russian sailings after the Crimean war were even more tense. Regardless of the shock of Russia in this war, Great Britain continued to be turbulent and active in areas of British interests. Thrilled the English and the prospect of capturing the Russian Black Sea canals. Aje same from the Mediterranean opened the shortest route to India - the Suez Canal. The Defeat of Russia at the Russian-Japanese War and the Revolution of 1905-1907. the rest of them slew England from the cioma, which Russia now represented a problem for British interests. England, like France, demanded the military alliance against Germany more, lower Russia. Therefore, the old Russian-English feuds before the rampant German aggression were regulated. B1907 r. England and Russia have fared away from home about the subdivision of spheres in Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet. So it was in 1907. Russia came to Entente.

The development of international trade between 1871 and 1893 can be summed up in the words of Engels: "The great European powers of the continent were divided into two great ones, which threaten one one camp: Russia and France - from one side, Germany and Austria - from the other." England was left for the time being in two blocks; she continued to pursue her policy in the future. With tsiom until the mid-90s. її Diplomacy gravitated closer to the German grouping, wanting to objectively end the long growing Anglo-German antagonism.

That's why his robot V.P. Potomkіn - "Istoria diplomatії" vislovivsya so: "Yakscho іmperіalіstichna Borotba for kolonії i spherical vplivu do not take to uwagi, yak factor svіtovoї vіyni scho nasuvaєtsya, Yakscho іmperіalіstichnі superechnostі mіzh Anglієyu i Nіmechchinoyu takozh upuskayutsya z uwagi, Yakscho aneksіya Elzas-Lotaringії, vіdsuvaєtsya on zadnіy plan before pragnennyam rosіyskogo tsarist government to Constantinople, yak vazhlivіshim i navіt viznachalnim chinnikom vіyni, Yakscho, nareshtі, rosіysky tsarism predstavlyaє ostannіy bulwark zagalnoєvropeyskoї reaktsії - chi is not clear scho vіyna, skazhіmo, burzhuaznoї Nіmechchini of tsarskoyu Rosієyu Je not іmperіalіstichnoyu not a robbery, not an anti-people war, but a war of willfulness, what may be willful?

After the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905, the vicorist family links of the Romanovs and Hohenzollerniv, Wilhelm II put pressure on Mykola II, leading to the listing, that the neutrality of France was the hour of the war between the English and the French, . against Russia. Under the hour of special zustrіch in B'єrtsi (Finland) in 1905. Iomu farted away from persecution of the Russian emperor to put a secret agreement on mutual assistance with Nimechchina, the process of diplomatic success ended in vain. Under the pressure of the greatest dignitaries in the empire, Mikola II, without a bar, was swayed by anger for the sake of it. Such a marvelous test of German diplomacy fought Russia in the form of its allies in the Entente under the hour of the Potsdam zustrichi of the two emperors in 1910.

Rozpalyuyuchi razbіzhnostі mіzh єvropejskim powers, Nіmechchina pragnula, krіm ugogo іnshoy, to ensure uninterrupted penetration to the Near Exodus. At the same time, she tried to establish herself in Pivnichniy Africa, claiming a part of Morocco, which had not yet been slaughtered by Europeans. Tim is no less, on the European "colonial exchange" Morocco has long been recognized as a sphere of interest in France, and the introduction of William II in the Moroccan flag in 1905 called out sharply the sharpening of international flags. The Moroccan crisis did not lead to the beginning of the European war, but the conflict ended with a diplomatic path. Sklikana in Algesiras (Ispan) 1906 The international conference, in spite of the recognition of the Germans, recognized the importance of the rights to Morocco for France.

In 1911, scurrying with praises in the region of Fez, France, under the drive of "pacification", introduced her military into the Moroccan person. It called out the failure of Nimechchin's demarche. "After that, carried out in the press campaign against Morocco, the German detachment sent the Panther gunboat to its shore, and then a light cruiser, provoking a Moroccan crisis to a friend." The French order, having adopted the "Pantheri fighter" as a viklik, was ready to defend its colonial "rights". Prote war, yak threatened nabuti of European scale, did not break even once. The decisive announcement of the English order about the readiness to fight for France forced the Germans to enter and recognize the French protectorate over the most important Morocco.

The Bosnian Crisis of 1908 led to a severe international conflict. Behind the minds of the Berlin treatise 1878 p. Bosnia and Herzegovina was occupied by the Austro-Ugric peoples, but formally they were abandoned at the warehouse of the Osman empire. After the Young Turk Revolution of 1908, the Austrian rank of the Soviet Union, which came a favorable moment for the residual annexation of the two syllables of the Jansk provinces. At the same time, the goodness of Russia was provided with an obityanka pіdtremati її vomogi schodo vydkrittya Black Sea channels for Russian ships. Alecia was not zdijsnen, but the claims of Russia were not supported by either England or France. At the same time, the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina overpowered the Austrian positions in the Balkans and gave a strong blow to the national-vibrant movement of pivdennyh words.

The annexation called out the sharp protest of Serbia, as it publicly declared its lack of respect for the rights of the Slavic peoples and craved the Austro-Ugric land for Bosnia and Herzegovina political autonomy. Її pіdrimala Rosіya, zaproponuvavshi calls for the solution of the Bosnian problem to the international conference. Tim is no less, the allies of Russia in the Entente took a neutral position, and the German detachment urged Russia to confirm the annexation and take up Serbia. Rejecting the ultimatum in advance of Berlin, which, at the time of the Germans, supported the Austro-Ugric region in the attack on Serbia, and having lost its self, Russia was afraid to give up.

Weakened if the mighty empire of Osman succumbed to Italy, as long ago it had already died out on the її volodinnya in Pivnіchnіy Africa. Enlisting the support of the great European powers, in 1911 p. she started the Viysk Dії against the Turechchini and zahopila two її provinces - Tripolitania and Kyrenaїku. Political isolation and the beginning of a new crisis in the Balkans tempted the Turkish order to act, and for the Lausanne peace treaty, Turkey was given rights to Cyrenaica and Tripolitania, which reached the warehouse of Italian citizens near Pivnichniy Africa Livy. Under the agreement, Italy wanted to return Turkey to the occupation of the Dodecanese Islands, but did not lose the obitsyanka.

The conquest of international vodnosin on the cob of the XX century, the opposition of two opposing political blocs of the Potriyny Union and the Entente, was accompanied by an inexplicable race of defences. The parliaments of the European lands one by one praise the laws on additional appropriations for the redesign and increase in the number of armies, the development of fleets, and the creation of military aviation. So, in France 1913 p. a law was adopted on trinity military service, which increased the number of the French army in peacetime to 160 thousand. chol. In Nіmechchinі for five years before the war (1909-1914) military bills increased by 33% and became half of the entire state budget. 1913 її army had 666 thousand. chol.

Table 1

Stages of militarization of the Ukrainian lands in Europe in the 80s. XIX - the beginning of the XX century

Back before the beginning of the war, it was possible to conquer the country by the British order. For ten years before the war, the vitras of England grew up in three. Creations 1910 r. The Imperial Defense Committee has developed a strategic plan for the scale of the empire. A number of strong fleets in England have created an army, ready for the needs of the time before fighting on the continent.

The tight hauls of the military-sea defenses spurred the English diplomacy to the rest, trying to reach a compromise with Nimechchina.

Z tієyu method in 1912. in Berlin, the military minister, Lord Holden, was brought in, who urged the German order to put money on the life of the line ships in exchange for colonial deeds in Africa.

But the pragnennya of England, for whatever price, to save her military-marine perevaga doomed Holden's mission to failure. Nіmechchina did not dare to act in any way "volodartsі seas", and until the beginning of 1914 it was small in its order already 232 new military ships.

On September 31, 1907, a Russian-British treaty was signed near St. Petersburg, which ended the Entente agreement


Potryina Nebezpeka

The blame of Entente was inevitable: before the end of the 19th century, the expansionary policy of the German Empire and the Austro-Ugric region became too great, as they started to change the order of the world, which was called for at that hour. Great Roseviyuchi, Shaho є Viropaysky Prostiroshi Peniot of Vysuchiki І Tіsni Field Diyalnosti, and the posture of the old svіti Інтестесие Two of the powers of the powers Might shifted Be I-Jacu Miti, Avtoji Imumerator Franz Yosif іmetsky Іmumerator Vіlgelm II was valued by є Dinja Mojlivius VihiD: Підписанный мизержавный офис.

The Austro-Nimets agreement, which later took away the name of the Dvіyovyi union (by analogy with the Potrіynym), signed at Vіdnі in 1879 for five years, and a little more than once, and until the end of the foundation of two famous empires. Vinikliy union mav vіdverto anti-Russian directing: the first yogo article said that yakby Russia attacked one of the empires, then a friend would come to the rescue “with the strength of the succession of military forces”; And yet - do not put the world in another way, like for mutual housekeeping. Such a very order of support was also in that moment, as if the participating countries recognized the attack of any other power, on the battlefield of which the Russian Empire would act. For obvious reasons, under the “other power” France was small on the shore - the only European country at that time was great, as it could support the Russian support.


Three years later, Italy came to the Podvіyny union, and changed into Potryyny. On such a development of the situation, St. Petersburg and Paris reacted with the only possible rank: they laid down the air to please about the support of the times of aggression of the new Viysk-political bloc. Vtіm, Franco-Russian favor bіlshoy bіlshoy, nіzh just military union. Having endured the recent rout, France in no way demanded a strong ally. I knew yoga in Russia, which transformed the Russians into the best friends of the French.

And yet great politics rarely gives the opportunity to take Bazhans without an unacceptable “appendage”. It is quite obvious that the emergence of these two unions - the Trinity and the Franco-Russian - became the right point on the path before the creation of Entente and the first crochet before the First Light War.

London in the allies' whispers

The development of the situation in the Old World at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries and the colonial super-rivers that are flaring up, over the years, they quickly demonstrated to all the leading powers that they have accumulated between them from farther away, but they can be less successful, including diplomatic methods. The striving of militarization of the Trinity Union and the activation of its colonial claims became more and more alarming for Great Britain, as it was playing its new superman in the light arena in Nimechchina. Just as Russia was a British superwoman on land, we were ahead of the Close Descent in Central Asia, then German colonies in the regions, like England traditionally respected the sphere of its interests, being viklik and on the sea. Until then, the German fleet had grown up the m'yazi, representing more and more trouble for the "Grand Fleet". And in Great Britain, as it tried not to join in like a military-political union, it didn’t have another way out, like a joke of official allies.

The island empire officially confirmed its own vision of “bright isolation”, as they called the policy of not joining international unions in Britain, in 1904, having swayed the Franco-British favor. Formally, this was a military-political union, ale umovi tsgogo agreement, that they separated the spheres of the two powers in Africa and the New World, allowed the production of visnovoks, that England and France draw up allied blueprints. That rhetoric, which accompanied the good fortune in both countries, was also allied.


Knowing the language of her old supergirl at the European theatre, Britain did not succumb, but continued the pranks of her new allies. In the world, everything smelled of great war, and London would need an additional alliance, which allowed the Nimechchina and the Austro-Ugric region to be bustling on two fronts. There was no chance of rebuilding in the small powers of Pvdenny Europe: the stench could hardly stand for a long time against the suicidal military power of the future union. So Britain is not small for another choice, like turning its gaze on the skhіd, to the other calm superwoman - Russia.

Razdіliti ta panuvati

A trace of recognition, as St. Petersburg is no less close to the reach of London. Soyno ended zmushuvala Russia shukati ally, build a vice on Tokyo, and in a short low of such lands the first place was occupied, no doubt, by Great Britain. In addition, Russia stooped in a wondrous position: its closest ally, France, made itself allied with the British, and now the Russian Empire had to defend this fact, and the powers of both powers.


Mutual interest before the settlement of the Russian-British agreement turned out to be great in order to overcome a lot of Anglo-Russian protirich. Before that, in 1906, the fate of the great Russian minister of foreign affairs, Count Volodymyr Lamzdorf, who was inspired by his sympathy for the German Empire, having replaced Oleksandr Izvolsky in the city, looked like he was commemorated by Germanophobia. The new head of the Russian foreign political department, for his own knowledge, having shown the right fight for the us, right up to his spokesmen at the ministry, and the reach of the implementation of the most important, like the British was given, the plan was written:

Like the Franco-British favor of 1904, the Anglo-Russian agreement of 1907 stood in front of us between interests in the quiet world regions, such as St. The agreement, signed on 31 September in St. Petersburg, having guarded that Russia is in charge of claims to Afghanistan, which becomes the sphere of Great Britain’s influx, then removes the possibility of directly influencing the camp on the right side of the peninsula part of Persia. The main part of this region became a zone of interest for Britain, and the center, in front of the Persk Stream, was considered neutral. The same neutral insults were made by the powers against Tibet, recognizing the Chinese sovereignty of the hundredth region and acting in the wake of trying to control Lhasa.

A leaflet from the images of the ensigns of the main lands that came to Entente before the beginning of the First World War.

Until 1914, Europe was split into two largest alliances, six of the strongest powers joined in. Їхнє the resistance has outgrown in the world war. Britain, France and Russia satisfied the Entente, and Nimechchina, Austro-Ugric and Italy united in the Third Union. The split on the alliance, having strengthened the vibrational security and having welded the edges, is enough.

Cob molding split

Having won a series (1862-1871), the Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck created a new German state, united from a number of small princedoms. Prote Bismarck was afraid that after the formation of the new state of the sudan lands, especially France and the Austro-Ugric region, they would threaten to begin work for the demise of Nimechchina. Bismarck is looking forward to the creation of alliances in order to stabilize and invest forces on the geopolitical map of Europe. Vіn vvazhaє, scho can evoke the inevitability of war for Nіmechchini.

Subaltern Union

Bismarck rozumiv, that France as an ally for Nimechi was spent. After the defeat of France at the Franco-Prussian war and the occupation of Germany by Elsas and Lorraine, the French were put sharply negatively before them. Britain did not dominance and actively changed the formation of any unions, afraid of possible competition from the side.

Vihodyachi z tsikh obstavin, Bismarck vyrishiv zvernutisya to the Austro-Ugric region and Russia. As a result, in 1873 the stinks united in the Union of Three Emperors, the participants of which guaranteed mutual support, so that they could wake up in a rapt fashion. After five years, Russia lost the union. On the approaching river, the members of the alliance, which they had lost, formed the Underground Union and now they began to threaten Russia. The stinks did their homework about the military assistance, as if Russia attacked them, or else we would give the military encouragement to anyone else.

Lost union

In 1881, Italy joined up to two countries-participants in the alliance, and a third alliance was formed, and France has now reached the list of threat factors. More than that, if the alliance guarantees that some of the participants will lean in the camp of war with two and more powers, then the alliance will come to the rescue.

Italy, being the weakest member of the alliance, attacked the addendum clause included in the treaty to the fact that it has the right to withdraw from it, so that the Potry Union will act as an aggressor. Not long after, Italy signed a treaty with France, announcing its support at the time of the attack on them by the Nazis.

Agreement on "reinsurance"

Bismarck lied about the possibility of war on two fronts, and it meant the regulation of the war either with France or with Russia. From the French, the stosunki at the Nimtsiv were heavily zipped, so Bismarck's choice fell on the Russians. Chancellor urged Russia to sign a "reinsurance agreement". Behind the minds of this agreement, the offending parties were less likely to take care of neutrality at the time of the outbreak of war with the third country.

However, this agreement was made only until 1890, then the Order of Nimechchini said yoga, reinstating Bismarck at the resignation. Russia tried to save the agreement with the forces, but Nimechchina didn’t want it. This decision is the main pardon of Bismarck's defenders.

Franco-Russian Union

Relatively broken by Bismarck, the old politics began to crumble after the end of the year. The pragmatic expansion of the German Empire, Kaiser Wilhelm II pursued a policy of aggressive militarization. The expansion of that zmіtsnennya of the German fleet called out the unrest of England, France and Russia, which caused the agglomeration of these lands. At some point, the new order of Nіmechchini appeared insufficiently competent to support the alliance that had been created, and Nіmechchina unexpectedly stumbled with the mistrust of that fortune of the European powers.

In 1892, Russia, within the framework of the secret convention, made an alliance with France. Wash this union to help each other with different wars, without imposing other borders. An alliance of creations against a random union. Vіdkhіd Nіmechchini vіd politicheskogo course laid by Bismarck, placing them in a safe camp. Now the empire has stumbled on two fronts because of the threat of war.

The growing tension between the largest powers of Europe made Great Britain think about the need to join up to one of the alliances. Britain did not sue France in the Franco-Prussian war, the pro lands laid the Entente Cordial agreement between themselves in 1904. Three years later, a similar agreement was signed between Great Britain and Russia. In 1912, the Anglo-French military-naval convention made this connection even more meaningful. Alliance of nabuv chivalry.

Holy war

If the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and that squad were beaten in 1914, the reaction of the Austro-Ugric region was negative. At the onset of the winter months of Europe, a full-scale war broke out. The Entente fought for a trinity alliance, which Italy left without a hitch.

The parties to the conflict were convinced that the war would be swift and complete before the New Year of 1914; For a short period of time, the won took the lives of 11 million soldiers and 7 million civilians. The war ended in 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

The design of the antiborchih blocks was carried out for a long time. The current configuration was changing under the influx of the dynamics of the out-of-this-world political opposition.

Lost union- Viysk-political association of Nimechi, Austro-Ugric and Italy - was created in 1882. Proto-variety forms of bloc confrontation emerged under the hour of local violent conflicts at the turn of the century. These were the first wars for the transfer of territory: the Spanish-American War (1898), the Anglo-Bourgeois War (1899-1902) and the Russian-Japanese War (1904-1905). The Moroccan crises, the Balkan wars, national and voluntary revolutions in a number of colonial and non-colonial lands were no less active influencing the system of bloc confrontation.

At the time of the signing by England and France of the Entente Cordiale, Russia was waging war on Japan. Before the signing of the treaty with France, England had already laid down the military-political alliance from Japan, directing against Russia, in such a rank, the Anglo-French alliance of directing more importantly against Germany. In the minds that the Nimechchina was formed, it tried to speed up the Russian-Japanese war to weaken the political and economic positions of Russia, and at the same time it secured the unsafe alliance of England and France, shaming Russia to an alliance. About the interview of Kaiser Nimechchini Wilhelm II and the Russian Emperor Mikoli II in 1905.

Serving a distant zagostrennya protirich mizh Nіmechchina, France and England First Moroccan Crisis 1905-1906 pp. At the Algesiras (Spain) conference on the problems of Morocco, France took a firm stance on both England and Russia, which was short before Russia's entry into the Entente. A participant in the Trinity Union - Italy - also supported France, recognizing its claims on Morocco, fading away from Germany and Austria-Ukraine.

Through the river after the end of the Russian-Japanese war, England, guarding the imbalance of forces on the Descent and the growing fortunes from the side of the Nimechchini, signed favor with Russia, yak designated the spheres for the injection of two krai in Iran, Afghanistan, Tikhon-South of China

The favor of England and Russia has left the block Entente.

Unsatisfactory growth of the power of the military-naval fleet of the Nymechchini to the height of confrontation with the first maritime power of the world - England.

The head epicenter of the anticipation of the First Light War became Balkans, de zіshtovkhnulis _ like the great der-warriors of the zhavs, and the small peoples inhabiting tsey

region. Traditionally focused on Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia in 1912. they laid down an allied agreement with low secret additions, which they passed, in times of destruction of their sovereignty, a splendid ledge, as well as a sample of the division of Macedonia. Tsey agreement buv directing us in front of the Austro-Ugric and Turechchini. Greece and Chornogoria came to the new one without a hitch, having created a broad coalition that went down to history Balkan Union.

Autumn 1912 started First Balkan War created military-political union with Turechchina. The reason for the war was the anti-Turkish rebellion in Albania and Macedonia and the Turkish government to give autonomy to Macedonia. Vtruchannya in the conflict of the great powers (Austria-Ukraine, Russia and

As an example of the opposition to the political blocs in the international arena, the collapse of the great lands in the period of the 1900s.

In the period of tension before the podia of the First Svitovy vein, the strong gravitational svitovy arena united at once, to dictate their policy and mother superiority at the virishenny zvnishnopolitichnykh nutrition. An alliance was created for the lord, which could become an opponent for these pods.

Thus begins the history of confrontation, the foundation of which was laid by the Entente and the Trinity Union. Another name is Antanta or Entente (at the translation of “heart happiness”).

Krayny - participants of the Potry Union

Before the international military bloc, which was a heap of blessings for strengthening hegemony, entering the next list of lands (div. table):

  1. Nіmechchina— played a key role in the establishment of the union, slaying the pershu military favor.
  2. Austro-Ugrian- a friend of the participant, as if she came to the German Empire.
  3. Italy- came to the union of the rest.

Trohi later, after the fall of the 1st Holy War, Italy was brought out of the bloc, the protecoalition did not disintegrate, but the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria succumbed to it.

Creation of a potry union

The history of the Trinity Union is founded on the allied favor between the German Empire and the Austro-Ugric region - tsі podії vіdbulisya in the Austrian city Viden 1879.

The main point of the favor was the goiter that I would join the military forces on the side of the ally, as if aggression would be victorious from the side of the Russian Empire.

Krіm tsyogo, the pact was sealed to the best of the ability of the neutral side, so that the allies would know the attack from the side of someone, the Crimea of ​​Russia.

At this hour, the camp in the international arena of France praised Nimechchina. That Otto von Bismarck shukav ways, yakі b allowed to take France into isolation.

Friendly minds formed in 1882, if the Austrian Habsburgs were involved before the negotiations, which played a vital role in the adoption of the decision by Italy.

The secret alliance between Italy and the bloc Nimechchina - Austro-Ugric region, having fallen at the hands of the military supporters of the different French aggression, as well as saving neutrality for an hour, I will attack one of the countries-participants of the coalition.

The goals of the Trinity Union at the First Holy War

The main method of the Potry Union in advance of the war was the creation of such a military-political coalition, as if for its strength it would resist the union of the Russian Empire, Great Britain and France (opponents).

Prote, participating lands of Mali and Vlasnі tsіlі:

  1. The German Empire through a rapidly growing economy needs more resources and, as a result, more colonies. So, they made small claims for the transfer of spheres to the flow of the world, contributions to the light of the hegemony of Nimechchini.
  2. The forces of the Austro-Ugric region took control of the Balkan Pivostrov. From the right, it was carried out for the sake of burying Serbia and other words of the Jansk lands.
  3. The Italian side is small in terms of territory to Tunisia, and also jumped to close its way to the Mediterranean Sea, placing it under its absolute control.

Entente - who entered the warehouse and hid

After the establishment of a new alliance, the forces in the international arena were drastically changed and led to the collapse of colonial interests between England and the German Empire.

The expansive activities at the Close descent in Africa spurred Great Britain to be more active, and the stench began to talk about the arrangement of the military land with the Russian Empire and France.

The cob of Entente was laid at the 1904th roci., if France and Great Britain signed a pact, it was for this reason that the transfer of the protectorate of all colonial dohans from African nutrition was made.

With all the goiter from the military support, it was only confirmed between France and the Russian Empire, even as England was strongly shirked in the face of such confirmation.

The vindication of this military-political bloc allowed the strife between the great powers and the efforts of their builders to resist the aggression of the Trinity Union.

Russia's advent to Entente

Podії, yakі zapochatkuvalnya vtyaguvannya Russian Empire in the Entente bloc, became in 1892 roci.

The very same with France, it was laid down for the sake of the military, for whatever, for any aggression, the ally-country used all available military forces for mutual assistance.

At that time, until 1906, tension increased in the borderlands between Russia and Japan, which was negotiated through the negotiations of the Portsmouth Treaty. This could have provoked Russia's loss of some far-flung territories.

Razumіyuchi tsі facts, Minister of Foreign Affairs Izvolsky, heading for rapprochement from Great Britain. Tse buv friendly head in istorії, oskolki England and Japan were allies, and favor could regulate mutual claims.

The success of Russian diplomacy was the signing of the Russian-Japanese territory in 1907, which helped to regulate all territorial nutrition. A whole lot of peace poured into the hasty negotiations from England. the date of 31 September 1907 marked the fate of the Russian-English land.

This fact was final, after such a Russia, the rest came to the Entente.

Residual design of Antanti

The remaining podia, which completed the formation of the Entente bloc, were the signing of mutual favors between England and France regarding the regulation of colonial food in Africa.

These included the following documents:

  1. Bulo divided the territory of Egypt and Morocco.
  2. There were clear divisions between England and France in Africa. Newfoundland mostly came to Britain, France took part of the new territories in Africa.
  3. Regulating the Madagascar diet.

These documents formed a block split between the Russian Empire, Great Britain and France.

Plani Entente at the First World War

The main method of Entente ahead of the First World War (1915) was to strangle the Viysk's fervor of Nimechchini, as it was planned to build from a large number of parties. This is why we are facing a war on two fronts with Russia and France, as well as a complete naval blockade on the side of England.

In case of any member please small special zatsіkavlenіst:

  1. England is a small homeland of speed and is impressed by the growing economy of Germany, the pace of growth that has had a major effect on the English economy. Okrym tsgogo Britain bachiled at the German Empire the military threat to its sovereignty.
  2. France started to turn the territory of Alsace and Lorraine, during the hour of the Franco-Prussian zitknen. The value of the earth is also of little importance for the economy due to the great number of resources.
  3. Tsar's Russia is small by a wide margin, inflowing into the important economic zone of the Mediterranean Sea and into the regulation of territorial domains on a number of Polish lands and territories in the Balkans.

The results of the resistance of the Entente and the Potry Union

The results of the struggle for the pіdbags of the First Light War was the complete defeat of the trinity union- Italy was spent, and the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Ugric Empire, which were included before the union, fell apart. Bulo zruynovano fret at Nіmechchinі, de zapanuvala republic.

For the Russian Empire, the fate in the Entente and the First World War ended in huge turmoil and revolution, which led to the collapse of the empire.