Anatomy of the human foot. Great Medical Encyclopedia of Pathology and Trauma

M'yazi tilu stopi: 1. Short finger joint, m. extensor digitorum brevis.
2. Short m'yaz-rozginach of the thumb, m. extensor hallucis brevis.
3. Thin interstitial meats, m. interossei dorsales.
The soft tissue of the soles. Masses of the great toe: 1. Inject the flesh of the great toe, m. abductor hallucis.
2. Short m'yaz-zginach of the thumb, m. flexor hallucis brevis.
3. Adductal meat of the great toe, m. adductor hallucis.
The muscles of the little toe: 1. Insert the little finger, m. abductor digiti minimi.
2. Short m'yaz-zginach of the little finger, m. flexor digiti minimi brevis.
3. Nasty little finger meat, m. opponens digiti minimi.
Middle foot soft tissues: 1. Short finger joint, m. flexor digitorum brevis.
2. Square sole, m. quadratus plante.
3. Worm-like pulp, mm. lumbricales.
4. Thickness of interstitial meat, mm. interossei dorsales.
5. Plantar interstitial tissue, mm. interossei plantares.

M'yazi tilu stopi

1. Short m'yaz-rozginach fingers m. extensor digitorum brevis - descends to the lateral surface of the heel bone, passes at the tendon and attaches to the base of the proximal, middle and distal phalanx of the II-IV fingers.
Function: Spreads the II-IV toes, stretches in the lateral direction.
Bloodshed: a. tarsea lateralis, r. perforans a. peroneae.
Innervation: n. peroneus profundus (I IV-S I).
2. Short m'yaz-rozginach of the thumb m. extensor hallucis brevis - extended under the tendons of the long finger, which is attached to the base of the proximal phalanx of the great finger.
Function: Spreads the great toe.
Bloodshed: a. tarsea lateralis, r. perforans a. peronea.
Innervation: n. peroneus profundus (L IV-L V, S I).
3. Thick interstitial meats m. interossei dorsales – these are the soft tissues that fill the interossei space of the dorsal surface of the foot. Take the cob from one to one two vascular molds and attach them to the base of the proximal phalanx of the II-IV fingers.
Function: The first muscle pulls the second toe in a medial direction, and the first, second and third muscles move the II-IV toes in a lateral direction. All the muscles bend the proximal phalanges and open the middle and distal phalanges of the II-IV fingers.
Bloodshed: arcus plantaris, aa. metatarseae plantares.
Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S 1-5 II).

Sole flesh

Apply the same kind of pulp to the great toe.
1. Thumb meat, what to introduce m. abductor hallucis - spread superficially along the medial edge of the foot, taking the cob from the processus medialis of the tuber of the heel and the plantar surface of the tuber of the heel-like cyst and aponeurosis plantaris. It is attached to the medial sesamoid bone of the thumb and the base of the proximal phalanx.
Function: The great toe disappears and the medial part of the foot pelvis is compressed.
Bloodshed: a. plantaris medialis.
2. Short m'yaz-zginach of the thumb m. flexor hallucis brevis - expanded laterally of the anterior flesh, taking the cob from the os cuneiforme (I) and os naviculare from the plantar ligaments, which unite the tassels. Attached at once from m. abductor hallucis to the os sesamoideum mediale of the great toe and to the proximal phalanx.
Function: the big toe bends and the foot pelvis is supported.
Bloodshed: a. plantaris medialis, arcus plantaris.
Innervation: bichna part – n. plantaris lateralis (5 1-5 II); medial part – n. plantaris medialis (5 III-S V).
3. Adductal pulp of the great toe m. adductor hallucis - covered with the back of the fingers, taking the cob with two heads:
- Transverse head, caput transversum - take the cob on the plantar surface in the form of subglobular bursae of the III-V metatarsal phalangeal subglobs, distal ends of the II-V metatarsal cysts, deep transverse metatarsal ligaments and subplantar aponeurosis;
- Braid head, caput obliquum - take the cob from the subsutural surface of the cuboid brush, the lateral cuneiform brush, the base of the II-V mold brushes and the long subsutural ligament, lig. plantare longum.
Function: Bring the great toe to the foot and bend it.
Bloodshed: a. metatarseae plantares, rr. perforantes a. arcuatae
Apply the same kind of muscle to the little toe of the foot. 1. Enter the little finger m. abductor digiti minimi - grown under the plantar aponeurosis, take the cob from the heel of the heel and aponeurosis plantaris. Attaches to the tuberositas ossis metatarsal (V) and to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.
Function: enter and the little toe of the foot bends.
Bloodshed: a. plantaris lateralis.
Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (5 1-5 II).
2. Short m'yaz-zginach of the little finger m. flexor digiti minimi brevis - grown under aponeurosis plantaris, take the cob from os metatarsal (V) and from lig. plantare longum, attaches to the distal half of the hip edge of the os metatarsale (V) and the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.
Function: The little toe of the foot disappears.
Bloodshed: a. plantaris lateralis.
Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (5 1-5 II).
3. Nasty little finger meat, m. opponens digiti minimi - unseen insufficiently, take the cob from the lig.plantare longum and attach to the base 05 metatarsale (V).
Function: extends the little toe to the big toe.
Bloodshed: a. plantaris lateralis.
Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S I-S II).
Place such pulps up to the middle of the soles. 1. Short finger wrench m. flexor digitorum brevis - grown under the plantar aponeurosis, take the cob from the medial aspect of the heel bone and aponeurosis plantaris, straight forward, the lichen passes at the tendon that lies at the foot ah together with m. flexoris digitorum longi. At the level of the proximal phalanx, the tendon is divided into two legs, which are attached to the base of the middle phalanx of the II-V fingers.
Function: bends the toes in the interphalangeal angles, supporting the clump of the foot.
Bloodshed: ah. plantaris lateralis et medialis.
Innervation: n. plantaris medialis (L V-S I).
2. Square sole sole m. quadratusplantae - lies under the anterior meatus, take the cob from the subglobular ridge of the heel bone and attaches to the lateral edge of the tendon m. flexor digitorum longus.
Function: stretches the tendon of the long finger.
Bloodshed: a. plantaris lateralis.
Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (5 1-5 II).
3. Worm-like pulp, mm. lumbricales - several pulps, spread between the tendons of m. flexoris digitorum longi and cover with short fingers. Take the cob from the tendon of the long finger and attach it to the medial edge of the tilny aponeurosis of the proximal phalanx.
Function: bend your fingers at the metatarsophalangeal joints.
Bloodshed: ah. plantares laterales et medialis.
Innervation: n. plantaris medialis, n. plantaris lateralis (L IV-S II).
4. Thick interstitial meats, mm. interossei dorsales - grown at four interstitial spaces, take the cob from one to one metatarsal brushes, attached to the aponeurosis of the phalanges of the II-IV fingers.
Function: With the first interstitial muscle, move the second toe towards the midline of the foot, and the other, third and fourth muscles move the second toe to the lateral side (close to the fifth toe).
Bloodshed: acrus plantaris, aa. metatarseae plantares.
Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (5 1-5 II).
5. Plantar interstitial meats, mm. interossiplantares - three pulps are spread in the interstitial spaces of the ossa metatarsalia (II-V), take the cob from the medial sides of the II-V metatarsal cysts and attach to the base of the proximal phalanges of the tarsal toes.
Function: Bring fingers III-V to finger II.
Bloodshed: arcus plantaris, aa. metatarsea plantares.
Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (5 1-5 II).

The foot, as well as the hand, as well as the tendon that lies on the long flesh that descends on it from the spine, suffers its short, heavy flesh; These muscles are divided into the back (dorsal) and sole.

Tilni foot sores. M. extensor digitorum brevis, short fingers, it grows on the top of the foot under the tendons of the long spine and takes the cob on the heel bone in front of the entrance to the sinus tarsi.

Straight forward, it is divided into several thin tendons up to the I-IV fingers, which are attached to the lateral edge of the tendon m. extensor digitorum longus m. extensor hallucis longus and at the same time they create a stronger tendon stretch of the fingers. The medial blade, obliquely, which goes along with its tendons to the great toe, is also called m. extensor hallucis brevis.

function. Extend fingers I-IV at once and lightly withdraw them from the lateral hip. (Inn. L4-S1, N. peroneus profundus.)

Plantar swellings of the feet. There are three groups: medial (thumb of the big toe), lateral (thin of the little finger) and middle, which lies in the middle of the sole.

A) Median group three:

1. M. abductor hallucis, the flesh that leads the great toe, it grows most superficially on the medial edge of the sole; Take your cob from the processus medialis of the heel tubercle, retinaculum mm. flexdrum and tiberositas ossis navicularis; attaches to the medial sesamoid bone and the base of the proximal phalanx. (Inn. L5-S2 N. plantaris med.).

2. M. flexor hallucis brevis, short sign of the great toe, which adjoins the lateral edge of the anterior meatus, begins on the medial cuneiform bone and on the lig. calcaneocuboideum plantare. Straight forward, the meat is divided into two heads, between which pass the tendon m. flexor hallucis longus.

The two heads are attached to the sesamoid brushes in the area of ​​the first metatarsophalangeal joint and to the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe. (Inn. 5i_n. Nn. plantares medialis et lateralis.)

3. M. adductor hallucis, m'yaz, which leads to the great toe, lies deep and folds out of two heads. One of them (the braid head, caput obliquum) takes the cob from the cube-shaped brush and lig. plantare longum, as well as from the lateral wedge-like and from the bases of the II-IV metatarsal brushes, then going obliquely forward and further medially.

The other head (transverse, caput transversum) removes its cob from the subglobular bursae of the II-V metatarsophalangeal joints and plantar ligaments; It goes transversely to the bottom of the foot and at the same time with the oblique head is attached to the lateral sesamoid bone of the great toe. (Inn. S1-2. N. plantaris lateralis.)

function. The muscles of the medial group of the sole, in addition to those indicated in the names, take part in the significant cleat of the foot on the medial side.

b) Muscles of the lateral group are in the middle of the two:

1. M. abductor digiti minimi, muscle, which leads the little toe of the foot, lie on the lateral edge of the sole, on top of other areas. It begins at the heel bone and attaches to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.

2. M. flexor digiti minimi brevis, short extension of the little toe, begins at the base of the fifth metatarsal and attaches to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.

Function The swelling of the skin on the little finger is insignificant. Their main role lies at the prominent lateral edge of the cleat of the foot. (Inn. all three meats 5i_n. N. plantaris lateralis.)

V) Middle group pulps:

1. M. flexor digitorum brevis, short fingers, lie on the surface under the plantar aponeurosis. It begins at the tubercle of the heel and divides into four flat tendons, which are attached to the middle phalanges of the II-V fingers.

Before their attachments, the tendon splits the skin into two legs, between which the m. tendon passes. flexor digitorum longus. The flesh creases the skeletal structure of the foot in a straight line and bends the toes (II-V). (Inn. L5-S2. N. plantaris medialis.)

2. M. quadrdtus plantae (m. flexor accessorius), square sole pulp, lie under the anterior muscle, begins at the heel bone and then joins to the lateral edge of the tendon m. flexor digitorum longus. The bundle of this regulates the action of the long bending of the fingers, pushing the tension straight towards the fingers. (Inn. 51-2, N. plantaris lateralis.)

3. Mm. lumbricales, worm-like pulps, number of chotiri. Like on the hand, they come from four tendons of the long finger and are attached to the medial edge of the proximal phalanx of the II-V fingers. The stench can affect the proximal phalanges; Their growing activity on other phalanges is even weaker or just a day.

The stench may also attract other fingers to the side of the thumb. (Inn. L5-S2. Nn. plantares lateralis et medialis.)

4. Mm. interossei, interstitial meats, lie as deep as possible on the side of the sole, up to the space between the metatarsals. Divided, like the most important tissues of the hand, into two groups - three soles, mm. interossei plantares, ta chotiri tilni, mm. interossei dorsdles, the stinks are suddenly revived by their deterioration.

At the hand, the ligament with its hapal function, the stinks are grouped near the third finger, at the foot, the ligament with its supporting role, the stinks are grouped near the second finger, then in relation to the second mold. Functions: point and spread fingers, but at the same size. (Inn. 5i_n. N. plantaris lateralis.)

Foot ulcers, mm.pedis, are divided into the soft surface of the foot and the soft surface of the sole. Sores on the bottom of the feet are the main priority, and sores on the soles are the most important thing.

Soft surface

  1. Short toe extension, m.extensor digitorum brevis, flat flesh that lies directly on the dorsal surface of the foot. Take the cob from the upper and lateral surface of the anterior part of the calcaneus and, straight ahead, pass at the narrow tendon. The stench grows at its distal part from the tendons of the long finger and attaches to the base of the proximal phalanges of the II-V fingers, intertwining with the spinal aponeurosis. From the tendon to the little finger every day. Action: extends the II-IV toes of the foot, pulling them towards the lateral hip. Innervation: n. peroneus profundus (L4-L5; S1). Bleeding: a. tarsea lateralis, r. perforans a. peroneae.
  2. Short extension of the great toe, m. extensor hallicis brevis, lie in the middle facing the front. The flesh is taken from the upper surface of the anterior part of the calcaneus and, straight forward and medially, passes at the tendon, which attaches to the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. In the distal section, the tendon grows from the tendon m. extensor hallucis longus, taking the fate of the illuminating aponeurosis. Action: Spreads the great toe. Innervation: n. Peroneus profundus (L4-L5; S1).Bleeding: a. tarsea lateralis, r. perforans a. peroneae.

Sores of the great toe

  1. M'yaz, what to do with the great toe, m. abductor hallucis, spread superficially, occupies the largest medial position among the muscles of this group. Take the cob from the retinaculum mm. flexorum, processus medialis tuberis calcanei and the subsurface of the bone-like brush. Straight forward, the muscle passes at the tendon, as it grows from the tendon m. The phlegm of the hallucis brevis is attached to the medial sesamoid ossicle of the thumb and the base of its proximal phalanx. Action: bends and abducts the great toe, emphasizing the medial part of the foot. Innervation: n. plantaris medialis (L5; S1). Bleeding: a. plantaris medialis.
  2. The short leg of the great toe, m.flexor hallucis brevis, is short behind the anterior meatus, partly covered by it and spreads directly onto the os metatarsale I. The meat takes the cob from the os cuneiforme mediale, the plantar surface of the foot Ib, tendon m. tibialis posterior, lig. plantare longum. Tendon pulp at once from the tendon m. The adductor hallucis is attached to the lateral and medial sesamoid ossicles and to the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe, thus dividing into two distal tendons, the skin of which lies parallel to the lateral and medial goal. ivok. Action: the great toe bends. Innervation: lateral head – n. plantaris lateralis (S1-S2), medial head – n. plantaris medialis (L5-S2). Bleeding: a. plantaris medialis, arcus plantaris.
  3. The meat that adducts the great toe, the adductor hallucis, is spread deeply, directly on the moldy brushes, and covered with long and short fingers. The pulp begins with two heads - transverse and oblique. Transverse head, caput transversum, take the cob on the peduncle surface of the subglobular capsules of the III-V metatarsal joints, from the distal ends of the II-V metatarsal cysts, from the aponeurosis plantaris (septum laterale), from the transverse ligaments of the metatarsal heads origin. The braid head, caput obliquum, is tighter, starts at the bottom surface of the os cuboideum, os cuneiforme laterale, the base of the II-IV mold brushes, lig. plantare longum and sole soil m. peroneus longus. The two heads pass at the posterior tendon, which attaches to the lateral sesamoid ossicle and the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe. Action: point the big toe and bend it. Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S1-S2). Bleeding: ah. metatarseae plantares et dorsales; rr. perforantes a. arcuatae

The muscles of the little finger

  1. M'yaz, what to bring the little finger, m. abductor digiti minimi, lie most lateral to this group of muscles, spreading directly under the plantar aponeurosis. The meat is taken from the cob as processus lateralis et medialis tuberis calcanei and as aponeurosis plantaris. Straight forward, pass at the short tendon that attaches to the lateral side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger. Action: insert and bend the proximal phalanx of the little toe. Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S1-S2).Bleeding: a. plantaris lateralis.
  2. Short extension of the little toe, m. flexor digiti minimi brevis, lie medial behind the front muscle and cover it frequently. Take the cob from the os metatarsale V,lig. plantare longum and sole soil m. peroneus longus i, straight forward, pass at the tendon, like, growing from the tendon m. abductor digiti minimi, which is attached to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little toe. Action: bends the proximal phalanx of the little toe. Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S1-S2).Bleeding: a. plantaris lateralis.
  3. The muscle that the little finger makes, m. opponens digiti minimi, even unstable, begins with the anterior meatus in front of the lig. plantare longum and tendinous tissue m. peroneus longus and attaches to the lateral edge of the fifth metatarsal. Action: direct and expose the V metatarsal bone; At the same time, from the front flesh, take the part of the significant lateral part of the crypt of the foot. Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S1-S2). Bleeding: a. plantaris lateralis.

The pulps of the middle month

  1. Short curl of fingers, m. flexor digitorum brevis, occupies the middle position on the foot, spreading under the plantar aponeurosis. The meat is taken by the short, tight tendons from the processus medialis of the heel tuberosity and aponeurosis plantaris. Straight forward, the medullary stalk passes near the tendon, which lies at the synovial canals along with the tendons m. flexor digitorum longus. In the area of ​​the proximal phalanges of the II-V toes of the foot, the tendon of the short leg is divided into two legs, attached to the base of the middle phalanges of the indicated toes. The tendons of the long-term fingers pass between the legs. The action bends the middle phalanges of the II-V toes. Innervation: n. plantaris medialis (L5; S1). Bleeding: ah. tibialis posterior, plantares lateralis et medialis.
  2. Square sole, m. quadratus plantae, or dodatkovy zginach, m. flexor accessorius, its shape approaches the quadrant and lies under the anterior meatus. Take the meat from the cob from the lower and medial surface of the back part of the heel with two round heads, which are united in the cauldron. Straight forward, the meat is lightly sounded and attached to the outer edge of the tendon m. flexor digitorum longus in the middle of the tendon. Action: take part at once from m. flexor digitorum longus at the bent distal phalanges, pushing them straight forward. Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S1-S2). Bleeding: a. plantaris lateralis.
  3. Worm-like pulp, mm. lumbricales, thin, short flesh, several in number, spread between the tendons of m. flexor digitorum longus and cover with a short curl of the fingers, and stick together in depth. interossei. The worm-like flesh of the skin is taken from the cob from the venous tendon of the long finger, with the three lateral ones having two heads, and the first one having one head. Straight forward, the flesh in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joints extends from the side of the medial surface of the II-V toes and, having passed onto the dorsal surface of the significant toes, are woven into their dorsal aponeurosis. Some worm-like pulps are attached to the subglobular capsules and reach the proximal phalanges. Mij ​​mm. lumbricales and lig. metatarseum transversum profundum lie in the mucous bursa of worm-like sores of the foot. Action: bend the proximal phalanges of the II-V toes of the foot, simultaneously bending the middle and distal phalanges of the same toes. Innervation: n.plantaris medialis and n.plantaris lateralis (L5; S1-S2). Bleeding: ah. plantares, lateralis et medialis.
  4. Plantar interstitial tissue, mm. interossei plantares, narrow, short muscles numbering three, lie at the interstitial spaces between ossa metatarsalia II-III, III-IV and IV-V. The skin from these fleshes takes the cob from the medial sides of the III, IV and V metatarsal cysts and attaches to the base of the proximal phalanges, often turning into the final aponeurosis. Action: bend the proximal phalanges and open the middle and distal phalanges of the III-V toes, and also move the designated toes to the II toe. Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S1-S2). Bleeding: arcus plantaris, aa. metatarseae plantares.
  5. Thickness of interstitial meat, mm. interossei dorsales, guess the shape of the soles. The number of muscles is enough to fill all the interstitial spaces from the front side. The cutaneous flesh takes the cob from one side to the other side of two vascular molds and, straight forward, attaches to the base of the proximal phalanx of the II-IV fingers and is woven into the last aponeurosis. Action: the first interstitial muscle pulls the second toe in a medial direction, the other, third and fourth - move the II-IV fingers in a lateral direction, and also all the muscles bend the proximal phalanges and open the middle distal phalanges of the indicated fingers. Innervation: n. plantaris lateralis (S1-S2). Bleeding: arcus plantaris, aa. metatarseae plantares.

Foot, just like the hand, and the tendon that lies on the long muscles that descend on it from the spine, it rubs its short, powerful muscles; These muscles are divided into the back (dorsal) and sole.

Tilni m'yazi.

M. extensor digitorum brevis, short fingers, it grows on the top of the foot under the tendons of the long spine and takes the cob on the heel bone in front of the entrance to the sinus tarsi. Straight forward, it is divided into several thin tendons up to the I-IV fingers, which are attached to the lateral edge of the tendon m. extensor digitorum longus m. extensor hallucis longus and at the same time they create a stronger tendon stretch of the fingers. The medial blade, obliquely, which goes along with its tendons to the great toe, is also called m. extensor hallucis brevis. function. Extend fingers I-IV at once and lightly withdraw them from the lateral hip. (Inn. L4-S1. N. peroneus profundus.)

Sole pulp. There are three groups: medial (thumb of the big toe), lateral (thin of the little finger) and middle, which lies in the middle of the sole.

There are three muscles of the medial group:

  1. M. abductor hallucis, the flesh that leads to the great toe, spreads most superficially on the medial edge of the sole; Take your cob from the processus medialis of the heel tubercle, retinaculum mm. flexorum and tiberositas ossis navicularis; attaches to the medial sesamoid brush. (Inn. L5-S1 N. plantaris med.).
  2. M. flexor hallucis brevis, a short leg of the great toe, which adjoins the lateral edge of the anterior meatus, begins on the medial wedge-like brush and on the lig. calcaneocuboideum plantare. Straight forward, the meat is divided into two heads, between which pass the tendon m. flexor hallucis longus. The two heads are attached to the sesamoid brushes in the area of ​​the first metatarsophalangeal joint and to the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe. (Inn. S1-S2. Nn. plantares medialis et lateralis.)
  3. M. adductor hallucis, the muscle that adducts the great toe, lies deep and folds into two heads. One of them (braid head, caput obliquum) takes the cob from the cube of the base of the proximal brush and lig. plantare longum, as well as from the lateral wedge-like and from the bases of the II-IV metatarsal brushes, then going obliquely forward and further medially. The other head (transverse, caput transversum) removes its cob from the subglobular bursae of the II-V metatarsophalangeal joints and plantar ligaments; It goes transversely to the bottom of the foot and at the same time with the oblique head is attached to the lateral sesamoid bone of the great toe. (Inn. S1-S2. N. plantaris lateralis.) Function. The muscles of the medial group of the sole, in addition to those indicated in the names, take part in the significant cleat of the foot on the medial side.

Muscles of the lateral group including two:

  1. M. abductor dgiti minimi, the muscle that leads the little toe of the foot, lies on the lateral edge of the sole, on top of the other muscles. It begins at the heel bone and attaches to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.
  2. M. flexor digiti minimi brevis, a short extension of the little toe, begins at the base of the fifth metatarsal and attaches to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little toe. The function of the muscles of the lateral group of the sole in the skin of the little finger is insignificant. Their main role lies at the prominent lateral edge of the cleat of the foot. (Inn. all three meats S1-S2. N. plantaris lateralis.)

Middle group meats:

  1. M. flexor digitorum brevis, short fingers, lies superficially under the plantar aponeurosis. It begins at the tubercle of the heel and divides into four flat tendons, which are attached to the middle phalanges of the II-V fingers. Before their attachments, the tendon splits the skin into two legs, between which the m. tendon passes. flexor digitorum longus. The flesh creases the skeletal structure of the foot in a straight line and bends the toes (II-V). (Inn. L5-S1. N. plantaris medialis.)
  2. M. quadrdtus plantae (m. flexor accessorius), square muscle of the sole, lies under the anterior muscle, begins at the heel and then joins the lateral edge of the tendon m. flexor digitorum longus. The bundle of this regulates the action of the long bending of the fingers, pushing the tension straight towards the fingers. (Inn. S1-S2. N. plantaris lateralis.)
  3. Mm. lumbricales, worm-like pulps, in number. Like on the hand, they come from four tendons of the long finger and are attached to the medial edge of the proximal phalanx of the 1st-5th fingers. The stench can affect the proximal phalanges; Their growing activity on other phalanges is even weaker or just a day. The stench may also attract other fingers to the side of the thumb. (Inn. L5-S1. Nn. plantares lateralis et medialis.)
  4. Mm. interossei, interossei, lie deepest on the side of the sole, up to the space between the metatarsals. Divided, like the most important tissues of the hand, into two groups - three soles, mm. interossei plantares, ta chotiri tilni, mm. interossei dorsales, the stench is suddenly revived by its deterioration. At the hand, the ligament with its hapal function, the stinks are grouped near the third finger, at the foot, the ligament with its supporting role, the stinks are grouped near the second finger, then in relation to the second mold. Functions: point and spread fingers, but at the same size. (Inn. S1-S2. N. plantaris lateralis.)

Foot ulcers are divided into a group of ulcers on the sole surface of the foot, which are important to deal with during recovery, and a group of ulcers on the sole surface of the foot, which develops during gestation.

Soft surface

The short extension of the fingers (m. extensor digitorum brevis) (Fig. 136, 141, 142) extends the II-IV fingers, pulling to the hip side. The flat flesh, which grows on the dorsal surface of the foot, originates from the upper and lateral surface of the heel and is attached to the base of the proximal phalanges of the II-IV fingers. The tendon of the muscle, growing from the tendon of the short finger of the thumb, creates a final aponeurosis.

The short extension of the great toe (m. extensor hallucis brevis) (Fig. 136, 141, 142) extends the great toe. It lies deeper behind the front meat. The point of this cob is located on the upper surface of the anterior part of the heel, and the attachment point is on the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe.

Measles of the sole surface

In the group of muscles of the plantar surface there is a medial group (muscles of the great toe), a lateral group (muscles of the little finger) and a middle group (muscles of the medial digit).

Medial group

The muscle that leads the great toe (m. abductor hallucis) (Fig. 141, 143) bends and leads the great toe. Superficial flesh that runs along the medial edge of the foot. It originates on the tubercle of the heel bone, the tuberosity of the sesamoid cyst and the stylish aponeurosis, and is attached to the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb and the medial sesamoid cyst, where its tendons The lamella grows from the tendons of the short toe of the great toe.

The short flexor hallucis brevis (m. flexor hallucis brevis) (Fig. 140, 143, 144) bends the great toe. This flesh is often covered with meat to introduce the great toe, has two stalks and begins on the plantar surface of a cube-shaped and wedge-shaped brush. The base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe and its medial sesamoid cyst serve as the place of attachment of the medial stalk. The lateral stalk is also attached to the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb and the lateral sesamoid.

Small 141. M'yazi stopi (tilna surface): 1 - upper utrimuvach rozginachiv;2 - lower utrimuvach rozginachiv;3 – short extension of the great toe;4 - short finger spread;5 - m'yaz, which leads the little toe of the foot;6 - m'yaz, which leads the great toe;7 – dorsal interstitial tissues;8 - tendon of the long finger

Small 142. M'yazi stopi (tilna surface):

1 - lower layer of long and short small milky meats; 2 - short finger spread; 3 - tendon of the anterior magnum; 4 – dorsal interstitial tissues; 5 - tendon of the short finger; 6 - tendon of the short rosginach of the great toe; 7 - tendon of the long finger

The muscle that adducts the great toe (m. adductor hallucis) (Fig. 90, 144), directs the great toe and bends it. Spread on moldy brushes and cover with long and short fingers. There are two heads. The transverse head (caput transversum) begins at the distal ends of the II-IV metatarsal cysts and at the plantar surface of the metatarsal capsules of the III-V metatarsophalangeal angles. The braid head (caput obliquum) begins at the base of the II-III metatarsal brushes and at the lateral wedge-like brush. The two heads meet at the back of the tendon and attach to the lateral sesamoid cyst and the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

Lateral group

The muscle that leads to the little toe (m. abductor digiti minimi) (Fig. 141, 143) is brought in and bends the proximal phalanx of the little toe. It grows under the plantar aponeurosis (aponeurosis plantaris) (Fig. 143), on the lateral edge of the foot. It begins on the plantar surface of the heel bone and the plantar aponeurosis, and attaches to the lateral side of the proximal phalanx of the little finger and to the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal.

The short flexor of the little toe (m. flexor digiti minimi brevis) (Fig. 140, 143, 144) bends the proximal phalanx of the little toe. It is often covered with the front flesh. The point of this cob grows on the long ligament (lig. plantate longus) and the base of the fifth metatarsal. The place of attachment is the lateral side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.

Middle group

The short curl of the fingers (m. flexor digitorum brevis) (Fig. 143) bends the middle phalanges of the II-V fingers. It begins from the plantar aponeurosis and the medial part of the heel tubercle. The ligament passes at the end of the tendon, which lies at the synovial canals along with the tendons of the fingers. The two ends of the skin are attached to the bases of the middle phalanges of the II-V fingers.

Small 143. Myasles of the feet (plantar surface):

1 – subplantar aponeurosis; 2 - m'yaz, which leads the great toe; 3 - m'yaz, which leads the little toe of the foot; 4 - short finger curl; 6 - short sign of the little toe; 7 - short sign of the great toe; 8 - tendon of the great toe; 9 - worm-like pulp; 10 - tendon of the long finger; 11 - tendon of the short digitorum

The square mesh of the sole (m. quadratus plantae) (Fig. 144) simultaneously with the long bending of the toes bends the distal phalanges of the toes. This meat is also called additional zginach (m. flexor accessorius). It takes the shape of a shortcut and covers itself with the short arch of the toes. The point of this cob is located on the lower and medial surfaces of the heel, and the place of attachment is on the outer edge of the tendon of the fingers, at the place of the heel on the edge of the tendon.

Worm-like pulps (mm. lumbricales) (Fig. 143) bend the proximal phalanges of the II-V fingers, simultaneously expanding their middle and distal phalanges. These are thin short muscles that stretch between the tendons of the long toes and the short toes that are covered. There are many fleshy tissues, the skin of which begins from the venous tendon of the long finger. The first meatus begins with one head, and the third (lateral) ones begin with two heads. All the flesh is attached to the dorsal aponeurosis of the II-V fingers.

The plantar interossei plantares (mm. interossei plantares) (Fig. 143, 144) bend the proximal phalanges of the III-V fingers, simultaneously opening their middle and distal phalanges, in addition, point the fingers to II ( middle) finger. These are narrow, short muscles that lie in the spaces between the II–III, III–IV, IV–V metatarsal cysts. There are three muscles, the skin of which begins on the medial sides of the III-V metatarsals, and is attached to the bases of the proximal phalanges of the III-V fingers. Often the stench passes to the tilny aponeurosis.

Small 144. Myasles of the feet (plantar surface):

1 - square sole; 2 - long-lasting small milky meat; 3 - short sign of the great toe; 4 - short sign of the little toe; 5 - plantar interstitial tissues; 6 - m'yaz, which leads to the great toe: a) transverse head; b) braid head; 7 - dorsal interstitial tissues.

Dorsal interossei dorsales (mm. interossei dorsales) (Fig. 140, 141, 142, 144) are spread in the interossei spaces from the dorsal side. Ushogo m'yaziv chotiri. First pull the second toe in the medial direction, the other muscles move the III, IV, V toes in the lateral direction. In addition, all the muscles bend the proximal phalanges and spread the middle and distal phalanges of the toes. The point of the cutaneous pulp is located on one to one of the vascular molds and is attached to the base of the proximal phalanx of the II-IV fingers. In this case, some of the fibers are woven into the spinal aponeurosis.