Parasitic simplest things and illnesses scream like stinks. Evidence: The simplest parasites of humans. Signs of illness in children

Zmіst statі

In simplest terms(Protozoa), a taxonomic group of microscopic, in principle unicellular, but sometimes associated with a rich colony of organisms. Approximately 30,000 species described. All the simplest things are eukaryotes, that is. Their genetic material, DNA, is located in the middle of the cell's shell-shaped nucleus, which differentiates them from prokaryotic bacteria, which have a daily nucleus.

Structural and physiological signs.

I wanted to be wrapped in warehouses to the same Klitini, cerecinni organism, yaki is coordinated by the health of the zhitt, the non -chief of the grunts, the vidіlennya of the product is pinky. Most of the simplest are heterotrophs, so, like animals, they eat ready-made organic substances present in the most common environment. In this way, you can replace the pigment chlorophyll and as a plant, vikoryst and sonic energy, soothe (photosynthesize) organic substances (carbohydrates) from inorganic ones, then. eat autotrophically. In connection with these simplest things, they were either brought to the plants, or to the creatures, or were seen in a special group. One of the current classification schemes places the simplest, including unicellular algae and other organisms, in the kingdom of Protista, within which the simplest are considered an independent kingdom.

Main groups.

The simplest things, like living things, require energy. Photosynthetic species remain until so. producers: the stench “binds” inorganic carbon (carbon dioxide), transforming it into organic compounds, which serve them as food. During the activity of autotrophs (not necessarily the simplest ones), photosynthesis indirectly provides food for all heterotrophs (consumers) that feed the finished organic matter. Most of the simplest roots, the fragments of which are the basic ingredients of other creatures, are the basis of the Lancug grub, which lead to great things, including humans. Ciliates that hang around in the rumen (one of the hulls) of chewing sows, such as cows and sheep, are necessary for life, the fragments of the stench themselves are mainly responsible for poisoning to lettuce (cellulose), which is found in the grass, which is eaten.

Toxic colored water.

These are photosynthetic simplest things, when a number of dinoflagellates with red pigment (marine forms with a thin shell) are present, and they produce toxic colored water, called blue tides. This can lead to massive death of fish and sickness of people due to wasted seafood.


The simplest conditions of life depend on the way of life and their physiological adaptations. First, there is one or a few nuclei, exuded with a subsurface membrane, to accommodate the chromosomes. In ciliates, the nucleus is of two types: one large macronucleus and one or more smaller micronuclei. Some of the simplest cells have rich nuclei. Depending on the presence of vacuoles, they are reinforced by cytoplasmic membrane space, varying in size and functions: they serve for the poisoning of hedgehogs, the accumulation and removal of rare and solid metabolic products and guide the settlement of symbiotic algae in order to protect their rulers - the simplest ones - photosynthesis. The cytoplasm and vacuoles of all species contain pigment granules. Plastids are specialized internal cell structures (organoids) that are associated with the process of photosynthesis of pigments. Their form and number lie in sight, which is related to important classification marks. In some protozoa, under the outer membrane there are growing “firing” organelles (extrusomes), such as mucocysts, which produce mucus and release thin threads of trichocysts. It’s possible that you’re going to get into trouble for zakhistu. Flagella (from one to another, depending on the species) are thread-like locomotor organs with a foldable system of internal late microtubules. According to the general principle of operation, stench is essentially eliminated due to the same creation in bacteria. They are similar to flagella, but in short they form coordinated complexes on the cell. The nature of their division on their surface is an important classification sign.

The simplest ones are covered with organic or mineralized pieces, shells and shells, carved in kitchens and warehouses, and are covered with a tough internal cell skeleton, which is essentially a folding structure.


The simplest ones photosynthesize organic matter (autotrophy) or absorb organic matter from the middle (heterotrophy), or use different methods of eating (mixotrophy). Heterotrophs either immobilize disintegrated speech on the surface of the tissue (olyadophytes), or enchain solid urchins (phagotrophs) behind various mechanisms, including other organisms (including the simplest ones), sometimes re-examining for c Whoa kind of boot. Solid metabolic products are removed from the cell in the middle of the body by removing the vacuoles from the outer membrane to remove them, sometimes in specialized industries (cell powders) i, cytoprocts). Excess water from various metabolic wastes is actively pumped out as short-lived vacuoles.

The diet of the simplest is either anaerobic (without acidity) or aerobic (which requires an acidic medium). For obligate anaerobes, sourness is bad, and in the rich it has a mild stench. Some obligate anaerobic protozoa die in acidic water environments with the help of symbiotic bacteria. The intensity of breathing is directly proportional to the temperature, and tends to depend on the type of metabolized substrate, then. molecules that are split to remove energy and taxonomic groups.


The simplest ones can reproduce asexually (the cell is divided into two or more daughters) and in a stateful way (with the participation of two cells), or in alternating ways, depending on the stage of the life cycle. In case of state reproduction, the cells of the cells (gametes) are formed, or there is an immediate union of two primary cells (conjugation), leading to the exchange of condensed material between them. Because the gametes that get angry, they may as well talk about isogamy, since one of them is much larger - about anisogamy.

Life cycles

The simplest ones are even more varied and some are even more complex. For example, in some foraminifera there is a change of generation in two or more different forms throughout the cutaneous reproductive cycle. Long-lived slime mold Physarum polucephalum It is further expanded by an even more complex life cycle, which includes reproduction and non-reproduction. At the growth stage, the organism feeds on rich-nucleated plasmodia (a large amoeboid structure), which consumes the urchin through special channels on its lower surface. For unsympathetic minds, for example, a decrease in the moisture content of the middle, the veins are compressed and divided into small spherical cells, the skin of which sees an organic substance that hardens into a dry membrane: a tendinous yellowish mass is created, called sclerotium (phase that is dormant). During rehydration, the membranes break down, the cells lose water and again turn into amoeboid plasmodium. In other minds, it creates sporangia that develop haploid (which accounts for half the original set of chromosomes) superchids. They germinate in amoeboid “vagrants”, which transform into flagellated gametes, and the gametes fuse (isogamy) into diploid (with an additional set of chromosomes) zygotes. They, in their own way, can develop directly into plasmodium or produce a cyst to rest in, from which they will then develop, completing the life cycle. In the disease of tropical malaria Plasmodium falciparum The life cycle, around the next generation, includes a change of rulers - people and mosquitoes from the family Anopheles.


One of the current schemes for classifying the simplest is placed below the level of subtypes. It is entirely possible that in the future it will be reviewed based on new electron microscopic and molecular genetic data.

Kingdom of Protozoa

Phylum Sarcomastigophora (flagellate and amoeboid forms)

Subphylum Mastigophora (flagellates)

Subtype Opalinata (rich-gutaceous)

Subtype Sarcodina (amoeboids)

Phylum Labyrinthomorpha (clints, placed in deep mucus tubes that soften)

Type Ciliophora (Vekovi or Infusoria)

Subtype Postciliodesmatophora (wings are young, mouth wings are often spread out in 1-3 spiral rows)

Subtype Rhabdophora (venocle with subordinate howls near the mouth cavity)

Subtype Cyrtophora (referred to as the clear-haired ones)

The creaturely world is tired of representations of single-celled microorganisms that hang around everywhere - from the seabed to the upper spheres of the atmosphere. All these dates back to the kingdom of Protozoa, or the simplest ones, as there are over 15 thousand representatives of unicellular origins.

The body of a microorganism consists of just one cell, which includes the nucleus and cytoplasm. It is covered with a cytoplasmic membrane instead of organoids - endoplasmic membrane, ribosomes, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria. All stinks will be caused by the processes of food, food, ruins, exchange processes and vision.

The motor function is carried out in amoeba through the pseudopods, where the palate shimmers, and the pseudopods eject. Infusoria collapse by their shells, which often scurry around, wearily covering their body. The flow of the flagella is due to the flow of the flagella themselves, which gives rise to their unsightly name.

The process of eating amoebas is also associated with poisonous legs, enveloping pseudopods and molding them. These forms eat with the help of the climatic mouth. Over-poisoning occurs through phagocytosis - an internal process, as well as through pinocytosis - through the external process of depuration of the entire surface of the body.

Representatives of unicellular organisms are classified into four main classes:

Class sarkodova

The main symptoms of illness caused by amoebic forms are permanent sharp pain in the lower abdomen, partial discharge of brown fluid instead of blood, feces and streaks of mucus. Your body temperature decreases between normal levels. A similar picture can periodically follow the patient for several decades and lead to nausea, as well as to the development of anemia. In case of complications caused by the tissue form of the amoeba, without appropriate treatment, the death of the patient may occur.

Class flagellates or flagellates

A characteristic feature is the equipping of the body with the simplest organs of the organs - one or more flagella. Widespread pathogenic microorganisms of this class are considered:

  • trypanosomes, which cause African sleep ailments;
  • Leshmania, which is called local or rural Leishmaniasis;
  • Trichomonas - pathogens of trichomoniasis, especially of the pine form;
  • Giardia is the simplest thing to call Giardiasis.

Sporozoan class

Typical representatives of sporozoans are malarial plasmodium, which causes the symptoms of malaria, and toxoplasma, which causes toxoplasmosis.

There are 4 simplest classes:

  1. flagellates (leishmania, lamblia, trichomonas, trypanosomatids);
  2. sporozoans (coccidia, malarial plasmodium);
  3. Infusoria (balantidia);
  4. sarcode (amoeba).


Leishmania leads to leishmaniasis, which manifests itself in the skin (cutaneous leishmaniasis) or internal organs (visceral leishmaniasis).

Transmit leishmaniasis by mosquitoes. Stinks become infected when the blood of a sick person or creature is extracted. The alarm is found in the human body after a mosquito bite.

The relevance of leishmaniasis is explained by the fact that they make it difficult to overcome HIV infection, which is HIV-associated illness.

In skin leishmaniasis (Pendinsky virus), leishmania penetrates the human skin and then multiplies. Ignition develops in the dying fabrics and moldings of the garments. There are two types of cutaneous leishmaniasis: local and rural.

In the male species, the infection is similar to that of infected people and dogs. During the incubation period, no changes occur in the human body. Then, at home, a sandfly bite creates a brown knot (leishmania). Over the years it increases. After 5-10 months at home, leishmania forms a rounded shape. The severity of illness 1-2 years.

Carriers of Leishmania are mosquitoes of the genus Phlebotomus

In case of this type of infection, the infection resembles squealing, hovrakhiv . The length of the incubation period ranges from 1 year to 2 months. The cob of gostria is sick. Leishmaniomas, similar to an abscess, develop on the skin of the face, hands, and feet. The wounds are irregularly shaped and form with putrid substitutes in the first stages of illness. The pounding takes place after 2-4 months after the rumen has healed. The illness lasts until the end of the day.

With cerebral leishmaniasis, the body becomes infected with the same characteristics as humans, dogs, and wild animals. The incubation period lasts approximately 3-6 months. Illness manifests itself step by step. Weakness, weakness, elevated temperature, hypertrophy of the spleen and liver are to blame. The skin becomes waxy, pale green or dark. There appears to be a disruption in the activity of the heart, nerves, and muscles.


  • Identification of abnormalities in smears of lymphatic nodes, cystic cerebellum, spleen;
  • Skin tests with leishmanin. In the skin form, the stench is positive 6-8 days after showering. In the visceral form, the test is negative;
  • ELISA is the most accurate method for diagnosing the visceral form.

Conduct inpatient treatment for leishmaniasis. It is necessary to isolate such patients from other patients to prevent the occurrence of secondary infections. The food is well-balanced, the fragments of the disease are removed.

Drugs used for cured leishmaniasis: amphotericin, paromomycin, pentamidine isothionate, solyusurmin, stibium preparations.

Prevention includes the elimination of rodents, stray dogs, the removal of animals infected with leishmaniasis, and the removal of cavities from mosquitoes.

Infection is possible from the ingestion of vegetables, fruits, and water contaminated with cysts, as well as through numb hands and household items.

Having settled in the human body, Giardia lingers in the small intestine, destroying its mucous membrane. There is increased gas, abdominal pain, and fatigue. The steel becomes unstable (fix it with layers). Children are most often infected.

Diagnosis: detection of lamblia in feces or duodenal fluid, antibodies to them in the blood.

Treatment with drugs: tinidazole (phasigine, ametine, tinogine), tiberal (ornidazole), makmiror.

Prevention: special hygiene, washing of vegetables, fruits before hedgehogs, reduction of flies.

Trichomonas vaginal leads to inflammation of the sechostate system - trichomoniasis. Ways of transmission of infection to a larger state. Everyday infection (through bedroom hygiene items, bed linen) is rarely eliminated. Transmission to newborn girls from an infected mother is possible. Chronic illness can result from illness.

Trichomoniasis in women is manifested by vaginitis with characteristic symptoms, itching and liver swelling.

Budova Trichomonas

In humans, it manifests itself as urethritis with small mucus deposits.

Diagnosis: detection of trichomonas in smears.

Carry out a bath for both partners; intimate contacts are turned off during the bath.


  • tablets for oral administration – trichopolum, dazolic;
  • vaginal tablets – terzhinan;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • antiseptics.

Prevention: intimate hygiene, condom.


Create super chicks. Sporozoans live in various tissues and cells of the body. Fever, under-blooding, and yellowing are characteristic symptoms of infection with superworms.

Coccidia causes toxoplasmosis in humans (congenital and influenza, acute and chronic). Cats can become infected.

With the congenital form, intrauterine death of the embryo, death of the newborn as a result of sepsis or (in those who survive), damage to the nervous system (stupidity), and damage to the eyes is expected.

The fever form manifests itself similarly to typhus (with a rise in temperature, hypertrophy of the liver, spleen) or with significant damage to the nervous system (seizures, paralysis).

The chronic form is manifested by elevated temperature to subfebrile levels, headache, hypertrophy of lymph nodes and liver, and decreased productivity. Improvement of the eyes, heart, and nervous system.

Coccidia are a subclass of protists of the phylum Apicomplexa.

Possible latent escape from toxoplasmosis.

Diagnosis is based on the level of antibodies in the blood.

Bathing is most often not needed. Vaginal women and newborns should undergo treatment to relieve acute symptoms.

In cases of concomitant HIV infection, treatment for toxoplasmosis should be carried out at a reduced level of chemical immune cells (CD 4) below 200.

The drug of choice for the treatment of toxoplasmosis is cotrimaxazole (Biseptol).

Prevention includes maintaining sanitary standards when inspecting animals, processing products, and checking for toxoplasmosis in animals.

Lead to malaria, which occurs with attacks of fever, loss of red blood cells, hypertrophy of the liver and spleen.

Variants of malaria:

  • 3-denna;
  • 4-denna;
  • tropical;
  • Ovalemalaria.

Dzherel is infected by a sick human, and the carrier is a female malaria mosquito.

Infection is caused by a mosquito bite when plasmodia and mucus are consumed in the body. From the bloodstream, the stench reaches the liver, where their first (tissue) stage of development begins. Then they penetrate into the bloodstream and penetrate into the erythrocytes. Here another (erythrocyte) stage of development comes into play. Then there is a collapse of erythrocytes and the release of plasmodia from the blood, which is manifested by an attack of fever.

For treatment, use the drug quinine. Carry out symptomatic treatment for consumption.

Prevention – fight against malaria mosquitoes.

  • mosquito nets on windows and doors;
  • vikoristannya repellents;
  • washing with water.



Diagnosis was based on the detected illness of potassium.

Treatment: antibiotic therapy (monomycin, oxytetracycline). Prevention of balantidiasis: implementation of sanitary standards by workers at meat processing plants and farms.


Dysenteric amoeba calls amoebiasis - illness similar to dysentery. You can eliminate cysts, which will cause problems in the large intestine.

Dysenteric amoeba causes serious illness due to amoebiasis

Diagnosis is based on the tissue form of amoeba detected in feces.

Treatment is carried out at the hospital for additional medications: metronidazole, tinidazole, tetracycline antibiotics.

To prevent illness, it is necessary to follow the rules of special hygiene.

The external and internal data of the organisms are the same as all other organisms. The stench destroys just one structural unit, which is designed to eliminate all vitally important functions necessary for normal life. And to yourself:

  • grows and develops;
  • multiply;
  • grub;
  • is dying;
  • May be restlessness and tatiness;
  • overshoes.

They multiply in a shvidko way, bezstatevim way. The mother cell simply, after reaching maturity, splits into a number of daughter cells. The stench is independent immediately after illumination.

It is possible to classify different representatives of these organisms in this way.


Settled in the middle of the ruler's cliches, which for leishmania is a mosquito and a dead man, including humans, the stench screams the steps of an extinct structure. On a person’s skin, where leishmania lingers, an open lesion forms, which withers and gradually rots. The disease is called rubber or Baghdad grass. Rejoicing even more comfortably and painfully, with surgical gifts.

Mosquitoes can be tolerated by single-celled groups of mosquitoes, so the outbreaks of leishmaniasis become more frequent in the tropics and subtropics.

Cysts grow in the fatty intestine and are excreted from solid waste products. They become infected through ponds and water. Therefore, the rules of special hygiene are especially important in the prevention of giardiasis.

To what class do the different types of amoebas belong:

  • Kishkova;
  • dysentery;
  • rotova.

As seen above, the intestinal amoeba is present in the body of the human body and lives in harmony with it. It does not see toxic substances and does not penetrate the intestinal walls. This particular discomfort does not prevent health problems.

A mess of dental plaque and caries solution. It eats bacteria and can consume red blood cells. Its exact meaning for people has not yet been realized.

Balantidy koli

This organism is a representative of the Infusorian class. It is here that the vein gets used to itself and drills through the wall of the organ, resulting in bleeding, putrid wounds. The cysts of the simplest are easily lost in the bloodstream. This is how the dispersal of every organism is achieved.

Infection with cysts is most easily caused by contact of mucous membranes with breast hands, while drinking raw water. The sickness that is evoked by these sources is called balantidiasis. Accompanied by vomiting with blood, diarrhea, weakness, strong stitches in the empty stomach.

A disease caused by Trichomonas is called trichomoniasis. It is transmitted by state standards and threatens infertility for both men and women.

Signs of illness in children

  • Zagalny weakness;
  • tiredness;
  • brightness;
  • headaches;
  • decreased appetite;
  • rotten dream;
  • graciousness;
  • rare stolet;
  • vomiting and others.

Another name for this kingdom, accepted in medicine and biology, is unicellular organisms.

These substances are formed from one cell of a song form, actions can be changed, and the cell has organelles that support vitality. Single-cell microorganisms were maintained until re-suction with the help of veins, flagella or pseudolegs.

The reduction of single-celled organisms is complicated by the fact that the stench of the building is covered with a dry membrane (cyst) and smells that are unpleasant for the washing of the mind.

Classification of the simplest cells in the human body

Class short description Representatives
Flagella The cuticles are oval in shape, wring the flagellum for transfer, collapse with the bundle forward, in this way they penetrate deeply into the rare middle. Colonies of flagella can reach 10 thousand. esp. Most species thrive in tropical and subtropical climates. Leishmania, lamblia, trichomonas, trypanosoma.
Sardcodes (roots) The rocs work behind the help of pseudolegs, creating an unstable shape of the body.
Sporozoans They got their name from the presence of the superechka stage in their development. Localized in tissues and cells, they can cause hepatitis or hepatitis. Piroplasma, babesia, coccidia, malarial plasmodium.
Ciliates They change their shoes for help, they can live attached or swim freely Balantiy
  • endogenous (live in internal organs and systems);
  • exogenous (selected according to the locality of the skin's surface).

How sickness is called by flagella and ciliates

Class Dzhgutikovi

  • Leishmania is caused by scyptic leishmaniasis (Pendinsky virus) and esceral leishmaniasis, the first is manifested by lesions that gradually rot on the body, and the other causes burning processes and bleeding. Leishmania enters the body through warm-blooded creatures or a mosquito bite, affecting the skin, heart, neck, blood, and cerebrum.
  • Giardia is a causative agent of giardiasis, which attacks the mucous tissue of the intestines or mucous membranes. After the disease, people begin to suffer from asthma, mental disorders (most often depression), and the skin becomes dry. Giardia is wider in the regions with a hot climate.
  • Trichomonas (depending on the place of residence - oral, intestinal or urogenital), causes trichomoniasis. After infection, a person experiences itching in the area of ​​the organs of the reproductive system, and pathological sightings from the reproductive organs are avoided. The greatest risk of insecurity is the greatest risk of the development of infertility.
  • Trypanosoma viklika African and American trypanosomiasis (the first is sleepy sickness, the other is Chags sickness). It affects the lymph nodes (the smell increases), the spinal cord, the blood and the spleen, as a result of which the functioning of the spleen and liver is destroyed, the patient suffers from drowsiness and possibly death.

Class of infusoria

Like sickness cry the roots and sporozoans

Sporozoan class

  • The malarial plasmodium invades the liver and causes malaria. Symptoms of illness are fever, chills or fever, damage to the side of the central nervous system, possible death. It is transmitted through the bites of malarial mosquitoes, and by nose to people.
  • The cause of toxoplasmosis is toxoplasma, which attacks the central nervous system, herbal organs, meat tissues and eyes. The kidney proceeds without any sign, and damage to the functioning of the singing organs is avoided.

Sardcode class

Dysenteric amoeba is a causative agent of amoebiasis, infects the mucous membrane of the small intestine, and sometimes the lining of the intestine and the skin. It may be asymptomatic, or it may be indicated by vomiting, diarrhea, low-grade fever (up to 37.5 degrees). Symptoms appear 7-10 days after the amoebas enter the body.

More often, post-intestinal forms of illness are suffered, which affect the liver, lungs and other organs. This disease is more widespread in Asian and tropical countries.

Ways of infection

To prevent infection with single-celled organisms, people must follow a number of simple rules:

  • correct thermal processing of fish and meat, milk control;
  • You can only eat those products that have passed sanitary inspection;
  • Drinking fruits before drinking, and simply soaking them in water is not enough, you need to wash them carefully and, if possible, sprinkle them with dill;

It’s easy to follow these rules, the main thing is regularity.

By dissolving cysts, amoebas deplete the human body of unpoisoned excess fluids. Cysts spread easily into the lungs. If you don't wash your hands or touch your skin, you can become infected with them.

Malarial plasmodium

If someone sick with malaria tastes the malarial mosquito again, then now the plasmodia will be exterminated from humans to the mosquito. In the body of a mosquito, plasmodium reproduces in a state-like manner.

Malaria is widespread in Africa. This is a very serious illness. Malaria is fought with the knowledge of malarial mosquitoes.


The carrier of sleeping sickness is the tsetse fly. This illness is not typical for tropical Africa. Sleep sickness develops in two stages: the first few people suffer from fever and pain; after a month or more, drowsiness sets in, impaired sleep and coordination, and changes in speed. The illness is easier to treat in the first stage.


People become infected with giardiasis by eating unmetamorphosed hedgehogs, which contain giardia cysts. Having grown from the cyst, lamblia reaches the intestines and feeds on the stomach.


There are various types of leishmaniasis associated with infections of various tissues of the body. One of them is the severe illness of the Pendinsky virus.


Before coccidia there should be toxoplasma. Their representatives are calling out to people for the widespread illness toxoplasmosis. People become infected from domestic animals or poorly prepared meat. Toxoplasma infects many organs, including the nervous system.


Quite recently, these organisms were identified as one of the classes of sporozoans (Apocomplexa), but were also seen as a separate type, because they do not have distinguished merogony and spores, in addition, they stink especially from the stools and stools. ensure buoyancy, and with arrow capsules that allow They should be attached to it. to the wall of the ruler's intestine.

Type of microsporidia.

The external and internal data of the organisms are the same as all other organisms. The stench destroys just one structural unit, which is designed to eliminate all vitally important functions necessary for normal life. And to yourself:

  • grows and develops;
  • multiply;
  • grub;
  • is dying;
  • May be restlessness and tatiness;
  • overshoes.

They multiply in a shvidko way, bezstatevim way. The mother cell simply, after reaching maturity, splits into a number of daughter cells. They lead an independent way of living immediately after enlightenment.

It is possible to classify different representatives of these organisms in this way.


Settled in the middle of the ruler's cliches, which for leishmania is a mosquito and a dead man, including humans, the stench screams the steps of an extinct structure. On a person’s skin, where leishmania lingers, an open lesion forms, which withers and gradually rots. The disease is called rubber or Baghdad grass. Rejoicing even more comfortably and painfully, with surgical gifts.

Mosquitoes can be tolerated by single-celled groups of mosquitoes, so the outbreaks of leishmaniasis become more frequent in the tropics and subtropics.

Cysts grow in the fatty intestine and are excreted from solid waste products. They become infected through ponds and water. Therefore, the rules of special hygiene are especially important in the prevention of giardiasis.

To what class do the different types of amoebas belong:

  • Kishkova;
  • dysentery;
  • rotova.

As seen above, the intestinal amoeba is present in the body of the human body and lives in harmony with it. It does not see toxic substances and does not penetrate the intestinal walls. This particular discomfort does not prevent health problems.

The oral amoeba is a mesh of dental plaque and caries solution. It eats bacteria and can consume red blood cells. Its exact meaning for people has not yet been realized.

Balantidy koli

This organism is a representative of the Infusorian class. Quite a large oval single-celled organism that settles in the intestines of people. Here he himself gets used to it and drills through the wall of the organ, exclaiming the guilt of bleeding wounds that fester. The cysts of the simplest are easily lost in the bloodstream. This is how the dispersal of every organism is achieved.

Infection with cysts is most easily caused by contact of mucous membranes with breast hands, while drinking raw water. The sickness that is evoked by these sources is called balantidiasis. Accompanied by vomiting with blood, diarrhea, weakness, strong stitches in the empty stomach.

A disease caused by Trichomonas is called trichomoniasis. It is transmitted by state standards and threatens infertility for both men and women.

Signs of illness in children

  • Zagalny weakness;
  • tiredness;
  • brightness;
  • headaches;
  • decreased appetite;
  • rotten dream;
  • graciousness;
  • rare stolet;
  • vomiting and others.

Structural and physiological signs.

I wanted to be wrapped in warehouses to the same Klitini, cerecinni organism, yaki is coordinated by the health of the zhitt, the non -chief of the grunts, the vidіlennya of the product is pinky. Most of the simplest are heterotrophs, so, like animals, they eat ready-made organic substances present in the most common environment. In this way, you can replace the pigment chlorophyll and as a plant, vikoryst and sonic energy, soothe (photosynthesize) organic substances (carbohydrates) from inorganic ones, then. eat autotrophically. In connection with these simplest things, they were either brought to the plants, or to the creatures, or were seen in a special group. One of the current classification schemes places the simplest, including unicellular algae and other organisms, in the kingdom of Protista, within which the simplest are considered an independent kingdom.

Main groups.

Ecology and interactions with the environment.

The simplest things, like living things, require energy. Photosynthetic species remain until so. producers: the stench “binds” inorganic carbon (carbon dioxide), transforming it into organic compounds, which serve them as food. During the activity of autotrophs (not necessarily the simplest ones), photosynthesis indirectly provides food for all heterotrophs (consumers) that feed the finished organic matter. Most of the simplest roots, the fragments of which are the basic ingredients of other creatures, are the basis of the Lancug grub, which lead to great things, including humans. Ciliates that hang around in the rumen (one of the hulls) of chewing sows, such as cows and sheep, are necessary for life, the fragments of the stench themselves are mainly responsible for poisoning to lettuce (cellulose), which is found in the grass, which is eaten.

Toxic colored water.

These are photosynthetic simplest things, when a number of dinoflagellates with red pigment (marine forms with a thin shell) are present, and they produce toxic colored water, called blue tides. This can lead to massive death of fish and sickness of people due to wasted seafood.


The simplest conditions of life depend on the way of life and their physiological adaptations. First, there is one or a few nuclei, exuded with a subsurface membrane, to accommodate the chromosomes. In ciliates, the nucleus is of two types: one large macronucleus and one or more smaller micronuclei. Some of the simplest cells have rich nuclei. Depending on the presence of vacuoles, they are reinforced by cytoplasmic membrane space, varying in size and functions: they serve for the poisoning of hedgehogs, the accumulation and removal of rare and solid metabolic products and guide the settlement of symbiotic algae in order to protect their rulers - the simplest ones - photosynthesis. The cytoplasm and vacuoles of all species contain pigment granules. Plastids are specialized internal cell structures (organoids) that are associated with the process of photosynthesis of pigments. Their form and number lie in sight, which is related to important classification marks. In some protozoa, under the outer membrane there are growing “firing” organelles (extrusomes), such as mucocysts, which produce mucus and release thin threads of trichocysts. It’s possible that you’re going to get into trouble for zakhistu. Flagella (from one to another, depending on the species) are thread-like locomotor organs with a foldable system of internal late microtubules. According to the general principle of operation, stench is essentially eliminated due to the same creation in bacteria. They are similar to flagella, but in short they form coordinated complexes on the cell. The nature of their division on their surface is an important classification sign.

The simplest ones are covered with organic or mineralized pieces, shells and shells, carved in kitchens and warehouses, and are covered with a tough internal cell skeleton, which is essentially a folding structure.


The simplest ones photosynthesize organic matter (autotrophy) or absorb organic matter from the middle (heterotrophy), or use different methods of eating (mixotrophy). Heterotrophs either immobilize disintegrated speech on the surface of the tissue (olyadophytes), or enchain solid urchins (phagotrophs) behind various mechanisms, including other organisms (including the simplest ones), sometimes re-examining for c Whoa kind of boot. Solid metabolic products are removed from the cell in the middle of the body by removing the vacuoles from the outer membrane to remove them, sometimes in specialized industries (cell powders) i, cytoprocts). Excess water from various metabolic wastes is actively pumped out as short-lived vacuoles.

The diet of the simplest is either anaerobic (without acidity) or aerobic (which requires an acidic medium). For obligate anaerobes, sourness is bad, and in the rich it has a mild stench. Some obligate anaerobic protozoa die in acidic water environments with the help of symbiotic bacteria. The intensity of breathing is directly proportional to the temperature, and tends to depend on the type of metabolized substrate, then. molecules that are split to remove energy and taxonomic groups.


The simplest ones can reproduce asexually (the cell is divided into two or more daughters) and in a stateful way (with the participation of two cells), or in alternating ways, depending on the stage of the life cycle. In case of state reproduction, the cells of the cells (gametes) are formed, or there is an immediate union of two primary cells (conjugation), leading to the exchange of condensed material between them. Because the gametes that get angry, they may as well talk about isogamy, since one of them is much larger - about anisogamy.

Life cycles

The simplest ones are even more varied and some are even more complex. For example, in some foraminifera there is a change of generation in two or more different forms throughout the cutaneous reproductive cycle. Long-lived slime mold Physarum polucephalum It is further expanded by an even more complex life cycle, which includes reproduction and non-reproduction. At the growth stage, the organism feeds on rich-nucleated plasmodia (a large amoeboid structure), which consumes the urchin through special channels on its lower surface. For unsympathetic minds, for example, a decrease in the moisture content of the middle, the veins are compressed and divided into small spherical cells, the skin of which sees an organic substance that hardens into a dry membrane: a tendinous yellowish mass is created, called sclerotium (phase that is dormant). During rehydration, the membranes break down, the cells lose water and again turn into amoeboid plasmodium. In other minds, it creates sporangia that develop haploid (which accounts for half the original set of chromosomes) superchids. They germinate in amoeboid “vagrants”, which transform into flagellated gametes, and the gametes fuse (isogamy) into diploid (with an additional set of chromosomes) zygotes. They, in their own way, can develop directly into plasmodium or produce a cyst to rest in, from which they will then develop, completing the life cycle. In the disease of tropical malaria Plasmodium falciparum The life cycle, around the next generation, includes a change of rulers - people and mosquitoes from the family Anopheles. Div. also MALARIA.


One of the current schemes for classifying the simplest is placed below the level of subtypes. It is entirely possible that in the future it will be reviewed based on new electron microscopic and molecular genetic data.

Kingdom of Protozoa

Phylum Sarcomastigophora (flagellate and amoeboid forms)

Subphylum Mastigophora (flagellates)

Subtype Opalinata (rich-gutaceous)

Subtype Sarcodina (amoeboids)

Phylum Labyrinthomorpha (clints, placed in deep mucus tubes that soften)

Type Ciliophora (Vekovi or Infusoria)

Subtype Postciliodesmatophora (wings are young, mouth wings are often spread out in 1-3 spiral rows)

Subtype Rhabdophora (venocle with subordinate howls near the mouth cavity)

Subtype Cyrtophora (referred to as the clear-haired ones)

The functions of the rukhu can be described by the functions of flagella, wings, and pseudopodia. The main process (life) occurs in several ways:

  • shackled with a clenched mouth;
  • trimming with pseudopods (hips);
  • moistened on top of the membranes.

The multiplication cyst is characterized by the formation of a thin membrane, which is necessary for a short breeding period.


for example, Giardia, Leishmania, Trichomonas, Trypanosomes. Draw a constricted oval or pear-shaped body. They can contain 1 to 8 flagella - thin cytoplasmic structures that are composed of very thin fibrils. They collapse with their flagellum forward, their nibs “pushing” against the expanse that lies in front of them. They want to see the clay of ready-made living substances, and their soaking through the membrane. Reproduction is accomplished by simple division into two daughter clans. Flagellates can live in colonies of up to 10,000 individuals;



for example, balantidia. It is typical for infusoria not to need help. The body has two nuclei: the large nucleus controls all vital processes; the small one plays the main role of the state side of the simplest processes. Reproduction occurs randomly, in most representatives of the species it occurs every day, in others - several times per day. In a special cell (“clin mouth”) the hedgehog is contaminated with hair, the middle of the cell is formed with a herbal vacuole, and the non-poisoned excess is eliminated;


for example, amoeba is dysenteric. It does not take a permanent form, it creates a neutral pseudoleg, which helps the hedgehog dry out and snort. It reproduces simply by half. It can occur in several forms: tissue, luminal, precystic. The tissue form is not alive in the intestines of a sick person. Other forms may develop in the wearer’s body.

Head symptoms – attacks of fever, pain in the throat, vomiting, anemia, swelling. You can be careful about enlargement of the spleen. Malaria is characterized by a recurrent illness, with periods of calm and inactivity. Depending on the form of the daily life, the following forms are distinguished: tridenna, chotiridenna and tropical. The disease is widespread throughout Africa and Western Asia. For many people today, the main ingredient for bathing is quinine, a drug prepared from the bark of the cinchona tree. Regardless of the creation of synthetic analogues, fatalities during the course of infection occur in areas without access to daily medical care;

Amoebiasis (dysenteric amoebiasis)






Sleepy sickness

Illness of Chagas

Ways of infection

In addition to the main methods of infection, infection can be caused by a number of ways that become more common:

There are a number of products that contain natural immunostimulants (chasnik, ginger, broccoli, carrots, green tea), which, when taken in a balanced manner, can provide the body with invaluable assistance in the weakened immune system.